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1、第PAGE 页码6页/总NUMPAGES 总页数8页【小升初】人教PEP版2022-2023学年小学英语六年级下册期末调研模拟卷(三)一、单 选 题.1My grandparents went to the park _.()AtomorrowBnext weekClast Monday2How _ is it? ()Its 4 metres. Its _ than you.Ataller; tallBtall; tallerCtallest; taller3My sister and I _ TV last night. ()AwatchedBwatchingCwatches4How _ a

2、re you? ()Im 1.6 metres.AbigBtallClong5She _ it up _ the Internet. ()Afinds; inBlooks; inClooked; on6Im 5 _ older than you. ()AyearsBcmCyear7Sue _ go to school because she was ill. ()AdoesntBwasntCdnt8He stayed at home _ his father last weekend . ()AandBforCwith9There _ lots of dinosaurs many years

3、ago. ()AareBwereCis10_ you do _ else yesterday? ()AD; somethingBD; anythingCDo; somethingDDo; anything二、中英互译:单词/短语.中英互译。11去旅行 _12降落 _13在那边 _14shadow _15多大尺寸 _16both _三、用单词正确形式填空.17My uncle plans _ (study) in London next year.18Im happy you feel _ (well) than yesterday.19Tom _ (make) a cute snowman l

4、ast winter.20We teach _ (they) English.21The _ (story) are very interesting.四、判断句子正误.22判断句子与所给汉语意思是(T)否(F)相符:Heres a red body.这里有一个红色的头。( )23判断句子正(T)误(F):The pencil is 0.5 metres long. ( )24判断句子正(T)误(F):The rabbit is 18 kilograms. ( )25判断句子与所给汉语意思是(T)否(F)相符:Hes my brother.他是我父亲。( )26判断句子与所给汉语意思是(T)否

5、(F)相符:Shes from the USA她来自美国。( )五、排序题.27AHow hey is your dog?BCome here, Amy.CIs that your dog?DIts 16 kilograms.E. No, it isnt. My dog is bigger and heier than that one.F. OK.把下面的句子重新排序组成一段完整的对话:_六、选内容补全对话/短文.Mike: Look, Jack! Those blue shoes in the window are nice. Jack: Yes. Lets he a look.Sales

6、person: _28_Mike: Yes. I like those blue shoes. Can I he a look? Salesperson: Sure. _29_Mike: I wear size 37. Jack: Your feet are aller than mine.Mike: Really? _30_Jack: No, I wear size 40.Mike: Your feet are bigger than mine. But you are shorter than me. _31_Jack: Im 1.60 metres. Im shorter. But I

7、think you are thinner. _32_Mike: Im 52 kilograms. _33_Jack: Im 54 kilograms.AHow tall are you?BHow hey are you?CDo you wear size 38?DWhat size do you wear?EWhat about you?FWelcome. Can I help you?GHow old are you?七、完形填空.A football team _ a goalkeeper. Many animals want to he a try. Look! Deer is _.H

8、e is 180cm_. But he is too _ to be a goalkeeper. “What about me? Im taller and _ than Mr Deer,” Horse says. “OK. He a try.” Dino kicks the ball, but Horse cant catch the ball. “I m the tallest one,” Giraffe says. “Sorry, your neck is too _. The others cant _ you. Football is teamwork,” Dino answers.

9、 “What s happening there?” Hpo comes and says. “Look! Hes the one we want!” Dino shouts. “Why? Hes too hey,” Horse says. “Sure! We need a big guy!” Dino answers. “Oh, hes almost _ than the goal!” Deer says. “Yes! He will be _ excellent goalkeeper!” Dino says _.34AneedBwantCneeds35AcomingBcomeCcomes3

10、6AtallerBshortCtall37AthinBthinnerCfatter38AstrongBheyCstronger39AshortBlongerClong40AreachBcatchClike41AallerBbigCbigger42AaB/Can43AhappyBhappilyCsad八、阅读选择.NameYao MingSun YangHeight (cm)226188Weight (kg)13474Age4232SportPlaying basketballswimming44Sun Yang is _ than Yao Ming. ()AtallBtallerCshorte

11、rDshort45Yao Ming is _ than Sun Yang. ()AallerBbiggerCheierDthinner46Sun Yang is _ years _ than Yao Ming. ()A5; olderB10; youngerC5; youngerD10; older47Yao Ming is _ cm than Sun Yang. ()A38; tallerB38; shorterC60; tallerD60; shorter48Yao Ming plays basketball _ than Sun Yang, but Sun Yang swims _ th

12、an Yao Ming. ()ABetter; fastBgood; fasterCGood; fastDbetter; fasterHello! I am Ken. I am in a big zoo now. I can see many animals. Look at the giraffe. It is the tallest animal in the zoo. It is about 6 metres tall. It is much taller than the hpo (河马), but the hpo is heier than the giraffe. The hpo

13、is about 3 tons. Look at the elephant. It has a long nose. The elephant is big and strong. It is about 5 tons. It is about 3 metres tall. It is the biggest animal in the zoo.49Ken is in a big _. ( )AfarmBzoo50The _ is the tallest animal in the zoo. ( )AgiraffeBelephant51The hpo is about _. ( )A3 ton

14、sB5 tons52The elephant is about _ tall. ( )A6 metresB3 metres53Which is heier, the hpo or the elephant? ( )AThe hpo.BThe elephant.九、命题作文.54请以“Life is changing”为题,描述一下你和家人过去和现在生活上的变化,可以从家里用的电器、爸爸妈上班方式以及住房等方面描写。(没有少于40词)_答案第 = page 8 8页,共 = sectionpages 2 2页参考答案1C2B3A4B5C6A7C8C9B10B11go on a tr12go do

15、wn13over there14阴影;影子15what size16两者都17to study18better19made20them21stories22F23F24F25F26T27BFCEAD28F29D30C31A32B33E34C35A36C37A38C39C40A41C42C43B44C45C46B47A48D49B50A51A52B53B54范文:Life is changingThe world is changing very fast. Many things are different from the past. My family lived in a all house


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