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1、What are StarsLi yuhe Universe?(I)The action of looking for life on other stars reflects the progress of humancivilization.Humans explore outer space through two ways, namelynavigation and bilateral information communication.erslar spaceCurrently, space navigation attracts humans attraction. The que

2、stions are mainly about how to exchange information and communicate with the life on other stars. Is itsible? Is it useful?he21stcentury, humans gradually pay less attention to gods. However, theystill cannot confirm the existence of life on other stars, because nobody sees them ally.Actually, this

3、life may still communicate, because the universe is just like anextra-largeernet with brain energy as the channel. As long as we recognize thehuman brain can release energy, we can find the common medium of the universe.Although the Earth is far from other stars, energy signals of brains can build a

4、n angible information bridge, enabling the life on them to “surf the universal ernet”.At present, humans still have many doubts. Actually, as long as we are notrestrained by the old consciousness and imagine the brain as a suphone, we cancomprehensively understand the universe and end the isolated h

5、istory of humans.When there is a large amount of information about other stars, human thinking andlife will be enlightened and changed by the newerslar culture.Its quite easy for skilleds to do something. Just a simple selection canchange history and the sight of life can be expanded by a gleam of l

6、ight.ly, stars come in different shstick form.s, including round, strip-like, square and inAngle-shd stars are triangular, quinquangular, hexagonal and polygonal.Some branch-shd stars are like thorn balls with thousands of branches, whilesome only have few branches differing in length.Abnormal-shoth

7、er shs.d stars are like a datt, crown, barbell, water drop along withSlar combinations are dividedoprimary and subsidiary stars. The lattersurround the former, which is just like the solar system.The stars in different shs move in different orbits. Some stars orbit others,while some only roe on thei

8、r axis just like a roing top; some roe irregularly justlike turning a somersault, and some even orbit in the “zigzag” pattern just like a bouncing ball on the groundThe orbits show the energy released by stars. The orbit of a star is decided by itssh, energy release method and its external environme

9、nt. Humind experienthe Earths roion and revolution and calls this the law as time. Although “time” hasextensive meaning, it only belongs to the Earth.Due to the factt stars in the universe have their own roion & revolutionmethods and laws, there is no starting poand switching poof time. The countles

10、stime and space of stars form the vast universe having no time or space. Therefore, astars time and space is only part of the understanding pros.The light of these stars is unprecedentedly rich. Generally speaking, the higherstars can shine by themselves, while the medium and lower stars shine by me

11、ans of theirradiated light and the light of neighboring stars. Light is quite significant for life.Sunlight brings life on Earth winatural experience of alternation of day and nighton which we depend for survival. Of course, the Earth only relying on irradiation cannot be compared with those stars s

12、hining by themselves.These boast stable and plentiful light. Heaven always casts a thousand beams and the ground is bright and beautiful permanently. Stable light comes he forms of light bands, light particles, light plates, light beads and others.The medium stars are the largest benefi ries of irra

13、diation and the light ofneighboring stars, while the lower stars only enjoy rare light and some are evenpgedTheo eternal darkness.ernal parts and landforms of those stars are different. If we call the ed projection as a “mountain” and the underground liquid as “water”, thesesharp-potwo words definiy

14、 cannot express real meaning, because the environments andmake-up of other stars are quite different from those on Earth.Humans need to expand their thinking space; otherwise our brains cannot containso much information. Except for such wondershe dream as star shs, roionand revolution, light, surfac

15、e and others, humans should pay attention to thelife on other stars.elligentThere is no life on most starsscattered energy and natural matters. The universe. Each life originates from a starseration pros of life ispanied byso many opportunities and rules of evolution. A high-quality star will create

16、high-quality life, and vice versa.Due to the factt the starshe universe are in different qualities and shs,there are also different kinds of life on them. This life is in such shs as an iron nail,circle, umbrella, eye, octopus and others. They have approximate similarities andcomplete dissimilaritie

17、s.The key is to fairly divideelligent lifeo kinds of different qualities. Theses. There are 17 ecological zones oflives can be classified based on their shhigh-elligent life, 22 ecological zones of medium-elligent life, seven ecologicalzones of low-elligent life, and one ecological zone of non-ellig

18、ent life.The high-elligent life deserves the name. They have big and hard brains withextraordinary “thinking force” which can produce a driving force. The human brainscannot catch up with the high-elligent lifes brain. In addition, the cognition ofmedium-elligent life cannot be compared with the hig

19、h-elligent lifes insightothe essence of things.When people on Earth neglect information from the universe and even think theyare absurd, the high-elligent life pays attention to mutual promotion and prosperitywith other life forms. Thinking each lifehe universe has equal sus but differentelligence,

20、they work to realize theegration of lifehe universe.According to them, the universe creates life, which makes ite a realuniverse of stars, life andelligence.These large concepts are just a form of delirious speech for humans. However,the high-elligent life can accept and care about other life and se

21、t such a big goal,which is closely related to their supreme brains.he 20 ecological zones of medium-elligent life, its difficult for humans toimagine the life with wings. They look like sli, lines, mushrooms and others.Although their shs are quite spel and different, they have sensoryans andflexible

22、limbs.Ahumanbeing,belongingtothe8thecologicalzoneofmedium-elligent life, has a head, two upper limbs and two lower limbs.Comparedtothehigh-elligentlifeofmaturityandcalmness,themedium-the elder.elligent life is like the innocent youth: vigorous but needing guidance byThe pros of human evolution ispan

23、ied by adapion ands, andhumans are usually restricted by something, which also reflects the evolutionarypros of medium-elligent life.Obviously, the key forelligent life is to understand the means of making themmorereflectedelligent. However, the cognition of medium-elligent life is quite limited,hat

24、 they lack the ability of grasthe essence of things and cannotlsome details of brainhe future.Some low-elligent lives on other stars are like a ser, a worm and otherforms.Theycannotbecomparedwiththemedium-elligence decides their limited evolution.elligentlifeandtheirThe remarkable differenamongellig

25、ent lives showt the lives on starscannot compare with each other and must be treated from a different angle. Meanwhile, life on stars is restricted by the universal motion of matter, which is a kind of harmony and unity for the universe.With the civilization of thousands of years, humans on Earth ca

26、n finally beg o21stacquire the precise information of other stars since thebroadening our horizon, we can get two benefits from it:century. Except for, we cane closerto the universe and know the Earths geological evolution, the origin of life and otheraspects of history from the angle of the univers

27、e. Secondly, our future developmentcan be guided by the high-elligent life. Studying “evolution” hase a subjectof science. Under the guidance of conscious evolutionary ideas, human survivalstructure, ideology, scientific development, living environment, diet, illness and otherswill be compley change

28、d.Due to imbalance in the humans brain heredity and growth, not everyone canrealize the information communication with lifehe universe and people followingconventions even doubt its realness. Mind has invented numerous tools. Can thebrain really be directly used as the communication tool?Maybe it re

29、ally can be used. Why not try our best to solve the puzzle?Huminds exploration of the universe is bound to be a pros from basicignorance to the amazing detailed description. Humans live in a big family with harmonious existence of all kinds of lifehe universe. Although we are indifferentto other sta

30、rs now, we will explore, study and even love them someday. When thebright prospect of the universe can be harvested, lets joyfully proe a toast.Li YuBeijing boo外星是什么?(上)寻找外星生命,是人类文明进步的最高体现。人类向地外空间的扩展有两种方式,一种是跨星宇航,另一种则是双方的信息联络。当前,宇航为万众瞩目。疑惑集中在和外星生命进行信息联络,和他们沟通有用吗?,可能吗?进入二十一世纪,神仙逐渐家谁也没有亲见亲历啊。,但世人对宇宙里的







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