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1、2013届高考英语二轮复习书面表达复习专题08健康饮食话题指导实例指导1 学生如何饮食【写作任务】如今随着人们生活水平的提高,市场上高脂肪、高寡量、高蛋白的食品也 越来越多:据一份调查表明学校中有五分之二的中学生属干胖子行即 从健康和 美学的角度来讲,他们都希望能够减肥口- si -SI 因施入 原措个偏食挑食;不吃早餐;饮食过度:高热量食品 多吃蔬果,水果;饮食要规律;饮食要平衡、合理请你结合生活实际就如何合理饮食发表自己的看法,写一篇1二0 -词的英语短文,I写作指导】本写作年务是图表分析作文,该作文的特点将被说明的事3用表格形式沐观 出来,考咛在写作时要将图表所包含的信息转化为文字形式。

2、写作难度较大,学 生不仅要弄清提示,还要看懂所给的图表;由于提示内容少,信息点分散,口作 时一定领会出题者的意图,弄清主题后再动第J这类题型一般以说明文或记叙七 居多,住住是介绍.说明某种情况;但有时也可能是议诒文,就茶肝观象这it评 馆。写好此种类型的作文要掌握一定的方法,注意行文的结构。 【学生习作】Nowadays, there are more and more students get fatter and fatter, and two fifthof them belong to the group of overweight students. In terms of beau

3、ty and health they all hope to lose weight. Anyway, they should have a balanced diet.As we all know, its very important for us to form healthy eating habbits. However, some of us usually go to school without breakfast; some are fond of soft drinks and sweet food rather than nutritious food; others a

4、re particular about food and still some eat or drink too much at a time. All those lifestyles do great harm to our health. Therefore, we should have a balanced diet including vegetables and fruits, which is good to our health. Whats more, wed better have meals regularly.As far as Im concerned, we sh

5、ould develop a good eating habit to keep healthy.Only in this way can we keep fit and have enough energy to devote ourselves to study. ed, we should develop to study.【教师点评】本文紧扣主题,结构分明,分段描述了不良的饮食习惯及其坏处,最后还表达了自己的观点。语言地道得体,词语和句型使用较规范,例如一些高级词;In terms of , rather than , beparticular about , do harm to ,

6、 as far as I Im concerned等的应用,而且还注意至U了过渡词汇的运用:however, and still , therefore , what s more等;在第二段的描述中避免了一味地运用first , second , third 等,而是采用了 somesomeothers 以及andstill来清晰条理地写出了各种不良的饮食习惯。另外还使用了灵活句式:Therefore , weshould have a balanced diet including vegetables and fruits, which is good for ourhealth .这是

7、一个句意充实,结构复杂的句子,其中包含一个现在分词短语作定语和一个非 限制性定语从句, Only in this way can we keep fit and have enough energy to devoteourselves to study. ed , we should develop to study.这是一个 only + 状语放在句首,句子要部分倒装的语法点。文章的不足之处在于:开头段落就出现了两处明显的语法错误there are more and morestudents get fatter and fatter, and two fifth of them belo

8、ng to the group ofoverweight students.致使文章的风采锐减,同时这也是写作的一大忌讳,处可改为:thereare more and more students getting tatter and fatter. 处可改为 two fifths of thembelong to him the group of over weight students.另外文中的单词拼写错误habit 中只有一个bo拼写错误在作文中也是应当避免的,实例指导2饮食与健康t写作任务1请根据以下要点写一篇12。词左右的说明文,可适当如展.L现象:随着生括水平的提高,越来越多的人逐

9、渐竟设到了饮食兰廷康之间 的联系.他们的饮食含有丰富的蛋白质、维生素等.然而,还有泉二人仍然没有 意识到健康饮食的重要性。他们的饮食不科学,常吃一些含热量和脂肪过高的食 品。口口结果I由于这种不健康的饮食习惯,一些人开始发胖,癌症、心脏房这类 疾病的发病率也与日惧增。3.建议,人们应健康饮食,多吃蔬菜和水果,少吃肉,多做运动.写作指导】这是一篇文字提示性作文,要求写一篇饮食与健康关系的短文。写作时切忌受中文提纲 的制约,将书面表达变成翻译,造成语法结构和词汇上的单调。为避免遗漏要点,可先根据 提示列出一些主要的词汇(组)、如:realize ; become aware of ; be ric

10、h in ;healthy food ;asa result ; becomefat; heart disease ; the link between diet and good health ; take exercise 等,然后再把这些词或短语连成句子,并恰当使用一些过渡词语,这样会使文章连贯、通顺。 注意时态要以一般现在时为主。写这样的文章,一般要写明什么样的做法会对健康有利或有 害,人们应该怎样做才能保持健康等。这样的文章尽管属于说明文不可避免地会使用叙述、议论等。文章的语言特点是:.时态相对统一,般以一般现在时为主。.以主动语态-和陈述句式为主,但为了表达灵活也可以使用其他表达形

11、式。.恰当地使用过渡词来充分体现文章的逻辑关系。【学生习作】With the improvement of people s life, more and more people have realized the linkbetween food and health, and they eat food which contains rich protein, vitamins and so on.However, many people havent known the importance of a healthy diet. They dont eathealthy food. Th

12、ey often eat food having too much fat and calories. As a result, many of them are becoming fat, and illnesses, such as cancer, heart disease are increasing.Therefore, it is important for us to realize the importance of eating the fightkinds of food. We should eat healthily. We should have more veget

13、ables, more fruits and less meat. Moreover, we should also take enough exercise so that we. can keep fit.【教师点评】 总体评价.%者能屑扣主题,从有些人不正确的饮食现象出符.写到谟片做法对建 康造成的影响,最后提出建议,环环紧扣。全文用词地道,行文漉畅,同时一些 复条结构的使用也表现出作者较强的驾驭语言的能力。.错误更正._realized应改为have realized表小人们“己经意识到二去掉也There axpe它的东西应是“食物”而不是”饮食;所以这儿diet应改为food.京行即

14、在作一锻炼饼时,是不可数名祠,所以应把c w改为 -万仃日再初.锦上添花一realize 改为 become aware of 更高级一些;燃 *, *thev ea.c fbqdvvhidh contains ridi protein,and sq 1. 改为I贵在总结一通过以上分析我们可以总结出下列写作策略和常用词汇及句型:.开门见山提出主题,说明自己发现的现象。 常用词汇和句型有:recently ; nowadays; thesedays; with the development /progress /advancement of等。.说明所给内容时,可以先说现象,也可以先说后果,再

15、说引起这种后果的原因。不管用何种方式,注意表述要清晰,层次要分明。常用词汇和句型有:as a result; cause ; lead to ;notonly but also ;as well as ; so; therefore ; It is important for sb. to do sth.; We should 等。.归纳总结或发表意见。这一部分主要提出自己的建议。常用句型有: Therefore , We d better ;It s a good idea for us to 等。实例指导3一睡眠不足【写作任务】根据下表反映的内容,写一篇 150词左右的短文,向同学们发起倡

16、议,确保睡眠充足,远离睡眠不足可能带来的危害。【写作指导】第一步 仔细审题,确立主题,明踊要求审题是写好书面表达题的基础.通过行组审题,旨在完成五项任务:1定写 作体裁,二定写作人称,三定写作时态,四定写作主题,五明写作要求。根据表外文字提示可以确定,写作主要人称为第一人称和第三人称,字数 1礼左右,不需要写标期,为短文格式。在时态的确定方囱,因叙述的为鳏常出 现的情况或自己的评述所以用一般现在时态,第二步绕主题,提炼要点.编拟提纲1,段落主题句,根据调查结果,一4岁的儿童及青少年年蚂睡眠可间低干国 家规定标准二3的儿童没有午睡的习惯或条件。.段落主题句导致这种现象的原因主要有两个,分析可能的

17、原因1 主 要原因是学校早晨上课时间早很多青少年有熬夜的习假,因而导致睡眠不足.段落主题句:睦眠不足危害之一是导致学习困难,包括像上睡觉,注意 力不集中睡眠不足还会景里向身体发育和身体健康.段落主题句;解决措施一;政府采取措施推迟早信上课时解决后 施二.我们自己养成早睡的习惯.4全文主题句;让我们确保睡眠充足缶第三步分析要点及提纲,提烽关键单词和短语.要点序号关键单词和短语the average sleep time, kids aged 7 to 9, teen-agers, below thestandard.two thirds, have the habit of, noon brea

18、k, have no time to do.two reasons, account for.the main cause, due to, the early high-school start timestay up late, undoubtedly lead to, insufficient sleep.lack of sufficient sleep, put adolescents at risk, difficulties in school, including sleepiness, poor concentration.have negative effects on, b

19、ody development.:take measures, push back.form a good habit of, go to bed earlymake sure, sufficient sleep第四步恰当使用句型,连词成句。在连词成句时要尽量做到:套用常用句型和句式多变。一篇文章在表达准确的前提下,应做到单句、并列句、复合句恰当安排,长短句有机结合,非谓语动词及介词短语恰当使用,增 加文章的生动性,为文章增加亮点。同时,一定要避免些常规句法错误的出现,如:无主语 或无谓语动词,时态、语态错误,滥用逗号等。将上述提炼出来的关键单词和短语连词成句 为:The average sl

20、eep time of kids aged 7 to 9 and teen-agers is below the standard.Two thirds don t have the habit of noon break or they have no time to do that at all.There are at least two reasons accounting for the problem.The main cause is due to the early high-school start time;Some of us like staying up late,

21、which undoubtedly leads to insufficient sleep.There is evidence to show that lack of sufficient sleep appears to put adolescentsat risk for difficulties in school, including sleepiness in class and poor concentration;This would have negative effects on their body development and health.The governmen

22、t has taken some measures to push back high-school starting times.It is important to form a good habit of going to bed early.Let s make sure that we all have sufficient sleep.第五步恰当使用连接词,组句成篇.高考英语书面表达评分标准中其中一项指标是“有效光使用了法司间的工序 成分,使全文结构紧凑,行文连黄,条理清楚口”根据这一要求,最后还要有效地 使用语句间的连接成分,对译出的要点根据拟定的提纲进行士理妲金,从而使文 章过

23、渡自然,浑然一体,K范文赏析】As is shown by the figure tn the survey = the average sleep tim- s kids agedbvo thhxh ion:tto 9 andis bekw the standard To make Things wohave the habit of noon break or the lino time to do that at The5e vvorrv 口等 qlot厂;芋营 炉& 口r沧qst喈口s孕ts叮口二GE71涂g曲r;o广巧力/生,Thu inain is d111to the earlv

24、 liigli-schcol st ait tiling. Besides, some of us liluu 口 壮亡:inchundoubtedlp:dos iiisufiiciemconcentration. and health.Fortunately, starting times.There is evidence to show that lack of sufficient sleep appears to put adolescents at risk for difficulties in school, including sleepiness in class and

25、poorIn addition , this would have negative effects on their body developmentform a good habit of goingthe government has taken some measures to push back high-schoolAs for us teenagers , it is important to to bed early. Let s make sure that we all have sufficient sleep.教师点评该篇文章从总体上来讲,能够把握表中的信息,并适当发挥

26、,使自己的倡议有理有据。本文 层次清楚,语言流畅,能够正确地利用一些较为高级的词语,精彩短语(下划线)、句型(斜 体)和过渡词句(加粗)。时态和人称把握的较好,各种短语、句型、过渡词运用得当。较 好地完成了写作任务。【句型拓展】 类似的常用句型有:L As 口弋 sail 5 亡w trom the iigwu iii th stable diait. .his on rise decreise up in ere is es dreps .From the sharp marked declinedse in the ctim, it goes mthcut sanng thaT. .is

27、responsible for .? But it is gensrally believed chit. It is impossible to . Tliere is no ioubt thatS Recein research has also revealed an asicciation between sieep deprivaticin and poorer grades.C omparedith. students schools tnanitaiiLed eaii 理 start time;E stud eats ith later sr arts reported gett

28、ing ni ore sleep on school nights, being le匚: sleepy dn: ::i 史 day=. .percent of high school 式ud亡ii* routinely sleep les; thm 6 3 .iciiis on sch; nights, and.IL hi uDRuhiK。必 I dduk diaj 1 m greatlL cojivinced insured thit.On the whole 7 it is high time that eveiy one ., 比丈广saaL m#* cleat ii-qiji tli

29、c-abQv dhcu/B门 that .一实例指导 4 Keep a Happy Heart由于面临着学业和考试的沉重压力,不少中学生出现了心理负担过重、身体处于亚健康状态的情况,而这对他们的学习和生活来说意味着一种恶性循环。针对这些情况,学校开展了 Keep aHappy Heart的宣传活动。你班同学在英语课上也就此开展了如何轻松应对学习生活的讨论,现在请你谈谈自己的看法。词数 :120左右。分析:.首先审题,根据题目所给的内容提示,可以确定本写作主题是谈谈如何保持轻松、健康的心 理状态来应对繁重的学习生活。换言之 ,本写作的重点是阐述一些能够缓解中学生学习生活压 力的经验或方法。.审好

30、题之后,要注意合理布局篇章结构。根据提示内容可知,本写作要求就目前中学生当中存在的一种现象发表自己的观点,因此在写作中,首先有必要对需要探讨的现象进行简单的描述,以引起下文。其次,围绕主题结合自己的生活实际来阐述自己的观点。在这部分中,可首先提炼出具有概括性的主题句,然后归纳出几个要点进行论述。在对要点进行罗列时,要注意连接词的使用,如first, second, third 等;最后对全文做一个简单的总结和概括。,3要注意语H的蛆织,可使用,hi mv opiaion= I tliink the best wav is.等结构和 句型来呈现自己的观点和建议口初稿:With the incre

31、asing cornpetitioiL student5 like us are t?zing ntc:e and pis55口u n-Qjii nudy iid t即口inaiioRMany 口。即lre 1信噂 5口匚卜 a hm型丁 burden and.became depressedr v.hiclilead to ati ineffident study hibit?In my opinion it is urgent tc find i good way far us to relax and to maintain an opriniifuc lifust-h. First.

32、*,y can cuni ro spcns. VJiuilI feel dT_essed I .c some running, which can keep me energetic and strengthoi my will. 小.: gening i aad tiiend to calk. Findtq listen to you Open your:/;门 2nd accepr 7m亡advice,止cli cui lielp you out oi tlii trcuble Tliirdly; k e can make a good axr皿名白由亡毗 tJ qui stud; I t

33、hink - u 4】。口Id 区im a g0od “abih Er.i we can keep e-v-eirhing iri orderJu si tike a. saying goes, Tomorroiv is a. n ev diy trr q find rLe test v tc 皿 口pdmi51k lifcityk.教师点评:.这篇习作的内容充实,较为全面地论述了写作任务中所要求的要点;篇章布局较为合理,作者在论述的过程中思路较为清晰,注意到了连接词的运用,行文较为流畅自然。.文章存在的主要问题:文章整体结构上不够连贯畅通,段与段之间缺乏必要的过渡句。例如第一段最后应加上一句

34、 话来承上启下。文中有些句子指代不明,读来让人感觉有些突兀。如第二段中I think we should form agood habit. Thus, we can keep everything in order.这句话的意思就不够明确。文中还有些地方出现了时态不一致、主谓不一致的问题。如第一段中Many of us cannottake such a heavy burden and became depressed, which lead to an inefficient study.这句话中,同时并列使用了 cannot和became, became应改为become,而lead应

35、改为 leads。成稿:With the increasing competition, young students today are under more and more pressure from study and examinations. Many of us have trouble dealing with such heavy burdens and we end up becoming quite depressed, which can lead to a low efficiency in studying. Then, what should we do to s

36、tay happy and to study more efficiently?In my opinion it is necessary for us to find a good way to relax, which can help us maintain an optimistic attitude towards our lives and our studies. Here are some suggestions of how to do this. First, I think we should do more sports. When I feel depressed,

37、I often go running, which can keep me feeling energetic and help put me in a good mood. Secondly, I think we can turn to our friends, who may help us out of our trouble. Thirdly, we should make a good schedule for studying and relaxing. This will help us know exactly when to study and when to relax.

38、In conclusion, I think if we try to find some good ways to keep a positive outlook on life, we can lead a busy and happy school life.Powerful sentences:Many of us have trouble dealing with such heavy burdens and we end up becoming quite depressed.In my opinion it is necessary for us to find a good w

39、ay to relax, which can help us maintain an optimistic attitude towards our lives and studies.In conclusion, I think if we try to find some good ways to keep a positive outlook on life, we can lead a busy and happy school life.实例指导5吸烟与健康【写作任务】请根据以下提示,以 smoking is bad for your health为题写一篇字左右的文章;.吸烟有害健

40、康:烟草中最少含有两种有害物质一一焦油(tar)和尼古丁。它们损害常,影响呼吸。.吸烟能引起许多疾病:那些经常吸烟的人牙齿不好;许多烟民也因吸烟而常常咳嗽;吸烟 引起的最严重的痰病之一是肺癌,许多人被这种可怕的痰病夺去了生命,.吸烟不仅有害烟民的健康,也毒害着不吸烟的人,尤其是妇女儿童。.劝告人们不要吸烟;【写作指导】由于吸烟的危害现在是一个热门话题,无论成年人还是青少年都有着大量的烟 民,因此要想写好这方面的题目,要注意以下几点:1吸烟的危害,这个可以用你了解到的知识,只有写好危害才能对你的喔 点进行有力的支持“2要点齐全,叙述有层次,连贯自如,准确地运用了时态;并遂过着用较为 复杂的句式,

41、1要分清至次。注意层次清楚,不能平均用力. 词汇和句式要尽量避免单调5年头和结尾要前后照应。本题以文字提示的形式呈现内容要点;并且其要点己分类何楚;无需重组, 只需略加发挥一造当扩展,准确地把它们串连起来就可KJ本文要表述的再 容包括吸烟有害健康,吸烟的危害以及要人们戒烟等,其人称主要是第三人称, 时态为一般现在时,1学生习作】Smoking is bad for your healthWe all know that smoking is bad for health. This is because a cigarette includes at least two harmful sub

42、stances - tar and nicotine, which will damage the lung and affect breathing. What s more, smoking causes many illnesses. Those who often smoke have bad teeth. A lot of people always cough because of smoking. One of the most serious illnesses that caused by smoking is lung cancer. And many people die

43、 of this terrible disease. In addition, smoking is not only bad for smokers, but also bad for non-smokers, specially() women and children.Smoking is no good for health. Therefore, for the health of yourselves and also the people around you, please keep away from smoking.【救用点评11 总体评fl卜,呆者能根据本文特点进行组材,

44、按提示说明了吸烟的危害,所写文章杼合写 作要求 一些过渡性词语f组;的使用增强了文章的连贯性,全文的泰达也据通 顺,当有彳w虽的可读性。结尾句用的很巧妙,呼应了文章的主题,2-亮点或采分点!语句过渡自然,用了如;i-5 moein addition* th在亡六度等过渡词牡沁用了一些叁相较复杂的句于,如:宾语从句,定语从句等卡这些转构的使用 提升了文章的档柬廿.错误更正;_includes改为contains 内含、含有要用 contain 表示eau先d前加眦或去掉th ito5PgeialK改为gjucialh% 尤其特别”一般要用当puciaih表小j而specialty 意为“专门地孑

45、特意之.锦上添花!,.whats more 改为 what s worse 更符合主题。结尾段开头可以加上总结性的词汇(组),如:in a word ; in conclusion 。【贵在总结】通过以上分析我们可以得出以下写作策略和常用词汇及句型。.开门见山直入主题。常用句型有:Everyone knows .; It is known to all / everyonethat .4 Weall know that ./ As we all know; Almost everyone know the fact that.根据提示详细描述。描述时注意先后顺序,井注意使用恰当的过渡词使全文通

46、顺、流畅。尽量多使用一些高级,词汇或结构较复杂的句于;以增加文章的亮点或采分点,避免全篇句式过于单。常用词7匚和句型有:not only. also .; as well as; be bad for; do harmto; cause; lead to; result in; therefore , moreover; nevertheless等等。.提出建议或总结全文。常用句型和词汇有:Therefore, . should give up / stop .;keep away from 等等。实战演练据估计,在中国吸烟者约占总人口的一半,而且烟民的年龄越来越年轻,甚至一些中学生也 在抽烟

47、。请你就此看看你的看法。Smoking Is HarmfulIt has been estimated that smokers have madeup half of the population in China. And the smokers are becoming younger and younger, even including some middle school students.Nowadays more and more people have realized smoking can do harm to peoples health. However, some

48、people still enjoy smoking. Why? Because some of them think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great funand others, think that smokingcan refresh themselves.In fact, smoking is a bad habit. It can cause a lot of diseases. Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may

49、 cause dangerous fires.Smoking is harmful and it is not only bad for smokers themselves, but alsobad for non-smokers.Therefore, I hope all the smokers can give up smoking for themselves and also for the people around them.众所周知,健康的生活方式会让人终生受益,现在请你写一篇短文来谈谈如何养成良好的生活习惯和健康的生活方式,发表在班级墙报上与同学们共享。词数 :120左右。H

50、ow can we develop and maintain healthy lifestyles? In my opinion, the first thing is to get up early in the morning and go to sleep early in the evening. It is not good to stay up late at night. Next, I think we should eat a balanced diet. Don tbe too particular about food and never eat too much. An

51、d it s good for us to eatmore vegetables and fruit. Then remember to take part in some kinds of sports and spend at least one hour exercising every day. And the most important thing is to keep yourself in a good mood. Don t be annoyed about small things. I wish everybody could have a healthy lifesty

52、le and enjoy a happy life.英语中有一句人人皆知的谚语:上11 *.oik and ttdJnk a dull bo- 请你根据自己的经验和体会,以“谈娱乐”为题,写一篇议沱文,叙述一下娱乐 的重要性。从以下几个方面论述;L役有充分的休息和体育活动,不可能保持身体健康“.学生学习之余,可以从事各种各样的娱乐狂活动.许多人喜欢听音 乐,看电视4但因为我们在室内呆的时间太长,用眼太多,最好能选择一些能加 强肌肉运动的活动,如打篮球踢足球打乒乓球、游泳.跑步等.大脑的活动需要经常词剂才能保持灵敏,活跃。题目己经给出, 字数! 左右.On RecreationIt is imp

53、ossible for us to keep fit unless we often take part in activities of recreation .There are various kinds of games in our daily life after study. For example ,listening to music, watching TV, playing chess , going to the cinema. But I think we d better have more outdoor activities to supply our muscles with exercise because we usually sit too long in our classroom, and our eyes and brain get tired . So it sa good idea to play


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