编号cy027人教新目标初中英语七下全册打包课件湖北省2unit10id like some noodles self check_第1页
编号cy027人教新目标初中英语七下全册打包课件湖北省2unit10id like some noodles self check_第2页
编号cy027人教新目标初中英语七下全册打包课件湖北省2unit10id like some noodles self check_第3页
编号cy027人教新目标初中英语七下全册打包课件湖北省2unit10id like some noodles self check_第4页
编号cy027人教新目标初中英语七下全册打包课件湖北省2unit10id like some noodles self check_第5页
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1、Id like some noodles.Self checkUnit 10Listen and Repeat 下一页Listen and Repeat 下一页 1Key word check. Check the words you know.noodlesbeefmuttonpotatoeschickencabbageSELF CHECKsmalltomatodumplingmediumriceporridgelargefishoniongreen teaorange juicesoupphone numberaddressswould likebowl3Make a menu for t

2、he week.Breakfast Lunch DinnerMon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Give reasons for your menu:_Mon.; Tues.; Wed.; Thurs.; Fri.本单元出现了一些星期名词,可归纳为以下几点:一周有七天,星期日为一周的第一天,星期六为最后一天。除星期二、星期四分别缩写为Tues. Thurs.外,其他各星期名词都可用其前三个字母来缩写。星期一至星期五为工作日(weekday), 星期六、星期天为周末(weekend)。表示在星期几要用介词on, 询问今天是星期几要用What day is it today?如:What

3、 day is it today? 今天是星期几? Its Sunday, the first day of a week. 今天是星期天,是一周的第一天。 Explanation Just for Fun!A: Id like a large bowl of beef noodles. B: Id like a small orange juice.Waiter: Id like a vacation.1. Id like some n_.2. Id like a bowl of p_.3. Id like some d_. 4. Id like a bowl of r_.看图点菜。词汇练习

4、oodles orridge umplings ice词汇练习把下列食品归类。 cabbage, potatoes, chicken, tomatoes, beef, mutton, carrot meat: _ vegetables: _chicken, beef, mutton cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, carrot 词汇练习根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 In our House of Dumplings, we have two new s_.2. My favorite drink is orange j_.3. In China, people us

5、ually have p_ for breakfast.4. What size b_ of noodles would you like?5. We eat d_ in the Spring Festival (春节).specialsjuiceporridgebowldumplings 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 词汇练习1. There _ (be) some mutton and eggs on the table.2. Hed like me _ (go) to the movies with him.3. Would you like something _ (eat)?4.

6、 We have three _ (special) today.5. I like eating _ (fish) for dinner.isto goto eatspecialsfish句型转换,每空一词。 句子练习1. Id like chicken and cabbage noodles, please. (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ noodles_ _ like?2. Theyd like mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese on their pizza. (对画线部分提问)_ _ they like on their pizza?What kind of

7、would you What would 3. Id like olives and mushrooms on my pizza. (改为同义句)Id like a pizza _ olives and mushrooms _ it.4. I want to go shopping. (改为同义句)I _ _ _ go shopping.5. He likes hamburgers, soda and lemonade. (改为否定句)He _ _ hamburgers, soda_ lemonade.withonwould like to doesnt likeor 根据汉语提示完成句子,每

8、空一词。 句型练习1. 我想与你共进晚餐。I _ _ to have dinner _ you.2. 你穿多大号的衣服?_ _ clothes do you wear?3. 我想要一大碗面。Id like a _ _ _ noodles.4. 汤姆不喜欢数学和语文。Tom _ _ math _ Chinese.5. 给我你做那件事的理由。Give me your _ _ doing it.would like with What size large bowl of doesnt like or reason for Youre in China, but you cant speak Chi

9、nese. When you _1_ out, how do you order your food? Let me_2_ you.When you go into a _3_, the waiter may say “欢迎光临”. This is pretty much like saying “thank you for _4_”. After you sit at your table, its time to _5_ food. The waiter will give you a _6_. He might ask “what do you want to eat?” _7_ you

10、 want to eat Kingpao Chicken, you can say to the waiter, “我想要一份宫爆鸡丁”. Here,“想要” means“_8_”. “份”is a measure(计量) word for dishes. If you want _9_ of something, you would say “两份”. “喝什么呢?” means “What would you like to drink?”If its _10_ for you, you can just point at(指着) the dish you want and say “我要

11、一份这个”.完形填空 ( ) 1. A. go B. eatC. lookD. work( ) 2. A. tellB. callC. findD. take( ) 3. A. library B. bank C. supermarketD. restaurant( ) 4. A. helpingB. living C. comingD. turning( ) 5. A. orderB. eat C. sellD. afford( ) 6. A. bookB. letterC. menuD. bill( ) 7. A. So B. If C. ButD. Because( ) 8. A. li

12、keB. cookC. wantD. take( ) 9. A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four( ) 10. A. relaxed B. surprised C. dangerous D. difficultBADCACBCBD阅读理解 After school George comes home. His father works in a factory and his mother works in a shop. Hes very hungry and wants some food, but he doesnt find anything to eat in th

13、e rooms. He sees a bag on the table. Therere some oranges in it. He eats them, one, two . and eight. His parents come back home and they see George crying in the room. He doesnt feel well. They take him to see a doctor.“Your son eats too many oranges,” says the doctor.“But my parents say fruit is go

14、od for my health,” the boy says.“Theyre right. But you cant eat anything too much.”“I see, doctor,” George says. “I dont do that again.”“Thank you, doctor,” Georges parents say.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 ( )1. George comes home from_. A. shop B. school C. factory D. bedroom( )2. The underlined word “hungry” mea

15、ns _. A. 饿的B. 有病的 C.累的D. 厌烦的BA( ) 3. George eats _ oranges.five B. six C. seven D. eight( ) 4. _,so he cries.A. George is hungry B. George doesnt see his parentsC. George doesnt feel wellD. George doesnt find any foodDC( ) 5. The doctor says _.A. apples are nice fruitB. its good to eat too many orangesC. it isnt good to eat anything too muchD. fruit is good for health C


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