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1、英语国家概况The United States of America Chapter 11EconomyThe United States of AmericaThink about these questions before we start:What industrial developments took place during the colonial period of America?How did the Civil War affect the American economy?Why does America try to reduce trade barriers? W

2、arming-up Activities Contents History of American Economy Current American Economy General IntroductionUSthe current industrial, economic and technological giantranking first in computer technology, space technology, nuclear energy, and electronics, etc.;producing a major portion of the worlds machi

3、nery, automobiles, oil, electrical energy, and chemicals.Mixed economyemphasizing private ownershipfederal governmentregulating businessesanti-trust laws General IntroductionPrivate businesses produce most goods and services.Two thirds of the output goes to individuals; One third is bought by govern

4、ment and business. “Consumer economy” General Introduction History of American EconomyThe Colonial Period Since American IndependenceThe 20th Century 1231. The Colonial PeriodMassachusettssettled by Pilgrims to escape religious persecutionOther colonieslike Virginia and Pennsylvania, founded as busi

5、ness venturescontribution to Englands colonizing process of the would-be United States charter companies King provided a charter or grant conferring economic rights as well as political and judicial authority1. The Colonial PeriodMayflower, the ship that carried the Pilgrims from England to Plymouth

6、, Massachusetts, where they established the first permanent New England colony in 1620. 1. The Colonial PeriodEnglish investors turned over colonial charters to the settlers. enormous political implicationsColonists were left to build their own lives, communities, and economy, that is, to construct

7、their new nation1. The Colonial Periodappearance of sawmills (锯木场) and gristmills (磨房) shipyardsbuilding fishing fleets and trading vessels small iron forges (冶炼厂)Secondary industries (二级产业) GristmillIron forge1. The Colonial PeriodClear regional patterns of development by the 18th century:New Engla

8、ndship-building and sailing;Maryland, Virginia, and Carolinastobacco, rice and indigo (靛蓝属植物);New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delawareshipped crops and furs;The field was open for entrepreneurs (企业家、创业者) among the colonists to establish themselves.1. The Colonial PeriodDisputes over taxation

9、and other matters with Britain:Americansmodification (减轻) of taxes and regulations; demand for more self-governmentMounting quarrelleading to war against the British and to independence for the coloniesAmerican Revolution: bolstered (支持、支撑) by an emerging middle classrallying cry“inalienable rights

10、to life, liberty, and property”1. The Colonial Period2. Since American Independence U.S. Constitution established the nation as a unified market. no tariffs or taxes on inter-state commerce;Federal government could regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the states, establish uniform bankru

11、ptcy laws, create money and regulate its value, fix standards of weights and measures, establish post offices and roads, and fix rules governing patents (专利权、专利品) and copyrights. “intellectual property”Alexander Hamiltons economic development strategy2. Since American Independence nurture infant ind

12、ustries by providing overt subsidies (公开的补贴) impose protective tariffs (保护性关税) on importscreate a national bank assume public debts Alexander Hamilton was the first United States Secretary of the Treasury, a Founding Father, economist, and political philosopher.The new government did make tariffs an

13、 essential part of American foreign policy.President Jackson opposed to Hamiltons national bank.When elected for a second term, Jackson opposed renewing the banks charter. Businesses panicked in both 1834 and 1837.2. Since American Independence The Industrial Revolution By 1860, one third of the nat

14、ions income came from manufacturing;Cotton cloth production was the leading industry;Urbanized industrylimited to the Northeast;Immigrant workersBetween 1845 and 1855, some 300, 000 European immigrants arrived annually. 2. Since American Independence Urban IndustrializationTextile Plant2. Since Amer

15、ican Independence The Southrural and dependent on the North for capital and manufactured goods Economic policy under President Lincoln:2. Since American Independence In 1861, adoption of a protective tariffIn 1862, the first Pacific railroad was chartered. In 1863 and 1864, a national bank code (银行代

16、码) was drafted.Northern victory in the Civil Warensured the destiny of the nation and its economic systemslavery system was abolished, making southern cotton plantations less profitable;Northern industry surged ahead:Industrialists domination in social and political affairsDisappearance of the south

17、ern planter aristocracy (贵族)“Second industrial revolution” 2. Since American Independence “Second industrial revolution” an explosion of new discoveries and inventions:The discovery of oil;The development of typewriter;The invention of telephone, phonograph (速记法), and electric light;Refrigerated rai

18、lroad cars came into use;Cars were replacing carriages and people were flying in airplanes by the dawn of the 20th century.2. Since American Independence 3. The 20th CenturyExperienced a period of prosperity in the early 20th centurySuffered Great Depression in the 1930sWall Street Crash in October

19、1929 3. The 20th CenturyPresident Roosevelts New Deal (新政)intervention of the governmentensure that economic opportunities are fair and accessible to the people;prevent flagrant (公然的) abuses of the system;Dampen (抑制) the effects of inflation;stimulate growth. His New Deal was popular with the electo

20、rate (选民) and led to a successful reelection in 1936. Reagan Administrations new monetarist (货币主义者) policies in the early 1980scontrol over government spending deficitscutting taxes to enhance economic developmentraise of interest ratesGeorge H. W. Bushslow economic recessionClintoneconomic recovery

21、 Appearance of new tycoons (企业界或政界巨头)Bill Gates3. The 20th CenturyII Current American EconomyAgriculture 1Manufacturing Industry2Service Industry3High-tech Industry4Foreign Trade51. AgricultureConditions for developing agriculture:vastness of the landgenerosity of naturerainfall, rivers and undergro

22、und water allowing for irrigation where necessaryAverage American farm462 acres (187 hectares)Success of agriculturelarge capital investmentshighly trained labornew methods for raising crops1. AgricultureModern farmingdisease and drought resistant seedsfertilizers and pesticidesspace technology util

23、ization1. AgricultureLets take a look at American farm scenery “Agribusiness”a variety of farm businesses and structures from small, one-family corporations to huge conglomerates(联合企业:由许多不同行业的公司组成的有不同经营范围的大企业)or multinational firmsAmerican farms low-cost outputOne-third of crops for exportEurope, As

24、ia, Africa and Latin America Agricultural imports lag far behind, leaving a surplus in the agricultural balance of trade1. AgricultureFarmersnot work on the farms full-time45 percent with other occupations240, 000 tenant farmersrent land for cash or pay the owner a share of the crops they growmigran

25、t workershired only for a specific choreAgriculture remains the foundation upon which American well-being and prosperity are based. 1. Agriculture2. Manufacturing IndustryLarge manufacturing industries employing more than 24 million workersHighly developed military industryAuto companiesFord, Genera

26、l Motors and ChryslerBoeing Aircraft Companycommercial airlinersOther industries: food, clothing, etc.America has formed an industrial system with large productivity.2. Manufacturing IndustryDivision of Manufacturing Activities The East North Centralthe leading regionover 25% of manufacturing capaci

27、tymotor vehicles and other transportation equipments, non-electrical machinery, and fabricated metals The Middle Atlantic regionoccupying the second placealmost 20% of the total value added chemicals and machinery, both electrical and non-electrical The Pacific coast regiondominated by the manufactu

28、ring activities of Californiathe third place with about 15% of the total value addedTransportation equipments, food products, and electrical and electronic equipmentsThe South Atlantic regionthe fourth leading region over 10% of the total US manufacturing outputtextiles, chemicals, tobacco products,

29、 and apparelThe West South Central and the East South Central regions about 15% of the total national outputchemicals, food products, electrical and electronic equipments, and non-electrical machineryDivision of Manufacturing Activities The West North Central, New England and the Mountain states reg

30、ionremaining 15% of the national output New Englandelectrical and non-electrical machinery, and fabricated metalsThe West North Central statesmachinery and food productsThe Mountain statesfood products, primary metals and non-electrical machineryDivision of Manufacturing Activities 3. Service Indust

31、ryTremendous growth in employment in the service sector since the 1970sthree categories: services for the affluentcommercial banking, life insurance, real estate and law serviceswelfare serviceshealth care, education, government and social servicesservices provided by the poorservices to buildings a

32、nd dwellings, retail services3. Service IndustryAdvanced service industry4. High-tech IndustryHigh-tech industries ranking first in the worldMore emphasis on space technology, electronics, chemicals and computingSuccessful flight of the space shuttle Leading computer companies in the world Leading e

33、ngineering and information technology4. High-tech Industry美国计算机协会(Association of Computing Machinery,简称ACM)是一个国际性的科技教育组织,是世界上第一个科学性及教育性计算机学会。ACM致力于提高信息技术在科学、艺术等各行各业的应用水平。5. Foreign TradeUS foreign trade plays a significant role in the economyTrade pattern: from domestic-oriented to internationally-orientedReducing trade barriers (贸易壁垒) and coordinating the world economic systemPromoting bilateral (双边的) and regional trade to enhance domestic stability and l


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