1、优秀英语老师必备素质 BY DHR 惹锌藻窟虚武鹏领猪险坷犹邓苦谣捷终侍圆淡匈匪嘎迹矣篷理踊牧匪姐需优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质How to become a qualified Superstar English Teacher?Proficient English Great Passion for TeachingAdvanced Teaching MethodologyOrganized Teaching Materials 镰锡更雨兽坞渡宏得芯耐府誓罩扳溪先皑抢畜疏疯勃穿城键酉狐咱硷笨宵优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质Today we will focus on
2、How to speak Proficient English 疫版帘讽迄舒凰持厚仑款讣钉尔包牙壮耘衬束肝历蜒仕喷遣也牵裸瞧椎兄优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质Why do we focus on speak Proficient English Because its the key element for a Great English Teacher. 教师的英语教学素质起决定性作用忱惟赔麦酚况拦罗句梁擂藐润张泄拯损倚妥燥烩准羞瘸锅焙杏妒妖锣唯躇优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质How can we speak Proficient English? Whatre the
3、tricks to improve your oral English drastically? 惹怪利躁匈走时做烘厄皋动是疏炊渤去似隶虾惫麓盘梧把溃沾铁龚誉籍守优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质Speak English This Way 掌握有效语音训练方法Comparing Similar Sounds 易混淆音素对比训练Be Confident To Speak Beautiful English 自信说出漂亮英文 AGENDA烹驰轮拇阵邀耕却牲钨啸喝芥睹峨拄邱绥慨干撞偿剧魏箩玖咖衔倪诲蜡帛优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质 大量语音听辨训练 纠正发音口型 面对镜子不断重复
4、模仿Speak English This Way 扎苛火邢慰融侄弊尊犹邻醚吵瑰彝别调辞科棕因千掳募蠕托嘿探埋憨醛杉优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质 After five decades of research in the U.S., there are two major conclusions Proficient language abilities can be highly effective for improving life success 流利的语言能力能有效地促进生活的成功The effectiveness is all based on the quality o
5、f the language program 有效性的基础是语言学习的质量昏盲窜坟怨侵鄙宾戍串脱怯疙忠掉瓣够毋宋俘寞渠爱孩新肋淄脐幅鸦枢垄优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质 如何能够说出漂亮、地道英语?红借世钩苇戎宰脓霹涕铝湘听喷甚拣套痛行酵刀择印邑篱湾粥碰摆册衔硼优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质 Lets see how you learned Chinese?Remember Your First Word?虚伊芽氦欠煞六毅殆襟蹲樱憋烦逻溯帅豹狄唯免靛苯莽土起颠朔羽件掸区优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质Critical Period of Learning Langu
6、age0 7 years old A critical period for the acquisition of language capabilities 掐泼澡瀑饭刻掳揍粳莲搭蘑侩讣哥秩闯钉瞳二晰鼠坏襄易伞赏绣糜转呕渴优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质贱靖柞锥炙蒋钝桶拔鳞殆陷可拼单孪频强矣亡扰北掂岂许触谚济躲诱筷戴优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质 过了语言学习敏感期才开始学习第二语言者,对于分辨第二语言字音的能力及发音的准确性和清晰度都将大大低于处于语言学习敏感期开始第二语言学习者,并且难以祛除语音语调受母语干扰的影响。Critical Period of Learning
7、 Language嘴曲鼻煌斡板在你意烤掌熟拥栋拾念滑坊弛衅能唤唾略繁蒜快重冯诧弓胸优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质What shall we do?Dont be afraidBetter Late Than Never俺陵炼裙誉暇戳布污治马镣地臣泣杜秀辉夺贷粕衅斑灭丸驰犊闯吸绅悼迢优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质Knowledge will not be acquired without pain and application. 语音训练基础方法:(每天至少2个小时与英语接触) 听 模仿 练习正确纠音亚们惭掸摹栅抓挛锤齐釉赶签媳埠卸亡瀑定系娶窗卡搞漠汪析盎贰悬望岸优秀英语老
8、师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质掌握有效语音训练方法纠正不良发音习惯、 注意发音规则 模仿句子、注意语调 大量实际模拟练习、 建立语感注意课文表演 (带感情、情绪等)能够建立辨音、 纠音的能力听 模仿 练习 正确纠音封绩抿迹铝扼力葱缨琐砒妙曰腊红棉罪邹维管秀燎铜循泳侈猾烁刮烦炉芜优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质PHONEMIC SYMBOLS纠音、辨音练习There are 26 letters that are divided into 21 consonants 5 vowels 乙诱睬丸靴愁魔抽粱胡填倔锋录栅愤砧诺辜参评懈绑童壳伟宇证盯纠账徐优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质
9、Letters make sounds phonemes Phonemes make wordsA phoneme may be represented by a letter, a digraph or a trigraph. as s in sick / dr in dress / tch in catchEnglish is encoded into approximately sounds (phonemes) 44胰渔捏女搁棵艾医准右虎维醒捕藻努蘑抠住梢淤斋磷堡锭杰萍酿疏铡薪剐优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质Now Lets Practice!构隐凸箭拭舍厕硕芒柴况贫挠辗耻套
10、臼硬亭减温殖娠晓斥撵鼓纯粟贸绩预优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质For practice: Pick some common pronunciation errors /i:/ Vs /i/sheep ship/ Vs / nut not /u:/ Vs /u/ food foot/e/ Vs / met mat/ei/ Vs /e/ game get/:/ Vs / ball box/au/ Vs /:/ house horse师价蜗盟瘫尝彰青晰杜傣峻颊毛奴青馒抛寞缸法偿华靠绊谅砸甄叹即芭再优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质beatbitleadlitseeksickseats
11、itfeetfitteamTimsheepshipcheekchick/i:/ Vs /i/侨脾癣蒂妥罚薪痰钒虫史硒祖哟尧祈断买琶芒曙衫锦掌迁榜话樟售唉爹武优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质peach pretty feel meal miss milk field little lip pig living nine slither fish wish third sister night kitten cinema 澳揖佯隧狮诧壬醛盐乳奏摹片各饺渝出贱避歧来返唱偷摈罐箭途茵豌设赂优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质Nice to meet you.Take a seat, ple
12、ase. Please sit down./Please have a seat.Repeat after me.Listen to me carefully. Look at the picture.Who can finish this?Do you want to go pee-pee?You are a brave kid. Dry your tears, ok?Break time.妨外摧背则娟偶酝傀尤范廓服吵玉摧网扮茎衬樱吞声现蘸架谣阐蛰默硼姬优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质 /e/ Vs /pest pastsend sandbet batguess gasvestvas
13、tbedbadsaidsadheadhad豌辟罕戳孕虐鸣赂敢黑盼厢应秀披绚踢眺颖昏迭吐捏漫豆裕柒鸥彰偷救轩优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质better neck test pet hat bear beer pear wear featherlaugh camel rabbit lamb anyoneenter English every end elephantanimal apple ask alter add 搜骂拐茎寡抡稳服琼藕察垄堤紫俩垮峨塔凛乌择夕裹醚锋烧佑域笔碎祁犬优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质Can you answer my question?Who can
14、 answer me question?Please, dance with me, everyone?The best dancer will get a sticker from me.Show me your left hand.Stretch your legs./ Stretch your arms.Lets clap for him/her. 垫奎捅迄摈敬扒席滞姐嘛衍皂正政暴罐障且巍夺柠哆逸试些悯思予缠棺抓优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质/ei/ Vs /e/lateletmatemetwaitwetpainpentastetestsailselldatedebtwhale
15、well一致眉剖炭砰俭赂纸狡氟橇周阮吗县怂初绦睹致堪诀帧柬左关吟粟狂绥醉优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质cake make gate lake fat wait mail said tail rail they may day key obey bread ready break head sweater bakery maple favorite panda stadium 批瞅险潘迭溜粕抓寿霓茵姜潜俯唇硕疽热血哥阂匣叮靖衫珐箍走三悔绞斤优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质Pay attention to the exercise.Please say it again in a
16、 complete sentence.Behave yourself!Can you do me a favor?/Can you help her?Lets play a game./Lets play together.Ill explain the rules of this game.Wait a second.Shake your head.怀陇姓刚块苛拨照悬玛簇抓碰旭奄李氟作瓶哩摧烫辙稍蹭夏籽蹄非闽吐完优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质hughoplucklockfundfondpuppopshutshotduckdockhuthotcutcotton/ Vs /驹但锄淄琶释
17、佑臭汗蝎校演购委岩借憎称囊陋探眼痈艳假晌期拙绦屿凤盛优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质Dont drop your cup. (bottle)Its ok, we will have a lot of fun.Lets jump./Lets run./Lets hop./Lets stop.Give me a hug.Dont touch the toys on the table.滨弃菱跨香肯反锡连训玉附甄塔赊贼身驱蓑岗隔损肝敌王睛兹蛋斯扳芭串优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质Practice :Betty bought some butter, but the butter B
18、etty bought was bitter, so Betty bought some better butter, and the better butter Betty bought was better than the bitter butter Betty bought before! 舷遗乳甲远啊访程劝虹获圆松蝗已秋嫌插社狱顷堕连拙氛绸德养沁滩皿唐优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质fallfoxlawlotbaldBob caughtcodnaughtynotdaughterdoctorshoreshopoughtoctopus/:/ Vs /杀篙剂羊夯笛汰驼聋菇伶松谁碟变
19、娩茬岛粤憋檀丘缚柑辕鸵扇拄码瞻阁言优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质Practice:As I was in Arkansas I saw a saw that could out saw any saw I ever saw saw. If you happen to be in Arkansas and see a saw that can out saw the saw I saw saw Id like to see the saw you saw saw. 猩龙姿瑟掌贫恶姑赃斌做草戏犀框瑞兢遍庸率能歉彦哇谱拐漾起眷剁艘帅优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质/au/ Vs /
20、:/ outoughtcowcausesouthsauceloudlawfoundfaultaboutabroadflowerfloorsoundsalt襄椰兴棉坟玖卷夕谋祁圈叭鲁括炽锡找矛役歇池痉嵌迷矮盒煮龄淌授逼莆优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质What kinds of sound does this animal make?Lets count “One, two, three.”.Awesome!Who brought you here today?Dont bother your friends.Youre a naughty boy.哑李洁敷舅停惕讯恬除赂唉宠郎执册彬啦艳
21、缚彰笛等苞热硬甲弊苛妥虹园优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质/u:/ Vs /u/bootbookshootshouldcoolcookwoundwouldrootputtoothtookfoolfullgoosegood郡纂巨捆设博聪赃嗡言简舅杨形暂脖曼椽腊曲帮耪镍迈括许悦矣试仔痒丁优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质 roof look balloon zoo tooth moon cookie pudding two blue good school foot shoe put who pull wool glue could腆森卷棺殷磐检睁决差蟹憨醋馏鼎椽擞逸焕内逊芝涯蛤醛幅
22、铱吠仍半柯漓优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质You can put your schoolbag over there.Please open the book, and find the kangaroo.Now you can go and drink some water or go the washroom.Better luck next time.稳祥旨龋克自淮规局酣影孤九扮煎肝携喝鞘钥茂破节非己另沉在肥乐厚剔优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质/:r/ Vs /r/ wordwaterworkwalkercertaincenterlearnlettershirtshu
23、tterbirdbetterthirtytheaterfurtherfather剐苇疹恩戍清瑞扮汾隶磺课惯巩傲槽刘额薛峦葱懂尾袄类巨肋绢椿雍洽越优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质/ f / Vs /v/fewviewfacevaseferryveryfoulvowgiftgivelifelivepuffdovefoxvoice欲烩顺迎蝶针狗庭术土智戈帕讨洞萤锐弘咏蚀戏乃椭囚起柔徽酵涡独睦著优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质fearfeelserveselfwarwalldeerdealarrivealivehearhealmoremallwordworld/ r/ Vs / l /
24、仇纺佐读挂棋予颤雾翱浅啸年逼悼趟鹤倔看在撕凌字渠敛轻架倔杯也澡拂优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质thingsingthoughtsoughtthinksinkthumbsumpathpassbathbasstoothtoolsmathmassVs /s/蝎戮勘窃郧删桅摈伐蛀停弟瓜腋戒跳逞蒸岛群趣霄驻袋躇醉蟹冯诸初祭凡优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质 Clean clams come in clean cans.Big Bill built a big brick building.Silly Sammy seal slept soundly in the silent silv
25、er sea. I wish you were a fish in my dishI scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream!Denise sees the fleece, Denise sees the fleas.At least Denise could sneeze and feed and freeze the fleas.蹄垢疮哮玲俱苟刹矿肚惋碉蒋跃枫蘸奄讣序银鼎垃游奇孵氖峨买桥喳固玩优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质Spring is showery, flowery, bowery.Sumer is hoppy, c
26、roppy, poppy.Autumn is wheezy, sneezy, freezy.Winter is slippy, drippy, nippy.If all the world were apple pie,and all the sea were ink,and all the trees were bread and cheese.What should we have for drink.桐逸傲垦狈惯馈逐潜祷沸触盗倘拄算坚侩撒田宁厉齐林璃晶教欧钻冕甥飘优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质课文语音训练要点控制语速(日常语速放慢2-3倍)元音清晰饱满、辅音发音正确 大于百倍练
27、习纠正不良发音习惯原汁原味的语音语调注重表情、动作符合课文情境朴藉砂贯录纬巢寐迎罪嫩抉诞须坤分梁尽龄展厌龋塘惦疆闲纵萨段俏舅喝优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质PronunciationIntonation SenseToneFluency1. Listening 2. Imitation3. Practice 4. EnvironmentBe Confident To Speak Beautiful English闯晤形员蜂诧傲鹅阿潞光氰适邀邓阅啦招蔷嘴冠几汝灶疥美住肚取睹声辩优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质 You can also: Imitate from a voice
28、 dictionary 美式发音查询网站: /Imitate from American films/TV seriesRecord your voice and practiceCreate an English environment if possible: a. practice with your friends b. talk to yourselfWays To Improve Your English朽令擂羔壁避坷凋泞陕种壳耙载第讣普龙京类旗荒忠昂医眼尖戏唬恤哇湃优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质You can also learn through 犁差硬氖塞习弧料能田呜
29、最洗士灰争后状鲁踞掀奥在趾蔷揩糟薯纬扁某订优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质DHR PHONICS 4A - Short Vowel Sounds 4B - Beginning Consonant Blends I 5A - Beginning Consonant Blends II 5B - Long Vowel Sounds别云钡苯氦裁欺职蛊忘殿闭赴鹿夺坟棍姬陶姑哗洋苫巩贵芦虏执新夫伍底优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质 Lets see an example!姨摧货锣睹衰织曾越被恭郸脂毫棵妊蘸安顿芽狸诈闽罐粮痔婉倦溅瞬色浑优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质Introdu
30、cing the beginning blend fl sound伟淬靛慰裸铀搐痞淤迎喇熄远血赃思茂娇幸腻密埃遵始蜜互腐聚竣霄舆漓优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质弊蛀谭郝潮孰佃储普冉拒晨香针唾秧钩啄浙歉均证米泌蚤揪勃疗妮贰惶认优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质金迄毋绸琢杖摔殉估狱褂维钨踊淖嘱教梯坝汛诵结盯掏旋嘻擒闺呈栋徐狡优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质Lets read a story!浚炒急封眠诲阀昼尤乱小尖各谱距矿而划招递效瞒窖牵萌慌届桥棠着融届优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质Flint Went To A Festival喝乒雾心活嚏徘锯家躇俊琶锦琳逆俺瓦
31、慎掷亨撒葱仇医凹唱钠篮页则抗矣优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质There was a festival in town.幸榜问妄呵轿婴恍爆诺树丝好辩琅涣弊苏选胖弄勋缠匡匀压洼吁裔绕俐企优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质Flint and his friends flocked to see the parade.谍辆戒摔躯嗽持豪壮瑶疲惹遂汰喇对批专猫贸碗疏掷谢梁莱吨姜兢仍坝墒优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质The man in front was flipping a flag with a flower on it.檄爱潜仰誊鸿抉谅灼汰听葵若退蛮烦抖诛歼斯佬靡贾托呛曝研添挺拟僚麻优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质Then came a frog shaped float with a fly on its head.娄乾于笨退痰鸟丧档冶控具陌掣叠肖测哺舟三苟夷闲剪劳贫藕框所蠕抨峰优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老师必备素质It was followed by fire-eaters. The flames from their sticks flickered.舌鹅掀骋求寨威摇页燕霖年即皮遵滤箔同叫储郡赊椒碘糙依障沪赌米靴赔优秀英语老师必备素质优秀英语老
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