1、任务型阅读答题技巧:一、看图表(Read):利用图表结构和内容帮助理解短文,把握短文的主题思想和理清短文的主体结构。二、读文章(Scan)& 找细节(Find):通读、细读和复读文章,分析、理顺表格线索,寻找确定答案的关键词语。三、填单词(Fill):书写工整、语言规范,注意同一级栏目下词形的一致性以及字母的大小写等。掌握常用的概括性的词汇(部分):definition, introduction, theme, conclusion, evaluation, comparison, reason, cause, result, effect, consequence, advice, sug
2、gestion, tip, measure, solution, way (to do / of doing), approach (to sth. 或doing), feature, characteristic, benefit, advantage, disadvantage, differences, similarities, types, kinds, purpose ,aim , etc.注意表达的切换及词汇的变形,如:belong to the cluba member / one of the members of the club;object towas opposed
3、toopposein opposition to; cant be acceptedis unacceptable; miss our homeland and family-homesick; be addicted tobe hooked on; didnt respond to=made no response to =said nothing in response to;accompany sb.=keep sb. company; accuse of=charge withcant (help/ choose) but do=have no alternative / choice
4、 but to doapply to.=make an application to; an approach to doing.= a way to do / of doingapprove of= subscribe to=in favor of= supportbe beneficial to=be of benefit to = benefit.; be determined to do= be bent on doing.go aboard.= go on board.= board.; be bored with=be tired of=be fed up withdo sth.
5、with caution = do sth. cautiously; do sth. with enthusiasm=do sth. enthusiasticallyIts likely that=The chance is that / Chances are that=There is a chance (are chances ) that=Theres possibility /probability thatcompared to / with=in comparison with; compensate for=make up forcongratulate sb. on sth.
6、= show / express congratulations to sb. on sth.as a result=in consequence; consist of=be made up of=be composed ofagree with=correspond with/ to=be consistent with; deserve to be praised =deserve praising tell the difference betweenand=tell/distinguish. from = tell.apart .=make the distinction betwe
7、en anddivorce sb.=got divorced from sb.; face sth=be faced with sth.do good to=be good for. ; be merciful to=have mercy on=show mercy tohave prejudice against=be prejudiced against ; like sth. better=prefer sth.=have a preference fora little=slightly; thank sb. = be grateful to sb.; draw near=around
8、 the cornerdont know.=have no idea / knowledge of.; get on ones knees=kneel downbe discovered=come to light; occur to sb=strike sb.; get over difficulties=overcome difficultiesparticipate in=join in = take part in; improve=polish up ; delay=put off =postpone; take pride in=be proud of ; deliberately
9、=on purpose=by design; turn ones dream into reality=realize ones dream ; reflect on=think about; look like sb.=resemble sb.; be protected by=under the umbrella ofmake a summary of.=summarize ; be superior to=be better than ; He died three years ahead of his wife.=He survived his wife by 3 years.ones
10、 cup of tea=to ones taste; tend to do=have a tendency to do.be tired=be worn out; be worth doing =be worthy of being done / to be done= doing sth. is worthwhile动词转化成名词,表示人的名词常加er,有时加or,如:survivor, creator, calculator investor, investigator, instructor, visitor, negotiator, inspector, educator, opera
11、tor , communicator等; 前缀:unequal / inequality; improper; inappropriate; insufficient; dishonest(y); uncomfortable; discomfort; un(dis)satisfied; dissatisfaction等。任务型阅读习题:请认真阅读下列短文,并根据短文的内容要点完成文章后的表格。注意:补全填空应符合语法和搭配要求,每空只填一个单词。 (一)Could you believe that the ideal person is never the best at anything?
12、Our heads are so full of ambitions about wealth and power that we spin our wheels until we burn ourselves out and are left hopeless and exhausted.There is great pressure to attain the highest level of achievement. By satisfying our vanity (虚荣) we do ourselves more harm than good. The only way to ach
13、ieve sustainable happiness is to practice the Golden Mean.The idea of the Golden Mean has existed for thousands of years. It is at the centre of both Eastern and Western philosophy and has more influence than the teachings of Aristotle and Confucius. The idea is simple. Every quality has extremes at
14、 both ends. The Golden Mean is the natural balance between these extremes. At this harmonious point goodness and beauty are achieved.Socrates used the example of extreme devotion to athletics versus (与相比) extreme devotion to music to illustrate this idea. The athlete becomes overly aggressive and cr
15、uel, while the musician becomes overly soft and womanish. The ideal is someone who practices both athletics and music and acquires a harmonious mixture of both qualities.Consider an example from modern times that Im sure everyone has observed. The first person is extremely career driven. Each day he
16、 focuses on advancing himself. He spends long hours at the office, competes mercilessly with his coworkers, and flatters his superiors. As a result he has almost no personal life. The second persons only pursuit is leisure. He likes to waste time with his friends watching television and playing vide
17、o games.Which of these persons is superior? Many people would argue for the hard worker. But at second glance his life is rather cold. His obsession (痴迷) with success has conflicted with his coworkers and left him without a family. He may become rich, but how will he enjoy it? The second man is no b
18、etter. He has wasted his life in laziness. He has refused to develop himself and exists as a lazybones. Both men are worthy of pity.I think wed all agree the ideal would be somewhere in between these two people. So how do we find the abstract Golden Mean? It all starts with setting the right goals.
19、Whenever you make a goal you need to do it with the right intention. Dont set goals with the intention to command other people. Instead, try to start with a goal that is in between total selfishness and total selflessness. The next step to reaching the Golden Mean is knowing your limits. You need to
20、 know when one more project is going to stress you out. The idea is to maintain balance at all times. Another step to achieving the Golden Mean is being aware of your personal needs. Sure we need money and success, but having good relationships with friends and family are just as important. I know t
21、he Golden Mean is hard to live by, but it is the key to finding your inner confidence. Ben Franklin said, “The wise keep learning from the mistakes of others, fools, scarcely from their own.” Next time you find yourself willing to do anything to be the best of the best, take a moment to reconsider.
22、You may find it is better to be the best “you” you can be.What is the Golden Mean?Passage outlinePassage detailsProblems and solution We (1)_ so much about wealth and power that we can burn ourselves out. People are in pursuit of their extremes under great (2) _ The only way to solve these problems
23、is to practice the Golden Mean. Explanation of the Golden MeanThe Golden Mean is the natural (3) _between these extremes which exist at both ends of every quality. Supporting (4) _ By (5) _ the athlete and the musician, Socrates believes the ideal person should acquire a harmonious mixture of both q
24、ualities. The career-driven person is (6) _ to his office work, competing with his colleagues and flattering his supervisors. The leisure-seeking person wastes his life in laziness. Both deserve pity. (7)_to achieving the Golden Mean Set the right goals, which are neither totally selfish nor totally
25、 (8) _ Know your limits and (9) _balance at all times. Know your personal needs. Money and success are needed, but having good relationships with others also (10) _(二)SelfRegulated LearningToday, people change jobs an average of seven times before they retire. Many of these career changes require ne
26、w learning that must be self-initiated and self-directed. Thus, one goal of teaching is to free students from the need for teachers, so they can continue to learn independently throughout their lives. That is, to make them self-regulated learners. Self-regulated learners have a combination of academ
27、ic learning skills and self-control that makes learning easier.What influences self-regulated learning? Knowledge, motivation and will-power combine to influence self-regulated learning.First of all, self-regulated learners have knowledge about themselves. For example, they know their preferred lear
28、ning styles; what their interests and talents are: and how to take advantage of their strengths. These experts also know quite a bit about the subject being studied-and the more they know, the easier it is to learn more. They understand different learning tasks require different approaches. Further,
29、 they have mastered adequate learning strategies and tactics. For example, they know how and when to skim and how and when to read for deep understanding.Self-regulated learners are motivated by learning itself. They find many tasks in school interesting because they value learning, not just perform
30、ing well in the eyes of others. However, knowledge and motivation are not always enough. Self-regulated learners need will-power. They wont give up easily. They know how to protect themselves from distractionsfor example, what to do when attracted to stop working and have a cup of coffee.A model of
31、self-regulated learning. Phi Winne and Allyson Hadwin put forward a 4-stage model.1. Analyzing the learning task. Learners examine whatever information they think is relevant in order to construct a sense of what the task is about, what resources are available, and how they feel about the work to be
32、 done.2. Setting goals and devising plans. What goals for studying might you set for a quiz covering only one chapter that counts just 3% toward your grade? Would you goals change if the test covered the last six chapters and counted 30% toward your course grade? Your goal in turn affects the shape
33、of your plans for how to study. Is cramming (突击学习) the best approach? Is it a better plan to study a half-hour each day?3. Enacting tactics and strategies to accomplish the task. Learners put their tactics and strategies into practice and monitor how well the plan is working. Are you reaching your g
34、oals? Is your progress rate fast enough to be prepared for the test?4. Regulating learning. Learners have to decide whether changes are needed in any of the three preceding stages. For example, if learning is slow:Do you need to review some prior material that provides foundations for the content yo
35、u are now studying?Teaching toward self-regulated learning. To develop students self-regulated learning ability, teachers should let students take an active part in finishing complex meaningful tasks; provide them control over their learning processes and products; involve students in setting criter
36、ia for evaluating their learning processes and products, then give them opportunities to make judgments about their progress using those standards.Title: Self-Regulated LearningPassage outlineSupporting details(1)_ to the topicOne goal of teaching is to educate students to (2)_ onthemselves for life
37、long learningSelf-regulated learners (3)_ academic learning skills with self-controlFactors that influence self-regulated learningSelf-regulated learners know about themselves and subjects, understand different (4)_ to learning tasks and master necessary strategies and tacticsSelf-regulated learners
38、 have strong motivation to learnSelf-regulated learners have great will-power to focus their (5)_ on the learning tasksFour stages of self-regulated learningLearners examine (6)_ information to further understand the task, available resources and their feeling about the workLearners should (7)_ your
39、 goal on the learning task and shape their learning plan accordinglyLearners apply tactics and strategies to the task and monitor learning processLearners decide whether to make any (8)_ in the previous three stages(9)_ to develop students self-regulated learning abilityLet students participate (10)
40、_ in complex meaningful tasksProvide students control over their learning processes and productsInvolve students in setting criteria and make judgments(三)Nowadays, more companies are accepting working from home as a practical choice. If youd like to work from home , use the following statements to c
41、onvince your boss that youll be just as , if not more, productive at home as you will be in the office. Firstly, you cannot distract (使分心) colleagues when working at home . A recent survey of 800 job seekers looking for work-from home jobs found that the number one reason they wanted a work-from-hom
42、e job was to avoid distracting their colleagues, but not to have more time for their families or to save on costs like business clothes, lunches out, and gas. When you work at home, you can remove this major distraction and devote all your attention to your work. Secondly, it can control how often y
43、oure interrupted. A study by the University of California, Irvine found that workers are interrupted every three minutes, and that it takes more than 20 minutes to get back to the task after an interruption. Half the time , were self-interrupting (checking emails, listening to talk radio, etc.), but
44、 the other half of the time, were interrupted by outside forces loud noises, colleagues stopping by our desks, other peoples conversations in the office, etc. We can cut back on 50%of the interruption by working from home. Thirdly, it takes less sick time and fewer personal days. People who are sick
45、 enough to call in sick tend to keep working if they can work from home. Were not saying this is the healthiest practice, but its the reality of what happens, especially if the sickness is only a slight cold or stomach bug. Working from home is a win-win situation for you and your employers because
46、youre still working , and you arent passing your germs (病菌) along to your colleagues. Of course, it works the other way around as well. If youre working from home regularly, youre not exposed to illnesses from your colleagues as well. In addition, it can make you more productive. Last year, Stanford
47、 University tracked the productivity of 250 employees who worked from home for nine months, as compared to those working in the office, and the results weighed heavily in the favor of those working from home. The employees who worked from home worked 11% more hours than the office-bound workers and
48、their overall productivity was 4% higher than that of the office-bound workers. Of course, how productive you are when working from home depends a lot on you, the employee. How do you work without supervision? Are you self-disciplined or good at self-management? Can you avoid temptations like televi
49、sion, napping and shopping in the middle of the day? Some people prefer the office environment because it provides more structure and supervision, so before you jump into working from home, you need to first evaluate yourself.Working from home is a practical choiceParagraph outlines Supporting detailsAvoidance of distraction Those who seek work-from jobs mainly wish to leave their colleagues undistracted.While working at home, you can fix your (1) _ on your work.Reduction of interruption People workin
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