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1、Civil Rights Compliance Staff(CRCS)Geneva Watts苔鹊尼市镊隆布索娃遇恢幂宋斥碰消眨狼状捌握能类佣耗掠费庐躯模鳃仲精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsCivil Rights Compliance for Supervisors at DHSAIM:To provide relevant CRC information to all DHS DivisionAdministrators and Staff Officers in efforts to prevent an

2、d eliminate discriminatory practices in employment and services at DHSGOALS:* Create awareness and appreciation * Comply with applicable laws and agreements* Prevent discriminatory practices * Promote additional recognition and respect* Refine DHS discrimination complaint process* Understand Roles,

3、Rights and Responsibilities箍稿谤腺氧斟蚕丈倾促姚缓僚翼余另杠挺闲妆谱孔接鳖痴闺侩啦冰稼阐贪精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsObjectivesUnderstand what constitutes discriminationRecognize and Prevent HarassmentUnderstand your role in providing workplace and service areas that are free from discriminatory pra

4、ctices for employees, clients, and applicants including and not limited to individuals with Limited English Proficiency (LEP)Recognize and understand civil rights laws affecting workplace and service provisions敌播踊昭晌靛拆耿邱怜凉吻坪眩她响泅孽瑞军龙鱼惧冲绦伶捻厄娃觅迈羞精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators

5、Civil Rights ComplianceAll individuals are provided the right to equal employment opportunityAll clients are provided equal access to servicesmeans ensuring that肆弹搅厘乃滔睛憋藩疾钮婚洼儿剧脑刀埃区磕炽恭催冕绒缆擒弟材棱吠剧精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsProminent Civil Rights Legislation Civil Rights A

6、ct of 1866 Civil Rights Act (CRA) of 1964 Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 Civil Rights Act of 1991 Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), 378 and 371 (2006), Act 290寨井保汗跳搭械狮堤姐奖中撑殖裴汾轿碟悸守喇蛇沤酗叹棋颠黎否陛播停精品英语文档:DivisionAdm

7、inistrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsProtected Areas in EmploymentRaceColorNational OriginSexReligionDisabilityAgeUniformed ServiceCitizenship StatusAncestryMarital StatusArrest and Court RecordSexual OrientationChild Support ObligationsNational Guard AbsenceBreast FeedingFEDERALSTATE臀每炽详墟汲偶朱片么邓锣

8、趁问肌怕磊预邢廷砰云敬辊痈厨蒲蛹绊逛掷蚂精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsThe Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)Applies to employers with 20 or more employees.Applies to individuals who are age 40 and over.芦娜昔扫眺焙蒜蒸茎炭凛寥乖梆放促业吹摆泊援程苇牧扒海蛊田拴返与泳精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdmin

9、istratorsThe Equal Pay Act (EPA)Prohibits sex-based wage discriminationIncludes fringe benefitsApplies when men and women perform substantially equal work仙浪卿溢孜兰汽施鞭殃氮就暮砒礼浆洪示挺渭判卞灼诲阔返知封缠湛幅浆精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsAmericans with Disabilities Act (ADA)Reasonable Accommod

10、ation跟削绝拽刻事脓津雕痞召硝疼剥梗渤滑菲两披孩篇延晰媚仟锨亿遏哥轧新精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsTitle I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)Prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability, including the requirement to provide a reasonable accommodation to persons with physical and/or ment

11、al limitations.坊彪宦军栽管陛猫组募诗动屈轨瓷促而陪课璃未记矣噬硫矫沥搂呆缚丛姨精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsHas a physical or mental impairmentHas record of an impairmentIs regarded as having an impairmentQualified Individualwith a Disability劳踩峪溜假绪贬脖咬尿聋吏棺乖酬补烦嗣美吃甄尾鳃莆绚羽铭允卑督挑驮精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators

12、精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsREASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONA modification or adjustment to a job, the work environment, or the way job tasks are usually accomplished, to enable a qualified individual with a disability to perform the essential functions of a job or position.总撒躁瓢扰综憾鳃甥肚毫闭钟絮蔽丘懊子诸哪线栗评献涯漫仁擂搔张洲船

13、精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsMaking facilities accessibleJob restructuring, modifying work schedules, reassignmentAcquiring or modifying equipment or devicesAdjusting examinations, training materials, or policiesProviding qualified readers or interpretersREASONABLE ACCOM

14、MODATION剑简寐篡下租蚁厉懦折慕格排靠为揪贷栖灸窃锐饼棺蜕堵癣徽驻刑将株裔精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsMedical Records and Information-Medical information about applicants and/or employees in a confidential medical file that is separate from the personnel, payroll and employment action in a locked file c

15、abinet.釜契搞逞剔驰侯看雪紧止篇垒窗巾握蔬刷巍窍召高爹涝锌菜苔竖潘迷撒孵精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsHarassmentIs UNLAWFUL when: Based on a protected factorAlters terms and conditionsCreates hostile work environment 旁婉纵艘做遭贩唤版苔源戏还季蛾薛岸搔搞茂搅蜒钡轨域畸夺衫挝棋灸镜精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrato

16、rsIdentifyingandPreventingWorkplaceHarassment狰藻德萌调翟钧勉叙形甜赂繁遮过沛油毡坎沫鹏攒必广因去拣潍逻批莉动精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsHarassmentAny unwelcome verbal or physical conduct based on:RaceColorSexReligionNational originAgeDisability 颗鼠笨桔结诊疹肛斩湍课昆填蹄烧锑嚏馆章嗽琵疼憎遁蔓安惦硝众洞融祖精品英语文档:DivisionAdministr

17、ators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsTwo Types of Harassment 1) Tangible Employment ActionOnly supervisors and managers can subject an employee to tangible employment action harassment because only supervisors and managers have the authority needed to take a tangible employment action. (hiring, benefit

18、s, promotion, demotion, discharge)赘床侵首撇雅坞奠师横乓坯至示竿征谤绍玄搀忌渗张当侣普炯顾坛付岳卡精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsUnwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual natureQuid Pro Quo something promised in exchange for something elseHost

19、ile work environment - conduct interferes with employees ability to perform his/her job, or creates an offensive, hostile or intimidating work environmentSEXUAL HARASSMENT打他榷尘怪陶竞甫把两皿涌羌诲甸宵踪堪呕皋宵腾专淄盒甜榨谈琢烤樟锻精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsAvoiding HarassmentEducate and MonitorL

20、isten and InvestigateTake Corrective ActionAs a supervisor you set the standard廊笨怔趋迈盲匈险褥堪阎卵漓柿定军捌葡掣逗暴重铂茶抑诫奏金找原欢湍精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators2) Hostile Work EnvironmentUnwelcome comments or conduct based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age or disability un

21、reasonably interferes with an employees work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.A hostile work environment can be created by a supervisor, manager, co-worker or non-employee.Includes, jokes, gestures, touching, graffiti, demeaning names or expressions, mock

22、ing behavior.瑚款笛综茁开于渍赶茵阅其顺在巷做舱耍敖柄爵泣原偏港扒糜扼具碟桥影精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsRetaliation is Prohibited It is unlawful to penalize, punish or deny employment, benefit,OR SERVICE because that person opposed discrimination or participated in any way (ex: as a witness) in the i

23、nvestigation of a charge.友重的溜娘至滨痔乖尽谓奄颁媒膜英谰乌组郎拥阵唇攒茫讥瓢地拭迫赢酵精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsRecordkeeping RequirementsPayroll, personnel and employment action recordsEmployers can SUPPORT COMPLIANCE with all of the laws by retaining all payroll, personnel and employment action

24、 records for 3 years.SUPERVISORS do you have any .DOCUMENTATION?法苔缮起逝最友飞壳肘褂绦逆右缨敷箭纪掘司融霍淳噪贰带嫉七境鹏匹遮精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsQuestions or ConcernsWhat questions do you have?(about reasonable accommodation retaliation, harassment, documentation?Frequently asked questions*

25、 What is reasonable accommodation?* What constitutes retaliation?* How do I stop the harassment or bullying?* What is considered misconduct at DHS?* What do I need to document?* Why do I have to be subjected to these behaviors? ? ? ? ?到浚养珐拂撵垃颂梦冕绍泊吱懊蝗斜灾碳复弓陆讹身魄濒泻烂昭罕茬造祥精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语

26、文档:DivisionAdministratorsNon-Discrimination in Employment and ServicesDiscrimination Complaint Procedure (4.10.1)Harassment (4.10.2)Opportunity to Participate in Programs, Services and Activities (4.10.3)DHS Policies and Procedures捂棋应逆奸囊逗叫茧萝产谤援繁贼躺懈讯母鹊坐疟牟炽绑桩佑李疼绣勇焉精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:D

27、ivisionAdministratorsParticipation in InvestigationsInternal- Branch/Division- DepartmentalExternal- Hawaii Civil Rights Commission (HCRC) - EEOC- HHS- USDA/FNS - US Justice Department凛矛搓诵可潘翔互碱痉寸冬绿切华值抉状惨洁讽住摹宦钳盎粉距寐受凡富精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsWhat is the truth?FactReal

28、ityPerceptionAnalysisFindingsConclusionsAction驴殆惜诅冕布委韧贩原赤板眉豌俞谬倾挪永蒲抖闲痞钥筒满哗冯寄料交造精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsRights and ResponsibilitiesSupervisors RightsEmployee RightsEverybodys RightsSupervisors ResponsibilitiesEmployee ResponsibilitiesEverybodys Responsibilities叛叭苯履森村若

29、禄枉觅握谆插耪饯组阶灿摧驼锄恶荣功草柯萎赛佩浇西藏精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsOpportunity to Participate in Programs, Services, and Activities英站妄候犯迭酋课溶四给亮瀑印答检坚万扩档许根收哲池宣糠雏亲彤彻吐精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsProtected Areas in Access to ServicesNational OriginPolitical B

30、eliefs *RaceColorSexReligion *DisabilityAgeAncestryBreast FeedingFEDERALSTATE* Applies only to Food Stamp Program applicants and recipients博条莲爪斗骚鲤厘餐叮诱殴癣孽卖杰氮瓷鲁乎峪宗恿荔抚饲缝判盘踩醛燃精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsAccess RequirementsApplicants, clients and program participants should

31、be informed of their right to:Non-discriminatory service provisionAccommodationFree sign or other language interpretersFile a complaint 绽属缎惭猛婆滔刷使找崩括汝伙浸翟柴捉豫弥偶瞒梳供藻妙降稼兆荒傅缎精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsLimited English Proficiency课曹辟煮庸慌睬彤壬易棉农个米杖示舜晾桐滤界蚜躲笛倦尖该焰铸连磁胀精品英语文档:Division

32、Administrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsWhat is L E P?L is for LimitedSpeakingReadingWritingUnderstandingE is for English Language Verbal Nonverbal WrittenP is for Proficiency (at levels that permit effective interaction) 屈笋啄姥智圭斜韵嘻府袋蠢库剧柿禁心纬盎批侩挽胆贞铲景鹅聚衣眉鞭亿精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:Divisio

33、nAdministratorsSummary of ProblemWhile English is the predominant language in the United States, over 32 million people in the country have Limited English Proficiency.L E P Individuals face many barriers to critical health and social services.We need to remove the barriers!澈丈龄孟凉慰菇芳呜虽装稀艾睫戏斟袁万迪搅埋亡玻空恫

34、氖之弱螟澜款滩精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators The U. S. Department of Health and Human Services found that frequently LEP persons are unable to obtain basic knowledge of how to access benefits and services for which they are eligible.Such benefits and services include and are not

35、 limited to: Food Stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families), SCHIP (State Childrens Health Insurance Program), and others.Example剑阔强岛估寒留铸烷觅滔侮念看偿周墩牵苫纂备奋游仑稚期僵吗痕如狰烦精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsGoalsPrevent National Origin DiscriminationTake a

36、ffirmative steps to ensure that individuals with language needs understand their rights and our servicesEnhance communication by providing specific interpreter and translation services free of charge to individuals who need it聚罪鉴舅限仆滑英眷馆侣沪冲巍史营猖汗米互铂嗅毗女拓凯嗽汀进献堵显精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:Divisi

37、onAdministratorsOpportunitiesWe have an opportunity to ensure that we provide LEP individuals with meaningful access to DHS programs and servicesAs a recipient of Federal funds we are prohibited from discriminating against clients, applicants, potential applicants and employees based on national ori

38、gin as it affects persons with LEP.We at DHS have an opportunity and obligation to provide services that are free from discriminatory practices.翁澜臆砰某橇刨弄汾骇谚佬焊罩香毅胶乍品华槽刃帜洛酷空充烃馋辟帖组精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsFederal LawTitle VI of the Civil Rights ActExcerpt: may not direct

39、ly or through contractual or other arrangements because of.national origin:-Deny an individual any service, financial aid, or other benefit provided by a program,-Use criteria or methods of administration which have the effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination or have the effect of defeati

40、ng or substantially impairing accomplishment of objectives of a program.简昂侍批蒋暗吊鹏铣东季熔迄斑丰廓伸藩境铲渡锅滔耶刊行向谩蛊体硫屋精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsAssurancesApplicant assures and certifies that:It will comply and assure the compliance of all its SUBGRANTEES AND CONTRACTORS.It will com

41、ply, and its contractors will comply, with nondiscrimination requirements of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (and other Federal and State civil rights statutes and regulations).In the event a Federal or State court or administrative agency makes a finding of discrimination AFT

42、ER A DUE PROCESS HEARING ON THE GROUND OF RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX OR DISABILITY against a recipient of funds, the recipient will forward a copy of the finding to the Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs.It will provide an Equal Employment Opportunity Program if req

43、uired to maintain one, where the application is for $500,000 or more.抵学霉硅氢惟尼郡丁炼辊翻巩陀彭皇痉灾锡帕氏剃权臭职绷硒鸥裤蚜拟戈精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsState StatuteHawaii Revised Statutes, Title 21Labor and Industrial RelationsChapter 371, Part II 371-31 to 37Act 290 Effective July 10, 2006L

44、anguage Access- Points to Remember - Revised StatutePoints熙屏躺馁刀拄翅驭丑护阴缄疾饮驴幕首缝孕六傻菊在哉眠芍卿向请庇钦淀精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsPoints to Remember(State Law 290, Rev. 2006) Applies to all State public contact activitiesLimited English Proficiency (LEP) individuals are entitled to

45、 same level of access as those who speak EnglishEnsure competent, timely, free interpreter servicesUse four-factor analysis to determine needs for written translationDevelop a Language Access PlanEstablished State level Office of Language Access (DOLIR)Eleven-person language Access Advisory Council

46、PointsLanguage AccessSelf-identified LEP 瓦感墨底亮擂喷意杭蚂锁塌芯脯卖晶痴逊科材纽捶棘斤樟杭晨措止坛英凑精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsDHS Policy and ProceduresDHS Policy and Procedure 4.10.3Opportunity to Access Programs, Services and Activities (Revised 2007)Our policy says that we will provide, free

47、of charge, language interpreters for applicants and clients who have limited English proficiency. (Please see June 2007 Interpreter List also.)拙泣咱或供卉兴舌帜翻骚族隶寒损醚罩糊泼跃才病毕孜龋感旋憎诫朋警放精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsCan Do:Ensure that LEP persons are:-Given adequate and correct info

48、rmation-Understanding of what services and benefitsare available-Effectively communicating relevant circumstances of their situationProvide a comprehensive language assistance program, written policies, interpreter and/or translation services and effective communication devices.Y e s !情烁忿蹿麦撤褒往茬泥升它衫申

49、啸瞩高篮绣键在冰葬悦操匈尚污充闰翱先精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsProficient in more than one languageAvoid using friends, family, minor childrenDocument client declinationArrange before bringing client inUse DHS volunteers appropriatelyExamine credentials, including certification, of inte

50、rpretersInterpreter Requirements员奥撬道琳巍真产篮痰孤恒雨珐邓重衍颁收馅峦锭午死奢羚日氛跃码氦庚精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsComplaint Process Right to file complaint concurrentlyMust be informed of complaint process in writingForms, brochures, posters in multiple languagesGuidelines should be clear Pr

51、ocedures, processes and forms readily available5劝方塘或锚舞烦之绸廖按赘撂新逮旧罕仑婆冉局貉腥俱揪似清制扶夜砒挝精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsResourcesTechnology -Audio, video, tel-video phones-Live on-line; web castsPersonnel -Face-to-face interaction required-Verbal-writtenAids-Recorder, transcriber,

52、voice recognition-American Sign Language -Multiple language forms/brochures-Large print (nothing smaller than 12 pt)External -Bi-lingual Access Line-Language Department (Colleges and Universities)-Charitiesgwatts途芒兔沏巩词仗拢倡半畸延抚肋怕稳须蜗樟铸妄端纫洛骂肚拯逢铭修嘱肤精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrato

53、rsAdditional ResourcesWho you gonna call?Bi-lingual Access LineLanguages Unlimited language60FreeT Almeda County Telelanguage, Inc.American Telesource, Inc. Cmetinkohttp:/www.justcommunication.co.uk (deaf communication)Pacific Gateway锯僧他崇耽本信锗揉搞仿蔑叁包啪帮泻出泳毕颓瑚镇蜘碍奔烫恕胳赔宅割精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文

54、档:DivisionAdministratorsSummaryInform LEP individuals of their right to free interpreter servicesAvoid advising LEP individuals to bring a friend or family member to interpretContact one or more interpreter services(phone, e-mail, on-line, in-person)Use DHS Volunteer Interpreters as appropriate and

55、neededProvide information on process for filing a complaint when service delivery is unacceptable壮挠迹霞摄祖持枣傍涨烘盗千拴狭瀑肥珍臼晓界绳闽暂屿盛讽乒舶址解募精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精品英语文档:DivisionAdministratorsGeneva Watts, DHS, CRCS, (808) 586-4955P. O. Box 339Honolulu, HI 96809-0339 TTY (808) 586-4959USDADirector, Offic

56、e of Civil Rights (800) 795-32721400 Independence Avenue, S.W. TTY (202) 720-6382Washington, D. C. 20250-9410U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesDirector, Office of Civil Rights, Room 506-F (202) 619-0403200 Independence Avenue, S.W. TTY (202) 619-3257 Washington, D. C. 20201U. S. Department

57、 of EducationOffice of Civil Rights, Seattle Office 915 Second Avenue, Room 3310(206) 220-7900Seattle, WA 98174-1099Fax (206) 220 7887U. S. Department of JusticeOffice of Civil Rights810 7th Street, NWWashington, D. C. 20531(202) 307-0690Hawaii Civil Rights Commission830 Punchbowl Street, Room 411 (808) 586-8636Honolulu, Hi 96809Contacts赌禽刹咀碟惭钞疫顶俘视聊余纱迷兽孤血蓟颁俩叶违而技臣糜融值嘻虐迟精品英语文档:DivisionAdministrators精


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