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1、黑龙江省哈尔滨市道里区2014年中考英语三模试题(扫描版)一、单项选撵,穆据语境掳獐鼠佳答票(本期扶州分,每小班1分)( , ”“1 胃口 d;ts l;uer, we?H Uiv Englkh cKJkniination Irk high schools. Are you ntrv”u、or excited?+. I ih tery caliTh fvc reviewed *U Ehr 1 懦sons. A .NeitherB. MoC Nrme()2* Why did you look 90 bud tvccd由,Jim?-A dear rvlntlion ofto喊 die MH375

2、fllgUL Pve . _ very wrried alMOUthim since then,Amy, umniinti. beenC me, been)3. 7力e M】Kh Gutf 曾有 the name(H 口 hormr (恐怖)tnoic. If made peopled Little becatisc its cud ijifl wasn Kittsh ing.A.dppointB, dppcintinfC, disnppointcd()J filial , wcatJurr we jit sulTcrinEl MoC of the arcus in China Ms U)c

3、tcmjwrnitin? htch is nenrly 401.A. a bndB. JngliC. liotf ) 5. The iiilrsjjted疝话”广庆怯)氏11M印 Heijing und Guunliuu in Hie luikist H th north-foiitJt line*: in Chinn, The line 口妙双峪 through ihe pkimK dku 12(:国1口1】台(经济状态口11& die populqtiun til our cumilry.儿0),安rfilledBh riw5( poMQcfiH C, (imrt1 powerful()6

4、. -Why do you 第smt to buy the latest IPad instead of a PC?Uccausv il is very convenient (方便的加nd fush沁nub怙时当的)*_ it is u littlef pensive,A,thoughB.日口dC. thtrcforc()T. -CengratuhtiDiis to you on your progress that youc made 沁 English.-Tlutnk you. I am ixulh for in kiithcr liclihAjippreriatcU, gmtcfulC

5、. thonk(16. WiJi kiiif; In groups ut school is a dmutc 10 niore ;ibvu 1 kamwurk, Group workshoHSoilivr p(.pk*s 包) M purpose of 曲仁 gn)n(kA卜峙 fit& wet mtttC. ihaL 看(1 9, Th* 2014 World Cup wiH be hHd in It will last for about 0 montli. Xml it 为 fimnt.A. August 12UI to Otto bet 13th也I21h toAufiuii 13C.

6、 Junt to July B1*(110, Eurth Hour 血lb on the hst Saturday of every Murch. Irix)nt &;3Upm kt 勺弱卯他we ihokild ill the Hghtt and electric thin. to save energy4A*turn doiv& tur” iiilivC. turn ol?)11. -Youve read the book thixe times. Why do you think it is worth?First, it makes me think of my childhood.

7、Second, it was by MoYan.A.read, wroteB. reading, written C. to read, write)12. Everybody siiould learn to covc, B. All of the four schools above are public schools.C. No. 3 Senior High School has the most students among the four schools above.I(C)I know my brother better than anyone else in the worl

8、d. Since the moment of his birth. Ive been part of his life. I had spent seven happy years in the world with the attention of those nround me. But wlien Rohan was born, life changed. Suddenly I had to share my toys 九年英语第5页(共I。页)ard there were no mon- bed(ime slories or inv om n cbuicc uf food. .l 1

9、Celt my anger ;i( ms bjothur. The poor bub) had 110 idcu wh;n lute! nui(llrcc like maples, glucose is caught in the leaves after photosynthesis stops. Sunlight and the cool 九年一一第6一(- 10 页 )nights of autumn (urn this glucose into a rvd tulor. Hie brosn color of trees like oaks Is made from waste left

10、 Inhe leaves. It is the mixture 混合物)of all these things (hat nuikt the beautiful colors、c enjoy during autumn.阅读短文,选排正确答案。()46. The undcriinecl word chlorophyllM in (he passage means M in Chinese.A.胡萝卜素U.叶壕素C.氯森家)47. When they rest in winter, trees live on the food they store during the.A summerB. a

11、utumnC. winter)48. Pictuix _ shows ho” rood-making factories work according to die passage.()49. Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?Glucose is a kind of sugar9 which plants use as food for energy and growing.Maples arc red because sunliRht and the cool nights of autumn tum the

12、glucose into a red colonWe cant see yellow or orange leaves in summer because the two colors are not in.()50- The puKSsige is mainly about .一 A.what is photosynthesisB how and why leaves change colorC.why a maple leaf turns bright red四,任务性阅读(本您共10分,悠空1分) (A) America have affected their realHorry For

13、t! was th。rnnn who turtvd nicking cnr in largv numbers. He probably dicin know how much cars would 51 the American culturv. Why art cars so iinporiunt in the Amrncan society? The USA is a large country and (he _52_ like to move around in it. _53_ 口 trip in a car is comfortable and cheap. With a car

14、people can go (o any places tvithout spending a lot of money. In the United States* the government has never _54_ developed a public transportation which is both fast and chcnp. Long distance truiiis have never been as common as _55_ nre in some other parts of the world. Nownda)st it is very coimit,

15、m (方便的)for (he /Vmcrican people to travel by plane. But it is too expensive. In the United States, people dont like to wait for u Ims, or a train or even a plane. Tliey donM like to have to follow un exuet timctublc.(U)We each hae a memory. ThalS why we can remember things after a lun* tinw. Some pe

16、ople have u ven good memory and they can easily learn many things by hciin, but some people can only remember things when they say or do tlicm again und uguin. A good 九华英培第7页(共10页)memorj helps one karn n languuRC well Kverybody learns his oun language vhen he is a small child. He hears the sounds, r

17、emembers (hem :ind then he lenrns to speak. Some children an1 living Mith their parents in foreign countries. They can learn two languageseasily because they hear, itmcmber and speak lhcm. And they pmcticc the two languages daily. In school it is not easy to learn a foreign lungxiage because the stu

18、dcnU huve little timefor it and thev hac (o knrn other subjects, too.任务1:用方.中所给词的适当形式填空51 S3. 54.55.任分2:单词释义。r: keep somclhinu in yuur mindf: of or from another country任务3:同义句转换。And they practice the two languages daily.And they practice the two languages 58.59.任务4:根据短文简答问题。What helps one leani a la

19、nguage well?.五、交厥运用(本疆共15分)(A)从A-G选项中选出能填入空白处的他佳近项补全对话,(共8分,得鹿1分)A:HL Mikel Did you enjoy your sun here?:A. And whuts ymir plan (hen?! B. Can I book tour?C-1 really appreciate your help.Can I get there by bus?Really?E 1*11 book one later.G I canl agree with you more.H. Im looking forward to watching

20、 it.L 1vc never played with real snow.J. (low can 1 gel there?B: Yes, I hud a good lime witli you and your family.61My pleasure.62I nm going to visit Changchun this winter.63A: Since you love snow, why not go to liarbin? hs more beautihil.B: _64_.Of course. There you can visit the Ice and Snow World

21、. It famous all over China.1hnnk ou. 65You van no! only watch iu but also pluy with iuc and、ncs in il.That sounds great.66A: No, youd better take a (rain ora plane.B: 一67一Yes. I did last winter. It was 2800 yuan for a five-day tour including round way tickets.Well.68 Thank you very much.A: Youre wel

22、come.6263.以上一个适当的词完成对话,毋空一词。(共南空1分)VVhai cun I do tor you?H:Tm _69_ for a dress tur myself.A: What kind uould you like?Id like a _70_ dress or u cotton one. VW go for a party.A: We donl have any pure (纯的)silk. But this cotton one is cry nice.U: It looks good. Can 1 try it _71_?九年英语

23、第8页(共10页)Of course you can. Whai_72_ do you want?L.A: Please try this one.Bi It looks nice on me. I like the colon too. How_73_ is it?A: It says here, 900 hundred yuan. There is no discount(折扣)at this time.U: It*s too expensive- Im afraid I dont Iwvc so much_74_ with me. Pm sorry thal75_ 即(o another

24、 Miop.It doesnt matter. I haiik you for)uur coming.70.7L72.73.74.75.六、四谟农达(本期共10分)(A)用读短文,根据短文内容完成表格.每空一词.(共5分,每空I分)Mike Findlay lias loved flying since he was smalL He drvamed of flying an airplane sonic day. As he grew up. Mike wanted to go to Hying school instead of college. Bui bis family didnt

25、have enough money to pay fur it. Later Mike became a alcsmaih Ke hoped to get lots of money for flying, fk liked to travel by plane. Ont inurning Miku flew lo Atlanta. On the plane, he heard the word hijuvk (劫持Two men beside him were planning (u hijack the plunc Co Cubu in u vciy Iom voice. He knew

26、he had Io stop thvin before they lcgan their plan. On his way to the washroom, Mike told u hostess (女乘务员)about the coming danger. A moment later, the plane landed at the nearest airport. The I”。men received u surprise when they saw twenty policemen were uniting for them at the airport Later Mike was

27、 given free flying training as a reward. Then he could fly the plane happily cvcr since. Now his story is well known in the United States.76. 77. 78.79. 80.九年英语第9页(共】0页)闻 根据所给中英文信息完成应用文(共5分)假如你是班长迈克,你根据心理教师怀特老师的要求.i已录了一名同学的困惑,请根 据下面的信息.给老师写一个留言条,并表明白己愿意协助老师解决这名同学的问题,Some Inforniatiun on Mike、Note BookName: Liu ChangProblem: unhappy, not get along welt with parentsCause:Liu Change


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