1、1Poste restante-From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Poste restante (French word, meaning post which remains) is a service where the post office holds mail until the recipient calls for it. It is a common destination for mail for people visiting a particular location and have no need, or no way, of
2、 having mail delivered directly to their place of residence at that time.2United KingdomIn the United Kingdom, mail is addressed to POSTE RESTANTE (or TO BE CALLED FOR), which is written after the full name of the recipient (as appears on the identification to be presented i.e. the passport, if abro
3、ad), then the name and full address of the destination post office, thus:3 Mr. John Smith POSTE RESTANTE Islington Post Office 116 Upper Street Islington London N1 1AE4If only addressed to a town name, for example POSTE RESTANTE, LONDON (there are currently 115 crown offices in LONDON) mail will go
4、to the closest main post office branch.5The sender should also include their return address. In the UK, the Royal Mail holds mail posted from within the UK for two weeks, whereas mail posted from abroad is normally held for one month, if the recipient is at sea however, it will be held for two month
5、s. Where mail is not collected within that time, it will be returned to the sender, or if there is no sender indicated, will be treated as undeliverable. If the sender would like uncollected mail returned sooner, they can indicate this on the envelope. Timescales vary from country to country accordi
6、ng to local practice.6United StatesIn the US, the US Postal Service uses the term general delivery and reserves the term poste restante for international mail sent to general delivery. Mail is addressed as follows: Mrs. Jane Q. Smith General Delivery Washington DC 20090-99997In the ZIP+4 code, the a
7、dd-on code for general delivery is 9999. The main post office in a community will hold such mail for up to 30 days. This may be a different post office from where oversized packages and registered mail are held for any particular zip code. Note that many post offices within a medium to large city do
8、 not have general delivery, and mail addressed to these zip codes will either be forwarded to the Main Post Office or returned to sender.8New Zealand Poste Restante is an inexpensive service for overseas visitors sothey can receive letters and parcels from family and friends while travelling around
9、New Zealand.9The Poste Restante service provides customers with: a location to hold mail until they are ready to collect it a facility to redirect mail a facility to leave messages, and storage facilities for parcels to be collected when ready. 10Poste Restante locations can hold letters (including
10、small parcels up to 2kg) for overseas visitors for up tothree months at no cost.The cost for a domestic redirection of Poste Restante mail is $7.00.The cost of an overseas redirection will depend on the service required (ie International Air or International Economy) and the international zone it wi
11、ll be sent to.11Note: We cannot redirect mail to a hotel, motel, motorcamp or boarding house.Poste Restante locations can hold parcels up to 2-30kg for overseas visitors for up to three months for a small fee. The first seven days are free of charge, each parcel held beyond this will be charged at a
12、 rate of $2.50 per seven days or part thereof. After three months, any unclaimed letters or parcels will be returned to sender.12China 交寄规定:在封面上明显注明“Poste Restante”(存局候领)字样,并写明收件人姓名、寄达地名,不可写收件人详细地址。使用缩写名、数字、姓名不全、假名或暗号书写姓名的不予收寄。为了便于把存局候领邮件投交收件人,寄件人应尽可能注明领取邮件的邮局名称。投递存局候领邮件时,可以向收件人收取存局候领费。投递给据的国际存局候领邮件
13、(挂号函件、保价信函和包裹)时,还应请收件人出示其合法证件。 13存局期限:存局候领邮件在寄达局保存期限为一个月,超过期限则按无法投递邮件处理。如果寄件人在邮件上批注存放日期时,只要要求期限不超过上述期限的,可按寄件人所注日期退回。 14存局候领函件:不写收件人详细地址,寄件人寄往指定邮局留存,由收件人前往领取的国际函件。此项业务可以给用户提供良好的通信保密,方便暂时无固定地址的收件人的通信,是邮联会员国都必办的业务。投递存局候领邮件时,可以向收件人收取存局候领费。存局候领邮件在寄达局保存期限为一个月,超过期限则按无法技递邮件处理。15一件苏州寄香港的“存局候领”实寄封一件苏州寄香港的“存局候
14、领”实寄封,正、反面的戳记、签条齐备。16Face 正面17Back 反面18详细解读此件苏州-香港“存局候领”实寄封一、“存局候领”业务简介 凡在邮件封面上(包裹并于相关包裹详情单上)写明收件人姓名、指定存留的邮局名称和收寄人的地址姓名,并注明 “”字样的各类邮件,都可作为存局候领邮件收寄。为了方便住址流动或无固定地址的收件人接收邮件,由寄件人写明邮件收件人姓名和指定留存邮局名称,由收件人凭证件到留存邮局领取的邮件称为“存局候领邮件”。 19业务范围:各类邮件(含汇款)均可办理存局候领,但须交邮局由营业人员直接处理,不能自行投入信箱信筒。收件人的姓名不完全,或使用其他代号以及已书写明收件人详
15、细地址的邮件,均不能办理存局候领。 20交寄方法:(1)正确书写邮件封面地址。收、件人地址应写明寄达省、市名称、邮件留存的邮局名称和收件人姓名,不得写有收件人详细地址或使用其他代号、暗号,寄件人的地址、姓名应详细书写;(2)按平常邮件或给据邮件交寄的存局候领邮件,都应到邮局营业窗口交寄,如自行投入信箱、信筒的,邮局将退回寄件人,无法退回的,作无着邮件处理。 21领取方法:存局候领邮件,由邮政机构在营业厅明显处公布邮件到达日期、收件人姓名。收件人领取邮件时,由收件人本人凭本人证件按领取邮件手续和交付存局候领手续费领取,不得委托他人代领。 22存局候领邮件的改寄:存局候领邮件,可以申请由所存留的邮
16、局改寄其他邮局留存候领,但不得改存于同地另一邮局留存候领。写明收件人姓名地址的邮件,可以申请改寄他地邮局存局候领,不得在同地改为存局候领。 23存局候领邮件的邮费除按所寄邮件本身应纳各项资费收取外,投交时由投递局另收存局候领手续费,国内存局候领手续费函件和汇兑每件1元、包裹每件3元;港、澳、台地区存局候领手续费每件2.3元。24二、此封的业务处理情况此封首先是一件2003-11苏州园林网师园特种邮票的原地首日实寄封,贴该全套邮票和普票60分,合计邮资5元。邮资分解情况为:信函费1.5元+航空费0.5元+挂号费3元=5元。符资。25寄件人在封的左上角写明了自己的详址、姓名和邮编:“From中国苏
17、州蒲林巷35号后门35号 杨玲玲 215005 P. R. China”;在封中间写明收件人姓名和指定的留存邮局:“To Dr. Zhan RenHongKong G. P. O. (poste restante) Hong Kong”(中文意思为:寄给詹仁博士/香港邮政总局/存局候领/香港)。26苏州凤凰街邮局收寄此封时,在封正面左侧贴含13个字符的的不干胶国际挂号条码标签(邮2107,白底黑字),13个字符的前两位“RR”表示“挂号”,第3-10位表示邮件顺序号码,第11位为校验码,最后两位“CN”为“中国”的标准代码,表示邮件原寄国;票上销2003年6月29日18时2号日戳(为苏州园林网师园特种邮票的首发日);封的下方盖“航空PAR AVION”红色副
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