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1、Unit 3 Inventors and inventions1. 给我母亲打电话 2 在院子里 3 不时地 4 除去 5 感到自豪 6 表现一下自己 7 捕蛇 8 生物 9 毒杀蛇的药粉 10 着手研究蛇的习性 11 决定了三种方式 12 由制成 13 同时 14 用-覆盖 15 附近的墙洞 16 调整我的计划 17 小心翼翼地 18 拾起,捡起 19 改进我的方案 20 按照计划 21 抓住机会 22 专利局 23 而且 24 不同于 25 填表格 1. 给我母亲打电话 call up my mother 2 在院子里in our courtyard 3 不时地 now and then

2、4 除去 get rid of 5 感到自豪 feel proud 6 表现一下自己 distinguish myself 7 捕蛇 catch snakes 8 生物 living creatures 9 毒杀蛇的药粉 powders designed to kill snakes 10 着手研究蛇的习性 set about researching the habits of snakes 11 决定了三种方式 decide on three possible approaches 12 由制成 be made of 13 同时at the same time 14 用-覆盖 cover-w

3、ith 15 附近的墙洞 a convenient hole 16 调整我的计划 adjust my plan 17 小心翼翼地 with great caution 18 拾起,捡起 pick up 19 改进我的方案 improve my design 20 按照计划 according to plan 21 抓住机会seize the opportunity 22 专利局 the patent office 23 而且in addition 24 不同于 be different from 25 填表格 fill in the form Translate the following s

4、entences.1.Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing something merciful that would catch snakes but not hurt them.这回我有机会来表现一下自己了。我要发明某种仁慈的东西,既可以把蛇捉住,而又不会伤害他们2.The first thing I did was to see if there were any products that might help me,but there only seemed to be powders designed

5、 to kill snakes.我所作的第一件事就是看看有没有现成的产品能帮助我。但是,看来只有一种毒杀蛇的药粉3.Pressed by my friends and relations,I decided to seize the opportunity to get recognition for my successful idea by sending my invention to the patent office.由于朋友和亲戚的敦促,我决定抓住这次机会把我的发明送到专利局去,请他们对我这次成功的思路给予认可4.The criteria are so strict that it

6、 is difficult to get new ideas accepted unless they are truly novel.(评定)专利标准非常严格,除非新的想法真是新颖的,否则很难被接受 He is a great inventor of China.He invented seismograph to detect earthquakes.Zhang HengseismographGuessing GameThe man is from America.He is one of the father of inventions.The inventor invented the

7、 bulb.Edison What is a discovery?A discovery merely makes known something that already existed in nature. She is a great woman. She discovered radium. Madame CurieGuessing Game He discovered gravity by watching apples drop on the ground . Issac Newton gravityWhat is an invention?An Invention is some

8、thing that is created by a human being. Inventing is a scientific activity. The suitable order:Finding a problemDoing research Thinking of a creative solutionTesting the solutionDeciding on the inventionApplying for a patentWhat do you use to catch snakes?ReadingThe problem of the snakesSkim the who

9、le passage and get the main idea:The text tells _ and presents _ and applying for _.the problem of the snakes the procedures of catching them a patentSkimming (3m)Divide the text into four parts and work out the main idea for each paragraph.Part I Part IIPart IIIPart IV(Para.1)The discovery of the p

10、roblem of the snakes.(Paras2-3)The research on the approaches to solve the problem.(Para. 4-6)The attempts to catch the snakes.(Para.7-8)The requirement of getting a patent.Scanning1.What upset the authors mother?The snakes.2.How many times did the author attempt to remove the snakes?Three times.3.W

11、hat did the author do after he successfully get rid of the snakes?To apply for a patent.1.The biggest advantage of the writers new idea is that:A. it makes the snakes move slowlyB. it makes the snakes hardly bite usC. it is easier for us to kill the snakes without hurting ourselvesD. it is easier fo

12、r us to catch the snakes without killing them2. What instruments were used for catching the snakes?A. a bowl, ice-cubes, male perfumeB. a bowl, a bucket, female perfumeC. a small net, ice-cubes, a bucketD. a small net, a bucket, powders3. Which statement is true according to the text?A. The snakes w

13、ere so sleepy in the second attempt that they couldnt bite the writer at all.B. Your product must be different from everybody elses if you want to receive a patent.C. The writer decided to send her invention to the patent office the moment she succeeded in catching the snakes.D. If an application fo

14、r your product proves to be valid, you can get a patent immediately.4. According to the text, which subject do you think can be given a patent?A. A new star discovered by a scientist.B. A new novel written by Huo Da.C. A new way to make dirty water clean.D. A new kind of grass found in a mountain wh

15、ich can be used as a medicine.Careful reading:Answer the following questions:What was the mother upset about?Why was the writer happy to help her mother?What are the three creative steps that the writer takes to catch the snakes without hurting them?Why did cooling make the snakes less active?+Discu

16、ss with your partner what the advantages might be of getting a patent. What was the mother upset about?2. Why was the writer happy to help her mother?The mother was upset because a family of snakes had made their home near the house.The writer was happy because it gave her an opportunity to help her

17、 mother and invent something to catch the snakes without hurting them at the same time.3.What are the three creative steps that the writer takes to catch the snakes without hurting them?Step 1: She bought a stainless steel ice cream maker and froze the bowl. She added ice cubes to the top of the bow

18、l to keep it cold. She placed it over the snakes habitat during the day so that the snakes would become sleepy and could be easily caught.Step 2: As above she did the same but placed the bowls over the snakes habitat in the evening.Step 3: As above but added a net to catch the snakes.4. Why did cool

19、ing make the snakes less active?Snakes do not have a way of keeping warm in their bodies. They get warmth from the sun and become more active at this time. When the sun goes down at night they cool down and become less active. So extra cooling to the snake would make them even less active and easier

20、 to catch.5. Discuss with your partner what the advantages might be of getting a patent.You are able to prove that you are the first person to make the invention;You are recognized as a real inventor;You can make money if you sell your invention to others.写作:A short passage for fun 我同学的宠物鼠pet mouse从

21、笼子里跑出来了。它咬下了我们的纽扣,弄脏了我们的鞋子,在我们的面包上打洞,这让我们焦头烂额。令人更可气的是,它不知从哪找了一位女朋友。白天在我们上课时,它们在我们床上跳舞,有时晚上我们睡觉时,他们制造噪音。他们不仅影响了我们的生活,也影响我们的学习。是到了把他们请出家门的时候了。我们设计了三种方法才把它们弄走。一,用老鼠夹子mouse trap)。但她们太小心,从不靠近。二,买药毒死她们,可是,太残忍,不得不放弃。三,我们到玩具店toy store买了一个老鼠喜欢的玩具,把玩具放在箱子里。当它们在箱子里玩的高兴,我们把它们送给了卖宠物的人。事后感言,别自找麻烦,除非麻烦找上你。Once a p

22、et ,always a pet? My roomates pet mouse fled from cage, which upset us a lot. It bit our buttons off,dirtied our shoes ,made holes in our bread. What made us angrier was that the mouse found a girl friend and took her home without our permission. When we were attending a lecture in class, they danced on our beds.W


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