1、GMAT阅读-解题闫晨晨 1.细节题题频最高,难度跨度最大(逻辑+语言)针对原文细节提问特点题型判断是否能定位判断标准:题干信息越详细实义信息:逻辑结构提示词,低频词Which of the following is true according to the passage?Which of the following is a true explanation according to the passage?Which of the following is the feature of A? 2. 回原文定位3. 排除干扰项四种错误选项类型:混,偏,反,无解题步骤1.细节题Exerci
2、seThe anatomy of their (pterosaurs) wings suggests that they did not evolve into the class of birds. In pterosaurs a greatly elongated fourth finger of each forelimb supported a wing-like membrane. The other fingers were short and reptilian, with sharp claws. In birds the second finger is the princi
3、pal strut of the wing, which consists primarily of feathers. 【题】According to the passage, the skeleton of a pterosaur can be distinguished from that of a bird by the:A. size of its wingspanB. presence of hollow spaces in its bonesC. anatomic evidence of its wing strutD. presence of hook like project
4、ions on its hind feetE. location of the shoulder joint joining the wing to its body2. 举例及目的题in order to 或 to The author mention something to/ in order to变体:purpose function 问法本质:在论据和论点之间建立起正确的联系事实与观点的关系a)先结论后举例:for example,for instance,such as,like。倒读 b)先举例后结论:强因果关系词,hence,thus。继续读 c)无任何语言现象,倒读技巧1:在
5、做题回读时例子本身只需要知道位置和大致内容,主要明确目的技巧2:如果原文中的例子跟在Yet或者But这样一类转折词后,则用refute, criticize, challenge等词引导的选项则非常有可能成为答案;如果前面有观点且没有转折词,则正向引导动词更可能成为答案,比如support,reinforce解题步骤Exercise One argument against the scientists contention asserts that, by nature, textbooks are culturally biased and that the scientist is si
6、mply underestimating childrens ability to see through these biases. Some researchers even claim that by the time students are in high school, they cannot take textbooks literally. Yet substantial evidence exists to the contrary. (Two researchers, for example.)【题】The author mentions two researchers s
7、tudies most likely in order to A. suggest that childrens political attitudes are formed primarily through textbooksB. counter the claim that children are able to see through stereotypes in textbooksC. suggest that younger children tend to interpret the messages in textbooks more literally than do ol
8、der childrenD. demonstrate that textbooks carry political messages meant to influence their readersE. prove that textbooks are not biased in terms of their political presentations2. 举例及目的题3. 态度题针对文章中的作者或者某个人针对另一个人的观点或者某件事情的评价观点归属:文章中所有他人的观点作者一定会表明观点的持有者,如果不表明观点的持有者,则该观点为作者观点。问法对态度进行分类(两大类,六小类)单向:纯正,
9、纯负,无态度混合:偏正,偏负,偏中立解题步骤3. 态度题1.描述性词汇:情态动词,形容词请注意某些中性词在特定背景(context)下会产生出情感倾向来:This theory makes intuitive sense.2.引号例: All in the name of protecting the health of the women.3.某些表示评价的实义动词, 用于研究类文章负评价: Fail to, ignore, overlook, neglect, overestimate, and underestimate正评价; show, support,prove, demonstr
10、ate, find, discover, determine4.混合评价but 或and连接的评价词correct and limitedis useful but can cause some problems修饰词所限定的评价词partially correct, qualified 有条件的 approval, guarded (谨慎的,提防的) criticism, tentative acceptance, reluctant acceptance4. 类比题问法:Which of the following is most similar to the situation in?
11、similar to, analogous to, parallel, consistent with问法弱化名词本身含义,强调名词与名词间的关系解题步骤对于所有想去美国读研的同学来说,托福考试作为基本的语言能力认证,被每一个专业和每一所学校所要求。但是在对于考GRE和GMAT的问题上,同学可以根据自己的情况进行选择,想在文科或者理工科方向深造的同学需要出示GRE成绩,而选择会计金融或管理等商科的同学则要进行GMAT考试。 学校九月的运动会包含了不同的项目。方阵队列要求班上每一位同学参与以体现集体意识感,而在具体项目的报名上,则更多体现了参与同学的兴趣与特长,班上几位比较魁梧的男同学参加了田径
13、4.类比题5.主旨题解题方法1:引导动词解题主旨题比较常见的选项设置形式是一个动词引导一个句子,仅仅通过看动词可以排除掉部分选项。排除原则:1.负向动词比正向动词排除可能性高: 比较challenge和support 2. 动词含义越丰富,排除可能性越高 defend, trace, explore, evaluate, solve, advocate, compare解题步骤5.主旨题解题方法2:主体解题主体的定义正确的答案一定包含主体,包含非主体的错误几率非常大。解题方法3:情感色彩解题对文章和选项分别进行情感色彩分类单向:纯正,纯负,无态度混合:偏正,偏负,偏中立解题步骤6.加强削弱题问
14、法1:What of the following, if true/false, would most strengthen/weaken the argument in the passage?问法2: If sth. in the passage was true/false, which of the following is likely to happen?问法 解法1:寻找文章中一个结论(Argument)所有使用的证据(Evidence)和证据和结论间的关系,加强或者削弱证据(Evidence)和证据和结论间的关系会自然导致结论的被加强或者削弱。(4歩)Eg. 亚洲足球水平很低。
15、因为澳大利亚足球水平低,而澳大利亚与亚洲处于同一个世界杯预选赛赛区,其水平能一定程度反映亚洲足球水平。解法2:回文定位,寻找Sth, 并找到文中由于Sth引起的结果,直接针对果取反。解题步骤ExerciseIn later studies we found that injecting insulin into a rats bloodstream also caused parallel elevations in blood and brain tryptophan levels and in serotonin levels. The increased serotonin eventu
16、ally made scientists believed that insulin should be at least one factor among the many that can influence the rats memorization process.【题】If the injection of insulin did not result in an elevation of rats serotonin level, which of the following would happen?A. The rats tryptophan level shall decrease despite the injection of insulinB. Scientists will have to further explore the specifi
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