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1、Concept V2.6Lesson 14 Objectives:After completing this lesson, the learner will be able to:Program logic using the ST Editor.Demonstrate an Understanding of ST Language.Concept V2.6OverviewST is a high level language, similar to PASCAL or BASIC.ST is a distinct language that has been specifically de

2、veloped for industrial control applications.ST has a comprehensive range of constructs for assigning values to variables, calling FFBs, creating expressions, for conditional evaluation of selected statements, or for iteration, i.e. repeating selected section of code.Concept V2.6AdvantagesFairly stra

3、ight forward and easy to learn and to use.Compact formulation of a complex programming task.Clear program construction by instruction blocks.Powerful constructs for controlling the instruction flow.Useful for complex mathematic solutions.Simple solutions for difficult problems in FBD, LD or IL.Conce

4、pt V2.6Executed operationsLogical, arithmetic, compare operations and allocations.Complex instructions and instruction groupsunconditioned / conditioned.Declaration of functions and function blocks.Execute functions and function blocksunconditioned / conditioned. Concept V2.6Invocation of Function B

5、locksEach FFB instance must be invoked onceMultiple invocation (instantiation) is allowedFFB-call: with a list of input parametersConcept V2.6Statements, Expressions and OperatorsA structured text program contains:statements.A statement contains: Expressions KeywordsAn expression contains one or mor

6、e: Operators with Operands Admissible OperandsLiterals, all variables, elements of multi-element variables, FFB outputs or direct addressesConcept V2.6Statements must close with semicolons (;) One line may contain several statements, separated by (;)The following statements are available:VAR . END_V

7、ARDeclaration of FFBsFunction Block CallsInvoking of FFBsIF . THEN . END_IFConditioned execution of statementsELSIF . THENConditioned execution of statements, if the preceded expression is notfulfilled (false).ELSE .Execution of statements, ifexpressionsof preceded statements are not fulfilled(false

8、).NOTE: ( . means condition/expression)Concept V2.6CASE . OF . END_CASEA list of statements with given labels. Execution, if the label is true.FOR . TO . BY . DO . END_FORRepeated execution of statements up to a given number. WHILE.DO.END_WHILERepeated execution of statements up to preceded conditio

9、n = 0.REPEAT . UNTIL . END_REPEATRepeated execution of statements up to succeeded condition = 0.EXITTo terminate repeat statements(FOR, WHILE, REPEAT) before the end condition is true.NOTE: ( . means condition/expression)Concept V2.6Keywords That Can Not Be usedTYPE.END_TYP VAR_INPUT.END_VARVAR_OUTP


11、perand.The evaluation of an expression consists of applying the operators to the operands in the order defined by the rule of precedence of the operators.The operator with the highest rule of precedence in an expression will be executed first.Operators with the same precedence are executed from left

12、 to right, as described in the expression.This order can be changed through the use of parenthesis.Concept V2.6( )ExpressionBracketing1 (highest)FUNCNAME ANYFunction editing (call)2* *REAL, ANY_NUMRaising to a power3ANY_NUM Negation4NOTANY_BITComplement4*ANY_NUM or TIMEMultiplication5/ANY_NUM Divisi

13、on5MODANY_NUM Modulo5All operands also: Expression, literal, variable, direct addressOperatorOperand SignificancePrecedenceConcept V2.6+ANY_NUM or TIMEAddition6ANY_NUM or TIMESubtraction6ANY_ELEMGreater than 7 =ANY_ELEMGreater or equal 7=ANY_ELEMEquality8ANY_ELEMInequality8&, ANDANY_BITLogic AND9XOR

14、ANY_BITLogic exclusive OR10ORANY_BITLogic OR11All operands also: Expression, literal, variable, direct addressOperatorOperand SignificanceprecedenceConcept V2.6 InputOutputDefault Data TypePossible Data Types%IX,%QXBOOLBOOL%I%Q%IB%QBBYTEBYTE%IW%QWINTINT, UINT, WORD%ID%QDREALREAL, DINT,UDINT, TIMEExa

15、mple: %IX1 means address 100001 (input bit 1) %QW1 means address 400001 (output word 1)Concept V2.6Keywords, Separators and CommentsWhen entering keywords, separators and comments, there is an immediate spell checkIf a keyword, a separator or a comment is detected, it is identified with a color shad

16、ing.If unauthorized keywords (instructions or operators) are entered, this will be identified through color shading as well.Spaces and tabs have no effect on syntax, they can be used anywhere.Concept V2.6The Objects MenuConcept V2.6Example: Entering a direct function callNo declaration is required!C

17、oncept V2.6Example: Entering a function blockIN, PT, Q, and ETare the labels of thepins on a TON timerConcept V2.6Handling, generalCreate or open ST SectionType or select statement, operator etc.: Objects.Type or select operand: Edit Lookup variablesType or select FFB: Objects Insert FFB or click on

18、Insert FFB see next slideConcept V2.6Insert FFBBrowse and select FFBDeclarationInvocationAssignmentConcept V2.6Use Expand statement to complete e.g.,VAR . END_VARUse Go to counterpart to find e.g.,second bracket ( )Enter comments, consider Options, Preferences!Syntax check: Project Analyze Section.A

19、ny errors found are displayed in the message window. Double click on the first line means:go to the line with the first error in ST.Concept V2.6Code generation together with the syntax check will be performed when the section is closed.creates additional information forprocess diagnosis during code

20、generationTests loops within ST (and IL) sectionsgenerates a runtimeoptimized codeConcept V2.6Before closing the ST section, go to Project Code generation optionsThis area used for Upload functionConcept Programming in STST ExampleCommentFFB-DeclarationAND-Function with AllocationFFB call with AllocationAND-Function with Allocation FFB call with Allocation Watch Sele


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