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1、I.1.将下列专业词汇英译汉/汉译英(不许写简写)商务参赞处(10%):2.速遣费3.付款交单4.仲裁条款5.平安险6.预约保险单7.投标保证金8.销售确认书9.underwriter10.through Bill of ladingII. 填空(20%):1.We are a se-operated corporation, both the import and export oftextiles. In order to you with our business lines,nclose a copy of ourExport List covering the main itempp

2、liable at present.sible for us to persuade our end-users to2.Such the case, it is imaccept your price, as material of similar quality is easily obtainable at a much lower figure. Should you be prepared to reduce your limit by, say 8%, we mightcome to .3. We learn from your letter of 10th Octobert ou

3、r price for the subject articleis found to be on the high . as we would like to cooperate with you in expanding sales, we are regretfult we just cannot see our way clear toentertain your counter-offer.4. We confirmreceived yourex No. LT/531 of May 17, asking us tomake a 10% reduction in our price fo

4、r Mens Shirts. Much to our regret, wefind itolerable towith your request because ours is the bestsibleprice if you take the qualityo consideration. However, in order to developour market in your place, we have decided to accept your counter-offer as ancase. We hope we can contract before long and aw

5、ait your prompt reply.5. Regarding furtherties required, we hope you will see your way clear tomake us an offer. As an , we are prepared to order 80 tons.The above information is given and without responsibility on our.We are in receipt of your letter of March 8, contents of which have been duly.Wit

6、h to the 4,000 dozen Shirts under our Sales Confirmation No.TE151, we wish to draw your to the factt the date of delivery isbut up to the present we have not received the covering L/C. Please doyour utmost to its establishment sot we may execute the order withinthe time. In order to avoid subsequent

7、 amendments, please see to itthe L/C stipulations are in exact with the terms of the contract.tIII. 将下列句子英译汉/汉译英(40%):1. 你方 5 月 28 日写给我姐妹公司的信已转交我方处理并答复,因为搪瓷器皿(Enamelware)属于的业务范围。2. 由于奇缺糖,因此货物应尽早地备妥待运。请相信,如果你方价格是可以接受的,立即向你方订货。3. 感谢全满意。的合作,相信这批一收到信用证后马上发运的货物会让完4. 与此同时,应由独立的鉴定人检验货物的质量和重量。关于询购的货物,买主将安排装

8、运和保险,因此你以大连港船边交货价为基础报价。5. 我方第 BC-510 号售货确认书一份以便我方存档。一式两份已航寄你处。请签字并退回6.相信的建议会提供好的前景,希望你方愿意尝试。至于我方的资信情况,你可以向我方,科威特国家(the National BofKuwait)。7. 考虑到之间友好的业务关系,打算等的信用证,该证必须在 2006 年 10 月 8 日到。8. 由于熟。在还处在初识阶段,因此认为考虑独家问题时机尚不成看来,试行一段时间看看情况怎样,这会对双方都有利。9. 标题货物的信用证已收悉,没能在本月底把货物备好。很抱歉由于产地供货商的耽搁,10. 顺告你方已在伦敦的保险公司

9、(Lloyd Insurance Company,London)办理了预约保险。货物装船后他们而已。所要做的就是将一些细节通知11. 对于像窗玻璃、瓷器这样的货物,即使已额外投保了破碎险,这种险别是以 5%的免为准。换言之,如果经检验破损的程度低于 5%, 那么损失的索赔将不予以考虑。12. 你为订的货物已备妥多时了,最近需求如此旺盛以至于保留这些货物了。很难再13.品,因此要强调,就这两批货还没有收到合同规定的广州商检局的样不能对样品进行交叉化验以确定广州商检局的数据是否正确。IV. 将下列段落汉译英(30%):1.敬启者:我方第 4567 号订单当“王子”轮(s.s. Prince)于 6 月 17 日抵达新加坡时,发现装“鱼”牌打字机的第 7 号箱子的一侧已裂开。因此在有船公司人在场的情况下,让当地的保险鉴定人打开了箱子并检查了里面装的货物。按所记箱子装 10 台打字机,其中 8 台已严重损坏。随函附上鉴定人的和船公司人的。因为持有保险单,所以如果能就此事向保险公司接洽,非常感激。需要 8 台替换打字机。请安排供货并把费用记在我方帐上。希望在保险索赔方面不会遇到什么,并向预致谢意。诚挚问候2.敬启者:我方上次从贵公司处购得的钢板(Mild Steel Sheets)已按惯例用保兑的、不可撤销的信用证支付。按照这种支


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