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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 单项选择1、-Whats wrong with Jim?- His car bro

2、ke down on his way to work. And_.The car behind was out of control and hit Jim.Aa good miss is as good as a mileBit never rains but it poursCthe early bird catches the wormDevery dog has its day2、-Have you ever traveled abroad? -Sure. I_in a small town in the USA with my grandparents.Aused to liveBw

3、as used to livingCwas used to liveDdidnt use to live3、1Could you tell me _? Its twenty minutes by underground.Ahow can I get to your schoolBhow much it costs to get to your schoolChow far it is from your home to your schoolDhow long does it take me to get to your school4、In some cases, the relatives

4、 of patients who were not _ with their treatment may attack the doctors. Laws are needed to protect the doctors.AsatisfiedBscaredCseriousDsuitable5、Do you know _?Yes, there is. It is just across from the cinema.Awhere the bookstore isBhow I can get to the bookstoreCwhen the bookstore opensDwhether t

5、here is a bookstore near here6、_ news report it is! I can hardly believe it.AWhat amazing BHow amazing CWhat an amazing DHow an amazing7、Shall we meet at 10 oclock tomorrow morning?I wont be free then .Lets make it _day.AotherBthe otherCanotherDothers8、Dont fear difficulties and failure(失败). Remembe

6、r: .ANo one is wise at all times.BA kite rises against the wind rather than with it.CDont cross your bridges before you come to them.DYou can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink.9、Tom, the baby is sleeping. Please the radio a bit.Aturn onBturn offCturn upDturn down10、As volunteers, the

7、y should do _to help the children in trouble.Anothing BanybodyCsomething Dsomebody. 完形填空11、 The Great Wall of China has a history of over two thousand yearsIt runs from the east to the west in North China It is about 6,300kilometers _It is often _Ten thousandLi Great WallIt is one of the Seven Wonde

8、rs of the ancient worldThe Great Wall is wide enough for ten men to walk _ Horses can also run along it,tooThe Great Wall 1 stones and bricks(砖)There are huge stones on 2 side and on the highest part But now some sections of it are worn outThere are tall watchtowers alone the Great Wall Once upon 3

9、time, the soldiers kept watching the enemies(敌人)in the watchtowers day and night They made 4 on the towers to 5 each other when the enemies cameNowadays we dont use the Great Wall to keep away the enemies any more It is a famous place of interest to all the people in 6 Every year 7 people come to vi

10、sit from all over the world1AwideBtallClongDdeep2AcallingBcallCcalledDto call3Aside by sideBone by oneCone after anotherDlittle by little4Awas made ofBwas made fromCwas made inDwas made for5AbothBallCeachDneither6AanBaCtheD/7AfireBa kiteCa faceDfun8AtellBtalkCspeakDsay9AAsiaBAmericaCEuropeDthe world

11、10AthousandBa few thousandsCthousands ofDthousand of. 语法填空12、 Diet and way of life are often a problem for teenagers. However, 1 you eat the right food and exercise more, you can feel better, look better and have more energy. So healthy eating along with regular exercise is 2 ( probable) the only wa

12、y to become fit. As a teenager, it is important to give your body the energy 3 needs. For a healthy diet, you should eat mostly rice, bread, vegetables and fruit. You also need to drink a lot of water six to eight glasses a day. 4 (drink) enough water will improve your skin and give you 5 (health) h

13、air.Exercise is something 6 can help to make you look good, feel good and be healthy. Teenagers should spend at least 30 minutes exercising, five times a week. Walking and riding your bike count, and so do school 7 (sport). When you exercise, your body produces some things that make you feel peacefu

14、l and 8 (relax) and increase your ability to concentrate when you study. These things can even help you sleep better at night. A good amount of sleep every night 9 (be) also important for your health. Teenagers need eight to ten hours of sleep each night.If you follow the suggestions above, you will

15、 look and feel much 10 (good) in no time at all. 阅读理解A13、(On the balcony)Juliet continued, “It is just your name that is my enemy.You are yourself, whatever your name is.What is a Montague? It is not a hand or a foot or an arm.It is just a name.Oh, be some other name! Whats in a name? A rose would s

16、till smell as lovely if we called it something else”This was too much for Romeo.“If you say you love me, I will change my name.From now on I will never be Romeo.”Romeo broke into the tomb and carried Paris into it.There he saw Juliet, who was still as beautiful as he remembered her.He couldnt unders

17、tand why Juliet still looked so beautiful.He could not have imagined Juliet was still alive and would soon wake up.He took her hand in his and kissed her cold face.Then he put the poison in a cup and drank it.He kissed Juliet again and fell to the ground.The poison was very strong and Romeo died qui

18、ckly.Half an hour later, Friar Laurence came to the tomb.He couldnt believe it.Suddenly He found her waking up.“Good priest,” She saw him, “where is my husband? I did what you told me to do, and now I am awake.Your medicine worked.”“Poor Juliet!” cried the priest.“Something has gone wrong! Our plan

19、did not work.Your husband is here, but he is dead! Come away with me.Hurry!”“You go!” cried Juliet.“I will not leave my husband!”She saw Romeo was holding a cup and guessed he had killed himself with the poison.The cup was empty, but she held it to her mouth.She hoped she might be poisoned too.But s

20、he could hear the guards coming, she couldnt wait for the poison to work.She took a knife and killed herself.When the guards arrived, they couldnt believe their eyes.There was Juliet, who had been dead in the tomb for two days, bleeding and dead again.There was the man she was going to marry, lying

21、dead.There was Romeo, who had killed Tybalt, also lying dead on the ground1What do you think Romeo was like according to the passage?AClever and generous.BSelfish and patient.CImpatient and loyal.DStupid and careless.2What was the priests problem?AHe was right on time.BHis watch didnt work.CHis plan

22、 went wrong.DHe was too sad to explain.3What is the correct order of the story? Juliet killed herself. Romeo killed Tybalt. Romeo drank the poison. Juliet took Laurences medicine.ABCD4Who does the underlined words “the man” in the last paragraph refer to?ARomeoBParisCTybaltDLaurence5What can be infe

23、rred (推断) from the passage?AOn the balcony, Juliet didnt know Romeos real name.BLaurence came too late to prevent Juliet from killing herself.CRomeo kissed Juliet and killed himself after seeing Juliets death.DRomeo and Juliet killed themselves mainly because of the families fighting.B14、What do you

24、 usually do while waiting for someone? It might say something about you. A B C DAYou walk around, rubbing(摩擦) your hands. BYou stand still, looking at your watch. CYou cross your arms, looking impatient. DYou stand staring into the distance, thinking. Analysis (分析) If your answer is “A”You are short

25、-tempered(脾气暴躁的). You are full of energy but sometimes careless. You make friends with all your heart. But sometimes you may hurt others because of your quick tongue(语言). If your answer is “B”You are patient and very strict with yourself. You work hard. When your friends have trouble, you will try y

26、our best to help them. If your answer is “C”You are strong-minded. You stick to your own views, but are also good with people. You can make others agree with you. If your answer is “D”You have great patience. You are very nice to your family and friends. However, you may be too nice. This quiz is ju

27、st for fun. Dont take it seriously.1If your answer is “A”, you are _.Ashort-temperedBstrictCpatientDcareful2Which one sticks to his or her own views?AThe person who chooses ABThe person who chooses BCThe person who chooses CDThe person who chooses D3What can we know according to the passage?AIf your

28、 answer is “B”, you are strict with yourself.BIf your answer is “C”, you are patient and nice.CIf your answer is “D”, you may be strong-minded.DThe writer really wants us to take the quiz seriously.4After reading the passage, we can know it is _.Aa quizBa tipCa noticeDan advertisementC15、Water pollu

29、tion happens when waste things from many areas are thrown into rivers,lakes and seasAgricultureTo get more food,farmers use large amounts of chemicals(化学制品)When the chemicals are not completely used by the plants,they are washed away by the rainwater into rivers,lakes and seas,which pollute both sur

30、face water and underground waterIndustryFactories and industries oftenreleasepoisonous chemicals into seas,rivers or lakes,which is quite bad for Mother NatureAn example of industrial sea pollution happened in Japan in the 1950sA local factory had poured waste water with mercury(水银)into the Minamata

31、 Bay for 20 yearsTuna fish in the bay took in the mercury and people ate the tuna. Many children were born with birth deformities(畸形)As a result,people lost their,hearing and sight,and thousands of people died in the endSea transportationWhen ships transporting oil get damaged on the way,oil spillag

32、e(溢出)happensOne major disaster was the Exxon Valdez oil spillAn oil tanker sink off Alaska in 1989 and leaked(泄漏)oil into the oceanTo save cost,some ships also poured unwanted oil from their engine rooms into the sea,thus polluting the oceansHome activitiesIf the waste from the washing of clothes an

33、d dishes are not treated and poured into the sea,they will do harm to the sea lifeSome diseases may also spreadSometimes,rubbish is dumped into the sea1Farmers Use large amounts of chemicals to Ahave more foodBrelease poisonCplantingDplant more crops2From the example in Paragraph 3we learn that Aeat

34、ing tuna fish is sometimes a great dangerBwater pollution is a serious problem in JapanCfactories and industries should be closed in JapanDwater pollution can do great harm to peoples health4The underlined word“release”probably means A释放B吸收C生产D运用5What is the best title for the passage?AIndustrial wa

35、ter pollutionBAgriculture water pollutionCReasons for water pollutionDWays to solve water pollutionD16、When you sleep somewhere elselike at a summer camp or a friends house, you know youre in for a fun time. It can be exciting to get away from the same old bed in the same old room in the same old ho

36、use. But fun as this is, for some kids being away from home can be scary and sad. Its called being homesick.Homesick means you are upset, sad, and maybe scared. But dont feel surprised. A lot of people get homesick, even grown-ups. When youre used to having certain people around you, it can be scary

37、 when they are gone. When you are dealing with other problems, you will feel homesick, too. Some kids may feel more homesick than usual if their parents get divorced(离婚) or if someone they loved has recently died.Here are some ideas to help you feel less homesick.Bring a little bit of home with you.

38、 If youre going away from home, bring your pillow or pictures of the people you will be apart from and look at them any time you want.Keep busy. The more fun things you do, the less time youll have to feel homesick. So try to join in activities wherever you are.Stay in touch. You can make a plan for

39、 when you will call your mum or dad. You can also send e-mails or text messages to keep in touch with family and friends. When you do get in touch with someone, make sure to talk about the fun things youre doing!Talk to someone where you are. Maybe you can tell a friend that you feel homesick. He or

40、 she might have some ideas to help you feel better.1How many ideas are given to help you feel less homesick in the passage ?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.2What should you talk about in order to feel less homesick?AYour future plan.BThe past things.CYour difficulties.DThe interesting things.3Which of the f

41、ollowing is NOT true according to the passage?ASome kids can get homesick, but grown-ups never.BJoining in more activities may make you feel less homesick.CSomeone may feel homesick when one of his family members dies.DBringing along some things from home may be helpful for feeling less homesick.E17

42、、The homestay (寄宿家庭) provides English language students with the good chance to speak English outside the classroom and the experience of being part of an American home. What to Expect The host will provide places to live and meals. Rooms will be cleaned every day. And the host is there to offer hel

43、p and advice on your physical and mental (精神的) health. Living Area Host families are mainly in Zones 2, 3 and 4. Most hosts dont live in Zone 1 because much of central New York is trading center. Zones 3 and 4 often offer larger houses in uncrowded areas. But its very convenient to travel to the cen

44、ter of New York by subway. Meal Plans Its important to know that few American families still provide a traditional cooked breakfast. Your breakfast mainly includes fruit juice, bread and coffee. Cheese, fruit and cold meat are not part of the breakfast. Dinners are usually made up of meat or fish wi

45、th vegetables followed by dessert, fruit and coffee Friends If you wish to invite a friend to visit you, you must ask your host for permission (许可) first, because some families feel uncomfortable when there are strangers at their home.1Which of the following will the host provide?ARoom cleaning.BA s

46、wimming pool.CFree transport.DTraveling guide.2We can infer (推断) that _ is in central New York.AZone 1BZone 2CZone 3DZone 43The passage is probably written for _ .Ahosts who want to receive foreign studentsBtravelers planning to visit families in New YorkCEnglish learners who want to live in America

47、n homesDforeigners hoping to study American cultureF18、It was summer in Russia. My goal there at the Ozernaya River was to take photos of brown bears as they caught fish.During the first few days, I was mainly watching different bears to see which ones would be the best to take pictures of. I usuall

48、y saw about 10 to 15 bears at a time, but as many as 600 living near came to this river when the salmon(鲑鱼) were swimming there to lay their eggs. I put my camera underwater and then waited for bears to move near.I never moved towards them I let them choose whether to come closer. Over time, the bea

49、rs were used to my being there. But if a bear started moving its head from side to side. I knew it was time for me to move away.Its no easy task for a 1300-pound bear to catch a fish. Bears areclumsyunderwater and salmon are fast. But bears are smart enough to catch a sick fish.Soon I saw a bear doing just that. He was moving slowly towards a fish. After several tries, the hungry bear managed to catch the fish, and he sat down right in the river to eat hi


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