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1、当代西方政治思潮(之二)主讲人:黄岭峻第二讲 保守主义(4):简介Lecture 2, Conservatism(4)一、列奥施特劳斯的生平Leo Strauss (September 20, 1899 October 18, 1973) was a German-born American political philosopher who specialized in classical political philosophy. He spent most of his career as a professor of political science at the Universit

2、y of Chicago, where he taught several generations of students and published 15 books.1,出生:1899年9月20日出生于德国普鲁士一个犹太人家庭,父亲为农场主。2,早期教育:1912-1917,在马堡的一家著名中学学习。The Gymnasium Philippinum was founded in 1527 as a Protestant school based at the same time with the University of Marburg. The goal of the Gymnasi

3、um Philippinum was, above all, to provide young students with the knowledge of Latin and Greek they required. 3,军旅生涯:1917-1918,加入德军,投身一战。Strauss served in the German army during World War I from July 5, 1917 to December 1918. 4,获得博士学位:1918-1921,洪堡大学。Strauss enrolled in the University of Hamburg, whe

4、re he received his doctorate in 1921; his thesis, On the Problem of Knowledge in the Philosophical Doctrine of F. H. Jacobi, was supervised by Ernst Cassirer. 博士论文:论雅各比哲学思想中的知识问题导师:恩斯特卡西尔小卡片:雅各比Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi (1743-1819)Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi (25 January 1743 - 10 March 1819), was a Ge

5、rman philosopher notable for coining the term nihilism and promoting it as the prime fault of Enlightenment thought and Kantianism. In this sense, Jacobi anticipated present-day writers who criticize secular philosophy as relativistic and dangerous for religious faith. 反对虚无主义。小卡片:卡西尔 Ernst Cassirer(

6、1874-1945)Ernst Cassirer (July 28, 1874 April 13, 1945) was one of the major figures in the development of philosophical idealism in the first half of the twentieth century, a German Jewish philosopher. Coming out of the Marburg tradition of neo-Kantianism, he developed a philosophy of culture as a

7、theory of symbols founded in a phenomenology of knowledge. 人是符号的动物。补充1:同时,他还在弗莱堡大学与马堡大学听课,老师有胡塞尔和海德格尔。补充2:同时,还加入德国锡安主义运动。5,1921-1931,在柏林的犹太人研究院做研究,期间,曾试图跟从蒂立希做博士后,但未成功。6,1932-1935年,滞留巴黎,结婚,结识阿隆。7,1935-1937年,在英国剑桥大学执教。8,1937年,在拉斯基帮助下前往美国,先在哥伦比亚大学做访问学者。9,1944年,成为美国公民。10,1949-1969年,长期执教于芝加哥大学,任政治学教授。11

8、,1969-1970年先后任教于克莱蒙特学院与圣约翰学院。12,1973年,死于肺炎。二,施特劳斯的几个基本概念1,俗白教导与隐讳教导;2,历史主义;3,古今之争;4,政治哲学化与哲学政治化;5,第一洞穴与第二洞穴。1,哲学家的两种语言:俗白教导与隐讳教导俗白教导:the exoteric teaching,对社会有用的教导;任何人都可以读懂。隐讳教导:the esoteric teaching, 政治上有忌讳而不宜直言的“真正的教导”,只有少数训练有数而且仔细阅读的人反复琢磨文本才能领会。小卡片:施特劳斯,Jewish Philosophy and the Crisis of Moderni

9、ty, p. 463哲学旨在以知识取代意见,但意见却是政治社会或城邦的要素,因此哲学具有颠覆性,也因此哲人必须以这样的方式来写作:改善而非颠覆政治社会。换言之,哲人之思想的美德在于某种癫狂,但哲人之公共言说的美德则在于温良。哲学本身是超政治、超宗教、超道德的,但政治社会却永远是而且应该是道德的、宗教的。2,历史主义盖尔斯顿(施特劳斯的学生):西方现代“历史观念”经过三个阶段,即进步观念历史观念历史主义。第一阶段:马基雅维里霍布斯洛克第二阶段:卢梭康德黑格尔马克思第三阶段:尼采海德格尔(一切都不过是个“突然发生”的偶在而已)小卡片:海德格尔:存在与时间第83节“因此,必定是绽出的时间性本身的一种


11、界比作小人国,而把古典世界比作巨人国,他是对的。”4,政治哲学化与哲学政治化政治哲学化:因为现代政治似乎必须从“哲学”的学说和主义出发才能奠定自己的正当性,而以往的政治都以道德、习俗和宗教为基础。哲学政治化:哲学从以往主要作为一种私人性知性追求变成了一种公共政治的武器和工具,如同培根所说:“知识即权力”。5,第一洞穴与第二洞穴第一洞穴:前科学的以“常人”为预高的特殊政治世界。第二洞穴:科学化的以“真人”为预设的普世大同世界。施特劳斯:走向政治的途中。三,施特劳斯追求的古典政治哲学(与现代政治哲学相对)1,“普世一体化国家”(the universal and homogeneous state


13、“现代化”的社会仍然是特殊的和特殊主义的社会。4,政治社会这种立足于“意见”的特性因此对“哲人”的公共言论和写作强加了责任(如果普世理性社会是可能的,这种责任就是不必要的了);现代政治哲学:现代社会这种立足于“知识”的特性因此使“哲人”的公共言论和写作不必再有任何“隐讳”;相反,哲人们应该大力宣传“知识”,普及“知识”;5,哲人的写作因此需要一种特定的写作艺术(“俗白和隐讳的写作”)。现代政治哲学:哲人因此不再需要“写作的艺术”。四,小结:施特劳斯的主要观点Edmund Burke: 传统保守主义Leo Strauss: 哲学保守主义1,政治传统不能成为我们政治判断的基础,因为它们是广泛的不一

14、致。再者,那些被保存下来的传统之许多部分都是因为偶然或阴谋而(留存于世的)。Political traditions cannot be the basis of our political judgement because they are widely discrepant(不一致) in their characters. Moreover, much of what is traditional has been preserve because of accident or conspiracy (阴谋).2,与我们的其他政治信条一样,政治传统也需要在理性原则的光芒下被证明为正当。

15、这些原则源于涉及哲学理解的普遍和绝对的标准。Political traditions as well as our other political beliefs require justification in the light of reasoned principles. Such principles derive from universal and absolute standards accessible to philosophical understanding.3,哲学理性与一般常识或科学理性完全不同。它在本质上是广泛而永恒的,并且只能被真正的智者获得。追求无条件的真理是

16、真正的政治思考的目标。Philosophical reason is radically different from common sense or scientific reason. It is comprehensive and eternal in character and is only available to the truly wise. The pursuit of unconditional truths is the object of genuine political thinking.4,相对主义是真正的政治思考的大敌,也是现代思维的一种流行病。Relativi

17、sm is the great enemy of genuine political thought and prevalent (流行的)pathology (病理学)of the modern mind.5,相对主义非常对现代大众文明的胃口,因为它拍艺术讨厌者与粗俗者的马屁。正因为驱逐标准,所以相对主义也拒绝承认平常比高贵与贞洁差。Relativism is entirely appropriate to modern mass civilization because it flatters the philistines (讨厌艺术的人)and the vulgar (粗俗的人). B

18、ecause it disqualifies standards, relativism denies that the common are inferior to the noble and virtuous(贞洁的).6,相对主义的宽容不是源于对竞争性观念的尊重,而是源于无原则。Relativist tolerance derives not from respect for rival ideas but from the absence of any standard by which to judge them.宽容是否包括对不宽容的宽容? 小卡片:相对主义Relativism i

19、s the idea that some elements or aspects of experience or culture are relative to, i.e., dependent on, other elements or aspects.Thats true for you but not for me. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You cant judge other cultures by the standards of your own. “那对你是真实的,对我则不是。”“美丽存在于观察者的眼中。”“你不能用你自己

20、的标准评判其他的文化。小卡片:费耶阿本德,Paul Karl Feyerabend (January 13, 1924 February 11, 1994) 理论无政府。There are no useful and exception-free methodological rules governing the progress of science or the growth of knowledge. 小卡片:伯林,Isaiah Berlin, (6 June 1909 5 November 2019) “The concept of fact is itself problemati

21、call facts embody theories.or socially conditioned, ideological attitudes. “事实这个概念本身是有问题的,所有的事实都包含理论或者社会条件,意识形态态度。”五,施特劳斯思想的影响1,对美国学界的影响形成施特劳斯学派;2,对美国政界的影响影响了美国新保守主义。1,对美国学界的影响(以布鲁姆为例)。Allan David Bloom (14 September 1930 in Indianapolis, Indiana 7 October 1992 in Chicago, Illinois) There is one thi

22、ng a professor can be absolutely sure of; almost every student entering the university believes, or says he believes, that truth is relative. If this belief is put to the test, one can count on the students reaction: they will be uncomprehending. (Closing of the American Mind, 25 (Opening Sentence)

23、2,对美国政界的影响(以沃尔福威茨为例)。Paul Dundes Wolfowitz (born December 22, 1943) is a former United States Ambassador to Indonesia, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, and President of the World Bank. 六,对施特劳斯思想的质疑1,我们何以能够发现唯一的、外在的、无条件的真理如何存在吗Most basically, how convincing is the claim that there exists a single, e

24、ternal, and unconditional truth that we can discover?2,当其还存在如此多的竞争者时,我们为什么要相信施特劳斯所说的为真?Why should we be convinced by Strausss version of these ultimate standards when he has so many competitors who are equally certain that the truth is in their possession?3,对于一些基本问题,极富理性的最伟大的哲学家之间都存在大量的不一致,那么我们如何找到终极真理?How can we speak of accessible ultimates when even the greatest of philosophersostensibly (表面地)the custodians (保管人)of re


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