广东省深圳市2015年高中英语 4考纲词汇天天练(第一版)第11-20天课件_第1页
广东省深圳市2015年高中英语 4考纲词汇天天练(第一版)第11-20天课件_第2页
广东省深圳市2015年高中英语 4考纲词汇天天练(第一版)第11-20天课件_第3页
广东省深圳市2015年高中英语 4考纲词汇天天练(第一版)第11-20天课件_第4页
广东省深圳市2015年高中英语 4考纲词汇天天练(第一版)第11-20天课件_第5页
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1、DAY 11共八十一页一、 根据(gnj)所给汉语释义写出下列单词。1.呼吸(v.) _2.借用;借入 _3.树枝;分公司 _4.抵制;拒绝出席 _5.品牌 _6.胸脯 _7.(装饰用)边;国界 _8.脑(子) _breatheborrowbranchboycottbrandbreastborderbrain共八十一页9.打搅; 使困惑 _10.重大进展;突破 _11.感到厌倦的;烦闷的 _ 12.间隙(jin x) _13.刹车 _14.碗 _15.鞠躬 _16.气喘吁吁的 _botherbreakthroughboredbreakbrakebowlbowbreathless共八十一页二、将

2、方框中单词(dnc)前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。(1)brave (2)boxing (3)boundary (4)bottom (5)bottle (6)bound (7)bone (8)boom (9)bounce (10)botany (11)botanical (12)bonus (13)bond (14)brake (15)boot (16)booth共八十一页( )1.(使)弹起;蹦 ( )2.粘合( )3.植物学的 ( )4.植物学 ( )5.额外( wi)津贴;奖金 ( )6.小隔间;小亭 ( )7.靴 ( )8.边界;分界线 ( )9.刹车 ( )10.瓶子( )11.勇敢

3、的 ( )12.底部( )13.骨头 ( )14.受约束的( )15.激增;暴涨 ( )16.拳击(运动) 91311101216153145147682共八十一页三、填空(tinkng)1.There is a small _ (botany) garden in our school.2.He was getting _ (bore 使烦扰)with/of doing the same thing every day.3.It gets _ (bore 使烦扰)just being at home all day.botanicalboredboring共八十一页4.He _ (brave

4、) went into the burning house to rescue the baby.5.Three soldiers were awarded medals for their _ (brave).6.Without pausing to draw _ (breathe) she told me everything.7.The fat man climbed up the mountain top_ (breathless).bravelybraverybreathbreathlessly共八十一页8.These two young musicians are bound _

5、international success.9.As the film stars car arrived, the crowd broke _ loud applause.10.Mrs Green is well known both for her kindness _ for her understanding.forintoand共八十一页DAY 12共八十一页一、根据(gnj)所给汉语释义写出下列单词。1.简洁的;短暂的 _2.光辉夺目的 _3.埋;葬 _4.纽扣;按钮 _5.宽的;宽大的 _ 6.女商人 _7.黄油 _8.串;束;帮 _briefbrilliantburybutto

6、nbroadbusinesswomanbutterbunch共八十一页9.重担(zhngdn);负担 _10.桥 _11.刷子 _12.褐色;棕色 _13.坏了的;中断的 _14.预算;专用开支 _15.砖;砖块 _16.自助餐 _buffetburdenbridgebrushbrownbrokenbudgetbrick共八十一页二、将方框中单词(dnc)前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。(1)bridegroom (2)bride (3)brochure (4)brunch (5)brewery (6)broom (7)bureaucratic (8)burst (9)burn (10)broa

7、dcast (11)bungalow (12)burglar (13)bush (14)butterfly (15)butcher (16)Buddhism共八十一页( )1.广播 ( )2.平房( )3.烧伤;烫伤 ( )4.窃贼( )5.灌木丛 ( )6.爆裂;冲;闯 ( )7.屠夫 ( )8.蝴蝶( )9.佛教 ( )10.新娘(xnning) ( )11.新郎 ( )12.扫帚( )13.小册子 ( )14.官僚的( )15.早午餐 ( )16.啤酒厂10119121381514162163745共八十一页三、填空(tinkng)1.Mrs White works with child

8、ren who come from _ (break) homes.2.All the students were _ (busy) preparing for the finals. 3.Its a fine winter day, and the sun is shining _ (bright).brokenbusilybrightly共八十一页4.Everyone played _ (brilliant), but Jones was the hero of the hour.5.I want to touch _ (brief) on another aspect of the pr

9、oblem.6.My uncle will be _ business next month.7.We keep in touch with each other _ email since he left China.brilliantlybrieflyonby共八十一页8.The door was suddenly pushed open and he burst _ the house.9.The police observed the man break _ the store.10.He not only had read the book, _ remembered what he

10、 had ointobut共八十一页DAY 13共八十一页一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词(dnc)。1.卷心菜 _2.胡萝卜 _3.计算;估计 _4.雕刻 _5.镇静的 _6.取消;废除 _7.癌 _8.首都;省会 _cabbagecarrotcalculatecarvecalmcancelcancercapital共八十一页9.船长;队长;食堂(shtng) _11.照相机 _12.动画片 _13.地毯 _14.营;营地 _15.活动;运动 _16.咖啡馆 _captaincanteencameracartooncarpetcampcampaigncaf共八十

11、一页二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应(xingyng)的汉语意思前。(1)caption (2)capsule (3)carriage (4)carbon (5)candy (6)candle (7)candidate (8)careless (9)can (10)canal (11)cafeteria (12)cab (13)cage (14)camel (15)carrier (16)carpenter共八十一页( )1.罐头;听 ( )2.自助餐厅( )3.运河;水道 ( )4.出租车( )5.笼子 ( )6.骆驼(lu tuo)( )7.木工 ( )8.运输工具;运送者( )9.客车厢

12、 ( )10.说明文字( )11.漫不经心的 ( )12.胶囊 ( )13.碳 ( )14.糖果( )15.候选人 ( )16.蜡烛91110121314161531824576共八十一页三、填空(tinkng)1.The mail _ (carry) in our neighborhood is a friend of all children2.“Could you hold for one moment?” he asked the _ (call).3.After _ (care) consideration of your plan, I regret to say that we

13、are unable to accept it.carriercallercareful共八十一页4.Maria _ (care) folded the letter and put it in her pocket.5.He was dismissed from the service for his _(care) behaviours.6.This is a delicate job. It mustnt be done _ (careless).7.She recovered from her surprise, and answered _ (calm).carefullycarel

14、esscarelesslycalmly共八十一页8.She helped take care_ her aged grandmother.9.We must care _ each other and help each other.10.Were newcomers here and must be careful _ what we do.withoffor共八十一页DAY 14共八十一页一、根据(gnj)所给汉语释义写出下列单词。1.挑战 _2.证明,证书 _3.谨慎;小心 _4.洞;穴 _5.原因;目标 _6.目录 _7.情况;案件 _8.现金 _challengecertificat

15、ecautioncavecausecataloguecasecash共八十一页9.扔;抛 _10.偶然(u rn)的 _11.庆祝 _12.世纪 _13.细胞 _14.天花板;顶篷 _15.易变的 _16.机会;可能性 _castcasualcelebratecenturycellceilingchangeablechance共八十一页二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语(Hny)意思前。(1)champion (2)centigrade (3)centimeter (4)ceremony (5)cater (6)catastrophe (7)cassette (8)castle (9)ca

16、tegory (10)chain (11)cautious (12)catholic (13)cattle (14)cent (15)chalk (16)change共八十一页( )1.城堡(chngbo) ( )2.广泛的 ( )3.类别 ( )4.牛(总称)( )5.链; 环 ( )6.粉笔 ( )7.零钱;找头 ( )8.小心的;谨慎的( )9.美分 ( )10.冠军( )11.公分 ( )12.摄氏的( )13.典礼;仪式 ( )14.提供饮食( )15.磁带 ( )16.灾难81291310151611141324576共八十一页三、填空(tinkng)1.Our house is

17、very _ (centre), so we can easily get to theatres and cinemas.2.She performed the most _ (challenge) task without a mistake.3.The new principal gave a _ (caution) welcome to developments in the neighborhoodcentralchallengingcautious共八十一页4.The weather in Guangzhou is very _(change) at this time of ye

18、ar.5.There were lively New Year _ (celebrate) all over town.6.Their new house is _ (certain) out of the ordinary.7. _ case he gives me a phone call, tell him that I will call him back.changeablecelebrationscertainlyIn共八十一页8.The scientists may even catch sight _ a polar bear on the ice.9.Well do our

19、best to catch up _ the advanced world levels.10.However, several things combined to make me change _ mind.myofwith共八十一页DAY 15共八十一页一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。1.性格 _2.核对; 检查 _3.骗取(pin q);哄骗 _4.喝采;欢呼 _5.化学品 _6.化学 _7.选择;决定 _8.聊天;闲谈 _charactercheckcheatcheerchemicalchemistrychoosechat共八十一页9.章, 篇 _10.领导(ln do);头 _1

20、1频道 _12.典型的 _13.国际象棋 _14.胸部 _15.奶酪 _16.圣诞节 _chapterchiefchannelcharacteristicchesschestcheeseChristmas共八十一页二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应(xingyng)的汉语意思前。(1)chopsticks (2)cigarette (3)Christian (4)church (5)chorus (6)chant (7)choke (8)choir (9)cheek (10)cheque (11)chef (12)chemist (13)chart (14)chew (15)chocolate

21、(16)chaos共八十一页( )1.咀嚼 ( )2.窒息; 噎 ( )3.厨师长;主厨 ( )4.药剂师;化学家 ( )5.支票 ( )6.香烟( )7.图表(tbio);航海图 ( )8.巧克力 ( )9.基督教徒 ( )10.混乱( )11.咏唱;吟诵 ( )12.教堂;教会( )13.合唱曲 ( )14.筷子( )15.合唱团;唱诗班 ( )16.面颊14711121021315316645189共八十一页三、填空(tinkng)1.They gave her the _ (choose), and she decided shed like a bike for her birthd

22、ay.2.There are several _ (cheer), colourful picture s on the wall.3.She could hear him whistling _ (cheer) in the garden.choicecheerfulcheerfully共八十一页4.The shop round the corner does shoe repairs very _ (cheap).5.There are branches of the store all over the country, but _ (chief) in the south.6.Hydr

23、ogen combines _ (chemical) with oxygen to form water.7.He is in charge _ the company when the manager is out.cheaplychieflychemicallyof共八十一页8.His boss asked him to take charge _ the office for a few days while she was away.9.Yesterday the selectors chose Dalesthe _ teams new captain.10.The kids are

24、watching cartoons _ the Disney Channel.ofason共八十一页DAY 16共八十一页一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。1.情况;境况 _2.文明 _3.分类,归类 _4.教练 _5.气候;风气 _6.一流(y li)的;有代表性的 _7.环形道;电路 _8.使循环 _circumstancecivilizationclassifycoachclimateclassiccircuitcirculate共八十一页9.海滨 _10.澄清,阐明 _11.俱乐部 _ 12.诊所 _13.攀登(pndng) _14.公民 _ 15.国内的 _16.圆圈 _coastc

25、larifyclubclinicclimbcitizencivilcircle共八十一页二、将方框(fn kun)中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。(1)clumsy (2)clone (3)click (4)clay (5)claw (6)clap (7)civilian (8)clock (9)cleaner (10)clever (11)clerk (12)coal (13)cloth (14)clothing (15)circus (16)cloudy共八十一页( )1.平民;百姓 ( )2.里程计( )3.煤 ( )4.办事员;职员( )5.马戏团 ( )6.清洁剂( )7.(总称

26、)衣服 ( )8.布;衣料(ylio)( )9.多云的 ( )10.笨拙的( )11.黏土;泥土 ( )12.克隆 ( )13.爪 ( )14.发出卡嗒声( )15.轻拍;鼓掌 ( )16.伶俐的78121115914131614253610共八十一页三、填空(tinkng)1.Even an experienced _ (climb) can get into trouble sometimes.2.Chris has an evening job as an office _(clean).3.The top of the mountain was covered in_. (cloudy

27、)climbercleanercloud共八十一页4.“Fine clothes _ (make) a man” is an old saying.5.English and German are _ (close) related.6.The small child _ (clumsy) broke my vase to pieces.7.He did everything very _ (clever) and silently, and in this way nobody really noticed it.makecloselyclumsilycleverly共八十一页8.A hug

28、e cloud _ black smoke slowly rose above the building.9.The trip from Kittys school to the World Park took about two hours _ coach.10.The headmaster gave me a friendly clap _ the shoulder and said, “Well done!”ofbyon共八十一页DAY 17共八十一页一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。1.承诺;保证(n.) _2.评论 _3.犯(罪,错) _ 4.比赛;竞赛(jngsi)(v.) _5.

29、同伴 _6.同事 _7.交际;传达 _8.十足的;完成的 _commitmentcommentcommitcompetecompanioncolleaguecommunicatecomplete 共八十一页9.使联合;结合(jih) _10.综合事物 _11.安慰 _12.贸易的 _13.比较;对照 _14.作文 _15.共同的;普通的 _combinecomplexcomfortcommercialcomparecompositioncommoncompany共八十一页二、将方框中单词(dnc)前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。(1)comedy (2)compensate (3)

30、coincidence (4)competence (5)collision (6)component (7)competition (8)collection (9)coin (10)command (11)committee (12)collar (13)college (14)compass (15)coke (16)communism共八十一页( )1.比赛;竞赛(n.) ( )2.衣领( )3.委员会 ( )4.命令 ( )5.指南针 ( )6.学院 ( )7.共产主义 ( )8.补偿;弥补 ( )9.可口可乐 ( )10.喜剧( )11.碰撞事故 ( )12.巧合(qioh),巧事

31、( )13.胜任;能力 ( )14.收藏品( )15.组成部分 ( )16.硬币71211101413162151534869共八十一页三、填空(tinkng)1.The museum has one of the biggest _ (collect) of butterflies in the country.2.Theres very little _ (communicate) between mother and daughter3.Grandpa made himself _ (comfort) in a big fortablecollectionscommunication共八

32、十一页4.The old woman is actually a former _ (communism).5.She won first prize in an international dancing _ (compete).6.Ankle injuries are _ (common) found among football players.7.She felt warm and comfortable, _ (complete) munistcompetitioncommonlycompletely共八十一页8.I believe its the only way to trave

33、l _ (comfortable).9.The drug wont be _ (commercial) available until it has been thoroughly tested.10.Ive never come _ anyone quite like her fortablycommerciallyacross共八十一页DAY 18共八十一页一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词(dnc)。1.聚精会神 _2.完成;推断出 _3.音乐会 _4.条件 _5.概念 _6.证实;确认 _7.自信的 _8.涉及;关心 _concentrateconcludeconcertconditio

34、nconceptconfirmconfidentconcern共八十一页9.使迷惑 _10.结果(ji gu);后果 _11.咨询;商量 _12.引导;带领 _13.考虑;认为 _14.经常的;不断的 _ 15.包含;组成 _16.连接;把联系起来 _confuseconsequenceconsultconductconsiderconstantconsistconnect共八十一页二、将方框中单词(dnc)前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。(1)compulsory (2)consume (3)compromise (4)confidential (5)comprehension (6)cons

35、ervative (7)constitution (8)congratulation (9)concrete (10)consultant (11)conscience (12)condemn (13)conductor (14)construct (15)conservation (16)conflict共八十一页( )1.混凝土制的 ( )2.谴责;反对( )3.保存;保护 ( )4.顾问(gwn);咨询师( )5.售票员 ( )6.良心;良知( )7.构筑;建造 ( )8.强迫的;义务的( )9.妥协;折中 ( )10.机密的( )11.矛盾;分歧 ( )12.保守的;守旧的( )13.

36、体格;体质 ( )14.消耗;耗费( )15.祝贺;庆贺 ( )16.理解 91215101311141341667285共八十一页三、填空(tinkng)1.The museum has one of the biggest _ (collect) of butterflies in the country.2.We soon came to the _ (conclude) that she was lying.3.Miss Li had thousands of letters of _ (congratulate) on her hard-won victory.collections

37、conclusioncongratulation共八十一页4.The new railway is still under _ (construct).5.She did not make the _ (connect) between her diet and her poor health.6.Mr Green was happy to act as a _ (consult) to the company7.Miss Li was always kind and _ (consider).constructionconnectionconsultantconsiderate共八十一页8.

38、The whole matter needs careful _ (consider).9.The English language is _ (constant) changing.10.Try to act _ (confident), even if you feel nervous.confidentlyconsiderationconstantly共八十一页DAY 19共八十一页一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。1.相反 _2.控制 _3.捐献(junxin);贡献(v.) _4.便利的;方便的 _5.咳嗽 _6.勇气;胆略 _7.包含;控制 _8.内容 _contrarycontr

39、olcontributeconvenientcoughcouragecontaincontent共八十一页9.点数;看作 _10.进程;课程 _11.不道德的 _12.使确信(quxn);说服 _13.传递;运送 _14.谈话;交谈(n.) _15.反驳;同矛盾 _16.继续;延续 _countcoursecorruptconvinceconveyconversationcontradictcontinue共八十一页二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语(Hny)意思前。(1)contemporary (2)contradictory (3)cook (4)correction (5)cott

40、age (6)contribution (7)continent (8)conventional (9)cosy (10)convenience (11)correspond (12)controversial (13)countryside (14)corporation (15)cost (16)couple共八十一页( )1.有争议的 ( )2.便利;省事( )3.符合;与一致( )4.暖和舒适的 ( )5.夫妇;一对 ( )6.乡下;郊外 ( )7.价格;花费 ( )8.大公司( )9.同一时代的 ( )10.炊事员( )11.贡献 ( )12.相互矛盾( )13.改正 ( )14.小

41、屋;村舍(cn sh)( )15.依照惯例的 ( )16.洲;大陆12101191613151413624587共八十一页三、填空(tinkng)1.Ive made a few small _ (correct) in your essay.2.We must arrange a _ (convenience) time and place for the meeting.3.The school sees its job as preparing students to make a _ (contribute) to society.correctionsconvenientcontri

42、bution共八十一页4.The cook is cooking supper on a gas _ (cook).5.Set the _ (count) to zero and youll know where the recording starts.6.Pour some more hot water into the metal _ (contain).7.My house is _ (convenient) near a bus stop.cookercountercontainerconveniently共八十一页8.He behaved very _ (cool) in this dangerous situation.9.Men still wore their hair short and dressed _ (conventional).10.Cheer up! Victory is just _ the corner.coollyconventionallyround共八十一页DAY 20共八十一页一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。1.创造 _2.罪犯 _3.习俗 _4.好奇的;好问的 _5.课程 _6.生物(shngw);动物 _7.碗柜;橱柜 _8.文化 _createcriminalcust


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