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1、adj. 高兴的, 快乐的delight v. 使高兴delightful adj.令人高兴的be delighted _由于而高兴be delighted _高兴的去做withto doThe baby _see his mother.is delighted to小孩很开心见到他妈妈v. 援助,协助assistant n. 助手 服务员assistance n. 援助assist sb. _ sth.assist sb. _ doing within他帮她做作业He _her_ her homework.He _ her_ _her homework.assistedassistedinw

2、ithfinishing adj. 1. 热心的, 热切的 2. 渴望的, 急切的 be eager for sth.渴望某事物 be eager to do迫切地去做某事is eager forThe panda _ delicious food.concentrate v. 集中concentration n. 集中concentrate on sth/doing sth集中注意力于 concentrate ones mind on sth/doing sth把 注意力 集中于这个小孩在认真阅读The baby _ _ reading.愤怒的小鸟把注意力集中在绿猪身上The angry b

3、irds _ their _ _ the green pig.concentratedonconcentratedonmind_on sth/doing sth _ on sth/doing sth_ on sth/doing sth把注意力集中于.concentratefocusfixvt. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _取得, 获得 学到; 养成(雷达等)捕获(目标)acquisitionacquire a good knowledge of sth 精通acquire a habit of doing sth 养成的习惯她精通英语和数学She _ _ _ _ _ English and m

4、aths.她每天早上都背单词She _ _ _ _ reciting words.acquiresagoodknowledgeofacquiresahabitofvt. _估计;评估;评assessment n.评估The value of this property was _ _ one million dollars.这份财产的价值估定为一百万美元。assessedsth be assessed at + money被估价为.atvt. _告知,通知informant n.告密者information n.信息你把工作情况告诉李明了吗?Did you _ Li Ming _ the wo

5、rk?他告诉她他在考虑上大学He _ her _he was considering going to a college. inform sb of sth告知某人某事inform sb that告诉某人informofinformedthatdepend on sb/sth 依赖某人某物depend on sb to do sth依赖某人去做某事我们是否能去参加派对取决于爸妈的意愿Whether we can go to the party _ _parents wishes.当我们长大后,我们不能依赖爸妈去谋生When we grow up, we can not _ _ our par

6、entsdependsondependon_ depends. 看情况而定_ depends. 看情况而定ThatItvt. _控告,归咎accusation n. 控告accuse sb of doing sth控告某人做某事警察控告他谋杀了那个老人The police _ him _ _the old manaccusedofmurderingaccuse sb. _ sth./doing sth.控告、指责某人某事charge sb. _ sth./doing sth.控告、指责某人某事ofwith提醒某人某事通知某人某事使某人信服某事说服某人某事抢劫某人某物使某人摆脱某事警告某人某事r

7、emind sb. of rm sb. of sth.convince sb. of sth.persuade sb. of sth.rob sb. of sth.rid sb. of sth.warn sb. of sth.He runs every day _ weight.He runs every day _ he can lose weightso as to loseso as to do sth=so that+从句为了做某事为了减肥,他每天跑步so thatin order to do sth=in order that+从句in order to losein

8、 order thatHe runs every day _weight.He runs every day _he can lose weightdeny 拒绝deny doing sth 拒绝做某事他拒绝考试作弊 He _ _ in the examdeniedcheatingguilty adj 犯罪的,有罪的;内疚的guilt n. 罪过,内疚be guilty for sth 对内疚be guilty of sth犯罪我为我的不辞而别感到内疚.I _ _ _leaving without saying goodbye.他犯有谋杀罪。He _ _ _murder.amguiltyfor

9、isguiltyofdilemma 困境in a dilemma 处于困境中 vt. _ _ _要求请求需要demanding adj.要求很高的,费力的demand to do sth要求做demand that+从句(should do sth) 要求The cat demands _ eighteen hours a day.The cat demands _ it _eighteen hours a day.to sleepthat(should)sleepsatisfy the demand of sb=meet the demand of sb ahead of 在前面,先于;胜过

10、Do not go too far ahead of me.别在我面前领先太远Were about 60 years ahead of you.我们比你们领先60年The Italian team is 3 points ahead of the English one. 意大利队领先英国队3分As a writer, he is ahead of time.作为一个作家,他领先于时代approve vi.赞成,认同Vt. 批准,通过approval n.赞成,批准1. 公司总裁批准了建筑计划。 误:The company president approved of the building plans.正:The company president approved the building plans.表示“批准”、“通过”,此时只用作及物动词,其后跟宾语时无需任何介词approve sth 2. 我不


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