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1、中国畜牧业暨饲料工业展览会The China Animal Husbandry and Feed Industry EXPO2010年5月16日-18日 展商运输指南文件九华国际会展中心 Exhibitors Shipping GuidelinePAGE 第PAGE 21页 世界展览运输协会成员 展品运输部 MEMBER OF 中国外运北京公司 中国北京朝阳区北三环东路6号 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION 中国国际展览中心1号馆4层400号 LOGISTICS ASSOCIATION 电话:01084601638 传真:01064677828 中国畜牧业暨饲料工业展览会大会国

2、内展商、国际展商运输指南文件展会名称:中国畜牧业暨饲料工业展览会英文名称:The China Animal Husbandry and Feed Industry Expo展会场馆:九华国际会展中心展览时间:2010年5月16日至18日服务供应商:中国外运北京公司展品运输部联系人:孙巍电话HYPERLINK mailto:weisun weisun展商运输指南文件目录 TOC o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc235954752 国内展品运输指南 PAGEREF _Toc235954752 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc2359547

3、53 一、展品集货时间 PAGEREF _Toc235954753 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954754 二、展品包装要求 PAGEREF _Toc235954754 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954755 三、文件要求 PAGEREF _Toc235954755 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954756 四、收费标准(特殊展品价格另议) PAGEREF _Toc235954756 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954757 五、结算方式 PAGEREF _Toc235954757 h 5 HYPERLINK l _T

4、oc235954758 六、运输代理公司通讯地址及接货人 PAGEREF _Toc235954758 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954759 七、备注6 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954760 八、回执附表 PAGEREF _Toc235954760 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954761 国际展品运输指南 Exhibitors Shipping Guideline PAGEREF _Toc235954761 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954762 1. Communication PAGEREF _Toc23595476

5、2 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954763 2. Time Schedule and relevant Deadlines PAGEREF _Toc235954763 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954764 3. Routings PAGEREF _Toc235954764 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954765 4. Documents PAGEREF _Toc235954765 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954766 5. Materials for censoring PAGEREF _Toc23595476

6、6 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954767 6. Hand - carried exhibits PAGEREF _Toc235954767 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954768 7. Packing of exhibits PAGEREF _Toc235954768 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954769 8. Case marking PAGEREF _Toc235954769 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954770 9. Insurance PAGEREF _Toc235954770 h 11 HY

7、PERLINK l _Toc235954771 10. Quarantine inspection PAGEREF _Toc235954771 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954772 11. Return of exhibits PAGEREF _Toc235954772 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954773 12. Terms of payment PAGEREF _Toc235954773 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954774 13. Conditions of business & exhibitors accepta

8、nce PAGEREF _Toc235954774 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954775 Handling Tariff PAGEREF _Toc235954775 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954776 I. BY SEA PAGEREF _Toc235954776 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954777 Inbound movement PAGEREF _Toc235954777 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954778 Outbound movement PAGEREF _Toc235954778 h

9、 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954779 II BY AIR PAGEREF _Toc235954779 h 15 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954780 Inbound movement PAGEREF _Toc235954780 h 15 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954781 Outbound movement PAGEREF _Toc235954781 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954782 III. hand-carried cargo or express mail PAGEREF _Toc235954782 h 16

10、 HYPERLINK l _Toc235954783 ivOther charges国内展品运输指南一、展品集货时间铁路、航空和汽运配载展品到达北京时间: 2010年5月10日前(特别提示:参展商提前发货产生的全部运费及送货费由发货方在发货地及时与上述的铁路、航空和汽运配载公司结清!我公司概不承担到达北京集货地、仓库或展馆前产生的任何费用!敬请谅解!)自送展品到达北京时间: 2010年5月14日-15日 (正常工作时间:早8:30-17:00,送货地点:九华山庄国际会展中心 地址:北京市昌平区小汤山大柳树环岛东北角)如委托我公司在北京上门提货,请于2010年5月10日前将货准备完毕,并通知我公

11、司提货(货主负责装车)。注 意:(1).铁路运输的展品请发运至北京站或北京西客站。(2).如委托我公司上门提货,我公司只办理北京五环路以内的提货业务(五环路外加收100%运费)。(3).自送展品进京车辆须遵守北京交通管理局对外地车辆进京行驶的有关规定。a.凭“四证”(身份证、驾驶证、年检合格车辆行驶证、尾气合格证)到进京检查站办理“北京市区通行证”。b.货车早6:00至晚24:00不能进入四环路内。c.如遇特殊情况,北京市实行交通管制,请按北京市交通管理局的限时规定执行。二、展品包装要求1.展品的外包装应以适合长途运输和反复拆装为标准,坚固耐用。2.有特殊要求的展品应在外包装刷制“易碎”,“防

12、潮”,“向上”等标记。大件展品应注明起吊线和重心位置。3.展品外包装标记应按如下要求刷制:(请不要填写具体人的名称,以防提货困难)收货单位中国外运北京公司展品运输部展会名称参展单位展台号箱号净重(公斤)毛重(公斤)尺码(长X宽X高)三、文件要求 1.中国畜牧业暨饲料工业展览会回执请于2010年 4月25日前传真我部。2.展品发出后立即通知我部,并将提货凭证交给我公司,以便及时提货。四、收费标准(特殊展品价格另议)1.来程陆运展品(五环路内各配货站及北京站西客站展台): 人民币135元/立方米(最低收费标准2立方米)空运展品(首都机场-展台): 人民币 3.50元/公斤(最低收费标准200公斤)

13、自送展品(馆外车上接货展台) : 人民币85元/立方米 (最低收费标准1立方米)上门提货(五环路内): 人民币135元/立方米(最低收费标准2立方米)开 箱: 人民币 50元/立方米 (最低收费1立方米)储存费: 人民币10元/天/立方米(最低收费1立方米)2.回程: 同来成收费标准。3站台搭建临时装卸车费用标准4米运输车辆: 人民币 800元/车 5米7米类型运输车辆: 人民币 1800元/车 8米9米类型运输车辆: 人民币 2300元/车 10米12米类型运输车辆: 人民币 2500元/车 13米18米类型运输车辆: 人民币 2800元/车 租用包车(铲车): 人民币 1000元/正常8小

14、时备注:1. 租用包车不参与装卸,只限馆内协助搭建商用车2. 3吨以上叉车价格单独商议,起重机价格单独商议3. 协助搭建商参加服务的机力,需要提前5个工作日申报1.超限展品收费标准2.特殊组装、二次移位、加班卸车等临时租用机力设备和人工收费标准注:最低收费2小时3.如展商未按照我公司规定的时间到货,逾期我公司加收100%加急费。 注:特殊车辆卸车需要单租吊机服务的,吊机费用由展商自行承担五、结算方式凡委托我公司运输货物的单位,根据各自所需服务项目及前述收费标准计算费用,于展会开幕10日前将运输款项汇至我公司帐号(户)。(在汇款单的汇款项目栏写上畜牧展展品运输款)。我公司收到款后方可按所委托的项

15、目予以服务。展品进馆时在现场以现金形式支付我公司费用。机场、车站的站(港)杂费我公司先垫付,凭原始发票或收据向展商结算。我公司银行帐号如下: 单 位: 中国外运北京公司开 户 银 行: 中国银行北京分行 人民币帐号: 800100755208091001六、运输代理公司通讯地址及接货人 地址:北京市昌平区小汤山大柳树环岛东北角 九华山庄国际会展中心 邮编:100044 电 话:(010) 8460113584601327 传 真:(010) 64677828 84601135 联系人: 曹爱珠 王芳 王军 孙继林 七、备注1.自送展品请按照运输指南中规定的时间将展品送

16、至九华山庄国际会展中心,我公司有人在现场收货。2.参展单位对展品应自行投保,如发生损坏或丢失,参展单位自行向保险公司索赔。3.凡委托我公司运输者,视同承认本运输指南中所有条款,运输事宜以本运输指南条款为原则。八、回执附表中国畜牧业暨饲料工业展览会回执展商名称:展台号:运输方式:电话:传真:联系人:箱号展品名称毛重 (公斤)长X宽X高(cm)服务内容备注 国际展品运输指南 Exhibitors Shipping GuidelineDear Sirs and Madams,We are pleased to have this opportunity once again to render ou

17、r services to all exhibitors participating in this exhibition. Our comprehensive range of services includes customs clearance, inland transportation, on-site handling, and return arrangements, all of which operated by our fully equipped and experienced team.This Shipping Guideline will assist your p

18、reparations for adequate and timely dispatch of your exhibits to the exhibition. We advise you to read carefully over all points in this guideline in conjunction with the Exhibitors Manual issued by the organizer.Failure to comply with the instructions and the deadlines stipulated in this guideline

19、will cause unnecessary delays in clearance and delivery, and may lead to additional expenses being incurred. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any inquiry or need any detailed shipping information.We wish you every success in this exhibition and look forward to meeting you in Beijing.

20、Yours faithfully,Sinotrans Beijing Company1. Communication Exhibitors are kindly requested to direct all their shipping inquiries, information, and documents to:SINOTRANS BEIJING COMPANY EXHIBITION FREIGHT DEPT.Address: 400, 4th Floor of Hall No.1 China International Exhibition Center 6 East Beisanh

21、uan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, P. R. ChinaZip Code: 100028Tel: 0086-10-84601638Fax: 0086-10-64677828E-mail: HYPERLINK mailto:weisun weisun shizhigangCtc: Mr. Wei Sun Mr.shi zhigang2. Time Schedule and relevant Deadlines*Cargo arrival at Xingang Port before 4th May., 2010*Cargo arrival at Beij

22、ing Capital Airport before 7th May., 2010*Ocean bills of lading, Declaration Forms (see attachment) and other shipping documents reaching us 10 days before cargo arrival at Xingang Port *Declaration Forms (see attachment) for airfreight and other shipping documents reaching us10 days before cargo ar

23、rival at Beijing Capital Airport *Sample of advertising materials, literatures and audio/video materials reaching us for censoring (see Chapter 6 for more details) before 10th May, 2010*Cargo delivery to exhibition hall 14th May. To 15th May, 2010*Estimated pre-payment reaching our bank account befo

24、re 10th May, 2010*Balance dues for inbound and outbound movement reaching our bank account before bills of lading of return shipments and /or sold exhibits are released by us.*Cargo disposal notification to us before 17th May, 2010*Empty package returning to stand and cargo delivery to storage area

25、after 18th May, 2010The above time schedule and relevant deadlines for documents, information, exhibits and payment must be rigidly observed and we will not be responsible for any consequences due to the late arrival thereof.3. Routings a) seafreight destination port Xingang Portb) airfreight destin

26、ation port Beijing Capital AirportExhibitors may consign their exhibits to Sinotrans Beijing Company either:to Sinotrans Beijing Company directly; Through our nominated oversea forwarding agents in your area. (Agent list to be submitted upon request)Exhibitors are reminded to send their exhibits dir

27、ectly to Sinotrans Beijing Company or to send them to Sinotrans Beijing Company through our nominated overseas agents (the Overseas Agents List to be submitted upon request). We hereby earnestly advise exhibitors to entrust their exhibits to our nominated agents. We have a long-term cooperation with

28、 these agents who have accumulated rich experience in documentation and on-site operation especially for overseas exhibits to be sent to this exhibition. Thus, we believe they will provide the most convenient service to the exhibitors. If exhibitors entrust their exhibits to other agents who are not

29、 nominated by us, these exhibits can hardly be guaranteed the timely delivery to the booth before the exhibition, as well as the timely return from China after the exhibition. In addition, exhibitors are requested to strictly abide by the stipulations and deadlines in this Shipping Guideline in term

30、s of documentation, information, and exhibits for this exhibition. We also suggest to be informed of all the detailed information of the cargo volume one month before the move-in period of the exhibition. This will enable us to easily make a complete plan for the move-in operation including the allo

31、cation of manpower and lifting equipment to ensure perfect services as well as a smooth and safe on-site handling to all the exhibitors.Kind Reminder:For sea freight, exhibitors should instruct shipping companies to release shipments at Xingang CY, not Beijing CY or CFS. This can avoid complications

32、 created by customs procedures.Exhibitors are reminded that our tariff for picking up cargos at Beijing CY or CFS is the same as for picking up cargos at Xingang CY.4. Documents Documents needed for customs clearance and other procedures:*Declaration Form (see attachment) 3 copies* Commercial invoic

33、e 1 copy* Ocean bill of lading 1 original and 1 copy*Insurance policy 1 copy * Quarantine and/or fumigation certificate: For wood packing, the IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention) Mark should be put/stuck on both sides of the outside package; For non-wood packing, a letter of Declaration

34、 of Non-Wood Packing Material should be submitted (1 original and 1copy)All shipments must be consignedFreight Prepaid to the following consigneeSinotrans Beijing Company Exhibition FreightAir Freight (Beijing Capital Airport)Consignee: SINOTRANS AIR TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD NORTHERN BRANC

35、HNotify: Sinotrans Beijing Company Exhibition Freight Dept. The China Animal Husbandry and Feed Industry EXPO Contact: Mr. Chen XiTel: 0086Sea Freight (Xingang port)Consignee: Sinotrans Beijing Company Exhibition Freight Dept. 400. 4th Floor of Hall 1 China International Exhibition Cen

36、ter No.6 East Beisanhuan Road, 100028 Beijing, P.R.China. Notify: The China Animal Husbandry and Feed Industry EXPOContact: Mr. Chen XiTel: 0086indly Reminder: 1.If exhibitors do not consign their shipments strictly in accordance with the above Consignment Instructions, they must bear

37、all the responsibilities and accumulated expenses arising thereof (e.g. delayed pick-up & delivery of the exhibits and/or the extra fees for special release of the exhibits by ocean shipping companies etc.).2. For sea freight, exhibitors should instruct shipping companies to release shipments at Xin

38、gang CY, not Beijing CY or CFS. This can avoid complications created by customs procedures. Due to the complicated procedures in Customs clearance and picking up of cargo at Xingang sea terminal, exhibitors are strongly advised not to arrange LCL (less-than-container-load) shipment to Xingang. If ex

39、hibitors insist on doing so, they must be prepared to receive their exhibits late and to pay extra terminal charges and agency fee.3. Master AWB only is preferred. However, if master & house AWB have to be issued meanwhile, pls show the consignee as instructed above. The organizer, exhibition name,

40、exhibition hall or your branch office (if any) should not be showed as the consignee. Otherwise, exceptional storage and charges will be put to exhibitors account.4. Once shipment is made, please advise us by fax or e-mail of shipment details including:* Number of packages, volume and weight of the

41、shipment;* Dimensions and weight of each heavy and oversized package;* Estimated date of departure and arrival; anda) For sea shipments - name of vessel, ocean B/L number (vessel name and B/L number for second carrier, if any)b) For air shipments - MAWB number, flight number (HAWB number, if any)5.

42、Materials for censoring It is stipulated by the Chinese Customs Authority that:“Advertising materials, literatures and audio/video materials including films, lantern slides, recording tapes, video tapes, optical discs and magnetic media products, records, photos, maps, illustrations, directions, sou

43、venirs, gifts, give-aways and other publicity materials shall be allowed for display or use at the exhibition only after exhibitors have presented beforehand the above mentioned materials to the Customs Authority for inspection and approval. Anything concerning political issues and any sign of ROC i

44、s not allowed to appear on above materials.”Therefore, exhibitors shall not make use of these materials before censoring. For this purpose, exhibitors should send samples of the above materials (2 copies) to us together with Declaration Form according to our time schedule. All these materials will b

45、e handed over to the customs for inspection in advance.It is advisable to send all audio/video materials (including their scripts and descriptions) to us for censoring. Otherwise, exhibitors shall submit them to the customs through our on-site staff before making use of them in the exhibition.6. Han

46、d - carried exhibitsExhibitors with small enough exhibits can hand-carry them to the exhibition, although they must go through the Red Channel and should declare to the customs at the Beijing Capital Airport that their hand-carried items are for exhibition purpose. If the hand-carried items are deta

47、ined by the customs at the airport, exhibitors should hand over the Detention Receipt and Declaration Form (duly filled out) to our staff at the exhibition site to arrange pick-up of the exhibits from the airport. Exhibitors arriving late with hand-carried exhibits should be prepared that the custom

48、s formalities and pick-up procedures may take up one to two days. In addition, exhibitors must fax or e-mail us their Declaration Form of hand-carried exhibits (including number of packages, weight, measurement, description and value of the exhibits) beforehand. Charges for arranging the above proce

49、dures will be collected at the exhibition site.These hand-carried exhibits will be returned to overseas as a shipment after the exhibition. However, if exhibitors intend to hand-carry them back, these exhibits must be supervised to the airport by our staff due to the requirement of customs, and thos

50、e under ATA carnet will be treated the same way.7. Packing of exhibitsExhibitors shall be responsible for the consequences of improper packing.*A. Protection against damage and rainBecause the exhibits are repeatedly loaded and unloaded during transportation, shocking or bumping will sometimes be in

51、evitable. Moreover, exhibits will be placed outdoors many times, including open-air storage at the exhibition site before and after the exhibition. Therefore, exhibitors must take necessary precautions against damage and adverse weather conditions. We can not assume any responsibility for the damage

52、, especially when return exhibits are to be repacked with the used packing materials (the cases as well as aluminum foils, plastic covers etc. would have already been damaged during unpacking).*B. The case The case must be strong enough to avoid damage during transportation as well as unpacking, and

53、 in particular, be suitable for repacking and for sale or return movement after the exhibition. Packing in cartons is not considered suitable for repeated handling, especially for valuable or delicate items.8. Case markingThe following marking must be painted on two opposite sides of each case:Name

54、of exhibition:The China Animal Husbandry and Feed Industry EXPOName of exhibitor:Hall No.:Stand No.:Case No.:Gross weight: ( kgs )Net weight: ( kgs )Dimensions: ( L x W x H cms )Please also mark “ FRONT ” & “ CENTER OF GRAVITY ” on packages as well.9. InsuranceAs our tariff is compiled on the volume

55、 or weight basis and has no correlation with the value of exhibits, naturally no insurance has been covered in our tariff and all work is undertaken by us at owners risk. Thus, exhibitors should arrange a proper round-trip (including exhibition period) of all risk insurance for their exhibits and su

56、ch insurance must include a waiver of subrogation against Sinotrans Beijing Company and its agents and/or subcontractors.It is advisable to insure exhibits through the company, The Peoples Insurance Company of China. Exhibitors should also bring a copy of the insurance policy to Beijing with them. I

57、t will be required in case exhibitors need to file a claim for damage or loss in China.Sinotrans Beijing Company will not be responsible for any loss of or damage to exhibits, which are not insured by exhibitors.10. Quarantine inspectionAccording to the quarantine law of China, all the incoming exhi

58、bits (including their packages) have to be quarantined before they arrive in China. Once plant disease and insect pests are detected on the incoming cargos (including exhibits and their packages), such cargos will be disinfected or fumigated in China, or will be ordered to return directly from port

59、of China by the Quarantine Authority of China (please refer to our Tariff for relevant charges).Packing materialsFor all wooden packages, pallets/bases, pads, and stow-wood, the IPPC Mark in black color must be put (stuck) on opposite sides of each outside package by relative departments appointed b

60、y the official quarantine authority of the country where the cargos are transported from. All the exhibitors must inform us in written form whether the IPPC MARK has been put (stuck) on opposite sides of each outside package and whether the packing material is Conifer Wood or Non-Conifer Wood.For go


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