1、上海南汇中学2012届高三英语翻译练习 (教师用)PAGE 28英语翻译天天(tintin)练I 基础(jch)词汇人们敬仰这位退休(tuxi)教师一生对教育事业的奉献。(admire) 小男孩恳求妈妈给他买那个正在电视上做广告的玩具。 (advertise) 影院已经做出规定: 13岁左右的小孩必须由父母陪同观看这部电影。(age) 这个优等生在音乐方面样样精通,更别提唱歌了。(let alone) 有些专家认为,家长给孩子什么都行,就是不能给他过多的金钱。(anything but) 直到我们靠近这座纪念碑才意识到它有多雄伟。(approach) 老师安排我代表学校致辞,欢迎在座的外宾们。
2、(arrange) 总经理将会选派一个最合适的人来负责下个月将要被执行的这个计划。(assign) 学会骑自行车的关键就在于如何保持身体的平衡。(balance) 在三个月辛苦调查的基础之上,警方终于将他确认为杀人凶手。(basis) 她从失败中吸取的教训是听听别人的意见或多或少都是有好处的。(beneficial) 父母过高的期望会使孩子们将来害怕和别人竞争。(compete) 尽管候选人失利了,而且心情很不好,但他还是微笑着,祝贺对手获得大选的胜利。(congratulate) 正是大量使用塑料袋才导致了严重的环境污染。(contribute) 电影中主人公的悲惨遭遇终于使他相信了努力的重
3、要性。(convince) 在这个现代社会,学校应该注重培养学生与人合作的能力。(cooperate)让我们(w men)失望的是,因为(yn wi)Tom父亲不同意(tngy)他的请求,他最终退出了校篮球队。(disapprove)当孩子碰到挫折时,家长要试着鼓励他们,以防止他们泄气。(discourage)日以继夜的工作会消耗年轻人对生活的热情。(drain)没有人会愿意聘用那些没有主见的人,无论他多么能干。(employ) 我再也不忍看到她如此绝望。(endure)政治家不应该忙于那些可能会影响其政治判断力的商业事务。(engage)这张票可以让你在这个旅馆免费地吃一顿饭。(entitl
4、e)星期四,我看见你站在大剧院门口。 (entrance)大多数家长都想让孩子受到良好的教育。(equip)我想把这件衣服换一件小点尺寸的。(exchange)同学们都被他的非洲冒险故事吸引住了。 (fascinate)教师有责任培养学生的能力,为学生的终生发展打下坚实的基础。(foundation)扩大词汇量对于提高阅读速度是很有必要的。(essential)为了使学生写出好作文,老师为他们提供了几篇样文。(furnish)我非常感谢你提出的有建设性的建议。 (grateful)每次我去看祖父母,他们总是轻轻拥抱欢迎我。(greet)你们能保证完成任务吗?(guarantee)如果使用不当,
5、核能会对人的健康和安全造成危害。(harm)我和鲍勃一起和睦工作已有几十年了。(harmony) 如果人类继续破坏环境,那么就会趋向灭亡。(head) 遇到困难时,他总是毫不犹豫向他人求助。(hesitate)这座纪念碑是为那些在战争中献身的战士们而立的。(honour)不要把自己(zj)的愿望强加在别人身上。(impose)我本来有机会(j hu)使她对我的办事效率有印象,但是我错过了这个机会。(impress)这位百万富翁把他所有的钱都捐给了穷人,所以他的孩子(hi zi)并未从他那边继承到任何钱。 询问别人的私事被认为是不礼貌的。(inquire) 他的演讲激励了我们在失败之后再做一次尝
6、试。(inspire) 那封信指示他立即向总部汇报。(instruct) 他患有心脏病,幸运的是,他为自己投保了长期病险。(insure) 他的书不仅是为了儿童而且也是为了大人写的。(intend) 不要把自己孤立起来。(isolate) 从他的话来判断,他对他的儿子的表现非常失望。(judge) 热衷于电脑游戏对学生的健康和学习都不利。(keen)在国际贸易中,精通英语是必需的。(knowledge)我们能忍受的疼痛是有限度的。(limit)这座新建的大桥位于黄浦江畔。(locate)他在大学主修历史,毕业后,却成了一名翻译。(major)作为一名足球运动员,你应该记住重要的不是胜利而是参与
7、。(mind)我对误拿了你的包而深感抱歉。(mistake)如果你把蓝色和黄色混在一起,你就能得到绿色。(mix)我很奇怪他今天为什么情绪这么差。(mood)法律规定父母必须送子女上学。(oblige)如果没有人反对这个计划,我们将于下个月实施。(object)他在退休时获赠这块手表。(occasion)他忙着准备下周将在复旦大学(f dn d xu)做的演讲。(occupy)他们(t men)不像百货商店(bi hu shn din)那样,对顾客提供相同的服务。(offer)大夫跟Jane说她得在床上躺三个月,然后她的膝盖才能开刀。(operate)他们说的话完全不符合事实。(oppose)
9、地到那儿去了,却只发现一个人都没有。(pleasure)葡萄酒在美国越来越受人欢迎,但还不如其他国家普遍。(popular)他们总是找借口拖延做事。(postpone)大百货商店大减价的时候人们蜂拥而至。(pour)每天练习说英语越多,你的进步会越大。(practise)观众对她的表演给予了高度的评价。(praise n. )约翰正在祈求没有人注意到他的缺席。(pray)我喜欢(x huan)打电话,不愿写信。(prefer)他们正忙于为即将(jjing)召开的学校运动会作准备。( preparation)孩子们正在为明天的野餐(ycn)作准备。(prepare)据说总统将出席音乐会。(pre
11、)上个星期一她给我发来一封邮件,但直到现在我还没有回复她。(reply)这家饭店名声很好,要预定一个席位不容易。(reputation)当被困的矿工们几乎要放弃时,营救队用牛奶和面包救了他们。(rescue n.)据说禽流感对某种抗流感药物有抵制作用。(be resistant to)事实上,作家们或许没有时间去回他们收到的每一封信。(respond )银行强烈反对降低利率。(resist)感谢你帮忙,我请你吃午饭好吗?(in return for)我不留心弄坏了玛丽的钢笔,她报复性地撕掉了我的英语(yn y)课本。(do sth. in revenge)这样(zhyng)伟大的无私行为是不能
12、以金钱来报答的。(reward)她跳入冰冷的河中,冒着生命危险解救那个落水(lu shu)男孩。(risk)媒体在影响舆论方面起着重要作用。(role)我大致知道我想去哪里了。(get a rough idea of)学生们渐渐意识到他们努力学习不是为了别人而是为了他们自己。(for ones own sake)许多欧洲人通常会担心电视上销售商品的质量问题。(for sale)她救下一个眼看要落入水中的小女孩。(save)学生们还没就坐那位教授就开始了他的演讲。(scarcely when )如果天气允许的话,野餐将按照计划进行。(as scheduled)消防员在建筑物中搜寻幸存者。(sea
13、rch)飞机停好以前,请坐着别动。(seat)他的舞技不亚于任何人。(second)炫耀自己的财富是没有任何意义的。(sense)因其所犯罪行,他被判处了死刑。(sentence v.)传染病患者同其他病人隔离开来。(separate)刚才与你握手的外籍教师下学期将教我们英国文学。(shake hands with)(1)是该动手做事的时候了,不是吗?(set about)(2) 抽时间放松休息是很重要的。(set aside)(3)燃放焰火会导致大气污染。(set off)这些哲学观点可以作为处事指南。(serve as)我的秘密(mm)已藏了很久,我不能告诉任何人。(share with)
14、你用钱不要大手大脚(d shu d jio),否则整一学期你都会缺钱。(be short of)彼得失业后不久(bji)就染上了喝酒的习惯。(shortly after)他们齐心协力为祖国战斗。(shoulder to shoulder)现在让我陪你参观我们的产品陈列室。(showaround)她喜欢炫耀自己的新衣服。(show off)我对你的不断抱怨感到厌烦。(be sick of)她衣服的颜色与我衣服的颜色很相似。(be similar to)我对经常看到她情绪高涨感到高兴。(spirit) 尽管有很多困难,他从来没放弃希望。(spite)他们迫切需要实际工作经验。(starve for
15、)只有现在采取措施来解决这个问题,我们才能防止不久的将来会面临的水患。(step)我们必须继续工作直到做好为止。(stick to)商店里各色货物,一应俱全。(stock)之后,这颗行星最终还会处于冰冷和黑暗之中。(strand)主要重点放在法律与秩序上。(stress)你应该对那个孩子宽容些,他还小呢。(strict)这家工厂的全体工人都在罢工中。(strike n.)被两个父亲培养大,他被告知要为两个截然不同的目标奋斗。(strive )法律面前人人平等,就算警察也不能例外。(subject)这种新研发的玩具适合所有年龄的人。(suitable)那家公司花费了几百万美元试图使客户相信他们的
17、上海停留期间的愉悦所作的许多努力。(thank)既然有空,我可以享受一下音乐。(now that)罢工者受到威胁说,如果他们不复工,就会被解雇。 (threaten)汤姆可能厌倦看电视了,因为他很少谈论电视节目。(tired)很多人认为,学生运动员在体育上花费太多的时间,而用于课堂的时间则不够。(too) 今天真好,我感觉幸福到了极点。(top)当你旅行时,你会参观很多地方。(tour)我们两国之间的往来可以追溯到上个世纪。(trace)他用三只苹果换得一串香蕉。(trade)回答他的问题之前要好好想想,说不定你会被套出至关重要的信息。(trap)妈妈喜欢把我当孩子一样对待。(treat)他的
18、合伙人企图骗走他的股份。(trick)这对夫妇对野生动物如此好奇,以致于他们(t men)决定去动物园园做深入的研究。(trip)你要时不谨慎(jnshn)行事,就要有麻烦了。(trouble)我们应该团结起来为消除贫穷(pnqing)和疾病而斗争。(unite)她把她所遇见的人们作为她创作小说的素材。(use)考虑到我们的长期业务关系,我们不反对再次与贵方洽谈。(view)上海是一个伟大的、生机勃勃的、日新月异的城市。(vigor)在学校放假期间,参观一下动物园,确实是个好主意。(visit)你们一直这样大声讲话,我都不得不扯着嗓子说话了。(voice)很多工程师星期天自愿来这里工作。(vo
19、lunteer)我打算投票赞成你准备选举的那个候选人。(vote)在平静的海面上航行多么令人愉快啊! (voyage)我们必须在一个月之内把敌人拖垮。(wear)想要减轻体重,这是一些注意事项。(weight)我们的足球队最终击败了朝鲜队的消息令球迷们欢喜若狂。(wild)我希望你不要看不起这种工作。(wish)这种药对治疗你的忧郁症十分有效. (miracle)消息传来说,奥巴马的讲话的标题是“变化与挑战”。 (word)这只是蚊虫咬伤,没有什么可担心的. (worry)凡是忠于职守的人都值得赞扬. (worth)凡是忠于职守的人都值得赞扬. (worthy)试图同汤姆谈话是不会有什么用的,
20、他完全钻到那本书里面去了。(wrap)英语翻译天天(tintin)练II 重点(zhngdin)词汇随着科技的发展,越来越多的人能使用网络,这为网购的普及提供(tgng)了可能。(access)With the development of science and technology, more and more people have access to the Internet, which makes it possible for online shopping to become popular., which makes the popularity of online shop
21、ping possible. 政府被指责在矿难发生后,未能采取有效措施来营救受困的矿工们。 (accuse)The government has been accused of its failure / failing to take effective measures to rescue the trapped minors after the mine disaster (happened). 这位电影明星已经习惯被问及一些有关婚姻这样的隐私问题。(accustomed)The movie star has been/ got accustomed to being asked abo
22、ut some private affairs like marriage. 他是个能力很强的人,一定能很快的适应美国的风俗习惯。(adapt)He is a very capable man and he is sure to adapt (himself) to the manners and customs of the United States. 只有相信自己,我们才能达到目标,为自己的人生添上绚丽的一笔。(addto)Only by believing in ourselves, can we achieve our goal and add a brilliant touch t
23、o our life. 把所有的数字 HYPERLINK /%E5%8A%A0/ t _blank 加起来你就会知道结果. (add) HYPERLINK /add/ t _blank Add HYPERLINK /up/ t _blank upthe figures, and you will know the result.我每天做数学练习花费的时间加起来有3个小时。(add)The time I spend in doing maths exercises/ on maths exercises every dayadds upto three hours.我不知道这些动物究竟是如何来适
24、应这里恶劣的气候的。(adjust) I wonder how on earth these animals adjust themselves to the bad/severe climate.I wonder how it is that these animals adjust themselves to 不符合这些要求的申请者不能上这所大学。(admit)Applicants who fail to meet these requirements will not be admitted to the University.出国留学并不对每个学生有吸引力,尤其是那些父母承担不起学费的
25、学生们。(The idea of) Studying abroad doesnt appeal to / attracts every student, especially those whose parents cannot afford the expenses. 俗话说,闪光的不全是金子,我们应该了解事物的实质。(all)As a saying goes, all is not gold that glitters, so we should know the essence of everything. 政府呼吁每个市民保护环境,以造福子孙后代。 (appeal) The gover
26、nment is appealing to every citizen to protect the environment to benefit future generations. 由于父母都失业了,他只能(zh nn)向学校申请助学贷款(student loans)来完成学业。 (apply) As both his parents were out of job, he had to apply to the school for student loans to finish school. 如果(rgu)你能派辆车来机场接我,我将不胜感激。(appreciate) I would
27、 appreciate it very much if you could arrange for a car to pick me up at the airport.我向你保证他乐意接受这项艰巨(jinj)的任务。(assure) I assure you of his willingness to take on the tough task. I assure you that he is willing to take on the tough task.毫无疑问,随着生活的改善,人们越来越重视身体健康。 (attach)There is no doubt that / Withou
28、t doubt/ Undoubtedly, with the improvement of life, people attach more and more attention/ importance to (physical) health. 我企图引起他的注意,但他在专心致志看书而没有注意到我。(attract)I tried to attract his attention, but he was absorbed in (reading) the book and took no notice of me.I tried to attract his attention , but
29、he was so absorbed in (reading) the book that he didnt notice me.人们喜欢去超市购物是由于人们能在超市买到各种所需的物品。 (available)The reason why people like/ enjoy going shopping in supermarkets is that what people need is available (to them). 任何情况下,我们都不能否认台湾属于中国这一事实。 (belong to)In no case/ circumstances can we deny the fac
30、t that Taiwan belongs to China. 请牢记广泛阅读能使人受益匪浅。 (benefit) Please keep/ bear in mind that extensive reading can benefit people a lot.people can benefit a lot from extensive reading. 我说不好他和她谁是谁非一个半斤,一个八两。(blame)I cant tell whether he or she is to blame; its six of one and half a dozen of the other.我们对
31、他滔滔不绝的讲话感到厌倦, 最后不得不选择离开。(bore)We got bored with his endless talk and had to choose to leave at last.他周末一有空就会埋头看书。(bury)Whenever he is free at weekends, he will bury himself in a book.眼见至爱死亡,自己却无能为力,他感到深深悲哀。(cannot but do)He couldnt but be grieved by the death of his beloved. 智者千虑, 必有一失。(cannot too )
32、Even the wise are not always free from error; one HYPERLINK /cant/ t _blank cannot be HYPERLINK /too/ t _blank too careful.从计算机的工作(gngzu)过程看,计算机系统是由软件和硬件组成的。(compose)A computer system is composed of software and hardware in the light of its working mode.我突然想到他当时想要(xin yo)向我隐瞒什么,但我却没察觉。(conceal)It oc
33、curred to me that he was trying to conceal something from me then, but I failed to realize it.与一个很普通的恒星(hngxng)如太阳相比较,地球的确很小。(compare)Compared with a quite ordinary star, like the sun, the earth is small indeed.要鼓励消费者向制造商对劣质商品进行投诉。(complain)Consumers are encouraged to complain to the manufacturer ab
34、out faulty goods.我承认对法庭上这种未预料到的供词感到吃惊。(confess)I confess to being astonished at this unexpected statement in court.一个大型网络有可能包含一百多万台计算机。(consist)A large network may HYPERLINK /consist/ t _blank consist HYPERLINK /of/ t _blank of over one million computers.自从他去年夏天离开去往巴黎后,我们就失去了联系。(contact)We have lost
35、 contact with him since he left for Paris last summer.那位科学家终生献身于珍稀动物的保护。(devote)The scientist has devoted his whole life to the protection of the rare animals.他确实是想帮忙,然而事实上却只是帮倒忙。(doubt)No doubt he means to help, but in fact he just gets in the way.这本书旨在鼓励年轻人要学会独立思考及有创新精神。(encourage)This book is int
36、ended to encourage young people to learn to think independently and be creative.这些药丸可保你睡一宿好觉。(ensure)These pills should ensure you a good nights sleep.他对这个城市很熟悉,因为他是当地人。(familiar)He is quite familiar with the city because he is a native of it.那个教授的时间排得很满,学生根本无法和他接触。(inaccessible)The professors busy
37、schedule made him completely inaccessible to his students.既然我们是高三学生了,我们应该学着不依赖父母。(independent)Now that were senior three students, we should learn to be independent of our parents.收音机和电视机能使我们了解一天的新闻,在许多(xdu)方面能对我们有所指导。(inform)Both radio and television keep us informed of the news of the day, and ins
38、truct us in many fields.他终生献身(xin shn)于珍稀动物的保护他终生献身于珍稀动物的保护有时候参与一种(y zhn)活动能让你忘却烦恼。(involve)Sometimes getting involved in an activity can take your mind off your problems由于资金短缺,我们不得不放弃这个计划。(lack)We will have to give up the project because of lack of funds.不断增长的汽车导致了严重的空气污染。 (lead)An increasing (A gr
39、owing) number of cars (More and more cars) lead to a serious air pollution.我听说Tom很有可能提升为总经理。 (likely)Ive heard that Tom is likely to be promoted to general manager.他没有想到她会拒绝他的邀请。 (occur)It didnt occur to him that she would refuse his invitation.我尽力劝他继续学习,但没有成功。 (persuade) I tried to persuade him to
40、continue his study, but I failed 一个销售人员必须清楚地了解公司产品的设计特点和优点。(picture)A salesman must get a clear picture of the design features and advantages of the products.我们应该尽可能多的读一些英语方面的书,买一些英语练习册来学习。(as.as possible) We should read some English books and buy some exercise books to study as much as possible.像很多
41、人一样,你经常假装工作其实在上网浪费时间。 (pretend)As many people do, you often pretend to be doing work when actually you are just wasting time online你应该防备孩子们受凉。 (protect)You should protect the children from catching cold.这门培训课程可以使你有资格获得一份更好的工作。 (qualify)This training course will qualify you for a better job.这个商店的产品从电
42、脑和mp4,到移动电话和数码相机。 (range)The goods in this store range from computers and MP4s to mobile telephones and digital cameras.这张照片(zhopin)使我想起了我们在夏令营里度过的日子。 (remind)This photo reminds me of the days that we spent in the summer camp.全班被分成5组,每组负责一个采访(cifng)任务。 (responsible)The whole class is divided into fi
43、ve groups, and each group is responsible for one interview.当你年轻(ninqng)的时候,你需要努力工作,不遗余力地发展你的事业。 (spare)You need to work hard and spare no efforts to develop your career when young.这些新法令应该起到防止犯罪的作用。 (suppose)The new laws are supposed to prevent crime.由于不知道地址,我们没法和他取得联系。 (touch)Not knowing his address
44、, we have no way to get in touch with him.我们所有的梦想都能成为现实,只要我们有勇气去追求。 (come true)All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.他已经被警告酒后开车的危险。 (warn)He has been warned of danger of driving after drinking wine.放学后不要总是把时间浪费在电脑游戏上。 (waste )Do not always waste time playing the computer
45、 games after school.英语翻译天天练III当我听到中国将主办2008年奥运会的消息,我高兴得跳了起来。(hear the news)When I learned the news that China would become the host nation of the 2008 Olympic Games, I jumped with joy.这本有关世贸组织的书很受欢迎,结果十天内就销售一空。(sothat)The book onabout WTO was so popular that it was sold out within ten days中国参加了世贸组织不
46、仅是个巨大的挑战,而且是个很好的机遇。(not onlybut also)That China joined WTO is not only a great challenge but also an opportunity尽管他在国外五十多年了,他从未忘记要为祖国做些有益的事。(Never)Never has he forgotten to do something good for his country although he has been abroad for more than fifty years要是我交考卷(kojun)前把答案仔细检查一下该多好啊! (If only)If
47、 only I had checked the answers before I handed in my test paper只有勇敢面对困难(kn nn)的人才会想方设法解决困难。(Only those)Only those who face up tobravely face difficulties will make every effort/try all means to solve them.每当我爷爷看到这张照片,就使他想起五十年前举行(jxng)的那次会议。(occur)Whenever my grandfather sees this photo,it will occu
48、r to him of the meeting (which was held fifty years ago每天匀出一些时间复习学过的知识是相当必要的。(It is necessary that)It is necessary that you should set aside some time to go over/review the knowledge which you have learned.一个人的成功与否主要取决于他多勤奋,而不是他多聪明。(depend on)Whether a person is successful (or not) mainly depends on
49、 how hard he works,not how clever he is.他到家时才意识到他把门钥匙忘在办公室的抽屉里了。(Only when)Only when he got home did he realize that he had left the key to the door in the drawer in his office.你是否认为听听轻音乐来放松自己是个好办法? (it)Do you think it (is ) a good way to listen to some light music to relax yourself?我天天忙得不可开交,我多么希望一
50、天有26个小时,甚至30小时啊!(engage)I am fully engaged every day and how I wish there were twenty-six or even thirty hours a day他充分利用每分每秒;决心把失去的时间弥补回来. (make up for)He makes full use of every minute and every second and he is determined to make up for the lost time.无论何时何地有紧急情况,可以拨打110求助。(there is)Whenever and w
51、herever there is an emergency, you can dial 110 for help真难以想象,如果没有电上海会是什么样子。(1ike)It is hard to imagine what Shanghai would be like if there was (were) no electricity.他说他很荣幸采访了因特尔公司的董事长。(have an interview)He said he was greatly honoured to have had an interview with the president of the Intel Compan
52、y.有一段时间上海的公共汽车非常捅挤,尤其是在高峰(gofng)时刻。(rush hours)There was a time when the buses were very crowded in Shanghai, especially during the rush hours如果你从现在起比以往任何时候(sh hou)更努力工作,就能提前完成这项工作。(ahead of)If you work harder than ever from now on, you can finish the work ahead of time.大约百分之五十的上海人倾向于购买(gumi)合资企业造的彩
53、电。(tend )About fifty percent of the people in Shanghai tend to buy the colour TV sets produced by the joint ventures.我劝他不能老是生活在上次失败的阴影中。(advise)I advised him not to always live in the shadow of the last failure.这本书里有50个小故事,包括我刚才讲的那一个。(contain)This book contains fifty short stories, including the one
54、 I told just now.如果你在美国的超市购物,你会惊奇地发现许多衣服是中国产的。(many of)If you do shopping in the supermarkets in America, you will be surprised to find many of the clothes were made in China.你能区别这四个意思相近的动词吗?(tellapart)Can you tell apart the four verbs which have similar meanings?通过这本小说,你可以了解到18世纪欧洲人的生活和风俗习惯。(have a
55、n idea)Through this novel, you can have an idea about the life and customs of the Europeans in the eighteenth century.他近视眼的原因是经常连续四五个小时不停地看书。(keep) ,The reason why he became near-sighted is that he often kept reading (books) for four or five hours.在高考中遇到难题,冷静和自信是成功的关键。(meet)When you meet with diffic
56、ult problems in the college entrance examinations, being calm and confident is the key to success.我实在不明白为什么我上星期天储存在电脑里的信息不见了。(store)I really dont understand why the information which I stored in the computer last Sunday is missing. 如果你穿这样的衣服在街上走,肯定会被人笑话的。(It is certain.)It is certain that you will b
57、e laughed at if you wear this kind of clothes/a coat like this in the street.对于学过三四年英语的人来说与别人交谈时出些差错是很自然的。(t is natural)It is natural for people who have learned English for three or four years to make some mistakes while (they are) talking with others这种执煤里提炼出来的物质(wzh)可以制成各种有用的物品。(take out of)The su
58、bstance (which is) taken out of coal can be made into various useful articles.刚才与你握手(w shu)的外籍教师下学期将教我们英国文学。(shake)The foreign teacher with whom you shook hands just now will teach us English literature next term.即便我考试(kosh)不及格,也不会像汤姆那样作弊。(fail )Even if I fail (in) the exam, I wont cheat as Tom did.
59、是否要在黄浦江下面再造一条隧道将在明天的会上讨论 (whether )Whether to build another tunnel under the Huangpu River will be discussed at tomorrows meeting.你真是考虑得太周到了,为我奶奶安排了一间装有空调的房间。(equip)It is considerate of you to have arranged a room equipped with an air-conditioner for my grandmother.使他兴奋的是。他在山顶上看到了他一生中从未看到过的奇妙景象。(To
60、his)To his excitement, on the top of the mountain he saw the wonderful sight which he had never seen in his life.这种衣服是专门为那些在各种恶劣环境下工作的人设计的。(design)This kind of clothes is specially designed for those who work under different terrible conditions.年轻人不能老是想到自己,要学会如何关心别人。(care for)Young people cant alway
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