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1、力口工 processing反应性力口工 reactive processing等离子体力口工 plasma processing力口工性 processability熔体流动指数 melt flow index门尼粘度Mooney index塑化 plasticizing增塑作用 plasticization内增塑作用 internal plasticization夕卜增塑作用 external plasticization增塑溶胶plastisol增强 reinforcing增容作用 compatibilization相容性 compatibility相溶性 intermiscibilit

2、y生物相容性 biocompatibility血液相容性 blood compatibility组织相容性 tissue compatibility混炼 milling, mixing素炼 mastication塑炼 plastication过炼 dead milled橡胶酉己合 rubber compounding共混blend捏和 kneading冷轧 cold rolling压延性 calenderability压延 calendaring埋置 embedding压片 performing模塑 molding模压成型 compression molding压缩成型 compression

3、 forming冲压模塑 impact moulding, shock moulding叠模压塑 stack moulding复合成型 composite molding注射成型 injection molding注塑压缩成型injection compression molding射流注塑jet molding无流道冷料注塑runnerless injection molding共注塑 coinjection molding气辅注塑 gas aided injection molding注塑焊接 injection welding传递成型 transfer molding树脂传递成型resi

4、n transfer molding铸塑cast熔铸 fusion casting铸塑成型 cast molding单体浇铸 monomer casting挤出 extrusion共挤出 coextrusion多层挤塑 multi-layer extrusion共挤吹塑 coextrusion blow molding同轴挤塑 coaxial extrusion吹胀挤塑 blown extrusion挤出吹塑 extrusion blow molding挤拉吹塑成型 extrusion draw blow molding反应性挤塑 reactive extrusion固相挤出 solid-ph

5、ase extrusion发泡 expanding foam后发泡 post expansion物理发泡physical foam化学发泡 chemical foam吹塑 blow molding多层吹塑 multi-layer blow molding拉伸吹塑成型 stretch blow molding滚塑 rotational moulding反应注射成型reaction injection molding, RIM真空成型 vacuum forming无压成型 zero ressure molding真空烧结 vacuum sintering真空袋成型 vacuum bag moldi

6、ng热成型 thermal forming拉伸热成型 stretch thermoforming袋模塑 bag molding糊塑 paste molding镶铸 imbedding冲压成型 impact molding触压成型 impression molding层压材料 laminate泡沫塑料成型 foam molding包模成型 drape molding充气吹胀inflation橡胶月乳 rubber latex胶乳latex高分子胶体 polymer colloid生橡胶 raw rubber , crude rubber硬质胶 ebonite再生胶 reclaimed rubbe

7、r 充油橡胶 oil-extended rubber 母胶 masterbatch交联 crosslinking 固化 cure 光固化 photo-cure 硫化 vulcanization 后硫化 post cure , post vulcanization 自硫化bin cure自交联 self crosslinking , self curing 过硫 over cure 返硫 reversion 欠硫 under cure动态硫化 dynamic vulcanization不均匀硫化 heterogeneous vulcanization 开始硫化效应set-up effect 自动

8、硫化 self-curing, self-vulcanizing 焦烧 scorching无压硫化 non-pressure cure 模压硫化 moulding curing 常温硫化 auto-vulcanization 热硫化 heat curing 蒸汽硫化 steam curing 微波硫化 micro wave curing 辐射硫化 radiation vulcanization 辐射交联 radiation crosslinking 连续硫化 continuous vulcanization 无模硫化 open vulcanization 成纤 fiber forming 可纺

9、性 spinnability 纺丝 spinning 干纺 dry spinning 湿纺 wet spinning干湿法纺丝 dry wet spinning干喷湿法纺丝 dry jet wet spinning 溶液纺丝 solution spinning 乳液纺丝 emulsion spinning乳液闪蒸纺丝法emulsion flash spinning process喷射纺丝 jet spinning喷纺成形 spray spinning液晶纺丝 liquid crystal spinning 熔纺 melt spinning 共混纺丝 blended spinning 凝胶纺丝g

10、el spinning反应纺丝 reaction spinning静电纺丝 electrostatic spinning高压纺丝 high-pressure spinning复合纺丝 conjugate spinning无纺布 non-woven fabrics单丝 monofilament, monofil复丝 multifilament全取向丝 fully oriented yarn中空纤维 hollow fiber皮芯纤维 sheath core fiber共纺 cospinning冷拉伸 cold drawing, cold stretching单轴拉伸 uniaxial drawin

11、g , uniaxial elongation 双轴拉伸 biaxial drawing多轴拉伸 multiaxial drawing皮心效应 skin and core effect皮层效应skin effect防缩 non-shrink熟成 ripening垂挂 sag定型sizing起球现象 pilling effect捻度twist旦 denier特tex纱 yarn股 strand粘合 adhesion反应粘合 reaction bonding压敏木合 pressure sensitive adhesion底漆primer浸渍 impregnation浸渍树脂 solvent imp

12、regnated resin基体matrix聚合物表面活性剂polymeric surfactant高分子絮凝齐【Jpolymeric flocculant预发颗粒 pre-expanded bead高分子膜 polymeric membraneH-膜 H-filmLB 膜 Langmuir Blodgett film (LB film)半透膜 semipermeable membrane反渗透膜 Reverse osmosis membrance多孔膜 porous membrane各向异性膜 anisotropic membrane正离子交换膜 cation exchange membra

13、ne 负离子交换膜 anionic exchange membrane 吸附树脂 polymeric adsorbent 添加剂additive 固化齐curing agent 潜固化齐 ij latent curing agent 硫化剂 vulcanizing agent 给硫齐sulfur donor agent, sulfur donor 硫化促进齐vulcanization accelerator硫化活化齐 ij vulcanization activator 活化促进齐activating accelerator活化剂 activator 防焦齐ij scorch retarder

14、 抗硫化返原齐 ij anti-reversion agent 塑解剂 peptizer 偶联齐【J coupling agent 硅烷偶联齐silane coupling agent钛酸酯偶联剂 titanate coupling agent 铝酸酯偶联齐 ij aluminate coupling agent 增强齐reinforcing agent 增硬齐hardening agent 惰性填料inert filler 增塑齐plasticizer 辅增塑剂 coplasticizer 增粘剂tackifier 增容齐【J compatibilizer 增塑增容齐 ij plastici

15、zer extender 分散齐【J dispersant agent 结构控制齐 ij constitution controller 色料 colorant 荧光增白齐optical bleaching agent抗降解齐J antidegradant防防抗anticracking agent老齐ij anti-aging agent 臭氧齐【J antiozonant抗疲劳齐J anti-fatigue agent 抗微生物剂 biocide 防蚀齐ij anti-corrosion agent 光致抗蚀剂 photoresist 防霉齐ij antiseptic 防腐剂 rot res

16、istor防潮剂 moisture proof agent除臭剂 re-odorant抗氧剂antioxidant热稳定齐heat stabilizer抗静电添加剂 antistatic additive 抗静电齐【J antistatic agent 紫外线稳定剂 ultraviolet stabilizer 紫外光吸收剂 ultraviolet absorber光稳定剂 light stabilizer, photostabilizer光屏蔽剂 light screener发泡齐foaming agent物理发泡齐physical foaming agent化学发泡剂 chemical f

17、oaming agent脱模齐releasing agent内脱模齐internal releasing agent外脱模齐external releasing agent阻燃齐ij flame retardant防火齐fire retardant烧蚀剂ablator润滑剂lubricant湿润齐J wetting agent隔离齐1J separant增韧齐J toughening agent抗冲改性剂 impact modifier消泡齐J antifoaming agent减阻齐ij drag reducer破乳齐demulsifier粘度改进齐1J viscosity modifier

18、增稠齐thickening agent, thickener阻黏剂 abhesive洗脱剂eluant附聚齐ij agglomerating agent后处理齐after-treating agent催干剂drier防结皮齐J anti-skinning agent纺织品整理齐 textile finishing agent aggregation 聚集体 aggregate 凝聚、聚集 coalescence链缠结 chain entanglement凝聚缠结 cohesional entanglement物理缠结 physical entanglement凝聚态 condensed sta

19、te凝聚过程 condensing process临界聚集浓度 critical aggregation concentration 线团-球粒转换 coil-globule transition 受限链 confined chain 受限态 confined state物理交联 physical crosslinking交联度 degree of crosslinking网络 network溶胶-凝胶转化 sol-gel transformation摩尔质量平均 molar mass average数均分子量 number-average molecular weight, number-a

20、verage molar mass重均分子量 weight-average molecular weight, weight-average molar massZ 均分子量 Z(Zaverage)-average molecular weight, Z-molar mass黍占均分子量 viscosity-average molecular weight, viscosity-average molar mass聚合度 degree of polymerization分子量分布 molecular weight distribution , MWD多分散性指数 polydispersity

21、index , PID结晶聚合物 crystalline polymer半结晶聚合物 semi-crystalline polymer聚合物形态学 morphology of polymer成核作用 nucleation分子成核作用 molecular nucleation阿夫拉米方程 Avrami equation织构 texture液晶态 liquid crystal state相分离 phase separation微相 microphase最低临界共溶(溶解)温度 lower critical solution temperature, LCST 最高临界共溶(溶解)温度 upper

22、critical solution temperature , UCST 橡胶态 rubber state 玻璃态 glassy state 高弹态 elastomeric state黍占流态 viscous flow state伸长 elongation高弹形变 high elastic deformation回缩性,弹性复原 nerviness拉彳申比 draw ratio, extension ratio泊松比 Poissons ratio杨氏模量 Youngs modulus本体模量 bulk modulus颈缩现象 necking 屈服应力 yield stress 屈服应变 yie

23、ld strain 脆性断裂 brittle fracture 脆性开裂 brittle cracking 脆-韧转变 brittle ductile transition 脆化温度 brittleness(brittle) temperature 冲击强度 impact strength 拉伸强度 tensile strength 抗撕强度 tearing strength弯曲强度 flexural strength, bending strength 弯曲模量 bending modulus 剪切强度 shear strength 录U 离强度 peeling strength疲劳弓!度

24、fatigue strength, fatigue resistance 挠曲 deflection压缩弓!度 compressive strength 洛氏硬度 Rockwell hardness 布氏硬度 Brinell hardness 抗舌。性 scrath resistance 断裂力学 fracture mechanics 力学破坏 mechanical failure 应力强度因子 stress intensity factor 断裂伸长 elongation at break 屈服强度 yield strength 断裂韧性 fracture toughness 弹性形变 el

25、astic deformation 弹性滞后 elastic hysteresis 弹性 elasticity弹性模量 modulus of elasticity 弹性回复 elastic recovery 不可回复形变 irrecoverable deformation 裂缝crack银纹craze形变; 变形 deformation 永久变形 deformation set 乘 ll余变形 residual deformation 乘ll余伸长 residual stretch 回弹,回弹性 resilience 延迟形变 retarded deformation 延迟弹性 retarde

26、d elasticity 可逆形变 reversible deformation 应力开裂 stress cracking应力-应变曲线 stress strain curve拉彳申应变 stretching strain拉伸应力弛豫 tensile stress relaxation热历史 thermal history热收缩 thermoshrinking扭辫分析 torsional braid analysis , TBA 应力致白 stress whitening 应变能 strain energy应变张量 strain tensor乘馀应力 residual stress应变硬化 s

27、train hardening应变软化 strain softening 电流变液 electrorheological fluid 假塑性 pseudoplastic拉胀性 auxiticity牛顿流体 Newtonian fluid非牛顿流体 non-Newtonian fluid宾汉姆流体 Bingham fluid冷流 cold flow牛顿剪切黍占度 Newtonian shear viscosity剪切黍占度 shear viscosity表观剪切黍占度 apparent shear viscosity剪切变稀 shear thinning触变性 thixotropy塑性形变 pl

28、astic deformation塑性流动 plastic flow体积弓豫 volume relaxation拉伸黍占度 extensional viscosity黍占弹性 viscoelasticity线性黏弹性 linear viscoelasticity非线性黏弹性 non-linear viscoelasticity蠕变creep弛豫作用relaxation弛豫模量 relaxation modulus蠕变柔量 creep compliance热畸变温度 heat distortion temperature弛豫谱 relaxation spectrum推迟时间谱 retardation time spectrum 弛豫时间 relaxation time 推迟时间 retardation time动态力学行为 dynamic mechanical behavior 动态黍占弹性 d


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