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1、词语的翻译词意褒贬译法词意正反译法音译意译移译合分视而不见1词意的褒贬译法在英汉两种语言里都有很多表达褒义和贬义的词语。如光明正大(fairness)、鬼鬼祟祟(stealthy)等。译文的褒贬意要以原作者的立场为依据, 而不能以译者的立场为转移。2词语本身定褒贬Do you know how Franklin proved the lightning rod-by letting some electricity pass down his kite string ? That act made him famous in the world .你知道富兰克林怎样证明避雷针的吗-他通过风筝线

2、把电传下来。这个实验使他享誉全世界。Hitler was the notorious war monger in the War World II 。希特勒是第二次世界大战时期臭名昭著的战争狂人。3语言环境定褒贬英语中词语的褒贬意义大部分都是通过上下文来确定的。语言环境对词语的褒贬意义起决定作用。因此我们要正确理解原文,把原文中的褒贬意义翻译出来。4语言环境定褒贬Those blackguards are as cunning as a fox.Her girl friend gave him a cunning smile while speaking.With cunning hands

3、the sculptor shaped the little statue.这些流氓像狐狸一样狡猾。她女友说着话,给他一个迷人的微笑。雕刻家用灵巧的双手雕成了这座小巧的雕像。5语言环境定褒贬It was mid-August and the subject for discussion was the future of the aggressors. They became less discouraged when they realize they themselves can make a better future.当时是八月中旬,他们讨论的题目是侵略者的下场。当他们意识到自己也可以

4、创造更美好的前程时,他们不再灰心丧气了。6词义正反译法要想翻译英语的否定句,必须要弄清楚否定的是什么。因此理解在翻译否定句时至关重要。有些形式上是否定谓语,实际上却是否定其他成分。The earth does not move round in empty space。地球在空无一物的空间不转动。地球不是在空无一物的空间中转动的。7英语的显性否定表达法:名词 a lack of, absence of , vacancy, exclusion, deprivation 动词 avoid, ban, call off, cancel, deny, deprive, exclude, escape

5、, evade, forbid, fail, hate, ignore, lack, lose, miss, neglect, prohibit, quit, refuse, rid, stop.8英语的显性否定表达法形容词 absent, bare, empty, poor, vacant ,free from, far from, last副词no, not, neither, nor, nowhere介词 beyond, (debate, control, ), out of (breath, control, sight), past repair代词 nobody, none, no

6、thing,9汉语的显性否定表达法不、未、否非、没、免 无、勿、莫没有、失缺、禁、忌戒,别,毋10隐性否定It is anybodys guess.这事谁也不清楚。My guess is as good as yours.我们俩都不知道。She bears her age well!他一点也不显老!11隐性否定I dare him to jump!我量他不敢跳!I will buy it.我回答不出,我不晓得(回答问题或者猜谜)But that I saw it, I would not have believed it.要不是亲眼目睹,我还不相信呢。12对应译法There is no smo

7、ke without fire.无风不起浪。No pains, no gains.不劳不获。Those who live in the glass house should not throw stones.住在玻璃房内,不要投石伤人。 (自己有弱点,勿揭他人短。)13反意正说The importance of the computer can not be estimated too high!计算机太重要了!Suddenly he heard a sound behind him, and realized he was not alone in the garage.他突然听见背后有声响

8、,便意识到车库里还有别人。14反意正说That man is unfamiliar to me.那个人我很陌生。He is an indecisive person.他优柔寡断。Nothing is easier than fault-finding.吹毛求疵最简单。15正意反说That is too much!我受不了啦!Appearances are deceptive.外表是靠不住的。He offered us a lame excuse.他的借口根本站不住脚。16正意反说He continued to look absently at the sea.他一直心不在焉地看着大海。Thei

9、r explanation is far from being satisfactory.他们的解释不能令人满意。In the high altitude snow and ice remain all year.在高海拔地区, 冰雪常年不化。17否定强调The outcome of the experiment was not half bad.实验的结果相当好。He never came anywhere near knowing what it was.他根本不懂得这是什么。The earth does not pull the kitten to it nearly as much a

10、s it pulls a big rock.地球对小猫的引力远远没有对一快巨石的引力那么大。18音译法:全音译radar雷达modern摩登tango探戈19全音译logic逻辑nicotine尼古丁Caf咖啡Nylon尼龙20全音译Guitar吉他Salon沙龙Waltz华尔兹Typhoon台风21全音译Benz 奔驰talk show脱口秀Party派对Chocolate巧克力22全音译coca-cola可口可乐Humor幽默Hysteria歇斯底里23全音译Gene基因Tank坦克Bus巴士24全音译Vitamin维他命shock休克Boeing波音Sauna桑拿25全音译Cartoon

11、卡通Jazz爵士Amitobha阿弥陀佛Tatami榻榻米 26全音译Dumas杜马Latin 拉丁语Hollywood好莱坞smart时髦system系统27全音译Sonar声纳Pepsi Cola百事可乐Engine引擎Hacker 黑客28全音译Bandage绷带Utopia 乌托邦pump泵Copy拷贝29全音译brandy白兰地Carat克拉Ton 吨30全音译Pound磅ampere安培(电流强度单位)Joule焦耳(能量单位)Hertz赫兹(频率单位)Watt 瓦特(功率单位)31全音译Calorie卡路里(热量单位)Ohm 欧姆(电阻单位)Volt伏特(电压单位)32全音译Ru

12、pee 卢比Dinar第纳尔Google谷哥Mosaic马赛克33全音译汤圆tangyuan 衙门yamen阴阳Yin (Yang)福娃Fuwa34全音译旗袍Qipao太极Taiji乌纱Wusha35意译逐字译Salt Lake City盐湖城White House白宫Black Sea黑海Red River Valley红河谷36意译逐字译Silicon Valley硅谷Fleet Street舰队街道West Point 西点Midway Islands中途岛Yellowstone Park黄石公园37意译逐字译Oxford牛津Iceland冰岛Pearl Harbor 珍珠港Pacifi

13、c Ocean太平洋38意译逐字译Indian Ocean印度洋Cape of Good Hope好望角Watergate 水门Golden Gate 金门39音译加意译Miniskirt迷你裙Internet因特网Rhode Island 罗得岛Wall Street华尔街40音译加意译Washington post华盛顿邮报Uncle Sam山姆大叔Uncle Tom 汤姆大叔41意译加音译New Zealand新西兰New Delhi新德里Kilocalorie千卡42音译加类别词Jeep吉普车 Hippies(Hippy)嬉皮士Carbine卡宾枪43音译加类别词Ballet芭蕾舞Mi

14、ssissippi密西西比河hamburger 汉堡包Nile尼罗河44音译加类别词Amazon亚马逊河 Himalayas喜马拉雅山The Alps阿尔卑斯山45音译加类别词Cigar雪茄烟sauna桑拿浴Golf 高尔夫球Sardine 沙丁鱼46音译加类别词Bikini比基尼泳装Koala考拉熊Kiwi 几维鸟47移译加类别词U形管U盘, VCD盘 CD盘48移译MP3 Windows 98E-mailITVIPOK vs. P. K.P.S.49移译加意译X-rayX射线50分合移位法All the basis of trust is loyal give and take.信任的基础

15、全在于真诚的给予和公平的索取。Thank you for your advice and counsel.谢谢你的忠告。The president of the university has watched the soaring real-estate prices in Silicon Valley prompt a steady exodus of his staff.硅谷地区房产价格飞涨。校长眼看着教职员工纷纷离去。51分合移位法My father was not wrong in judging me too young to manage business of importanc

16、e.父亲认为我太年轻,还做不了大事。他算说对了。A growing minority of Western intellectuals agreed.越来越多的西方知识分子同意这种看法,虽然在数量上他们还是少数。52分合移位法I see them guarding their homes where mothers and wives prayor ,yes, for there are times when all prayfor the safety of their loved ones, the return of the bread-winner, of their champion

17、, of their protector;我看见俄罗斯士兵在捍卫着自己的家园。家中的母亲、妻子在为她们深爱的亲人祈祷,-哦,是的,艰难的时刻,人们都会这样祈祷-为她们的儿子祈祷、为她们的丈夫祈祷、为她们的英雄祈祷、为她们的保护者祈祷,期盼他们能平安归来;53分合移位法I want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of Scranton and rode wi

18、th on that train home to Delaware, the vice-president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden.我要感谢我的竞选伙伴、美国当选副总统乔拜登。他全心全意投入竞选,他要替那些与他一起在斯兰顿街长大的邻里说话,替那些与他一起坐火车回特拉华州的乡亲代言。54视而不见法He complained of slight chest pains.他抱怨说有点胸痛。他说有点胸痛。That is the room I shared with Tom.那是我和汤姆共享的卧室。那是我和汤姆的卧室。People were variously impressed, interested, outraged, frightened, and perplexed by my argument.我的观点让有的人印象深刻,有的人兴趣盎


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