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1、沪教版八年级英语上册知识点总结归纳整理Unitl重点单词encyclopaedia n. in saikls pidis百科全书human adj hjuman人的 dinosaur n. daindso: 恐龙 Italian n. ftsljan意大利人 inventor n. m venta(r)发明家 musiciann. mju zijdn音乐家 scientist n. sawntist科学家:科学工作者 born v. bo:rn出生:诞生:countryside n. Lxntri saidJ 乡村农村郊野 intelligence n. m tElsns智力:聪 颖:情报:a

2、rtistic adj |ar tistikZ 艺术的:有美感的 ability n. d biliti能力,才能 perhaps adv. |p heeps 或许:(表示不确定i叮能,大概 invention n. |m vEnfn发明 notebook n. not bok笔记木 include v in kludj包括:包含:计入:包住even adv. ivn甚至however adv. hau ev不管到什么程度; 无论如何:然而:可是 suddenly adv. sAdn:li总外地,忽然地 nobodypron. no badi, - bAdi, -bdiZ 没有人,无人foss

3、iln. fasal化石win v |winj (在中)获胜战胜(对手dollarn dala-美 元in the countryside 在乡村:在农村 human being 人 die out 灭绝:消失 find out 了解(到):弄淸 go for a walk去散步Unitl课文与视频ReadingLook it up!Here are two articles from an encyclopaediaDa Vinci, LeonardoLeonardo da Vinci(1452-1519) was an Italian painter, inventor, musician

4、, engineer and scientist Da Vinci was born in the countryside From an early age, he showed great intelligence and artistic ability As he grew older, he learnt to do many different things His paintings are very famous, and one, the Mona Lisa, is perhaps the most famous painting in the world He also h

5、ad many inventions For example, his notebooks include some interesting drawings of flying machinesDinosaursDinosaurs lived on Earth more than 60 million years before human beings They lived everwhere on Earth Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens Others were as big as ten elephants Some could eve

6、n fly. Many dinosaurs ate plants However, some dinosaurs liked to eat meat Dinosaurs lived on Earth for more than 150 million years Then, suddenly, they all died out Nobody knows 书hy However, we can learn about them from their fossils百科全书快来看啊!这里有两篇百科全书里的文章。达芬奇莱昂纳多达芬奇(1452-1519)是总大利画家、发明家、音乐家、工程师和科学家

7、。达芬奇出生 在农村。他从小就表现出非凡的智力和艺术才能。随着年龄的增长,他学会了做许多不同的事情。他 的画很有名,其中一幅,蒙娜丽莎,可能是世界上最著名的画了。他也有许多发明。例如,他的 笔记木包括一些有趣的飞行机器的图纸。恐龙恐龙生活在地球上比人类早6000万年。他们生活在地球上的任何地方。有些恐龙像鸡一样小。其他 的大象有十只那么大。有些甚至会飞。许多恐龙吃植物。然而,有些恐龙喜欢吃肉。恐龙在地球上生 活了超过1.5亿年。然后,他们突然都死了。没人知道为什么。然而,我们可以从他们的化石中了解 他们。Unitl必考短语和句型重点短语listen to 听 learn about / 解到

8、talk about 谈论 be born 出生 in the countryside 在乡村,在农村 human being人for example例如die out 灭绝,消失 at the end of在的尽头.在.的末尾more than 笋于 used to 过去常常 know about知道关于.的情况be famous for 因而出名one day 有一天 so much 如此女 find out 了解到.弄清 by the window 在窗户旁边 be interested m对感兴趣next to挨着be sure确信go for a walk 去散步 do with 处

9、理 a number of 许多,大:& since then 自从那时 be made up of由组成构成connect to扌巴和连接起來【词汇解析】1、human 人的.也写作 human beingDogs can hear much better than humans.狗的听觉比人灵敏的多。2、learn about获悉.得知,了解到about是介词后面接名词代词做宾语,about也可用of代替。例: Were all sorry to learn about her illness听到她生病的消息.我们都很难过。3、listen to意为“听二若表示听某人或某事时,后面娶加介词

10、lo, to后接名词或代词。listen意为“听二 指听的过程,强调动作.是不及物动词.不能直接琢宾语。例:Listen to a radio programme about the Human Encyclopedia;听关于百科全书啲广播节目。4、inventor发明家 W: He is a famous inventor.他是一位有名的发明家。【拓展】(1) invent v.发明. 创造.指发明、创造岀來的是以前没有的东西=Gilbert discovered electricity, but Edison invented the light bulb. 吉尔伯特发现了 电.但爱迪生

11、发明 J灯泡。(2) inveniion n.发明 The invention of the computer marked the beginning of a new era.il算机的发明标志巷一个新时代的开始。5x musician音乐家,可数名词 a piece of music 一首音乐 listen to music听音乐【拓展】music n.音 乐,乐曲 musical adj.音乐的6、scientist科学家【拓展】is(是表示人的职业类词汇的后缀:scient科学scientist科学家 art艺术 artist艺术家piano钢琴一ianist钢琴家 violin小提

12、琴一violinist小提琴家7、born 出生 be born on + 地点 be born in 出生于 I was born in 1980.我生于 1980 年。8、ability 才能,能力,复数是 abilities have the ability to do sth 有能力做某事9、perhaps可能.大概【词语辨析】maybe , perhaps, possible, probably这四个词都意为可能二 但 表示可能性大小不一样.其顺序如下:maybe或许,大概.主要用于罪正式场合.常用于口语中语气比 perhaps轻。perhaps也许,可能,副词,一般指小于一半可能性

13、,较多的含有“不大可能“的总思。possibly 也许.或者.可能,可能性较大.用于否定句中表示无论如何”之意。probably很可能.大概,在这组中 可能性最大.表示一种几乎完全肯定的意思。10、include包括,包含The price of the room includes breakfast.房间的租金包括在早餐在内。【词语辨析】 include , including included (1) include vt.包含、包括,指整休包含部分.不一定举出所包含的全部内 容。The price includes boih house and furnimre.价钱包扌舌房子和家具(2

14、) including介词,总为亠包含,包扌 区别于included,放在名词之前。There are seven people, including four men.共有七人,包括四位男七。(3) included adj.包括在内的,常用于名词之后。它和including引起的短语含义相同.但是在句中的位置不同。 Everybody had something lo say, me included/ including me.11、nobody 没有人,nobody = noiaiiybody.I saw nobody. = I didnt see anybody.我没有见到一个人。1

15、2 more than 后接数词,意为“超过.多于风,相当于 overHe has been ill for more than two weeks.他病了 两周多。13、look up查找,后而接名词或代词,代词做宾语必须放在look与 叩之间a Please look it up in the dictionary, if you dont know.如果你不明白就请査字典。14、on earth 在地球上.在世界上,在人间,相当于 in the world.Dinosaurs lived on earth more than 60 million years before human b

16、eings.在人类之前.恐龙在地球上生活了 6千多万年。【拓展】on earth总为尤竞二一 般用于疑问词后表示强调Where on earth have you been just now?刚才你究竟去哪f ?15、as+形容词或副词原级+as和一样not as +形容词或副词原级+as表示双方在某个方而不同。We think science is as important as maths.我们认为自然科学和数学一样重要。16、used to ;:为过去常常,以前常常后而接动词原形,表示过去的习惯.只表示过去和现在的对比, 暗抬现在已经不存在的动作或状态。I used lobe afrai

17、d of【he dark.我过去常常怕黑。17、something important 为重要的爭情.something为不定代词,形容词修饰复合不定代词时放在不定 代词后Ml o I want to do something different.我想做些不同的爭18、remember vt.记得,记住remember to do sth总为T己得去做某爭Femember doing sth总:为记得做过 某爭二 Please remember to post the letter for me.请记得为我邮这封信。I remember telling you about her.我 记得告诉

18、过你关于她的事。19、famous出名的,著名的sb + be famous for 某人因某种知识.技能或特征而出名。sb + be famous as抬某人以某种身份出名.其后的介词宾语与主语是同位成分。Einstein was famous for his Theory ofRelativity.爱I大I斯坦以他的相对论而闻名Einstein was famous as a great scientist.爱因斯坦以一位伟大 的科学家而着称。20、for example与such as都是例如、的总思。for example用來举例说明某一论点或情况,一般只列举同 类人或事物中的“一个为

19、例,做插入语,可放在句首.句中或句末.一般用逗号隔开。such as用來举例, 一般列举同类人或事物中的几个为例.插在被列举的事物与名词之间,as后面不可有逗号。For example. Ill help you with your study.例如.我会在学习上帮助你。I know many of thenr such as Mike. Tom ,and Bill.21、win贏、获胜.后面接m atch, game .prize等名词做宾语。He won a game yesterday.他昨天得f m f 一场比赛。【词汇辨析】beat也可表示“打败.战胜的总:思但此后只能接表示人的词做

20、宾语,此外.beat 还有“敲打“的总:思,表示连续不断的动作c We werent sure we could beat them.我们没有把握能打败他们。 His heart is still beating.他的心脏还在跳动c22、find out总为直明.弄淸楚情况啪找出比较难找的抽象事物。【拓展强调经过寻找后的结果, 表示“发现find out总为发现.弄淸、査明=强调经过调査.研尤或仔细捜寻而得出某一事情的真相或 结论Jook for总:为寻找二 普重找的过程 Ifindawalchonihcroad.我在路上发现了一块表。We shall find out the truth e

21、arly or later.我们迟早会査明真相c I look for my cat. but I didnt find it.我到处找我的猫.但是 没找到。23、expect及物动词,意为期望、指望、认为”【拓expect强调等待的心境”(即期待某事会发生,某 人会來)。wail for强调等待的活动(即不做别的事,待在某处去等)look foward to强调期待者怀有愉 快的心情二所以被期待的爭物必然是愉快的爭(如假日、晚会等),而匕xpec(所期待发生的事,可以是好 爭,也可以是坏爭。He is expecting a leuer.他在等一封信。I11 wail for her al

22、(he sialion.我会到乍站去等 他。We are looking forward to our holidays.我们盼望假日的來临。24、be interested in对产生兴趣.对感兴趣。后面接动名词、名词或代词。25、do with 总为“处理二 常与 whal 连用.表示询问。What are you going to do with your old books?你打算 怎么处理你的旧书。【拓展】deal with意为“解决、应付、处理”,后面常接trouble, problem等词.deal with 女与how连用,表示询问。How did you deal with

23、your book?你怎样处理了你的书?26、a number of意为“许多后跟可数名词复数。the number of意为“.的数目,做主语时,谓语动词 用单数c Our cily has a number of buildings.我市有许餌建筑。The number of the teachers in our school is 200.我们学校有200位老师。27、since then 总:为从那时起=用于现在完成时c Since then he has lived in Beijing.28x make up 组成, 构成其被动形式:be made up of.Nine play

24、ers make up a team.The audience was made up of very young children.【语言知识点】lx Look it up!査阅:查询,强调在词典、参考书等丄具书里査阅。We can look up new words in a dictionary【拓展】:look up 仰视;向上看He looked up from his book as I came into the room.look的相关短语:look around 环顾四周look after 照顾look for 寻找look forward to 盼望look like看起

25、來像A His painting are very famous , and one, the Mona Lisa, is perhaps the most famous paintingin the worldfamous = well-knownbe famous for因:酱名be famous as作为著名2、Dinosaurs lived on the Earth more than 60 million years before human beingsmore than 超过:多干相qrJ over,less than少十million 百万1)与具体的数字连用时,不加s ,后面

26、直接接复数名词。There are about two thousand students in this school2)固定短语:millions ofhundred, thousand, billion 和 million 的用法相同Millions of people help them in different waysTips: hundred, thousand 和 million,有时含糊有时清。淸时无-s和of,糊时-s和of跟3、Some dinosaurs were as small as chickensasas 与一样D当两个比较对象在某方面相同时,用“ as +形容

27、词/副词原级+as”结构,表示“(A和B) 样”This tree is as tall as that one2)比较两个对象时,若一方不及另一方,则用not as/so+形容词/副词原级+as”结构.表示“A不如Our school is not as big as yours.4、However, some dinosaurs liked to eat meathowever 然而,但是However, this does not always happenShe falls ill. She goes to work, however, and stays up late.He say

28、s that it is so. He is wrong, howeverhowever然而,转折的 意味较弱可位于句首,句中, 句末后面常用逗号分开HeliHowever doesnt.but但是;转折的 意味很强烈位于分句的句首后面不使用逗号He likes wife doew5x help sb do sth帮助某人做某爭He often helps me study EnglishHe often helps me with my English【拓展】:help oneself to .随便吃些Help yourselves to some fish, childrencar/ t

29、help doing 禁不住做She can t help laughing6、 Just remember to think and to dream.辨析:remember to do sth 与 remember doing sthremember to do sth记得去做某事(此事还未做)Remember to post his letter记得要为他寄信remember doing sth记得己做过某事(此事己做 完)I remember posting his letter我记得己帮他寄过信。7、 Some were small; others were hugesomeothe

30、rs.一些另一些others指除去一部分之后的另一些,但不是剩余的全部。E g:There are lots of people in the park Some are walking and others are climbing the hill, some. the others一些其余的the others指剩下的全部包含在内的“其余的人或事物”E g:There are many children on the beach Some can swim but the others can t8x She can find out about manyfind out解(到);养清:

31、I try to find out who broke the machine辨析:find out查明指通过观察、探素等努力才查明结果find发现,找到强调结果look for寻找强调过程I lost my pen I have looked for it everywhere, but I can* t find it. Could you help me find out who has found it?9、used to慰为“过去常常”,暗抬现在已经不存在的动作或状态,后接动词原形。be used to (doing) sth意为“习惯于(做)某爭”。be used to do st

32、h总:为“被用來做某爭” 是被动语态,用于多种时态10、do with总:为“处理”,常与What连用.表示询问。What are you going to do with your old books?你打算怎么处理你的旧书。【拓展】deal with意为解决、应付.处理后面常接trouble, problem等词.deal with多与 h”连用,表示询问。How did you deal with your book?你怎样处理了你的书?IK a number of总:为“许多,后銀可数名词复数。the number of总为“ 的数目”,做主语时,谓语动词用的数。Our city ha

33、s a number of buildings我市有许多建筑cThe number of the teachers in our school is 200我们学校有200位老师。Unitl必考语法语法一不定代词一、some 和 anysome和any都可以修饰可数名词复数或者不可数名词,表示“一些二但是二者在用法上还是有一定的区别的。1、some-般用于肯定句或者表示建议请求并希望得到肯定回答的麺问句中。David has some friends in shanghai.May I have some chicken?Would you like some noodles?2、any 般用

34、于否定句和疑问句中,用于never, hardly, without等词之后,用于if / whether之 后。Mary hasnt hardly got any pens.Let us hope we can settle the matter without any more troubleDo you have any question?二、复合不定代词复合不定代词一般是用some, any. no, every与one. thing, body组合构成的。K 一般來说,some构成的复合不定代词用于肯定句中,any构成的复合不定代词用于否定句或疑 问句中。I saw nobodyTh

35、ere is not anybody in the roomIs there any thing on the bookcase?复合不定代词作主语的时候,谓语用单数形式。Somebody wants to see you.形容词修饰复合不定代词的时候.嬰放在代词的后倆 Do you have anything imports nt to tell us?number n ?rLmb(r)J 数字pl. instructions n jnstnvkfh 抬示. 命令 check v. tjek检査:核实 gram n.grata克(重址单位)son n sAn 儿子 chess n.Ltjes

36、国际彖棋India n? India印度wise adj waiz充满智惠的 challenge v. tpBldndj向(某人)挑战 promise v?prDmls许诺:承诺 prize n. pralz奖赏:奖品 grain n. greln谷粒 chessboard n. tjesbo:d国际彖棋棋盘 double v. dAbl(使)加倍 amount n. maunt数址:数额 rest n.rest剩余部分gold n.gaold金子:黄金instead adv jnsted代替:顶替 realize v. ri:dlalz认识到:意识到 copy v. kDpi抄写:眷写 co

37、rrectly adv kd* rektll准确无误地 traffic ntr出flk交通accident n.住ksldont爭故a long time ago很久以前 challenge. to. 向(某人)挑战 and so on等等copy down抄写:眷写Unit2课文与视频ReadingThe king and the rice国王和大米A long time ago, there was a king in India 很久很久以前.在印度有一位国王。The kings favourite game was chess国王最喜欢的游戏就是象棋。One day, a wise o

38、ld man came to the palace and the king challenged him to a game 一天.一个聪明的老人來到了宫玻.国王婆向老人挑战一盘棋。The king promised the old man, You can have any prize if you win the game”国王对老人承诺,“如果你贏了比赛你可以得到任何奖励。”The old man said, If I win the game, Id like one grain of rice for the first square of the chessboard, two

39、for the second, four for the third, and then double the amount for each of the rest of the squares”老人说,“如果我贏了比赛.我要在棋盘的第一个方格里放一粒米.第二个格里放两粒.第三个格里放四 粒,剩下的每个方格里数虽都是前面格子里数虽的2倍。Is that all? asked the kingWouldnt you like gold or silver instead?“就是这些吗? ”国王问道。“你不想要金子或锲子來代替吗? ”No, just rice, replied the old

40、man.“不.只要大米,”老人回答。The king and the old man played the game for a long time国王和老人下了很长时间。Finally, the old man won最后.老人贏了。So the king ordered his men to collect a bag of rice国王命令他的部下拿來一袋米。He put one gram on the first square, two on the second, and so on.他在第一个方格里放了一粒.第二格里放了两粒,以此类推。The king quickly realiz

41、ed the problemeven with all the rice in the country, he would still not have enough rice to put on all the squares!国王很快意识到了问題一一即使他用整个国家的大米,也不够放在格子里!More practiceCounting before numbers数字前的计数Before the invention of written numbers, people used many different ways to count things. 在书写数字发明之前,人们使用许多不同的方

42、法计数。At first, people used their fingers, and even their toes起初.人们使用他们的手抬.甚至脚趾。However, they could only count small numbers m this 审ay.但是.以这种方式他们只能数一些小的数字。After that, they began to make small marks on sticks and bones在这之后他们开始在棍子上和骨头上做小的标记。This helped them count bigger numbers这帮助他们数更大的数。They used them

43、 to count things like the days of the month, the amount of food and the number of animals they had他们用它们來数丿J份的天数,食物的数虽.以及他们拥有的动物的数虽。Then people began to use tokens made from clay or small stones再然后,人们开始使用用泥土或小石头做成的代币。This helped them count even bigger numbers这帮助他们数更大的数字。They often put the tokens on p

44、ieces of string so that they could carry them around easily 他们通常将代币系在一根根绳子上面以便于携带。This developed into tools like the abacus这就发展成了诸如算盘之类的工具。Finally, people began to develop systems of written marks to show different numbers, and this led to the Hindu-Arabic system (09)最后.人们开始开发了书写符号方法來表达不同的数字,这就推动了印度

45、一阿拉伯数字体系(0-9)的产 生。We are still using this system today我们今天仍然使用这个体系。Unit2必考短语和句型课文短语总结a long time ago很久以前 my favourite game我最喜欢的游戏a wise old man 位容智的老人 in the palace在宫殿里challenge sb挑战某人 promise to do sth承诺做某事win a prize虧得奖赏win thegame 贏得比赛 would like sth 想要某东西 would like to do slh 想要做某事 one grain of

46、rice 一粒米 the square of the chessboard 棋盘的方格 instead of doing slh 代替做某事 reply to sb 回复某人 order sb to do slh命令某人做某爭 collect a bag of rice收集一袋儿米realize the problem总识到这个问题have enough rice 有足够的米 the invention of written numbers 数字的发明 use different ways 使用不同的方法 count things 数东西的数址 in this way通过这种方法make ma

47、rks on sth在某东西上做记号 help sb do sth帮某人 做某爭count from one to ten从一数到十 the amount of Food爭物的数虽be made from有制 成 develop into tools发展成工具show different numbers显示不同的数字 lead to sth导致:通向重点词汇讲解和辨析l.one day 有一天:某一天 One day. Liz will finally get married with her Mr. Right.将來总有一天,利兹最终会 和她的白马王子结婚的。one day VS. some

48、 dayone day可表示过去的某一天戒是将來的某一天:但some day 只能表示将來的某一天。例:例:In fact. Eason had his thirtieth birthday one day/some day in 2012. I think my dream will come true one day/some day. One day. the old man was very ill.有一天那位老人病得很严重。challenge v.向(某人)挑战challenge sb向某人挑战例:Do you want to challenge me?你想向我挑或吗?1 chall

49、enge. to.在某新面向某人挑戒例:Joey challenged Sunny to a competition of counting 1 lo 10.乔伊向 桑尼挑或一场从1到10的数数比赛。proniise v.承诺:许诺 用法:promise作动词,后可接双宾语或动词不定式作宾语promise sb sth答应某 人某事 promise sth to sb 答应某爭对某人 promise to do slh 答应做某爭 例:Ivys father promised her a dress. =hy s father promised to buy a dress for her.艾

50、薇的爸爸承诺了为她买条裙子。promise作名词时,表示诺 言:保证make a promise 许下诺言 keep a promise 遵守诺言 break a promise 违背诺言例:Ivys father made a promise lo buy a dress for her.would like 想要:愿总 1 would like + 名词 Would you like a cup of coffee?你想要來杯咖啡吗? 1 would like to do 例:I would like to have a cup of coffee.我想要喝杯咖啡。1 would like

51、 sb. to do 例:I would like you to have a cup of coffee with me.我想要你跟我一起去喝杯咖啡。rest n.休息Lets have a rest.让我们休息一下。v.休息例:We will rest for half an hour.我们将休息半小 时。n.剩余部分例:This morning Daisy ate some bread and kept the rest for tomorrow.今天早上黛西吃 了一 些面包,并且把剩下的留到明天吃。instead adv.代替:顶替 adv.而 Amandas boyfriend as

52、ked why she couldnt just forget about dieting and eat normally instead.阿曼达的丈夫问阿曼达为什么就不能忘掉节食而正常吃饭。instead of doing They raised prices and cut production, instead of cutting costs.他们提岛了价格,减少了产虽.而没有削减成木。enough足够的:充足的enough既可修饰可数名词.又可修饰不可数名词.但要遵循名前形副后的原 则,即enough嬰放在名词前.形容词和副词后面。例:enough money足够的钱rich en

53、ough足够地富有fast enough足够地快& talk与介词的搭配talk to与交谈talk with与交谈:聊天talk about谈论adviceadvice n.建议(不可数名词a piece of advice 一则建议advise v.建议:作动词时,后可接名词. 代词戒doing作宾语也可用亍advise sb. (not) to do sth.,表示建议某人(不)做某爭V列:Liz advised Eason to stop drinking so much利兹建议伊森不要喝那举女酒。agree with sb同意某人 agree to do 同总做某爭Do you ag

54、ree with me. Annabella?Sorry. I am afraid that I cant agree to do that. 你同总:我的看法。-很抱歉恐怕我不能同总:这样做。not.any more不再not.any longer (= no longer)表示时间戒距离上的不再,常与延续性动词连用,强 调“时间不再延长二(现在,过去.将來都可用)He no longer lives heenolany more (= no more)表示距 离上的不再.常与非延续性动词连用.指今后“再也不:表示不再重复发生以前的动作或存在的状态,强 调终止。(将来和过去都可用)1 sha

55、ll go there no more.way的相关短语辨析in this way用这种新法:这样例:Only in this way can Amanda beat Ivy.只有这样, 阿曼达才能打败艾薇c in the way挡道例:There is a dog in the way.那有只狗挡道。on the way在路上例: Daisy lost money on the way to school. 西在上学的路上把钱丢了。by the way顺便说一下:顺便问一下例: By the way. how old are you. Annabella?顺便问一下.安娜贝拉,你多大了? o

56、ff the way偏离正轨:脱离轨 道例:The train drove off the way suddenly.火乍突然偏离轨道行驶。so that为的是;以便so that在该处引导目的状语从句.从句中常有can. could, may. might等情态动词。 相为于 in order thato Jimson saved money for one year so that/in order that he could travel to Africa.吉姆森存 了 一年的钱.以便可以去非洲旅游。the amount of 与 the number of 区别 the amount

57、 of 修饰不可数名词例:The amount of milk is 250ml.牛 奶的fit是250亳升。(he number of修饰可数名词例:The number of students in our class is 20.我们班学生的 数址是20cfrom then on “从那时起,用于完成时和过去时 I have never met her from then on.He lived here from then on.from now on 从今以后”,常用于现在时和将來时.一般不能用与过去时。Ill take the place of Miss Liang from no

58、w on.number n.数字 Choose a number between ten and one hundred. v.给編号 Number the pages from one to ten.【辨析】常考短语:a number of & the number ofa number of 若干或许女二 a small/large number of 少址:大虽 There are a number of ants on the ground.The number of 的数虽”,The number of the apples is 40.注意:虽然两个短语后面都接复数名词.但是a n

59、umber of. 作主语时,谓语动词要用复数e.g. A number of students are playing.the number of.作主语时,谓语动诃要用单数 e.g. The number of the students is 50.check v.检查,核实 Please check your answers after finish doing homework.实用短语:check in :在旅 馆登记住宿:报到:签到例:Have you checked in at the hotel yet?你在旅馆登记住宿了吗?例:The friends we had invit

60、ed did not check in until Saturday.我们邀请的朋友直到星期六才到达。check out结帐离开例: Guests must check out before noon, or they will be charged for the day客人必须在中午前结帐离开,否则将付全 日费用。wise adj充满智悪的a wise old man 一位博学女识的老先生wisdom n.才能.智慧 近义词:clever/ bright/ intelligent 句型:It is wise of sb. to do sth.你做 了,真是太明智 了。(wise 形容人品.


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