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1、.1工程大学土木工程学院毕业设计外文资料翻译专 业学 生指导教师 工程大学土木工程学院2021年6月4号未来个人运输在世界大城市中的开展Schafer, Jacoby,Heywoodand Waitz2021研究认为一个人平均每天花大约70分钟的时间使用交通工具。这个时间预算在过去各个国家中是相对稳定的。所以,富有的人开场倾向于跑的更快,跑的更远。而在不久的将来,全世界将会全面提高机动车的机动性。例如:Schafer and Victor (2000)推测,预计到2050年世界公民行驶的整体平均路程将比欧洲在1990年跑的整体平均路程多。从2000年到2050年,美国的平均机动性将提高2.6倍

2、,到达每年58000千米。Schafer and Victor (2000)还预估,到2050年印度的平均机动性将增加到每年6000千米,到达了欧洲1970年早期的水平。总的来说,人们在2000年能行驶230亿公里,到了2050年,有望增加到1050亿公里。与此同时,城市人口正持续增大。根据World Bank2002研究,拥有1000多万居民的大城市的数量有望在下一代翻倍。随着城市的扩大和富裕,车辆所有制以及其使用会快速增加,相反,这将影响车辆的行速,加大道路拥挤和空气污染。上述趋势使得人们对大城市可持续开展交通展开了广泛地讨论。从广义上讲,城市交通的可持续运动涉及到可操作性以及通过公平高效

3、手段产生的财富问题,同时还要维护身体安康,将自然资源消耗和放射性污染减到最低。通常,广泛使用公共交通和快速轨道交通是可行的。例如:像东京,这样的大城市,它们在私人车流行前就投资建立公共交通,以提供广泛的,优质的公共交通系统。在这些城市,直到快速轨道交通的建立,公交远行还一直处于高水平阶段。然而,个人交通工具已成为现代城市生活的一局部。不管是作为独有的、分享的还是用于飞行的交通工具,它们都给个人和社会带来了很大的便利。因此,Kennedy et al. (2005)指出,对于城市的可持续开展来说,为新一代可持续个人交通工具做规划是至关重要的。同时技术创新和工业生态学观念的应用,让可持续个人交通工

4、具成为了可能。另外,许多应用智能型运输系统将充分影响未来城市交通运输。这些应用程序包括需求管理需求感应公共交通、汽车共乘共享、通路管制以及道路使用要求、旅行方案系统/实时旅游者信息、公共交通信号优先系统。为了研究大城市中个人交通运输目前及将来的状况,本文选取了世界15大都市,根据地理位置划分可如下所示:北美洲:芝加哥、纽约欧洲:伦敦、莫斯科、巴黎中美洲、南美洲:布宜诺斯艾利斯阿根廷首都、墨西哥城、里约热卢、圣保罗印度:班加罗尔、加尔各答、新德里、孟买中国:、 对于各个大城市来说,一系列影响未来交通的关键指标是已检定的。主要包括人口和财富、私人电动客运车辆、公共交通模式操作、运具选择、旅行速度模



7、到稠密地区的交通4改善、增加公共汽车效劳5改善当地通勤火车的效劳。另外,纽约近期推出了自己的战略方案。主要目标包括:例如城市交通事故减少50%;实施快速公交线路措施,以提高全市汽车的行速;到2021 年使自行车通行翻一倍;启动全市停车政策来管理空间,以此减少巡航和拥堵;采用完整街道设计模版为重建工程;提供更好的街道面等。最后,对选定城市的未来运输方式进展了讨论。主要包括个人车辆人均所有权、在城市部个人车辆行驶的人均距离、用于通勤的个人车辆行驶的人均距离、用于休闲旅游的个人车辆行驶的人均距离、道路死亡人均数量、新的机动网络。基于上述研究,我们预测到2025年各大城市都或多或少会有些改变,主要改变


9、一的选择。然而,越来越多的实施和新机动网络正处于使用中,即综合网络提供多,高技术,门到门的交通运输方式选择。虽然,这些网络有望减少人们对个人交通运输的依赖度,但这种特性的大小和影响仍有待确定。The Future of Personal Transportation inMegacities of The WorldOn average, a person spends about 70 minutes per day traveling (Schafer, Jacoby,Heywood, and Waitz, 2021). This time budget is relatively con

10、stant over time and acrosscountries. Consequently, wealthy people tend to travel faster and over longer distances.In the future there will be an overall increase in mobility throughout the world. Fore*ample, Schafer and Victor (2000) projected that by 2050 the average citizen of theworld willtravel

11、(by all modes) as much overall distance as the average WesternEuropean did in 1990.From 2000 to 2050, the mobility of the average American will increase by a factor of 2.6, to58,000 km/year. Schafer and Victor (2000) forecast that the average Indian will increase his/hertravel to 6,000 km/year by 20

12、50, parable to the level of West Europeans in the early 1970s.In total, in 2000, people traveled 23 billion km, and by 2050 that figure is e*pected to grow to105 billion km (Schafer and Victor, 2000).At the same time, urban population continues to e*pand, and the number of megacitiescities with over

13、 10 million inhabitantsis e*pected to double within a generation (World Bank,2002). As cities grow and bee richer, vehicle ownership and use tend to increase rapidly.This, in turn, has an influence on travel speed, congestion, and air pollution.The above trends have resulted in wide discussion about

14、 sustainable transportation inmetropolitan areas. In broad terms, movement to sustainable urban transportation involvesaccessibility and the generation of wealth by cost-effective and equitable means, whilesafeguarding health and minimizing the consumption of natural resources and the emission ofpol

15、lutants (Kennedy, Miller, Shalaby, Maclean, and Coleman, 2005). Frequently, this has beenfeasible with wide use of public transportation in general, and rapid rail transportation inparticular. For e*ample, there are cities such as Tokyo and Hong Kong that invested in publictransport to provide e*ten

16、sive, high-quality, public transport systems before private vehicleownership was high (Barter, Kenworthy, and Laube, 2003). In these cities, bus travel was at ahigh level until rapid mass transit was built and became affordable.However, personal vehicles are an integral part of modern city life, pro

17、viding a numberof benefits to individuals and society no matter how they are usedas single occupancy vehiclesor as shared or shuttle vehicles. Consequently, as pointed out by Kennedy et al. (2005), planningfor a new generation of sustainable personal vehicles is critical for the sustainable developm

18、entof cities. Through technical innovation and the application of concepts of industrial ecology,there are several possible candidates for the sustainable personal vehicles of the future (Kennedy et al., 2005).In addition, it is likely that many applications of intelligent transportation systems wil

19、lsubstantially affect future urban transportation. These applications include, for e*ample, demandmanagement (demand-responsive public transportation, car pooling and sharing, access control,road-use charging), trip planning systems/real-time traveler information, and signal priorities forpublic tra

20、nsport.To study current and future personal transportation in megacities, 15 metropolitan areasworldwide were selected. The selected metropolitan areas were classified by region as follows:North America: Chicago, New YorkEurope: London, Moscow, ParisCentral and South America: Buenos Aires, Me*ico Ci

21、ty, Rio de Janeiro, Sao PauloIndia: Bangalore, Calcutta, Delhi, MumbaiChina: Hong Kong, ShanghaiFor each metropolitan area, a set of key indicators affecting future transportation was e*amined. It includes population and health,Private motorized passenger vehicles,Public transportation modes operate

22、d,Modal split,Travel speed by mode, Road fatalities. As population and wealth,Size of thepopulationand wealth of the populationplay vital roles. Consequently, Figure 1and Table 1 present the e*pected growth in population of the e*amined megacities, and Table 2presents the e*pected growth in wealth p

23、er capita for the countries in which the megacities arelocated.The results indicate that the highest proportional increases from 2005 to 2025 (more than0%) is predicted for Bangalore, Calcutta, Delhi, Mumbai, and Shanghai, followed by modestincreases (12-18%) for Chicago, Hong Kong, Me*ico City, Rio

24、 de Janeiro, and So Paulo. Thelowest increases (less than 12%) are predicted for Buenos Aires, London, Moscow, New York,and Paris. Overall, the highest increase of population will take place in the e*amined Indian andChinese metropolitan areas.Table 2 indicates that the highest increase of ines from

25、 2021 to 2021 is e*pected forChina, followed by India, Russia, Me*ico, Hong Kong, Brazil, United Kingdom, Argentina,France, and the United States.Then the chapter studies the Selected urban transportation plans and strategies. The cities involve New York, London, Sao Paulo, Mumbai, Shanghai. Meanwhi

26、le, The presented summaries do not necessarily convey a plete description of thestrategies. For e*ample, the urban transportation plans of large metropolitan areas typicallyinvolve many government structures at national, regional, and local levels (see e.g., Urban Age,2021), and each level can have

27、its own strategy. Consequently, the presented summaries aredesigned to highlight the main objectives, focuses, and measures planned by the selectedmetropolitan areas for the ne*t 10 to 20 years. The emphasis is on the planned modal split (i.e.,how the strategies envision the future role of private v

28、ehicles, public transportation, andnonmotorized transportation.As New York, the goal of the regional transportation plan (PLANYC, 2007) is to meet the citys andregions transportation needs through 2030 and beyond, and to improve travel speed. The planincludes strategies to improve the transit networ

29、k and reduce growing gridlock on the roadsthrough better road management and congestion pricing. The specific initiatives include thefollowing: (1) to increase the capacity on key congested routes, (2) to provide new muter rail access to Manhattan, (3) to e*pand transit access to underserved areas,

30、(4) to improve ande*pand bus service, and (5) to improve local muter rail service.In addition, New York City has recently introduced its own strategic plan (NYCDOT,2021). Its major goals include, for e*ample cutting city traffic fatalities by 50% from the 2007levels, implementing bus rapid transit l

31、ines and measures to increase bus speeds city-wide,doubling bicycle muting by 2021 , initiating city-wide parking policies to manage curb spaceto reduce cruising and congestion, adopting plete-street design templates for reconstructionprojects, launching a Main Street Initiative to develop people-fr

32、iendly boulevards in keycorridors across the city, and delivering better street surfaces.At last, we discuss the future transportation in the e*amined metropolitan areas. It includes Personal vehicle ownership per capita, Distance driven by personal vehicles per capita within cities inner core, Dist

33、ance driven by personal vehicles per capita for muting, Distance driven by personal vehicles per capita for leisure trips, Number of road fatalities per capita, New mobility networks.Based on the analysis, projections through 2025 were made for each megacity forchanges in ownership of personal vehicles; distance traveled per capita by personal vehiclewithin inner core, for muting, and for leisure; and for number of road fatalities per capita.The forecasts include the following: The largest increases in personal vehicle ownership will occur in the four


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