1、第 18/* Arabic18 页翻译在线考试复习资料一、简答题1.短文翻译(英译汉)When I was nine years old living in a small town in North Carolina I found an ad for selling greeting cards in the back of a childrens magazine. I thought to myself I can do this. I begged my mother to let me send for the kit. Two weeks later when the kit a
2、rrived, I ripped off the brown paper wrapper, grabbed the cards and dashed from the house. Three hours later, I returned home with no card and a pocket full of money proclaiming “Mama, all the people couldnt wait to buy my cards!” A salesperson was born.When I was twelve years old, my father took me
3、 to see Zig Ziegler. I remember sitting in that dark auditorium listening to Mr. Ziegler raise everyones spirits up to the ceiling, I left there feeling like I could do anything. When we got to the car I turned to my father and said, “Dad, I want to make people feel like that.” My father asked me wh
4、at I meant, “I want to be a motivational speaker just like Mr. Ziegler.” I replied. A dream was born.2.翻译下列句子或短语,特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。Everylifehasitsrosesandthorns.3.翻译下列句子或短语,特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。shetoldmethather18-year-oldsonwasthebaby.4.翻译下列句子或短语,特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。Itwasagirlwithgoodmanners.5.翻译下列句子或短语,特别注意对划
5、线部分的理解与表达。The peasants and workers werehand in glove with one anotherin the struggle against the landlord and capitalists who workedhand-in-glove with each other.6.翻译下列句子或短语,特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。Didntsheswearshedneveragainbelieveanythingintrousers?7.翻译下列句子或短语,特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。Aringroadliesonthesiteofanold
6、townwallwhichhasbeenremoved.8.翻译下列句子或短语,特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。TodayIwelcometheopportunityofexchangingviewswiththeleadersoftheChineseGovernmentabouttheworldscene.9.翻译下列句子或短语,特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。In Italy, penalties are heavy for drunken drivers. Sometimes they can be put in prison for up to six months.Translati
7、onof drivers license is essential.10.翻译下列句子或短语,特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。Arabsrub shoulderswithJews, and have been doing so from the earliest settlement of the territories.11.翻译下列句子或短语,特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。Heonceagainimpartedtoushisgreatknowledge,experienceandwisdom.12.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。Ignoranceisthemotheroffearaswel
8、lasofadmiration.13.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。14.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。The charcoal was crackling away too and casting a ruddy glow over the dark man, so that he looked like iron that had turned a faint red.(注意声色词的翻译)15.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。高跟皮鞋声阁阁地由外而来。(注意声色词的翻译)16.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。Importantpeoplehaveshortmemories.
10、等立分句.)20.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。Crowding down to the water are rows of low houses, dirty and dark, inhabited by countless thousands of poor folk, whose days are spent in unending toil and the struggle to keep alive. (分译成多个句子)21.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。I fled from work, I became a tramp, begging my way from door to doo
11、r, wandering over the United States and sweating bloody sweats in slums and prisons. (用减译法)22.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。toputalloneseggsinonebasket23.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。pokerface24.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。tofacethemusic25.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。两面三刀26.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。亡羊补牢27.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。朝阳沟28.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。文庙29.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。放生池30.按有关原
12、则规定翻译下列短语。颐和园31.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。钱麻子32.短文翻译(英译汉)As a childand as an adult as wellBill was untidy. It has been said that in order to counteract this, Mary drew up weekly clothing plans for him. On Mondays he might go to school in blue, on Tuesdays in green, on Wednesdays in brown, on Thursdays in black,
13、 and so on Weekend meal schedules might also be planned in detail.Bills contemporaries, even at the age, recognized that he was exceptional. Every year, he and his friends would go to summer camp. Bill especially liked swimming and other sports. One of his summer camp friends recalled, “He was never
14、 a nerd or a goof or the kind of kid you didnt want your team. We all knew Bill was smarter than us. Even back then, when he was nine or ten years old, he talked like an adult and could express himself in ways that none of us understood.” Bill was also well ahead of his classmates in mathematics and
15、 science. He needed to go to a school that challenged him to Lakesidean all-boysschool for exceptional students. It was Seattles most exclusive school and was noted for its rigorous academic demands.” Lakeside allowed students to pursue their own interests, to whatever extent they wished. The school
16、 prided itself on making conditions and facilities available that would enable all its students to reach their full potential. It was the ideal environment for someone like Bill Gates.33.翻译下列句子或短语,特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。Hesunhappynow,becausehehadabluewithhisfriendjustnow.34.翻译下列句子或短语,特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。Thesew
18、达。KissingerfeltthemassivebombingwouldstrengthenthePresidentshandinChina.39.翻译下列句子或短语,特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。Wewouldliketobuildacolorblindsocietywhereallmencanhaveequalopportunity.40.翻译下列句子或短语,特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。In Belgium traffic from the right hasthe right of way. If you are involved in an accident you must
19、stay at the scene until the police allow you to leave.41.翻译下列句子或短语,特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。Johncanbereliedon.Heeatsnofishandplaysthegame.42.翻译下列句子或短语,特别注意对斜体部分的理解与表达。ThatsallGreektome.43.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。44.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。三个臭皮匠,胜过诸葛亮。(用增译法)45.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。风萧萧,雨萧萧,马萧萧。(注意声色词的翻译)46.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。Acry
21、eltsomethinginthepoet,somemasteryoflife,thatmadehismindworkquicker,strengthenedthegriponlifeofhisownwill.(对something一词用增译法)51.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。Shewasawomanofmeanunderstanding,littleinformation,anduncertaintemper.(把斜体部分译成形容词,作前置定语,修饰woman)52.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。And of course the country is so (1) lovely now t
22、hat it would be just (2) grand for her to have a lovely morning, driving for miles and miles. ( 1) 用增译法, (2)用词类转移法53.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。tolookforaneedleinahaystack54.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。tositonthefence55.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。tobeattheendofonesrope56.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。大智若愚57.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。雅俗共赏58.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。鸭嘴滩59.按有关原则规
23、定翻译下列短语。长春观60.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。大观园61.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。陈虾子62.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。GladysYang63.短文翻译(汉译英)排队,英国人说queue up, 美国人说wait in line, 只有纽约人例外,他们说wait on line。纽约人为什么要用这个本地特有的说法,看来还没有人能说得清,这倒是可以在排队时好好思索一番的问题。不管排什么队,基本的原则都是按照先来后到办事,或者用社会学家的话说,就是“公平对待”。当然啦,例外情况也是有的。比如,高级饭店的侍者领班对某些人就给予优先。不过一般情况下大家是遵守这条原则的。因此,从理论上
24、说,每个人都会同样关心大家把队排好。但实际上,每个人的关注程度又因各自在队里的位置不一样而有所不同。在大多数情况下,反对加塞儿最强烈的是紧挨在加塞者身后的人,因为他们是直接的受害者。站在队里后边的人则较少或者不抱怨,尽管他们前边加了一个人,也同样地吃了亏。64.翻译下列句子或短语, 特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。We should settle the disputes in thecontextof the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.65.翻译下列句子或短语, 特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。They are reallygood Ch
25、ristians,goodparents, children, wives or husbands.66.翻译下列句子或短语, 特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。It would be like trying to make thehandsof a clock move backwards.67.翻译下列句子或短语, 特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。He sees the book my way Even if mine doesntsell, his sure will.68.翻译下列句子或短语, 特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。The naughty boy was upsetting t
26、he other children, so Ishowed him the door.69.翻译下列句子或短语, 特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。Youhave my sympathy.70.翻译下列句子或短语, 特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。But Egypt was recovering herself,drawinglessonsboth from her own mistakes and from her enemies.71.翻译下列句子或短语, 特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。He was regarded by allgoodwives far and near as a he
27、ro.72.翻译下列句子或短语, 特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。March,1913foundme working in a small constructional firm.73.翻译下列句子或短语, 特别注意对划线部分的理解与表达。If you see anygreenin his eye, you are wrong.74.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。The centre door creaks half open.(注意声色词的翻译)75.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。There was a crush and tingling of breaking glass.(注意声色词的翻译
28、)76.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。A good dog deserves a good bone. (直译加解释法)77.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。He who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. (对联增字法)78.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。like knows like(等值互借法)79.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。to talk black into white(用汉语同义俗语翻译)80.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。It is universally acknowledged that a single man of a
29、good fortune must be in want of a wife.(语态转换)81.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。It was not until 1949 that the first commercial product, the Model A Copier, came off the line. (用正说反译, 反说正译法)82.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。Early I discovered enthusiasm, ambition, and ideals; and to satisfy these became the problem of my child-life.
30、(用增译法和减译法)83.按要求翻译下列句子(短语)。Shefelt the need of a breath of fresh air and a drink of water, but did not venture to stir. (词类转移法)84.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。守株待兔85.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。东西南北86.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。to hear and not to understand87.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。to take French leave88.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。to show onescolors89.按有关原则规定翻译下
31、列短语。养心殿90.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。莫愁湖91.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。周剥皮92.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。王胡子93.按有关原则规定翻译下列短语。Pearl S. Buck翻译在线考试复习资料答案要点一、简答题1.略2.人人都有乐与苦。3.她对我说她那18岁的儿子是她子女中最小的。4.这是一位举止得体的姑娘。5.在反对狼狈为奸的地主、资本家的斗争中工农们亲如手足。6.她不是曾发誓说过再也不相信男人吗?7.旧的城墙已经拆掉,原来的墙址上修了一条环城马路。8.今天我很高兴有机会同中国政府的领导人就世界形势交换看法。9.在意大利,司机醉酒必受严惩,有时得坐牢半年.改换执照是必不
32、可少的。10.阿拉伯人和犹太人生活在一起,而且从这些地区最初有人居住的时候就一直如此了。11.我们又一次领受了他的渊博的知识,丰富的经验和无穷的智慧。12.无知是恐惧的根源,也是敬佩的根源。13.The magistrates are free to burn down houses, while the common people are forbidden even to light lamps.14.炭火也正旺,映着那黑色人变成红色,如铁的烧到微红。15.Presentlytherecametheclickofhigh-heeledshoes.16.贵人多忘事。17.有其父必有其子。18
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