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1、第PAGE 页码8页/总NUMPAGES 总页数8页【小升初】外研版2022-2023学年小学英语六年级下册期末重难点模拟卷一、单 选 题1The cat likes to _ the mouse. AchaseBchasesCchasing2_ does Liu Yun go to school? By bus. AWhereBWhatCHow3How many _? AappleBmarbleCbananas4Its_ good ea to sleep early. AaBanCthe5The _ of January is _ birthday. Athree, my sistersBt

2、hird, my sisterCthird, my sisters6What _ Jenny and Lingling doing?AamBisCare7Can you hear a car, Ben?_AYes, I can hear a sh.BYes, I can hear a car.CYes, I can hear a bicycle.8你想告诉对方沿着这条街直走,你应该这样说:AGo to the street.BGo down the street.9Do you know a lot _ your clasates? AaboutBforCto10This_ is my mot

3、her. AwomanBmanCgirl11He was Chinas _ man in space. AfirstBoneClast12 _ you _ stamps? Yes, I do.ADo; collectingBDo; collectCDoes; collect二、语法填空13Is this pen (your)? 14The bus will (arrive) at ten oclock in the morning.15This car (run) too fast. 16The boy was (one) to get on the bus.17Hes (write) his

4、 name.三、单词拼写(词汇运用)18按要求写单词(1)clean(过去式) (2)had(原形) (3)short(比较级) (4)foot(复数) (5)I (形容词性物主代词) 四、句型转换19I go home at five. (对画线部分提问)20Mr Jones is strict. (变为一般疑问句) 21I play the violin (用一般将来时改写)22I had a race yesterday. (改为否定句)23 D you see a film last night? (作肯定回答)五、翻译24翻译下列短语(1)在黑板上 (2)在教室里 (3)thank

5、you (4)Excuse me. (5)clean the board (6)teachers desk (7)一本英语书 (8)a maths book (9)long hair (10)我朋友的书 六、排序题25将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。 Good morning, Helen. Would you like a new skirt, Yang Ling? What colour? Good morning, Yang Ling. Yes. Red. I like(喜欢)red.七、补全对话26从方框中选择合适的选项将对话补充完整。A. Im nine years old.B. I

6、m fine, thank you.C. How are you?D. Good morning.E. Great!Sarah: Good morning, Chen Jie!Chen: Sarah: How are you?Chen: Sarah: Very well, thanks.Chen: Today is my birthday. Lets eat the cake!Sarah: Happy birthday! How old are you?Chen: 八、连词成句27room find sitting the to go presents and your (.)(连词成句)28

7、are, these, good, friends, (.)(连词成句) 29shoes are black His (.)(连词成句) 30then, naughty, wasnt, he (.) (连词成句)31many, are, there, so, plants, of, house, front, in, the.(连词成句) 九、选词填空(词汇运用)32选择正确的单词填空。wonder What hobbies why Yes, I do How(1) is Pat doing under that tree?(2)No he always looks happy and hea

8、lthy.(3)Does he he many ?Yes. He likes growing flowers.(4)Do you like playing chess? . Thats my hobby.十、完形填空33完形填空Mr. ith lives in a all village, but he works in an office in a big city. He goes to work by train every morning and comes (1) in the same way.One morning while he was (2) his newspaper o

9、n the train, a man (3) him came up to him. Mr. ith had not met him before. The man sa, (4) to him and then (5) to talk to him. The man sa, Your (6) isnt interesting, is it? You got on the same train at the same station at the same time (7) morning and you always sit in the same seat and read the sam

10、e newspaper. When Mr. ith (8) this, he put his newspaper down, turned around ad (9) to the man angrily, How do you know all that about me?Because Im (10) sitting in the same seat behind you. the man answered.(1)AfamilyBhouseCvillageDhome(2)AseeingBlookCreadingDfinding(3)AbeforeBbehindCbeseDnext to(4

11、)ASorryBThanksCHelloDGoodbye(5)ArefusedBstoppedCorderedDbegan(6)AlifeBworkCofficeDchild(7)AoneBeveryCthisDyesterday(8)AheardBlistenedCfoundDfelt(9)AaskedBsaCtoldDtalked(10)AneverBhardlyCalwaysDsometimes十一、阅读理解阅读下面短文,补全句子.Next week is a vacation. Jasons family are going to he a vacation. Here are the

12、ir plans:WhoPlaceActivityfatherBeijingsee the Great WallmotherSanyaswimmingJasonGuangzhoutake photossisterhomedo homework34Jasons father is going to during the vacation.35Jason is going to in Guangzhou.36Jasons is going to stay at home.37Jasons mother is going to go .38There are people in Jasons fam

13、ily.39阅读短文,判断正误。 Its 3rd August. D is very excited (激动的)because its his eleventh birthday. He has a birthday party at home. It begins at seven oclock in the evening. Look! Hes in a new shirt. He looks happy today. There is a big birthday cake on the table. Many of his friends come to the party. Ther

14、e are a lot of birthday presents in the living room. Jill gives him some Chinese stamps(邮票). They are beautiful. Ken gives him a CD. Ds fourite songs are in it. Look at that nice model plane. Its from Joe. D likes his presents very much. (1)Ds birthday is on 13th August.(2)D has a birthday party at

15、home.(3)The party begins at seven oclock in the evening.(4)Ken sings Ds fourite songs.(5)D has a good time with his friends.十二、书面表达40以“My family”为题,用英文介绍一下自己的家庭成员,没有少于5句话。要求句子完整,语句通顺。My family答案解析部分1【答案】A2【答案】C3【答案】C4【答案】A5【答案】C6【答案】C7【答案】B8【答案】B9【答案】A10【答案】A11【答案】A12【答案】B13【答案】yours14【答案】arrive15【答

16、案】runs16【答案】the first17【答案】writing18【答案】(1)cleaned(2)he(3)shorter(4)feet(5)my19【答案】When do you go home? 20【答案】Is Mr. Jones strict? 21【答案】I will play the violin.22【答案】I dnt he a race yesterday. 23【答案】Yes, I d.24【答案】(1)on the blackboard(2)in the classroom(3)谢谢你(4)打扰一下。(5)擦黑板(6)教师的课桌(7)an English book(8)一本数学书(9)长发(10)my friends book25【答案】4;1;2;5;3;626【答案】D;B;C;E;A27【答案】Go to the sitting morn and find your presents. 28【答案】These are good friends. 29【答案】His shoe are black. 30【答案】He wasnt naugh


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