医学免疫学英文教学课件:chapter 1 Overview of the history of immunology_第1页
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1、Medical ImmunologyReferences医学免疫学 孙汶生( 2010)高等教育出版社 医学免疫学 曹雪涛 (2013) 人民卫生出版社 医学免疫学 龚非力 (2009)科学出版社Immunology (2003) Roitt 6 EditionMedical Immunology (2007) Gabriel Virella 6 EditionCellular & Molecular Immunology(2007)Abbas 6th Immunobiology(2005)Charles A. 5th ContentsPart I Introduction of Immuno

2、logyPart II Immune moleculesPart III Immune cells and immune responsesPart IV Immunity in clinic and its application -Hypersensitivity -Immunity to tumors -Transplantation immunologyMultiple Pathway Learning (MPL)How much do you know about immunology?Vaccine:prevention and therapyAllergy-Hypersensit

3、ivityAIDS-CD4+ T cellOrgan transplantation-rejectionTumor-tumor immunityDiabetesHeart cerebrovascular disease-Chapter 1. Overview of the history of immunologyImmunology developed as humans continued fighting against infectious diseases. I. Vaccination and Immunity against Infectious DiseasesPlague s

4、wept through all over the world:infectious diseases such as smallpox (天花), cholera(霍乱), diphtheria(白喉), leprosy(麻风病), and typhoid(伤寒症)etc.Historical review of the influenza epidemic in 1918 SmallpoxMany kinds of diseases in humanViral InfectionBacterial InfectionDiseases Caused by Parasitic WormsIn

5、430BC, Thucydides (修西得底斯) documented:those who survived an attack (including himself) did not experience the plague again. -immunityChinese medical practitioners : variolationvariolation1796, Jenner: occupational exposure to cowpox prevents smallpox-vacca vaccination/vaccineThey should be vaccinated

6、 firstWhy dont they want to play with my kids? 1676, Anthony van Leeuwenhoek : microscope Late 1800s :Pausteur: isolate microorganisms and culture bacterial successfullyKoch: infectious diseases caused by microorganisms specific pathogens caused specific diseaseRobert Koch(1843-1910) Louis Pausteur(

7、1822-1895)Pausteur anti-cholera: 1878, old attenuated culture of Chicken cholera (霍乱) anti-anthrax(炭疽) Rabies vaccine (狂犬病疫苗) - vaccine; vaccination, artificial active immunization (live-attenuated vaccine) -antigen(Ag)Artificial active immunizationThe microbes or their metabolic products are inject

8、ed into the host, and specific immune response is induced to prevent from infectious disease. 1888: Roux and Yersin: exotoxin produced by C. Diphtheriae(白喉杆菌) 1890,von Behring & Kitasato: anti-serum -passive immunity antiserum, antibody (Ab)A vial of diphtheria antitoxin, dated 1895 Passive immunity

9、The form of immunity to an antigen that is established in one individual by transfer of antibodies or lymphocytes from another individual who is immune to that antigen. Active immunity and passive immunityII. Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Immunology1. Antigen and antigenic determinantLands

10、teiner: Ag and Epitope/antigenic determinantSpecific response between Ag and Ab -diagnosis,therapyABO blood type -immunochemistry Immunogenicity and immunoreacticivity2. Antibody and humoral immunityAntibody and artificial passive immunitySerology : Ab is golubin Ehrlich : Humoral immunity Developme

11、nt of antibody research: 4 chain protein Immunoglobulin (Ig) BCR Monoclonal antibody (mAb) Gene structure -diversity3.T lymphocytes and cellular immunity1883, E.Metchnikoff: leukocyte and phagocytosis (cellular immunity)1961: thymus of miceIII. Immunology An Independent Discipline Came into Being (1

12、) New understanding of lymphocyte functions: 1960 Peter Nowell PHA(2) Functions of bursa and thymus1. Recognition of the immune system 1957,Glick: Chicken without bursa can not produce Ab-B cells 1961, Miller: cell mediated immune of new born mice whose thymus were taken away are defective.Immunolog

13、y became independent science Immune System: Immune organs: thymus & bone marrow(bursa)Immune cells: T cells B cellsCellular immunityHumor immunity2. Establishment of theoretical system of immunology(1) 1959, Burnet: Clonal selection theory Clone: a group cells that stem from identical cell Clonal se

14、lection theory There are various lymphocyte clones in our body, each of them bears a unique type of Ag receptor which can recognize Ag specifically. The clones of lymphocytes that can recognize self-Ags will be destroyed or learn to tolerance (forbidden clones) at the early stage of their developmen

15、t. -clonal deletionClonal selection theoryClonal selection theory The clones of lymphocytes that can be interacted with corresponding Ag will be selected and lead to activation, proliferation, produce antibody and specific memory cells. -clonal selectionVarious clonesClonal deletionClonal selection

16、(2) Mechanisms of immunologic tolerance Owen first observed immunological tolerance to allogenic antigen in fetal period in 1945.cattle of dizygotic twin12Experiment of Medawar on immunological tolerance (3) Mechanisms of immune response Humoral immunity (HI)-Erlich: antitoxin(Ab)Cellular immunity (

17、CMI)-Macchnitoff : Microorganisms engulfed and destroyed by phagocytic cells1903, Weight & Douglas: Both HI and CMI are very important for keeping healthy of the body TCR and BCR MHC-IMHC- IIa2a3a1b1b2b2ma1a2肽结合单位Ig样单位跨膜单位MHC moleculesProcess and present Ag to T cellsJean Dauset 1916-, Nobel Prize 1970 for study on immunogenetics3. Formation of immunology sub-disciplinesWhat shoul


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