1、英文介绍中医药ContentA Brief History Chinese Herbs(中药)Diagnosis(诊断)Acupuncture(针灸)Massage(按摩)Diet and ExerciseA Brief HistoryThe roots of Chinese Traditional Medicine (also referred to as TCM) date back more than 2000 years. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)-中国医药 Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM)-东南亚医药Y
2、ears TCM&TOM Developments While both Western and Chinese medicine have been practiced in China since the late 1800s, the traditional Chinese approach to medicine began to grow in popularity in the West in the 1970s, when ties to China opened. backACUPUNCTURE (针灸)Acupuncture is the insertion of needl
3、es(针) into the skin at specific points in order to affect the flow of energy.ACUPUNCTUREbackHerbs used in Chinese medicine are derived from plant, animal, and mineral substances. Although plant-derived herbs, such as ginseng(人参) and ginger(姜), are the most common, minerals and animal parts such as o
4、yster shells(牡蛎壳), deer antlers(鹿茸), and bear gall bladder(熊胆) are also prescribed. In China, herbs in powder form are boiled and made into a tea.CHINESE HERBS(中药)backDIAGNOSIS(诊断)231 Pulse (脉诊) taking requires years of training to master and is considered one of the most important diagnostic tools
5、in Chinese medicine. Interview(面诊): The first step in diagnosing a patients condition is an extensive interview by the TCM practitioner. Tongue Examination(舌诊): In addition to the pulse, the Chinese believe that the tongue is a strong barometer of human health.backMASSAGE(按摩)acupuncture without need
6、les (不用针的针灸)All hospitals in China that are devoted to Traditional Chinese Medicine include a massage clinic along with acupuncture and herbal medicine. Chinese massage was developed over 2,000 years ago and was popular in the Tang, Ming, and Qing dynasties. 12The Chinese call this therapeutic bodyw
7、ork tui na(推拿), which literally means push and pull. 3backDIET AND EXERCISE In general, the Chinese approach to diet is to optimize digestion and increase qi and blood(益气养血) and aid the organ function(援助器官). Qi gong incorporates posture, movement, breathing, meditation(冥想), visualization and conscio
8、us intent in order to cleanse or purify the qi. Qi gong(气功)an extension of herbal medicine backWhat is TCM ?The ultimate goal of TCM treatment is to balance the yin and yang in our lives by promoting the natural flow of qi. 123backTCM is based on a belief in yin and yang, defined as opposing energies, such as earth and heaven, winter and summer, and happiness and sadness. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete medical system that has been used to diagnose, treat, and prevent illnesses for more than 2,000 years. Thank you!1221100071 卓丽宁人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,明辨是非的能力。所
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