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1、F5云计算解决方案我们为什么需要云?需求 持续增长的接入设备弹性 应用和服务移动性创新不断增长的服务和管理部署需求经济清晰的成本计算方法云的世界正在发生些什么?Expectation that Hybrid Clouds will be core Infrastructure within 5 YearsGartner 报告未来五年的全球公有云市场, 超过四分之三 (76%)的调查对象准备使用混合云作为他们云战略的核心,超过了单纯使用私有云和公有云.在阻碍云计算使用的因素回应中, 大多数调查对象 (55%)在接下来的2-3年期待混合云或者多家云计算服务商混合来应对现在的云体系.20132012

2、42%47%76%The futureF5 是云计算中必不可少的组成快速可扩展软件定义可编程虚拟设备安全高可用网络多样化智能编排F5BIG-IQ全球16大云计算服务商有15家采用了F5解决方案 Top 16 Cloud Providers1. Rackspace2. Microsoft Azure3. Amazon AWS4. GoGrid5. IBM6. AT&T7. Savvis8. Terremark9. NaviSite10. Sunguard11. CSC12. Opsource13. Media Temple14. Softlayer15. Layered Technologies

3、16. Quality Technology Services全球云计算合作伙伴帮助客户实现应用向云平台的平滑过渡数据中心到私有云的平滑过渡方案数据中心到公有云的应用流量爆发迁移方案数据中心到混合云的应用流量智能云间调度方案F5中国的云策略构筑业界领先的、可落地的云生态系统与Cisco、VMware实现快速交付云解决方案构筑开发API接口,实现Restful支持支持开源、开放平台本地云合作伙伴CISCOVMwareHuaweiF5 与公有云F5 与亚马逊AWS云服务F5的参考构架RA可以在亚马逊AWS云服务上无缝灵活部署F5提供了多种灵活的云服务收费方式以帮助客户应对云爆发所产生的周期性基础设

4、施限制F5 的四到七层应用交付功能现已在亚马逊AWS云服务平台上实现部署(包括广域网流量管理,用户接入管理和应用安全解决方案)独有的BIG-IQ可以实现在亚马逊AWS云平台上授权、智能部署F5的BIG-IPF5 RAs 与 AWS云服务 F5 在AWS 云整合部署图VEGOODBETTERBESTSimplified Business ModelsOn-Premises InfrastructureBIG-IP Global Traffic Manager BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager BIG-IQ Cloud Virtual EditionBIG-IP Platf

5、ormDevelopmentTeamBIG-IP PlatformBIG-IQ Cloud Virtual EditionCloud Management and OrchestrationApplication ServicesApplication ServicesDNS ServicesBIG-IP Virtual EditionAmazon AWS CloudDeveloperDeveloperDeveloperUserBeta UserTester GTM LTM LTMProduction/StagingDevelopment/TestingGTMLTMBIG-IQOrchestr

6、atorCode Repository数据中心的处理能力N+1 数据中心数据中心流量按需扩展数据中心简化构架数据中心可以按需扩充处理能力.在数据中心和共有云上保持应用的统一性和安全性.保证突发流量平滑过渡到公有云日常访问流量高峰时访问流量特殊时刻访问流量或突发异常访问流量AWS公有云AWS marketplace https:/marketplaceIn the search section type in F5 BIG-IP or F5 BIG-IQ the list of available AMIs will displayYou will need to create a VPC be

7、fore deploying BIG-IP. For additional assistance please consult the F5 AWS best practices guide. http:/kb/en-us/products/big-ip_ltm/manuals/product/bigip-ve-setup-amazon-ec2-11-4-0.htmlF5的BIG-IP软件可以在AWS市场 Marketplace自由下载BIG-IP/BIG-IQ 在AWS上实现部署F5在AWS全球提供BYOL和按时付费两种方式F5在AWS中国暂时只提供BYOL方式从2014年4月起F5就在AW

8、S全球提供BIG-IP全功能的v11.5软件支持在AWS上F5提供GBB三种版本和三种流量性能平台 (25mbps, 200mbps, and 1gbps)以便用户灵活选用F5 在AWS中国提供全系列软件功能*Available at AWSBYOLWhat it isStandard VE license, and labLicenses are portable between: discrete, pool customers DC and CloudsHow it WorksHow Customer buys: VE license from F5 or ChannelWho owns

9、 the License: CustomerPricing: F5 pricing and discountsSupport: Same support as any other VEWhat is AvailableKey BenefitsCustomers can deploy version 11.3 and beyond of BIG-IPMore cost effective for long term use (more than 1-2 year)25M200M1GGoodBetterBestBig-IPBig-IQ*GOODBETTERBEST MODULES/SERVICES

10、BIG-IP Local Traffic ManagerBIG-IP Global Traffic ManagerBIG-IP App. Acceleration ManagerBIG-IP Advanced Firewall ManagerSDN ServicesAdvanced RoutingBIG-IP Access Policy ManagerBIG-IP App. Security Manager客户可以在AWS 中国便捷的启动F5虚拟机F5 为AWS中国定制了AMI镜像使得客户能够方便的部署虚拟机F5配合AWS中国为客户的电子商务提供完整的应用安全解决方案F5是首家在AWS中国上实

11、现应用交付功能的厂商,也是客户的首选应用安全产品F5与AWS中国联合方案的客户价值F5提供的系统优势提供业界第一的WAF应用防火墙方案唯一在AWS中国上部署应用交付全系列的厂商与AWS构架师配合,帮助客户迁移现有应用到AWS上帮助全球客户采用F5全局负载均衡方案实现在AWS全球各个中心调度流量AWS提供的系统优势提供用户完整流量监控提供业界第一公有云全范围服务支持F5等应用交付厂商的虚拟化EC2 API帮助实施应用迁移和自动转换F5与AWS中国强强合作,能够为客户提供完整的应用安全解决方案配合F5的ADN 解决方案,用户可以灵活便捷平滑的迁移现有数据中心应用到AWS共有云上F5与Microso

12、ft Azure云服务F5在Microsoft Azure 市场提供BYOL全功能BIG-IPBring Your Own License (BYOL)What it isStandard VE license: DiscreteLicense is owned by customer and purchased from F5Licenses are portable between customers DC and Azure cloud How it WorksHow to buy/deploy: Customer purchases a VE license from F5 and d

13、eploys to AzureWho owns the License: CustomerSupport: Same support as for any other VEWhat will be AvailableBIG-IP VE Offerings:Good | Better |BestStandalone Modules 30 day 200M Best Free Trial - Lab Throughput25M200M1GLABF5 Solutions for MicrosoftCustom ApplicationsBIG-IP IN AzureUse Casesand DemoH

14、NV Gateway ServicesHyper V Network Virtualization Enhanced by F5Microsoft Cloud Services PlatformF5与Microsoft协同提供客户应用方案WEST USEAST USAuthentication TrafficGSLBASMF5-Azure混合云的应用场景数据中心和公有云多活部署,GSLB,业务流自动切换无论应用部署在哪里,都有能够实现统一的安全策略(例如单点登录,应用防火墙)数据中心与公有云之间通过IPSec VPN互联 IPSec VPNIPSec VPNF5 与私有云F5与Cisco AC

15、I的合作F5 BIG-IP / BIG-IQ 与ACI的协同工作ACI FabricVirtual EditionApplianceChassis BIG-IQ Device PackageDevice PackageF5 Device Package Release 1.2 Deployment ModelBIG-IQBIG-IQ Integration with Cisco ACI 124aBIG-IQ和APIC集成1 - BIG-IP expose iApps to BIG-IQ2 - BIG-IQ create custom device package3 - Admin import

16、 BIG-IQ device package to APIC4a - APIC sends iApp config to BIG-IQ - BIG-IP4b - APIC sends Device config to BIG-IPBIG-IP 和APIC集成1 - Download device package from F52 - Admin import device package to APIC3 - APIC sends config to BIG-IP directly3324b1F5 Synthesis FabricDevice PackageF5 Configurationst

17、ate: 1, transaction: 0, ackedState: 0, value: (5, DestinationNetmask, Netmask1): state: 1, transaction: 0, ackedState: 0, value: 55, (5, DestinationPort, port1): state: 1, transaction: 0, ackedState: 0, value: 80BIG-IQ Device PackageF5 iApps Configstate: 1, transaction: 0, ackedState: 0, value: (5,

18、DestinationNetmask, Netmask1): state: 1, transaction: 0, ackedState: 0, value: 55, (5, DestinationPort, port1): state: 1, transaction: 0, ackedState: 0, value: 80F5 Device Configstate: 1, transaction: 0, ackedState: 0, value: (5, DestinationNetmask, Netmask1): state: 1, transaction: 0, ackedState: 0

19、, value: 55, (5, DestinationPort, port1): state: 1, transaction: 0, ackedState: 0, value: 80如何在ACI中实现F5的iApp应用部署? BIG-IQ!BIG-IQ provides a way to deploy iApps in ACI environmentBIG-IQ + APIC 整合流程: Make ConnectorUsing BIG-IQ Connector, making a new connector using Cisco APIC as cloud provider typeBIG

20、-IQ + APIC 整合流程: Import Customized BIG-IQ Device PackageAPIC Admin User can import the device package; and create a logical device cluster using this device package containing new iApps function service functionF5与VMWare的合作SDDC 构架Application OrchestratorNetworkOrchestratorInfrastructureOrchestratorS

21、witchRouterPackets: L2-3FirewallL4 Load BalancingPackets: L4ArchitectData PlaneControl PlaneApplicationsTrafficManagementApp.SecurityApp.OptimizationMessages: L7Application LayerNVGREVXLANPackets: L2-4STATEFULSTATELESSGatewayDNSServicesVMware NSX 和F5 联合解决方案Any Application(without modification)Virtua

22、l NetworksVMware NSX Network Virtualization PlatformLogical L2Any Network HardwareAny Cloud Management PlatformLogicalFirewallLogicalLoad BalancerLogical L3LogicalVPNAny HypervisorLogicalLoad BalancerVirtual IP: Member pool: , ADN template: Web Gold概述NSX integrates with F5 BIG-IQ and BIG-IPsF5 Admin

23、 defined iApps get published to NSX Manager as ADN service templatesBIG-IPs VEs get automatically deployed, licensed and configuredUser can instantiate and consume F5 iApps from NSX UI or API 优势Compatible with all NSX featuresCompatible with all F5 BIG-IQ and BIG-IP featuresSeamless support for virt

24、ual networks and traditional networking with VLANsSupport for any CMP including vCACFamiliar workflows for all teams (in NSX , and in F5 BIG-IQ)Supports virtual and physical form factor of F5 appliances F5 ADN 作为NSX的一种服务Big-IQ registers with NSX Manager and uploads iApps.The F5 services shows on NSX

25、 Manager Services catalog联合部署及下发样例F5与OpenStack重点F5 是OpenStack Foundation的正式赞助企业通过对Openstack云平台的直接技术支持和技术交流,F5帮助使客户在公有云和私有云方案中获得更多灵活选择F5是Openstack平台的官方认证赞助商,专注于4-7层应用交付解决方案的标准制定和未来开发OpenStack and F5Openstack LBaaS 基本功能VIPsList, Retrieve, Create, Update, RemovePoolsList, Retrieve, Create, Update, Remo

26、vePool MembersList, Retrieve, Bulk Create, Update, RemoveHealth MonitorsPING, TCP, HTTP or HTTPSAssociate and Dissociate monitors from poolStatisticsLB MethodsOpenStack NeutronNeutron Controlled Network FabricSoftware Overlay TunnelingOpen SourceFast InnovationCompute NodeiptablesOVSCompute Nodeipta

27、blesOVSNetwork NodeiptablesDHCPRDHCPOVSnetnsBIG-IQ Controlled Application FabricOver the Cloud VE Device Onboarding with NovaUnder the Cloud VxLAN Tunnel SupportMAC-in-GRE Tunnel SupportLBaaSL4 L7 StatefulL2 L3 StatelessOpen Source NetworkingFusionManagerNeutronNOVAFusionSphereF5LTM/AFM/APMVE & Plat

28、formNetconfOpenFlowCLIOpenStack Plug-in1RESTFUL APICNAEVSUVPOVS AgentF5与Huawei CloudBIG-IQ Device2Openstack plug-in for LBaaSBIG-IQ as VE License Server and LTM device managerHuawei AgileController use iControlREST for other Module AD-N functionHuawei FusionManager add F5 service catalog to the serv

29、ice portalAgileController3iControlREST4LBaaS / FWaaS /WAaaS/SSL / GSLBaaS / TCPOppF5 与Huawei Cloud 基于Openstack解决方案云数据中心多租户的vLB 方案F5云的参考架构 参考架构 - 云迁移、云爆发、云支撑VEGOODBETTERBESTSimplified Business ModelsOn-Premises InfrastructureBIG-IP Global Traffic Manager BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager BIG-IQ Cloud Virt

30、ual EditionBIG-IP PlatformDevelopmentTeamBIG-IP PlatformBIG-IQ Cloud Virtual EditionCloud Management and OrchestrationApplication ServicesApplication ServicesDNS ServicesBIG-IP Virtual EditionAzure/AWS CloudDeveloperDeveloperDeveloperUserBeta UserTester GTM LTM LTMProduction/StagingDevelopment/TestingGTMLTMBIG-IQOrchestratorCode RepositorySaaS ProvidersOff


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