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1、 - 94 -青奥媒体服务场景(chng jng)对话手册目 录 CONTENTS :文字记者(jzh)工作间服务 2 Part 1:Press Workroom Service :摄影(shyng)服务 23 Part 2:Photo Workroom Service :混合区服务 39 Part 3:Mixed Zone Service :记者看台席服务 52 Part 4:Press Tribune Service :青奥新闻服务() 62 Part 5: News Service:新闻发布厅服务 73 Part 6:Press Conference Room Service :新闻宣传

2、服务 82Part 7:Information Service附录(fl) Appendices: : 附录(fl)一: 第2届青奥会各场馆名称(mngchng)中英文对照 87th 1:The 2 Venues 附录二:场馆媒体功能区中英文对照 92文字记者工作间服务Part 1: Press Workroom Service : 接听电话,为记者提供信息咨询 接听电话。Answering telephone, providing information consultation for journalists S:你好。这里是文字记者工作间。 S: Hello, this is the J

3、ournalists Workshop. J:你好。请问比赛成绩出来了吗? J: Excuse me, has the (competition) result come out?S:已经出来了,比分是 89:76,*队获胜。 S: Yes. The result is 89:76, * team wins. J:请问本场新闻发布会的时间是? J: Whats the time for the press conference? S:不好意思,我们暂时还没有接到召开新闻发布会的通知, 如果有最新消息,我们会在文字记者工作间的公告板上张贴出来, 或者你也可以直接给电话到我们的服务台咨询。 S:

4、Im sorry; we havent received the notice for press conference yet. Once we have the information, well post it on the bulletin board in Press Workroom, or you can call our service desk for inquiry. J:今天的比赛非常精彩,我想就队员的发挥状况等问题采访*的 教练,你们能帮忙安排吗? J: Todays competition is pretty good. I want to interview coa

5、ch * about the performance of the team members. Can you help me for it? 注:本书中的“S”是 staff 的缩写,代表媒体服务工作人员;“J”是 journalist 的 缩写,代表记者。 本书中的“(1)”、“”、“”代表的是对同一个问题的不同反应的情景 S: 如果你有其他的采访需要, 可以到文字记者工作间领取申请表, 我们将根据你的申请需求,联系采访对象,尽量协助你们并安排 采访。 S: If you need to do some other interviews, please come to the Press

6、Workroom to get the application form. Well contact the interview target according to your need and try to assist you to make it. S:比赛(bsi)新闻发布会将在今天下午 18: 分在篮球新闻发布厅 45 召开。届时,*和*两国国家队的队员和教练将参加发布会。欢 迎你前来采访报道。 S: Press conference is starting at 18:45 in Basketball Press Conference Room. The team members

7、 and coaches of * and * national teams will take part in it. Welcome to report it. J:好的,我现在媒体休息区,请问新闻(xnwn)发布厅该怎么走? J: Well, I am in the press lounge. How can I get to the Press Conference Room? 为记者(jzh)提供失物招领服务 Lost and Found service for journalistsJ:你好,我的笔记本包丢失了。 J: Excuse me, I lost my laptop bag

8、. S:你好,我是。对于你笔记本包丢失一事,我们感到非 常抱歉。我们会马上联系安保工作人员进行现场勘查,并为你备 案。现在请到服务台填写失物登记表,一有消息,我们会马上通 知你。 S: Excuse me, Im *. We feel very sorry for your missing laptop bag. Well arrange the security officers for on-spot detective immediately and open a file for you. Please fill in the Lost-thing Registration form

9、at the service desk and well inform you once we have any latest information. J:我包里面还有重要的个人资料。 J: There is important personal information in my bag. S:不要着急,这是一份登记表,请详细如实写下你丢失包的时间 地点和包的特征,以及你的联系方式和工作单位。 S: Dont worry. This is a registration form. Please write down the specific time and place of losing

10、 your bag, and the features of the bag, as well as ways to contact you and your work unit. S:请问你是在什么地方什么时间丢失的?包的具体特征是什么? S: When and where did you lose your bag? Whatre its characteristics? J:昨天下午 2 点左右,在篮球馆记者看台席丢失。黑色的斜挎包, 外格还装有一支蓝色水笔和一张写了我电话号码的便签。 J: I lost it at the basketball venues Press Tribune

11、s at 2:00 pm yesterday. Its a black messenger bag, with a blue fountain pen and a piece of note with my telephone number on it in the outside bag. S:很碰巧,昨天下午 4 点左右,我们收到一个黑色包,外表特征也 正如你所描述的。现在让我先取出那个包,并核实里面的东西是 否和你所提供的信息一致。顺便麻烦一下,请出示你的证件。 S: At 4 pm yesterday, we happened to receive a black bag with t

12、he same characteristics as youve just mentioned. Now let me retrieve that bag and check the things in it with your description. By the way, please show me your identification paper. 为记者提供复印、传真服务 为记者提供复印 Photocopying and fax service S:你好,请问有什么可以帮助你的吗?S: Excuse me, what can I do for you?J:你好,这是一份最新的比赛

13、成绩表,我需要复印几份并传真一 份回我的工作单位。我想借用你们的办公设备。 J: Thank you. This is a latest competition result form. I need to make some copies and fax one to my work unit. May I use your office equipment? S:没问题。复印机和传真机就在靠门的右手边,如有需要, 复印纸和传真纸在左边(zu bian)的条桌上,你可以自己拿。 S: No problem. Copy machine and fax machine are on the ri

14、ght hand side near the gate. If needed, paper for copy and fax is on the left desk. Please help yourself. J:我可能还不太习惯用这个传真机,你们能帮我忙吗?另外,我 这里有一份电子版文档,想借用(jiyng)你们的电脑和打印机。 J: I may not be adept at this fax machine. Would you please do me a favor? In addition, I have a copy of digital document. May I use

15、 your computer and printer? S:OK,请问你的传真号码是多少?你顺便(shbin)把电子版拷到我们的 电脑上。 S: Ok, May I take your fax number? By the way, you may copy the digital document to our computer. S:不好意思,传真机碰巧出了点故障,我们的技术工作人 ) 员正在维修。如果急用的话,你可以先在我们这里复印出成绩表 后,然后到我们的其他工作间,比如摄影记者工作间去传真。 S: Im sorry. Something is wrong with the fax m

16、achine, and our technicians are working on it. If you are in a hurry, you can make a copy of the result form here and fax it in another place, such as the Photo Workroom. J:只能这样了。请问你们能带我过去吗?J: Okay, can you bring me there? S:当然,请跟我来。S: Yes, sure. Follow me, please. 成绩公报柜 Result Bulletin Cabinet J:请问

17、前天第一场比赛的成绩在哪里可以找到? J: Where can I get the result for the first match held the day before yesterday? S:在成绩公报柜左上排的第 6 个格架里,请问,有找到吗? S: Its at the sixth grid of the left upper phase of the result bulletin cabinet. Have you found it? J:找到了。对了,今天*对*的比赛成绩送过来了吗? J: Yes, I have got it. Well, has the result

18、of * vs * today come out yet? (1) S:不好意思,这个暂时不能为你们提供了。由于技术部打印分发中心出现故障,现在成绩公报无法及时打印,我们的工作人员正在打印分发中心检查维修。机器正常运转后,我们会及时补充打印公报出来并放入成绩公报柜格架里。 S: Im sorry. We cannot provide results for you now, because the machines in the printing and distribution center of the technology department are out of order, and

19、 the results cannot be printed in time. Our technicians are fixing them now. We will print them out and put them at the bulletin cabinet once the machines are working well. J:哦,真是太糟糕了。那或者你们先告诉我比赛结果。 J: Oh, Thats too bad. How about telling me the result first? S: 我们正在和 yoGNS 那边核实成绩比分,等一下我们会通过扩音 器以口头形

20、式在工作间通知大家。请稍等。S: We are checking the result with yoGNS. In a moment well use the microphone to notice everyone orally. Please wait a moment. S:已经送过来了,在公报柜第 2 排的第 7 个格架。 S: Its already come out, at the 7th grid, the 2nd phase of the bulletin cabinet.J:谢谢(xi xie)。今天的比赛真是太精彩了。 J: Thanks. The competitio

21、n today is gorgeous! 为记者提供储物柜租用(zyng)服务 Renting of storage cabinet for journalists S:你好(n ho),我是,请问有什么需要帮忙的? S: Excuse me, Im . May I help you? J:我需要借用储物柜来存放我的物品。 J: May I take a storage cabinet for my personal belongings? S:请你先填写储物柜使用申请表,并写下你的电话号码。填表之 前,还需要你交一份你的注册卡复印,作为留存资料。 S: Please fill out thi

22、s application form first. And then write down your telephone number. Before that, I need the copy of your registration card for reference. J:每次使用储物柜都要填表吗?如果我还天天都来借用储物柜的话。这是不是太麻烦了? J: Do I need to fill out the form every time I would like to use the cabinet? If it is the case, isnt it troublesome? S:

23、是的。这主要考虑到你们存放在这里的物品的安全性。在储放 物品之前,我们会给你一把钥匙。不过需要交元押金。押金会在 归还钥匙后退回给你。S: Im sorry. It is for the safety of your belongings. You will have a key before you store your things. We charge yuan as deposit which will be refunded upon returning the key. J:那我可以将我的东西在这里存放多少天? J: How long can I store my things h

24、ere? S:按规定,你们要在当天比赛结束后就要归还钥匙并把柜子里的 东西拿走。我们每天都有专门的志愿者对储物柜进行检查清理。 如果有需要,你们可以第二天再继续租用。 S: As a rule, you are supposed to take away your belongings and return the key when all the competitions are over. Our volunteers will clear up the cabinets each day. You can rent another one the next day if needed.

25、J:我东西太多的话,可以租用两个柜位吗? J: Can I rent two cabinets at a time if I have too many things? S:由于我们的储物柜有限,原则上每个记者只能租用一个柜位。 但如果当天位置比较空的话,可以为有需要的记者多提供一个柜 位。 S: One journalist can only rent one cabinet each time due to the inadequate cabinets. We can provide one more cabinet for those who need it when vacant c

26、abinets are available. 丢失储物柜钥匙 Missing the storage cabinet key J:很抱歉,我把储物柜的钥匙弄丢了! J: I am sorry. I lost my storage cabinet key. S:请问你使用的储物柜号码是多少? S: May I have your storage cabinet number? J:25 号。J: No. 25. S:请让我查看你的亚奥理事会官方证件和注册卡,跟我们之前租 用的登记表记录核对信息。另外,这是储物柜的备用钥匙,为了 确保安全,这个储物柜将立即停止使用,并麻烦转移你的物品。 S: Wo

27、uld you please show me your official documents issued by the OCA and your registration card? I need to check the information with our record. This is the spare key for storage cabinet. For safety reason, this storage cabinet is going to be suspended from service. Please transfer your things to anoth

28、er cabinet. J:我现在能重新申请租用其他储物柜吗? J: Can I apply for another locker now? S:可以,但是由于你丢失了钥匙(yo shi),我们要收取你的押金。你要再 租用的话,还要再交一次押金。 S: Yes, but since you have lost the key, we need to charge the deposit. And the deposit will be charged again if you want to rent another one. 信息(xnx)公告板 Information Bulletin B

29、oard S:下午好。请在这里(zhl)签到。 S: Good afternoon. Please sign up here. J:未来几天的赛事安排在哪里可以看到?我需要知道最新的赛况 以及关于场馆开闭的时间。 J: Where can I get the information of the competition arrangement for the following days? I need to know the latest competitions and the opening and closing time of all venues. S:在文字记者工作间的信息公告板

30、上有赛事日程变更、场馆开放 关闭时间以及天气交通等状况,你可以随时在那里查阅最新信息。S: The timetable of matches, the opening and closing time of venues, weather and traffic conditions will all be announced at the bulletin board in the Press Workroom. You can check and get the latest information there at any time.交通服务 Transportation 媒体班车服务

31、Media shuttle bus service J:今天所有比赛结束后,我仍需要留在场馆进行采访报道,请问 场馆最后一班媒体班车什么时候离开。 J: I need to stay at the venues for interview after all the matches today. When does the last media shuttle bus leave?S:您好!原则上,媒体班车在赛前 3 小时到达场馆,赛后 3 小时 最后一班车离开。班车实行固定时刻发车,每隔 15 分钟就有一班 车。如果第一班车已满员但未到发车时刻,也安排发车,原定发 车时刻点由后备车辆补齐。

32、S: Excuse me! As scheduled, the first shuttle bus arrives 3 hours before the competition, and the last one leaves 3 hours after the competition. These shuttle buses set off every 15 minutes. The first bus will leave when fully seated even if the departure time isnt due, and a substitute bus will set

33、 off at the fixed hour. J:好的。不过考虑到工作的关系,我恐怕要乘坐最后一班 班车。 J: Thats fine! In terms of my schedule, Im afraid I have to take the last shuttle bus.S:请放心,媒体班车信息会在文字记者工作间的信息公告板上有 最新提示的。 工作人员都会提前 10 分钟通知媒体班车回 MPC/IBC 的末班车发车信息。如果班车时刻表有变更,我们会与场馆交通 经理确认,然后将调整后的班车时刻表张贴在公告板上,并会口 头通知工作间的媒体记者。 S: Dont worry. The la

34、test information of media shuttle bus will be displayed on the bulletin board of the Press Workroom. Our colleagues will notice the media workers in the Press workroom 10 minutes earlier before the last shuttle bus returning to MPC/IBC leaves. If there are new changes of the shuttle bus schedule, we

35、ll put the new schedule onto the bulletin board after reconfirmation with the manager of the venues transport department and notice the media workers in the Press workroom orally at the same time. J:万一我确实(qush)没有赶上最后一班车怎么办? J: What if I really missed the last shuttle bus? S:如果您错过了最后一班车(bnch),我们将引导你乘

36、坐出租车、地铁 5 号线或公交离开场馆。 S:If by any chance that is the case, well guide you to take a taxi, subway (Line 5) or bus. J:如果我要提前离开(l ki),就是不在媒体班车固定时刻离开,你们会安 排其他车辆吗? J: If I want to leave ahead of time, thats to say, I wont leave at the fixed schedule of the shuttle bus, will you arrange other vehicle for m

37、e? S:你可以在文字记者工作间联系,我们会帮你协调交通业务口, 引导你乘坐出租车、地铁 5 号线或公交离开场馆。 S:You may contact the Press Workroom. Our staff will help you to get a taxi, or metro Line 5, or a bus. 前往指定接待饭店的班车服务 Shuttle bus to designated hotels J:打扰一下。到白天鹅宾馆的媒体班车什么时候发车呢? J: Excuse me. When is the shuttle bus to the White Swan Hotel se

38、tting off? S: 到白天鹅的班车已经出发了, 刚才我们通过广播已经通知过了。S: I am sorry the shuttle to White Swan has set off. It has just been broadcasted. J:我刚刚在通电话也许没有注意到。J: I was making a phone call and I may not notice it. S:现在距离下一班车的发车时间还有将近 1 小时,如果你不赶时 间可以到媒体休息区先用茶点,班车发车前会有广播通知,请您 留意。其他媒体班车的时刻表的信息我们也有在文字记者工作间 的信息公报板上公报,如果需

39、要查询信息您可以随时去工作间查询。S: There is nearly one hour before the next shuttle sets off. You may go to the lounge to have some tea and dessert if you are not in a hurry. We will inform all the passengers through broadcasting when the shuttle is to set off. Please pay attention to it. Information about the sch

40、edule of other shuttle buses is displayed on the bulletin board of the Press Workroom. You can check there. J:谢谢你的建议,但我还是想提前回去,明天还有很多工作。J: Thanks anyway. But I would still like want to go as soon as possible for I have a lot of work to do tomorrow and I need to take a rest. S:没问题,要给你联系出租车吗? S: I am

41、sure you are. Shall I call a taxi for you? J:可以的话就最好了。J: Its very kind of you. 前往指定接待饭店的媒体班车临时调整 Temporary adjustment of the shuttle bus service to designated hotel S:各位媒体记者请注意!刚接场馆交通运行部通知,由于突发交 通事故,前往白天鹅宾馆的媒体班车需要临时作出调整。请需要 前往白天鹅宾馆的媒体记者改乘 6 号班车,班车出发时间为 21: 00PM,每小时一班。如有疑问请到媒体咨询台进行查询,我们的 工作人员将为您提供热情的

42、服务。S: May I have your attention please. We are just informed by the Transportation Centre that the media shuttle bus has to be adjusted temporarily due to traffic accident. Those heading for White Swan Hotel please take Shuttle Bus 6 which sets off every hour and the next one leaves at 9p.m. Please

43、go to the media information desk for further details. Our staff will help you there. J:班车为什么又延误了,这已经(y jing)不是第一次这样了。我还要赶往 下一个场馆进行采访,你们能给个合理的解释吗? J: Why are the buses delayed again? It happens more than once. I am hurrying to the next venue for interviewing. Can you give me a reasonable explanation?

44、 S:这位先生您好!由于雷雨天气,广州部分道路积水,班车拥堵 在水中导致抛锚了。我们(w men)也正和交通业务口联系,尽量为你们安 排车辆。 S: Good evening, Sir! Because of the storm, some roads are drowned and the shuttle gets stuck midway. We are contacting the transportation service center and trying to arrange vehicles for you. J:希望(xwng)你们可以快点。J: Hurry up, plea

45、se. S:目前,我们已经和场馆交通经理进行沟通并启动了应急预案调 整行车路线。备用班车正赶往场馆,请您耐心等候。给您造成的 不便深感遗憾! S: We have contacted the transport manager and activated the back-up plan. Reserved buses are heading for here. Please wait a moment. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience it may cause. 媒体餐饮服务 媒体休息区订餐服务 Catering service in th

46、e Media Lounge (记者布鲁斯入座后,媒体休息区主管助理向其提供饭盒售卖服 务和订餐服务) (After Mr. Bruce, the journalist, is seated, the Assistant Director of the Media Lounge is offering purchase of dining box and catering service.) S:布鲁斯先生早上好。有什么能效劳的吗? S: Good morning, Mr. Bruce. What can I do for you?J:你好!我昨天预订了一份吉列猪排配厨师沙拉和罗宋汤。J: G

47、ood morning. I ordered a set of Breaded Pork Chop coming with Chefs salad and Borsch yesterday. S: 好的, 一份吉列猪排配厨师沙拉和罗宋汤, 对吗?还有什么吗, 先生? S: All right, a set of breaded pork chop coming with Chefs salad and Borsch. Is that all, Sir? J:我想预订明天的晚餐,并且我想吃点真正的中国菜。您给我推 荐什么呢? J: Well, I want to order dinner for

48、 tomorrow evening, and I would like to try some genuine Chinese food. What would you recommend?S:那要看情况了。您知道,中国主要有八大菜系鲁、川、粤、闽、 苏、浙、湘、徽等菜系。各有风味和地方特色。S: It depends. As you might know, there are a total of 8 major cuisines across China: Shandong ( Lu ) ,Sichuan(Chuan),Guangdong(Yue), Fujian(Min), Jiangs

49、u(Su), Zhejian(Zhe), Hunan(Xiang), and Anhui(Hui), which are different in taste and flavors. J:我听说(tn shu)川菜和湘菜都是很辣的。 J: I heard that Chuan and Xiang cuisines are very spicy. S:对。您要是爱吃辣的,可以试试。 S: Yes. If you like something hot, you may have a try. J:对我来说可能太辣了点。我还是比较(bjio)喜欢吃清淡点的。有什么 特别的广州风味菜吗? J: It

50、 may be too hot for me. I prefer something light. Is there typical Guangzhou taste? S:这你就找对地方(dfng)了。广州向来以美食闻名,就黄埔为例,有黄 埔宴、南岗鱼包、深井烤鸭、黄埔炒蛋等。 S: You just come to the right place. Guangzhou is famous for its cuisine in history. Take Huangpu as an example, Huangpu Feast, Nangang fish balls, Roast Duck a

51、nd Huangpu scramble eggs are typical and popular. J:啊,对了,听过多次了。我很想试一试。在哪儿能吃到呢? J: Yes, thats right. I have heard of them more than once. I would like to have a try. Where are they served?S:你可以提前和我们预订。我们的服务也提供部分广州风味菜, 可是最好的当然还是广州酒家和华苑酒家。如果你想与朋友坐下 来慢慢享用,这些餐馆足以满意您的口味。 S: You can make a reservation here

52、. We provide some delicious food of Guangzhou style, but the best are served in Guangzhou Restaurant and Huayuan Restaurant.If you want to have a leisure time with friends, these two restaurants may satisfy you. J:离这儿近吗? J: Are they far from here? S:不远。乘出租车 15 分钟能到。要是交通顺畅的话。 S: No. It only takes you

53、 15 minutes to go there by taxi if there is no traffic jam. J:好,多谢您的指点。请您再说一下那个饭馆的名字好吗? J: Thanks a lot. Would you please tell me the names of the restaurants once again? S:我来给您写在这张纸片上。如果忘记了的话,方便您拿给出租 车司机看。 S: I will write them down on this note. You can show it to the taxi driver if you forget how

54、to say them in Chinese. J:您真是太好了! J: You are very kind! 媒体休息区座位安排 (Seat arrangement in the Media Lounge) (记者布鲁斯与同事在拥挤的媒体休息区外等待就座) (Mr. Bruce and his colleague are outside the crowded media rest area, waiting for a seat.) S:请问您订位了吗?先生? S: Have you got your reservation, Gentlemen? J:没有。 J: No, Im afra

55、id we dont. S:很抱歉,媒体餐饮休息区已经满座了。约要等 30 分钟才会有 空桌。你们介意在休息室喝点东西直至有空桌吗?S: Sorry, sir. It is full here. You have to wait about 30 minutes before vacant seats are available and you can have a drink in the lounge if you dont mind.J:不用了,谢谢。我们等一会儿再来。请替我们预定一张二人桌, 可以吗? J: No, thanks. We will come back later. Wo

56、uld you please reserve a table for two of us? S:当然可以。请问先生(xin sheng)贵姓?S: Sure. May I take your name, please? J:布鲁斯。顺便,我们可以(ky)要一张靠近窗口的桌子吗? J: Bruce. By the way, may I have one by the window? S:我们会尽量安排,但不能保证(bozhng),先生。 S: Well try to save one for you, but it cannot be guaranteed, sir. J:我们明白了。 J: I

57、 see. Thank you. 半小时后,布鲁斯记者回来了。 (Half an hour later, Bruce comes back.) S:你们的桌子已经准备好了,先生。请往这边走。 S: Your table is ready, sir. This way, please. 茶点供应完毕如何推荐其他特色小吃 Snacks and bar (场景:J 已就座,S 上前递上餐牌) (J is seated, and S comes up with the menu.) S:您好!请问有什么可以帮您的? S: Excuse me, sir! What can I do for you? J

58、:你好!麻烦帮我上一杯红茶和一份桂花糕。J: Excuse me. Would you please give me a cup of black tea and a piece of osmanthus custard? S: 不好意思! 今天就餐的媒体记者比较多, 桂花糕暂时供应完毕, 我们的工作人员正在和餐饮部联系。如果您不介意,请等候十五 至二十分钟,我们将尽快为您提供。 S: Sorry, sir! There are a lot of journalists having dinner here and there is no more osmanthus jelly at thi

59、s moment. Our staffs are contacting the food and beverage department for more. Do you mind waiting for about 15 to 20 minutes? J:那不必了,我稍候还有采访。 J: No, thanks. Ive got some work to do soon. S:或者您可以试一下我们另外的特色小吃,如糖糕、蛋挞。 S: Or you may try some other special snacks like Tanggao or egg tart? J:蛋挞是甜的吗? J: D

60、oes the egg tart taste sweet? S:是的,蛋挞甜而不腻,香脆酥松。 S: Yes. The tart tastes sweet but it will not feed you up, and it is crispy. J:那来一份吧。 J: Give me one, then. S:好的。您点了一杯红茶和一份蛋挞。请问还需要其他的吗? S: OK. A cup of black tea and a piece of egg tart. Is there anything else? J:不用了。 J: No, thank you. S:好的,请稍候。 S: My


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