1、 本科留学申请书个人 本科留学申请书个人范文 Dear _, In Das Vorleser by Bernard Schlink, the main character asserts that decisions can have no influence on our behaviour. In many ways I think this is true. There are times when we can consciously make a decision, justify it, yet we cant go through with it. I am curious as
2、 to why this is, as I have always been fascinated by behaviour. A-Level Psychology has provided me with some answers, yet I am eager to learn more. Cognitive Psychology is one of my main interests because I believe that the best way to understand peoples behaviour is to try to understand the process
3、es that take place in decision making, in remembering and also at times when we dont even realise them, such as during the perception of our surrounding environment. I also like it because of its links to neurosciences, which I have found intriguing because of the links between brain and behaviour.
4、Recently, I have been reading articles on mirror neurons in Scientific American Mind, which I found compelling because it would appear to explain many of the processes engaged in learning. I found Kandels work with sea slugs fascinating as well because it would seem to explain memory at a biological
5、 level, but I feel that there is still much to discover, as I think that all behaviour could be explained in biological terms. I think this should be investigated using the experimental method, with the challenge in doing so making it all the more exciting. I am also very interested in mental disord
6、ers. What compel me are the relationships between various biological and environmental factors which can induce them. Richard P. Bentalls Madness Explained gave me an insight into these relationships, but I also found this book interesting because of the implications for clinical psychology. His the
7、ory for treating psychological symptoms rather than whole disorders could be more beneficial for patients due to the lack of reliability in the traditional method of diagnosis and treatment. Despite this, I am sceptical whether this approach would actually eliminate the problem, however he would ass
8、ert that it does. I consider myself an excellent candidate to study Psychology as I have a strong work ethic, I am motivated to extend my learning beyond the classroom with reading around the subject and attend lectures organised by the Royal Institute in London when I can (the most recent of which
9、discussing infidelity from a psychological viewpoint) and I am very capable of keeping to deadlines in spite of my many extra curricular activities. I am also a responsible and reliable person as these are some of the qualities required for being a Prefect. One of these extra curricular activities i
10、s Student Researchers. Currently, I am the Head of Qualitative Research and we have to design qualitative questionnaires, distribute them and analyse them. At times this can be quite challenging, especially our first project, which was undertaken during our AS exams. So far we have completed two pro
11、jects, one exploring the students views on learning and another investigating the students views on grades and feedback. I gained excellent experience with researching, analysing and evaluating evidence, drawing conclusions and exploring the implications of these conclusions, which I feel will parti
12、cularly help me in studying Psychology. Outside of school, I referee for youth and senior football. This is challenging because of the unpredictability and aggressiveness of some players, whom I must keep control of, often under intense pressure, yet I also find it rejuvenating as it is a break from
13、 studying. Since March, I have been in the refereeing promotion scheme, which pushes my ability as a referee and also enhances my organisational skills. I also enjoy playing bass guitar or socialising with friends. I am eager to study Psychology and the prospect excites me greatly. I strongly believ
14、e I am an excellent candidate and I hope that I will be offered a place at your university. Yours sincerely, 美国留学本科转学有何特点 一、申请截止日期不同 本科转学申请的截止日期比新生申请截止日期晚,大部分学校的申请截止日期都在2-4月份。 需要注意的是,一些加州的学校申请截止日期是特别早的,通常在11月底。 二、对申请人的要求和条件不同 很多学校对于本科转学的学生有特殊的限制。比如,有的学校会要求已获得大学学分低于30的学生只能申请新生入学,还有的学校不经受大四学生作为第二学历的转学
15、生等。 三、需要的标准化考试成绩不同 本科转学和新生入学对于iBT成绩的要求是一样的,但是本科转学大部分学校是不需要SAT成绩的。有的院校是对于修满一定大学学分的学生可以免SAT,通常是30个学分或60个学分。 四、录取标准和入学要求不一样 美国本科留学申请转学跟申请新生入学相比,对学生的要求相对更高。有的学校不同专业还会有不同的要求,热门专业的要求会更高。 美国新生申请时,学校看重的是学生的高中GPA、托福和SAT成绩,此外还要看学生的课外活动和文书能否突出自身的个性和领导力,在此基础上做综合考量。 而对于转学的同学主要看中的是他们的大学成绩单,以GPA来判定学生是否符合转学标准。同时,美国
16、大学的招生并不是非常在意其申请者就读的大学是否顶尖。 因此,大学成绩单是一项至关重要的材料,GPA在录取中所占的权重极大。学生如果大学GPA十分突出,那么其被录取的几率将大增。 五、转学申请材料不同 去美国留学生活对于本科转学的同学来讲,需要准备比新生入学更多的申请材料。 除了要准备新生入学所需的材料之外,还需要准备大学的成绩单和课程描述。推荐信的选择上还需要选择大学的推荐人以展示出你在大学期间的综合表现。 美国留学本科院校推荐 一、布朗大学 布朗大学是一所世界的私立研究型大学,全美第七古老的大学,常春藤联盟成员校之一。作为崇尚自由的学术圣地,布朗大学是美国第一所经受任何宗教背景的学生入学的高
17、校,同时也是全美录取难度的大学之一。 布朗大学的开放式课程制度也特别独特:布朗大学所有课程,均让学生自主选择,这在全美正规大学中是的。一般修满30门课,完成所学的专业规定的课就可以毕业。 二、依隆大学 依隆大学是一所充满活力的私营综合性大学,以其优秀的艺术与科学学院和专业课程而闻名。学校位于北卡罗来纳州皮埃蒙特地区,学校坐落于一个美丽的历史悠久的占地575英亩的校园内。 三、佐治亚州立大学 佐治亚州立大学创建于1913年,是一所美国的综合性公立大学,美国东南部最主要的研究型高等学府之一。佐治亚州立大学本科学生参与研究项目比例高,被卡耐基基金会评为“研究成果表现突出且注重本科研究项目的研究型大学
18、”。 四、普林斯顿大学 普林斯顿大学是享誉世界的私立研究型大学,美国最古老的大学之一、八所常春藤盟校之一,具有极高的学术声誉、浓厚的学术氛围和独特的贵族气质。大学设有工程和应用科学院、建筑和城市设计学院、威尔逊公共和国际事务学院以及32个学系。需要注意的是,普林斯顿大学不设商学、法学和医学学院。 五、威廉玛丽学院 威廉玛丽学院是全美历史第二悠久的高等院校,建校时间仅次于1636年建立的哈佛大学。它被誉为“美国的母校”,以精英教育著称,自美国建国以来一直享有特别高的名望。该校的硬件和软件环境都属一流,更是公立常春藤之一。学院教学的重点为四年全时制的本科教育,而大学招生对象也是以本科生为主。 六、莱斯大学 莱斯大学简称Rice,由德克萨斯州棉花巨富威廉马歇尔莱斯捐赠创建
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