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2、和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、-What took you so long?-I got lost. I have no _ of direction.AfeelingBabilityCknowledgeDsense2、Some farmers _how to feed chickens.Ataught IBtaught usCtaught sheDtaught we3、-Has Jim known the good news?-Not yet. I will tell him about it _ he comes back.AwhileBuntilCas soon asDsince4、

3、Im really_ before the competition. I didnt sleep well last night.Dont worry. Im sure you are the best.ApatientBhard-workingCnervousDhumorous5、Well done! You did very well in the final exam. Could you please tell me _?Sure. I listened to the teacher carefully and did lots of exercises.Awhich is the b

4、est way to improve my gradeBhow did you deal with to get the good marksCwhat you did to get the good marks6、My head teacher knows me better than _.AhimselfBherselfCyourselfDmyself7、The UN colorful activities on April 20 to celebrate Chinese Language Day.AheldBmissedCkept8、_work it isformetofinishthe

5、jobtwentyminutes!AWhat hard BHow hard CWhat a hard DHow a hard9、 Did you have a good time yesterday? Yes. We sang danced until late at night.AbutBifCandDso10、Everyone may make mistakes in his life, but not everyone knows _. Finding the way to the mistakes is more important than escaping from them.Aw

6、hat should he do with themBhow he should do with themChow he should deal with them. 完形填空11、 A big company wanted to find someone to work for them. Lots of young college students came to ask for the 1 . And this time, the company didnt plan to choose the right persons as usual.Here came the day when

7、they took the final interview. A big box full of papers was placed on the way to the interview room, and a few 2 were lying around the box.The 3 student came. He hurried along the way to take the interview. “ 4 put this box in the middle of the road?” The student said to himself, but he did not try

8、to move the box away. Instead, he passed around the box and walked on. The second student came along and did the 5 thing. Then another came, and another. All of them complained (抱怨) about the box, but 6 of them tried to move it.Half an hour later, a thin young man 7 glasses came. He also came to tak

9、e the interview. He saw the box and the papers around it. Without thinking twice, he stopped to pick up the papers and put 8 into the box. Then he moved the box to the side. To his great surprise, he 9 an invitation under the box. It said, “Congratulations, young man! You are the 10 person we are lo

10、oking for! Would you like to join us?”Sometimes, you see, helping others is helping yourself.1AbookBwayCjobDmoney2ApapersBbooksCmagazinesDinvitations3AoneBonceCfirstDsecond4AWhyBWhoCWhereDWhen5AusualBsameCgoodDdifferent6AnoneBnoCnobodyDeveryone7AwithBonCwearsDwore8AitBtheyCthisDthem9AputBtookCsentDf

11、ound10AstrangeBhandsomeCrightDthin. 语法填空12、从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式,使短文完整、通顺。每空只填一词(有两词多余)cup, happy, so, which, the ,good , think, but, they, be, fail, teachA group of classmates got together to visit their old teacher. These classmates all had goodjobs and made lots of money. They talked 1. The teacher a

12、sked them the difficulty theyhad had. Then their talk soon turned to talking about the stress (d压力) in work and life, Theteacher went to 2 kitchen and came back with a large pot of coffee and many 3 -china ones, plastic ones and glass ones. Some are plain looking, some are expensive and someare love

13、ly. The teacher told them to help 4 to the coffee.When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the teacher said,“ Can you notice that allof you took nice-looking expensive cups, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones? You wantonly the 5 for yourselves, and it is the source of your problems.”“

14、What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, 6 you went for the best cupsand then began looking at each others cups.”“Now 7 about this; life is the coffee, and the jobs, money and position in society8 the cups. They are just tools to hold, and do not change the life. Sometimes, by caring o

15、nlyabout the cups, we 9 to enjoy the coffee. 10 dont let the cups drive you, and enjoythe coffee instead.”. 阅读理解A13、In Chinese culture, people believe some numbers are lucky or unlucky. This is to see what Chinese character the number sounds like. For example, the Chinese word for the number 8 sound

16、s like the word for “making a fortune”. So, people think it is a very lucky number. Some people spend a lot of money to have 8s in their phone numbers. The opening time of the Beijing Olympics began at 8:08 p.m. on August 8, 2008.The number 9 is also a lucky number. It is something to do with the em

17、perors of China. There were nine dragons on emperors robes(龙袍). Today, 9 often stands for “long lasting”. Thats why close friends always use 99 or 999 to describe their friendship.So whats a “bad luck” number in China? It might be 4. Many Chinese people see 4 as a “bad luck” number. Because it sound

18、s like the Chinese character for “death”.Because of this, many buildings dont have the fourth floor, and just call it the fifth floor. In Hong Kong, some buildings even dont have all floors numbered with 4, such as, 4、14、24、34 and all 40-49 floors. Some buildings also dont have the 13th floor as 13

19、is an unlucky number in the West. Now a question for you: How many floors are actually there if a buildings highest floor is numbered 50?1What makes Chinese people believe a number is lucky or unlucky?AThe shape of the number BThe sound of the number in ChineseCThe history of the number DThe sound o

20、f the number in English2Chinese people like the number 8, because it means “_”.Aliving a long life Bbecoming beautifulCmaking lots of money Dliving a happy life3What does this story mainly talk about?ALucky or unlucky numbers in Western cultureBMeanings of different lucky numbersCMeanings of differe

21、nt unlucky numbersDLucky or unlucky numbers in Chinese culture4In Hong Kong, how many floors are there if a buildings highest floor is numbered 50?A36 B32 C30 D34B14、A baby carrier is like a backpack for carrying a baby. Ann Moore introduced the idea of a baby carrier to American people nearly 50 ye

22、ars ago.Ann spent two years in Africa in the early 1960s. She worked as a nurse there. Ann saw babies wrapped in bright cloth tied to their mothers backs. The babies snuggled (依偎) close to their mothers, and the mothers could use their hands to do other things.In 1964, Ann had her own baby. She trie

23、d making a carrier like the one African mothers used. The carrier was like a backpack. Everywhere Ann went with her baby in the carrier, people asked, “Where can I buy one?” In 1965, Ann and her mother began to sell handmade carriers. Ann received a patent (专利) for the baby carrier in 1969. By that

24、time, the baby carrier had leg holes and straps (带子) that could be made longer or shorter. It could also be worn on the back or front.By 1979, the baby carriers were made in a factory. These baby carriers cost less to make and more than 25,000 were sold every month.When Ann made her first baby carri

25、er, she just wanted to keep her baby close and still have her hands free to do other things. Now all over the world babies ride in baby carriers, close to their parents, safe and happy.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。1Ann Moore made her first baby carrier in .A1964 B1965C1969 D19792People asked Ann where

26、they could buy a carrier because .AAnn looked kind and friendlyBAnn knew where to buy itCthey liked it and wanted to have oneDthey couldnt go to Africa3What did Anns baby carrier look like?AIt was a bag made of bright cloth.BIt was a bright cloth tied to the mothers back.CIt was a big backpack which

27、 could be worn on the back or front.DIt was like a backpack with leg holes and adjustable (可调节的) straps.4From the passage we can learn that people usually invent new things to .Astart a family businessBshow they are better than othersChelp people in poor areasDmake their lives easier5Whats the passa

28、ge mainly about?ABaby carriers in AfricaBThe mother of the baby carrier.CAnn Moores family businessDHow to make a baby carrier.C15、 阅读下列材料,从每题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AFilms in UME Cinema this weekName: Mr. Six (老炮儿)Director: Guan HuMain actor: Feng Xiaogang, Wu Yifan, Li YifengTime: From

29、 Monday to Wednesday at 8:00 p.m.Ticket price: RMB 35Name: The Ghouls(寻龙诀)Director: Wu ErshanMain actor: Cheng Kun, Huang Bo, Shu QiTime: From Wednesday to Friday at 8:00 p. m.Ticket price: RMB40Name: Detective China Town(唐人街探案)Director: Chen SichengMain actor: Wang Baoqiang, Liu Haoran, Tong LiyaTi

30、me: From Friday to Sunday, at 7:30 p. m.Ticket Price: RMB30 (Half on Sunday for children)Name: Sherlock: The Abominable Bride(神探夏洛克)Director: Douglas MackinnonMain actor: Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin FreemanTime: From Tuesday to Thursday at 8:00 p. m.Ticket Price: RMB451How many films are put on(放映)

31、 on Wednesday ?AFourBThreeCTwoDOne2Mrs. Green wants to watch Detective China Town with her ten-year-old son on Sunday. She should pay _.A30 yuanB45 yuanC40 yuanD35 yuanD16、 China covers large areas and has a great population. Different living habits have always been an interesting topic in the count

32、ry. Recently, another difference between southern Chinese and northern Chinese became a hot one: the way people shop at markets.People from southern China say that they always buy what they need for just one or two meals. It is normal for them to buy half of a Chinese cabbage, two potatoes and 0.25

33、kilograms of beef at a time.However, one may be laughed at if he does this in the north. Instead, buying vegetables and meat enough for a week is usual. Also, you can buy a small amount of fruit, such as a single apple or pear, each time in the south. Shop owners even help you peel and cut them. But

34、 shop owners in the north hardly offer such service. And many fruits are sold in baskets and boxes. The difference could be due to the different weather.Food can be kept for a long time in the north, as it is usually cold and dry there. Many northern Chinese have the habit of storing food, especiall

35、y for the long winter. But the hot and wet weather in the south makes southern Chinese buy just enough food for one meal or one day, or else the food may go bad.1In southern China, people usually buy _ at a time.Aa small amount of foodBa large amount of foodCenough food for a weekDa lot of meat and

36、vegetables2If you buy fruits in the south, the shop owners may _.Apeel and cut them for youBlaugh at youConly sell them in boxes and basketsDonly sell a single apple or pear3The underlined words due to mean _ in Chinese.A所以B但是C然而D因为4Which is the best title for the passage?ADifferent Weather in China

37、BDifferent Living Habits in ChinaCSouthern Chinese and Northern ChineseDSouthern China and Northern ChinaE17、 Does heavy use of cell phones lead to a risk of cancer? This question has caused serious arguments for many years. A new study in rats now adds to those concerns. Its data linked long-term,

38、intense exposure (强烈的暴露) to radiation (辐射) from cell phones with an increased risk of cancer in the heart or brain.The results have yet to be confirmed(确认), the authors note. Moreover, they add, its not yet clear what the findings may mean in terms of human health.Indeed, although the rat study foun

39、d a link between cell-phone radiation and cancer, it offers no clues to why such a link might exist, says Jonathan Samet. He teaches preventative medicine and directs the Institute for Global Health at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Still, he calls the new studys findings “imp

40、ortant”. They could lead to studies looking into how cell-phone radiation might result in cancer, he says.Phone signals are relayed between cell towers and cell phones through radio waves. This radio frequency or RF radiation is a type known as non-ionizing(非离子化). Unlike X-rays and alpha particles,

41、non-ionizing radiation does not put enough energy into cells to release electrons from atoms(原子) or molecules(分子), producing ions(离子). So it tends to be far less harmful than ionizing radiation, such as X-rays. But that does not mean radio waves might not cause harm.This radiation will heat the body

42、 and cause tissue damage. But its not yet known what much lower RF levels might do, such as those from cell-phone use. Five years ago, the World Health Organizations International Agency for Research on Cancer, or IARC, concluded that cell-phone use “is possibly carcinogenic.” That means it might ca

43、use cancer.Its conclusion was based on what little research data were available at that time. But notice that IARC was not certain. It said only that phone use might “possibly” cause cancer. So scientists at the National Toxicology Program, or NTP, decided to investigate further.1What concern does a

44、 new study cause?ALong- term, intense radiation exists in cell phones.BHeavy use of cell phones leads to a risk of cancer.CThe new study has caused serious arguments for many years.DPeople have intense exposure to radiation.2What has been confirmed according to the new study?AIf people use cell phon

45、es all the time, they will certainly have cancer.BThe reason why the link between cell-phone and cancer exists is known.CWhat much RF levels might do, such as those from cell- phone use is already clear.DThere is a link between cell-phone radiation and cancer.3What does the underlined word “relay” m

46、ean in Paragraph 4?ATo pass a message from one place to anotherBTo existCTo release electricity from atoms or moleculesDTo cause cancer4Who will look into the research further?ADoctor Jonathan Samet.BThe Institute for Global Health at the University of Southern California.CThe author of this article

47、.DScientists at the National Toxicology Program, or NTP.5Where is the article possibly from?AAn educational magazine .BA science website.CA science fiction .DA fashion report.F18、Wang Jiaming from Beijing Chenjinglun High School says he is a lucky boy. Hes happy that hes sitting the senior high scho

48、ol entrance exam (中考) in 2014 instead of 2016.On Oct 22, Beijing Municipal Commission of Education (北京市教委) announced that, from 2016, the English scores in the senior high school entrance exam will be reduced from 120 to 100. Of the 100 points, the listening ability scores will increase to 50. Meanw

49、hile, the points for Chinese will increase from 120 to 150.“The change wont affect me. I feel so luck because English is my strongest subject,” said Wang.Why such a change? It places the importance on Chinese in our study, and reduces students pressure, said Li Yi, spokesman of the commission.“The c

50、hange will also push us to pay attention to the practical usage of English,” said Li. “ Students will be encouraged to learn to understand English menus and read English news on mobile phones.”There isnt news that other cities will have the same change. But several places are making changes to Engli

51、sh tests in the college entrance exams.For example, Shandong is considering taking out the listening part of the English exam in its gaokao.But, “being tested for less points doesnt mean the subject can be taken lightly.,” Bai Ping wrote in China Daily.English has long been the worlds most commonly

52、used language. Former Chinese premier Zhu Rongji once said: “In a globalizing economy, if you cannot interact with foreighers, how can one be part of the world economy?”Wang Jiaming said he understood the change. “Chinese, not English, is our mother tongue,” he said. “But still, I think English is both interesting and useful.”1In the Beijing senior high school entrance exam of 2016, _.Athe English scores will be cut down to 100Bthe English listening ability scores will be loweredCthe points for Chinese will be reduced by 30 poin


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