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1、Module 6 War and PeaceIntroduction and readingwarDo you like war or peace in the world?Look at the photos of some famous people in the world and see how they thought of the war. Laozi (Chinese philosopher)“A good soldier is not violent. A good fighter is not angry. A good winner is not vengeful.”War

2、m up善为士者不武,善战者不怒,善胜敌者不与 “There has never been a good war or a bad peace.”Benjamin Franklin(American scientist)从来没有一场好的战争和一个坏的和平 Bertrand Russell(British philosopher)“War doesnt tell us who is right - only who is left.”3. Bertrand Russell: Explain the meaning of the words right and left in the quotat

3、ion. right: a) on the right side b) holding the right beliefs left: a) on the left side b) still alive战争并没有确定谁是正确的,只是谁还活着。 Albert Einstein (German-born American theoretical physicist)“You cannot prevent and prepare for war at the same time.”4. Albert Einstein: What can governments do to prevent war?

4、Dont prepare for war.你不能同时阻止又准备战争 “If everyone demanded peace instead of another TV set, wed have peace.”John Lennon(British musician)5. John Lennon:What does it mean if people demand peace?a) They want peace.b) They dont want peace如果每个人都祈求要和平而不是一台新的电视机,那么世界就会和平。 War logoAnti-war logoPeace logoAnswe

5、r the questions about a war in the twentieth century.1. There was a war that took place between 1939 and 1945. What is the name of this war? (a) the Great War (b) the Second World War2. When the war began, which countries were involved? (a) Britain and Germany (b) the United states and Japan3. The w

6、ar began when a country was invaded. Which country was invaded? (a) Poland (b) France Vocabulary and ReadingRead Passage 1 and make notes: The Second World War1.Starting time:2.Ending time:3.Joining countries:4.Cause:5.The important battle:19391945US, Britain, Canada, GermanyBritain declared war on

7、Germany after Germany invaded Poland.Operation Overlord霸王行动GermanyPolandFranceThe USBritainCanada(invade)NormandyOperation Overlord(D-Day Landings)Operation Overlord: code name for the military operation in 1944 to invade France.霸王行动 D-Day : The term D-Day is used for the day on which an attack or o

8、peration is to be launched. D for the day of the invasion actually begins. D-Day landings: D-Day Invasion or Invasion of Normandy. World War II GlossaryMap of D-Day LandingsEnglish ChannelGreat BritainFrance Omaha The soldiers are heading for the Normandy beach bravelyLets enjoy a video. 1. When the

9、 Germans started firing at the boats,_. (a) the boats were so far from the beach that they were not hit. (b) the boats were one kilometer from the beach 2. When Boat 5 was hit by a shell,_. (a) everyone was killed (b) most of the men were rescued from the waterPassage 23. The men from Boat 3 had pro

10、blems in the water because_. (a) their backpacks were too heavy (b) the water was too deep4. Six men tried to climb up the cliff and _. (a) some of them managed to reach the top (b) all of them reached the top5. Two of the soldiers from Able Company_. (a) stayed on the beach (b) met some other soldi

11、ers1. Why was 6 June 2004 an important date for the survivors?It was the 60th anniversary of the landings.2. Why do you think so many soldiers were never found?They were drowned or blown up.3. In your own words, what does the poem say about the lost soldiers? It says that they are not really lost be

12、cause we will always remember them.Passage 3DiscussionWARPEACEDo you want war or peace?Hope there will be no war in the world forever.Hope our world will be full of love , peace and happiness.Declaring War on Other KingdomsA kingA generalAn advisorA farmerA teacherA doctorFor or against?Give reasons

13、. Then have a voteFor the FallenYou shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.Age shall not weary you, nor the years condemn.At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember you.致倒下的战士 你们永远不会变老, 当我们活着的人们已老朽年华不能使你们厌倦,岁月不能使你们愧疚日出日落,我们缅怀你们直到永远To memorize those who died in the D-

14、day landings. Saving Private RyanExtensive reading A:( P77, Books)Para1:director :Steven SpielbergCharacters:Captain John Miller-by Tom HanksPrivate James Ryan-by Matt Damon Para2-3:The story of the film:The US army sent a group ofsoliders into the French countrysideto save a privatecalled Ryan,whos

15、e three brothers have been killed almost atthe same time.Para4:Review :An anti-war filmA story of courageand sacrifice;Message:We want peace;We dont want war.Whats your oponion about the war?(use one sentence to describe)We hate war.We cant avoid the war.Sometimes we need wars.Wars bring people woun

16、d, poverty, and sacrifice.The aim of the war is to keep peace.If we demanded peace, wed have peace.brainstorming:Sentences :In september 1939, Britain _Germany after Germany_ Poland.2. During the war, Germany_ many countries, _3. American soldiers _ _land at the most dangerous place, _ _OmahaBeach.4

17、.The situation at Omaha Beach was so badthat US commanders_ _the invasion.including France.(passage1)declared waron invaded occupiedattempted toknown asthought aboutabandoningSentences :5.If they _ _the beach, they_probably _ _killed.6.The survivors lay on the beach, _ _. .(passage2)7.The cemetery a

18、nd memorial_ _ _a cliff _the beach and the English Channel, _ _the boats attempted their landings.(passage3)had reachedwouldhave beenexhaustedand shockedare situated onoverlookingfrom wherePhrases:1.向宣战; 2.作为而出名; 3.包括在内;4.参加; 5.试图做; 6.考虑做; 7.取得突破;8,以开始/结束9.接起,救起;1,declare war on2,be known as3, inclu

19、ding sth.;/ sth. included.4,take part in5,attempt to do6, think about7, make a breakthrough;8, start/end as9, pick up10.远离的;11.爬上; 12.离开,下(车/船); 13.和一起作战;14.对的贡献;15.坐落在;16.(日/月)落下;Phrases:10, far away;11,climb up;12,get off; 13,fight with14,(make a ) contribution to15,be situated on/in/at/ be locate

20、d on/in/at16,go downName of your presentationNew words-presentation:1, 要求,命令;2,宣布,声明;3,侵占,占用;4, 试图,努力做5,抛弃,放弃;6,谴责,责难;7,侵略,涌入;8,使疲惫, 使厌烦;9,俯瞰,忽略;1, demand;2, declare;3, occupy;4, attempt;5, abandon;6, condemn7, invade8, weary9,overlookNew words-practice:1.He d_ that I go out at once.I demanded to se

21、e the president Obama .demand to do sth/that从句;be in demand; 需求大,受欢迎;emanded2.The painting was d_ to be a forgery(赝品).declare+名词/复合结构/that从句declare sb./sth. to be 宣布为declare for/against sb./sth.声明支持/反对.eclaredNew words-practice:3. She a_ to go on working but she could not.They made an attempt at esc

22、aping/to escape.attempt to do./ make an attempt at/to do尝试做某事;ttempted4.The baby had been a_ by its poor parents.abandon oneself to. 陷入,沉湎于(某种情感);bandoned5. The bed seemed to o_most of the room.He was occupied in/with writing his novel. 他正忙于写他的小说。occupy(sb.) in doing sth= (sb.)be occupied in/with st

23、h;忙着做某事;New words-practice:ccupy 6. Germany i_ Poland in 1939nvadedMany tourists invade the city every summer.invasion (n.) 侵略 invader (n.) 入侵者7. She knew that the society would c_ her for leaving her children.condemn sb. for sth.; 因而责备某人因判某人有罪He was condemned for murder.Saddam was condemned to deat

24、h.萨达姆被宣判死刑。condemn sb. to sth. 判处某人(某种刑罚) New words-practice:ondemn8. I w_ of listening to the boring lecture.weary of sth= be weary of对感到厌烦eariedNew words-practice:9. We o_ the church from our house.verlookIts easy to overlook a mistake like that.New words-analysis:1, demand;2, declare;3, occupy;4,

25、 attempt;5, abandon;6, condemn7, invade8, weary9,overlook-demand to do sth/that从句-declare sb./sth. to bedeclare for/against sb./sth.-attempt to do./ make an attempt at/to do-(sb.)be occupied in/with sth;abandon oneself to.condemn sb. for sth-invasion (n.)/ invader (n.)weary of sth= be weary ofHOMEWO

26、RK1, 书面作业:课文重点句子。2,Finish the paper of language points.Grammargkxx精品课件宾语从句(Subordinate Clause)中的虚拟语气一、在动词wish后的宾语从句中的虚拟语气 在动词wish后的宾语从句中的虚拟语气,常省去宾语从句的引导词that。 对现在情况的虚拟(与现在的事实相反): 从句用过去式或过去进行式(时间上是同时的)。其句子结构为:宾语从句的谓语be和were(was),实义动词用过去式。例: I wish (that可省略,下同)I knew the answer to the question.(wish,

27、动词过去式knew)我希望知道这个 答案。(事实上是不知道) gkxx精品课件2. I wish it were spring in my hometown all the year around. (wish, were)但愿我的家乡四季如春。 (事实上不可能) 3. I wish I were a bird. (wish, were)但愿我是只小鸟。 (事实上不可能) 4. When she was at the party, she wished she were at home. (wished,过去虚拟动词were)(事实上并不在家) 5. Now that he is in Chi

28、na, he wishes he understood Chinese. (wishes,过去虚拟动词understood) 现在他在中国,他希望能懂得中文。(事实上并不懂) 对过去情况的虚拟(和过去的事实相反): 用wish表示对过去事情的遗憾。其句子结构为:宾语从句的谓语用过去完成时,或would, could, might+现在完成时。例: I wish (that可省略,下同)I hadnt wasted so much time. 我后悔不该浪费这么多时间。(事实上已浪费了) 2. He wishes he hadnt lost the chance. 他真希望没有失去机会。(其实已

29、失去) 3. We wished he had spoken to us. (wished,had + spoken)(事实上他并没同我们讲) 4. I wish you had called earlier. (wish, had + called)(事实上已迟了) 5. They wish they had listened to us sooner. (wish, had + listened)(事实上并不如此) I wish I _ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class. A. could have sle

30、pt B. slept C. might have slept D. have slept 正确答案: A对将来情况的虚拟(表示将来的主观愿望): 从句动词would/should/could/might + 动词原形“(时间上较后)(请注意:主句和从句的主语不相同)。用wish表示对将来事情的愿望。例: I wish it would stop raining. (虚拟动词would+动词原形stop) 我希望雨能停止。(事实上雨还在下着呢) 2. I wish you would be quiet. (would + be) 我希望你安静一些。(事实上那家伙还在吵着呢) gkxx精品课件3

31、. You wished she would arrive the next day. (would + arrive) 你希望她第二天会到。(事实上她还没到) 4. I wish she would change her mind. (would + change) 我希望她会改变主意。5. He will wish we would join him the following week. (would + join) (只是希望我们和他在一起,实际上还没在一起) 注意: 1.如果将wish改为过去式wished, 其后that 从句中的动词 形式不变。例如: I wished I had

32、nt spent so much money. 我要是那时没有花掉那么多钱就好了。 2. 如果that 从句中用would , 一般表示对现状不满或希 望未来有所改变或请求。 I wish he would answer my letter. I wish prices would come down. I wish you would help me. I wish you would stop asking silly questions. 二.在表示建议、命令、要求、忠告等动词的后面的宾语从句中的虚拟语气由于这些动词本身隐含说话者的主观意见,认为某事应该或不应该怎样,这些词语后面的“th

33、at”从句应用虚拟语气,且均以“should+动词原形”表示这种语气,但事实上“should”常被省略,故此从句中谓语动词用原形,常用的此类动词有: 表示“要求”的表示“提议、劝告、建议”的:表示“决定、命令”的 表示“主张”的: 表示“同意、坚持”的: ask, desire, request, demand, require, beg propose, suggest, recommend, advisedecide, order maintain, urge consent, insist 1.The doctor suggested that he (should) try to lo

34、se his weight. 2.He insisted that we (should ) tell him the news. 3.When I suggested that he try shaving cream, he said, “The razor and water do the job. ” (当我建议他用刮胡膏时,他说“剃刀和水就行了”。) 4.He pursued various theories for several days until I suggested we take the toy apart to see how it did work.我们建议学生应在

35、说英语的国家呆上两三年。5.One can suggest that students should spend two or three years in an English speaking country. 我们建议学生应在说英语的国家呆上两三年。 在表示命令、建议、要求等一类动词后面的从句中虚拟语气很普遍,其结构如: order, suggest, propose, require, demand, request, insist, command, insist +. (should) do 6. I suggest that we (should) hold a meeting

36、next week. 7. He insisted that he (should ) be sent there. 但注意:在insist 后的从句中, 如果是坚持自己, 用陈述语气, 坚持别人做什么事情, 用虚拟语气. 8. She insists that she is right. 9. She insisted that I should finish the work at once. 或者说,suggest, insist不表示建议或坚持要某人做某事时,即它们用于其本意暗示、表明、坚持认为时,宾语从句用陈述语气。 10.The guard at gate insisted tha

37、t everybody obey the rules. 三、在expect, believe, think, suspect等动词的否定或疑 疑问形式后的宾语从句中的虚拟语气 经常用“should动词原形(或完成形式)”,表示惊奇,怀疑,不满等。 我们从来没想到他是个如此勇敢的小战士。 I never thought that he should be such a brave young soldier. Winston Churchills SpeechesExtensive reading A:Read the passage and answers the questions.1. W

38、ho was Winston Churchill ?2. When did he live?3. What did he do?4. What is he famous for? Language points (1) v. 允诺 eg. She promised him never to lie to him again. 她答应决不再对他说谎。(2) vt.预示 eg. The clear sky promises fine weather. 晴朗的天空预示了好天气。(3) n. 诺言,希望;成功的理由或预兆 eg. The news of the war brings little pr

39、omise of peace. 战争的消息使和平无望。 n./pron to do sth promise sb to do that 从句 直宾+间宾 phrases: break a promise keep a promise make a promise 派生词: promising adj. 有希望的 promiser n. 做出允诺的人 promisingly adv. 有希望地,有出息地2. encourage v. 鼓励, eg. They encourage the children to paint pictures. 他们鼓励小孩子画画。 sb to do sthenco

40、urage n./ pron派生词: courage n.勇气,胆量 encouraging adj. 鼓励的,赞助的,鼓舞人 心的 encouragement n.鼓励,奖励3. surrender(1)vt. 头像,屈服,使投降,放弃,交出 eg. We will never surrender ourselves to the enemy. 我们将永远不向敌人投降。(2) n. 投降,屈服,放弃,交出 eg. Demand the surrender of all weapons. 要求交出所有的武器。 4. draw (ones) attention to (使某人)注意 eg. Sh

41、e tried to draw his attention to her new hat. 她试图让他注意她的新帽子。Cultural CornerCultural Corner As we know, war is a terrible thing to all the people in the world. Where there is a war, there are terrible things happening and people will suffer a lot from the war. Is there an influential organization whic

42、h can coordinate(协调) world affairs and prevent wars from happening? The United Nations (the UN)The UN is an international organization which was founded in 1945 after World War II to replace the League(联盟) of Nations, to stop wars between countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue(对话).The hea

43、dquarter of the UN located in New York city The present UN Secretary GeneralBan-ki MoonThe former UN Secretary GeneralKofi AnnanThe UN Security Council The Security Council is made up of 15 member states, consisting of 5 permanent members China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States and 10 non-permanent members. Its mission is to maintain peace and security among countries.Pre-readingPredict the content of the passage based on t


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