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1、The teaching of writing英语写作构思技巧1Write a paragraph about Laura and think of a best topic sentence for it2Laura 13Laura 24Laura 35Laura 46Write a paragraph about Laura and think of a best topic sentence for it7Brainstorming for ideasIt can be doneIndividuallyIn pairsIn groupsStudents list all the idea

2、s they can think ofRelated to a topicQuickly and without much planningEither in writing or aloud8Wordmapping (or mindmapping)It is more visual form of brainstorming. When students create wordmaps, they begin with an idea at the top or center of a blank piece of paper. They then think of related idea

3、s or words and draw relationships with a series of boxes, circles, and arrows.9Brainstorming using a lifeline or timeline10Students follow suitEx1.On the line below, write five or six of the most important events of your life and put in the dates.I was BornNow use your lifeline to write an essay cal

4、led “The Major Events of My Life”. Add details.11Ex 2. Brainstorming listMake a list of descriptive details about each one._ _ _ _ _ _leathercottondark brown/plainpurple/floweryenough for 3 pplenough for 2looks more comfortablelooks more delicateNow write a paragraph comparing the two sofas.more exp

5、ensivecheaper12Brainstorming using pictures as prompts For example:What have people done to the world?13overpopulationDo you think overpopulation is an important environmental issue?14Pesticides and chemicals15Littering16Air pollution 17Contaminated ocean18 Ex 4: Brainstorm the advantage of technolo

6、gyMakes life easierand more comfortableProvide securityHas greatly improved peoples standard oflivingTechnologyMakes routine taskseasier quicker and more efficiently Makes services more efficient e.g. bankingpaying billsSave you a lot of time and energyProvide new formsof entertainment and fascinati

7、on Makes businessmore productiveHandling large amountOf data in a short time Ex 4: Brainstorm the advantages of technology19Green house effect and garbage disposal20Destruction of forests21Sandstorm,drought, flood22Animals are slaughtered23Electromagnetic pollutionelectromagnetic pollution24Brainsto

8、rming for ideas using mind-mapping e.g.125TechnologyWhy are people interested in technology? How does technology affect our life?26Further brainstormingBurglar alarmsProvides securityLaser sensorsTechnologyMakes routine taskseasier, quicker and more efficient Seeing favorite filmswith surround-sound

9、at home.Dishwashers/washingmachines/microwavesFront door camerasPlaying chesson the internetProvides new formsof entertainment and fascination27paragraph.1 Firstly, technology makes routine tasks easier, quicker and more efficiently. Most modern appliances are easy to use and can do everything from

10、cooking to washing clothes and dishes. As a result, people have more leisure time and energy to develop their hobbies.28paragraph.2 What is more, people can now entertain themselves at home. We do not have to go out as much. In fact, almost anything can be done in our home. For instance, we can watc

11、h our favorite film with surround- sound or play a game of chess on the internet.29paragraph.3 Technology is also important for security reasons. In the past, it was quite simple for a burglar to break into a house. Nowadays, burglar alarms, fitted with laser beams and front door video cameras, make

12、 homes much safer.30Ex 5: Brainstorm the disadvantage of technologyContributed to highunemploymentLess communicationbetween peopleTechnologyPeople are becominglazierPeople depend too much on machines.Elderly people Face a great challenge Has made crime easierIt may cause air and noise pollution whic

13、h arethe main causes of diseases and infections 31Further brainstormingContributes to highunemploymentThink lessTechnologyPeople are becominglazierPeople depend too much on machines.Children cannot solvea math problem withouta calculatorTake the easy way outHas reduced the need formanual labour Robo

14、tsand advancedmachinery32Paragraph 1 To begin with, technology has contributed to high unemployment. The twentieth century has been one of dramatic technological progress, however the widespread use of robots and advanced machinery has reduced the need for manual labour. Many workers are laid off. T

15、his may lead to a very serious social problemcrime.33Paragraph 2 Another growing concern is the fact that young people rely on technology too much. They are incapable of for example, working out a maths problem without a calculator. They are inclined to think less and take the easy way out. As a res

16、ult, they are becoming lazy.34Mind-mapping e.g. 6: Brainstorm about a person My sisterShort and straight hairJackets andjeans3. White sneakers4. Mens suitBasketball &football Watching boxing andwrestling onTV“ladies first”to other girls“I should havebeen a boy”app

17、earancehobbiesWhat she often Says36 My sister My sister is a boyish girl. Her hair is short and straight just like a boys. She doesnt like those bright colors such as red, yellow, pink and green, but likes white, black and grey best. Never caring for skirts, stockings and stylish shoes, she loves we

18、aring jackets and jeans. A pair of white sneakers are always on her feet. Sometimes she wears a mans suit and leather shoes as if she were a gentleman. Basketball and football are her favorite sports. She also enjoys watching boxing and wrestling on TV. She always shouts and cheers excitedly when sh

19、e is watching a football match. When she is with her friends, she often says “ Ladies first” to other girls. The most interesting thing that she has been mistaken for a boy many times. And she is very pleased with that. She always says that she should have been a boy.37Noisy colored shortsSandals ba

20、refooted Dyed bright- colored hairLikes eating e.g. roast mutton sings all the time parties and moviesDating girls Hanging pictures of girls up on the wall Smiles when being criticizedLife is but eating, drinking, and playingConsiders life is boring if theres no beauty around himHis thoughtAnd/orsay

21、ingHis AppearanceEx 7 brainstorm about a personHis behavior or attitude towards others38Arthur Arthur is the most typical pleasure-seeking American I have ever met. On hot summer days, if you look through our office window, you can easily spot him in noisy-colored shorts and a pair of sandals, bare-

22、footed. At lunch time, he is often seen seated in a Xinjiang restaurant, munching roast mutton, and humming a tune at the same time: “A-La-Mu-Han.” He eats a lot though he is already overweight. He proudly says: “Life is but eating, drinking and playing”. 39Arthur (continues)He considers that life w

23、ould be dull if there is no beauty around him. Therefore, whenever you enter his office, you will find yourself surrounded by a dozen of girls, all in bikinis, smiling at you from the walls. Although he has been criticized for hanging so many “pornographic” pictures, he has never stopped adding more

24、 on the already busy walls. He usually puts on a big smile when being criticized about the pictures. I often think that Arthur is perhaps the happiest man in the world in his own way.40Conclusion 1Ways to conclude a paragraph:Restatement: reformulate the topic sentence or restate the topic sentence

25、as a question. (dont use the exact same words)41Example 1Topic sentence English is hard for me to learnConcluding sentenceReformulation: I hope I can overcome these difficulties.Questions: Can you see now why English is so difficult for me to learn?42Conclusion 2Summary: Conclude by summarizing usin

26、g adverbial connectives such as in short, to sum up, for these reasons43Example 2Topic sentence Can we learn anything from television?Concluding sentence In short, TV has much to teach us if we choose our programs carefully.44Conclusion 3Recommendation: When it is appropriate, the final sentence of

27、a paragraph can also be a recommendation, a suggestion, or a warning. (example)45Example 3Topic sentence Smoking does more harm than good to our health.Concluding sentence Therefore, I strongly recommend those smokers to quit smoking NOW!46Characteristics of a good paragraphUnityDevelopmentCoherence

28、Good transitionGood grammar47Unity and DevelopmentUnity A central theme; one topic sentence ( main idea) and all sentences within the paragraph relate to the topic sentence.Development The paragraph should have sufficient information to support the topic sentence.48Coherence & Good Transition Cohere

29、nce Proper order; each sentence leads smoothly and logically to the next sentence.Good transition Use transition words (discourse markers) that help to clarify meaning.49Good GrammarGood grammar-The paragraph should have proper punctuation, accurate spelling, appropriate choice of words, and correct

30、 sentence structure.50Discourse Markers (标记语)Road signs51Definition:Discourse markers refers to many different parts of speech, all of which act like road signs to tell what lies ahead in the discourse (语篇). They can relate sentences to each other to show contrast, add information, give examples, or

31、 show result. If you use these markers when you write, the organization of your ideas will be clearer for your reader.52Examples of Discourse MarkersAddition: and; in addition; Contrast: but; although; howeverCause/result: so; because; as a resultexamples: for instance; such as; Enumeration: firstly

32、; secondly; finallyEmphasizing: in fact, as a matter of factSumming up: in conclusion, to sum up, on the whole, all in all53More exercises: (Handouts ex1 )Ex 1. Read this sports report which was written for a class magazine. Improve it by adding the linking words below it. You may use each word more

33、 than once. and, before,however,but,although Last Monday the Socceroos played in Birmingham against Aston Villa. They played well. Luck was not on their side. They were defeated. That was their first defeat in this world tour. They must play five or six more games in the UK and Europe. They return h

34、ome on September 19th. Their next match is against Manchester United. This is expected to be close match. The Socceroos are tipped to win.54 Last Monday the Socceroos played in Birmingham against Aston Villa. They played well but luck was not on their side and they were defeated. However, that was t

35、heir first defeat in this world tour. They must play five or six more games in the UK and Europe before they return home on September 19th. Their next match is against Manchester United. Although this is expected to be close match, the Socceroos are tipped(=be likely to ) to win.55Topic sentence. Fi

36、rstly_. Also, _In addition, _. Another point is,_.In conclusion,_.Essay writing template (模板)56Example: “Pocket money spoils teenagers” Do you agree? Brainstorm about the good things about “Pocket money”Pocket moneyTeach them to beresponsibleA feeling of maturityA sense of satisfactionAppreciate the

37、 valueof moneyAppreciate parentsA feeling of independence57Topic sentence: Many people believe that pocket money spoils teenagers, however, this is not necessarily the case. In fact, teenagers have a lot to gain from receiving pocket money for many reasons.58FirstlyFirstly, giving teenagers pocket m

38、oney can teach them to be responsible as to how they are going to spend it. After all, being on a limited budget makes them realize that they can not afford anything they want whenever they want, which is a good preparation for the rest of their life.59Also In addition Another pointAlso, this may he

39、lp teenagers appreciate their usual providers their parents.In addition, being somewhat independent and free to spend their pocket money as they please, gives teenagers a feeling of maturity. Another point is that most of them get a great sense of personal satisfaction whenever they buy something us

40、ing the pocket money they have saved. This helps teenagers appreciate the value of money.60In conclusionIn conclusion, I do not believe that pocket money spoils teenagers. Learning how to handle money from a young age helps them grow into sensible, mature, responsible and independent human beings.61Example: “Pocket money spoils teenagers” Do you agree? Brainsto


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