1、兵工自动化 摘要英译集 2006年第6期PAGE 182006-6题录英译集*武器装备自动化 智能传感器及现场总线控制系统在潜艇装备中的应用孙东平1,姚奕2,洪贞启2(1. 海军潜艇学院 研究生队,山东 青岛 266071;2. 海军潜艇学院 战略导弹水中兵器系,山东 青岛 266071)摘要:由智能传感器和现场总线构成的现场总线控制系统,采用三层线性网络结构。以太网层实现各舱室工作站向指挥舱传输数据。PROFIBUS现场总线网络层采用屏蔽双绞线连接。AS-I接口网络层用于传感器和执行器的联网通信。各舱室主站通过PROFIBUS-DP总线以令牌方式与智能传感器传输数据,各舱室艇员通过主站控制底
2、层设备,实现对本舱的执行器件的监控。关键词:智能传感器;现场总线控制系统;潜艇装备Application of Intelligent Sensors and FCS in Submarine EquipmentsSUN Dong-ping, YAO Yi, HONG Zhen-qi(1. Brigade of Graduate, Navy Submarine Academy, Qingdao 266071, China;2. Dept. of Strategic Missile & Underwater Weapon, Navy Submarine Academy, Qingdao 2660
3、71, China)Abstract: The Intelligent Sensors and Field bus constitute three linear network layers of Fieldbus Control System. Ethernet layer sends data from workstation to command cabin. Shield twisted-pair connect PROFIBUS layer. Sensors and executing implements can communicate through AS-I interfac
4、e layer. Each workstation communicates with sensors by token in PROFIBUS-DP layer. Crew control understratum equipments and manipulate executing implements at workstation.Keywords: Intelligent sensors; FCS (Fieldbus Control System); Submarine equipments*基于无线网络的大型武器装备故障诊断系统刘承武,黄先祥,李胜朝,蔡伟(第二炮兵工程学院 202
5、教研室,陕西 西安 710025)摘要:基于无线网络的大型武器装备故障诊断系统,下位机在ARM920T构架的32位微处理器S3C2410A基础上,进行外围扩展。包括信号采集、信号调理电路、JTAG接口、LED显示、无线网卡接口及RS232接口,从而实现大型武器装备各部位状态信息的数据采集及和上位机的无线数据交互。上位机由配置无线网卡微机组成,采用笔记本电脑,通过无线网卡接受各下位机采集的信息并显示,通过调用数据库,对数据进行分析,查找故障原因。关键字:大型武器装备;故障诊断系统;嵌入式系统;无线网络Fault Diagnosis System for Large-Scale Weapon Eq
6、uipment Based On Wireless NetworkLIU Cheng-wu, HUANG Xian-xiang, LI Sheng-chao, CAI Wei(The Second Artillery Engineering College, Xian, 710025 China)Abstract: As the high requirement for the good mobility and real time ability in the current fault diagnosis system for Large-scale Weapon Equipment, a
7、 scheme of it based on wireless network is put forward. This system takes use of S3C2410A CPU based on the ARM920T microprocessor and popular embedded Linux operating system. The development process has been introduced in detail and the whole system framework and flow chart have also been put forwar
8、d. Experiments have also been performed on a Large-scale Weapon Equipment, the results show this system can monitor and diagnose the exact information of the equipment and high reliability.Keywords: Embedded system; Wireless network; Fault diagnosis*基于无线分布式网络的装甲车辆监测系统范红波,张英堂,任国全,吴定海(军械工程学院,河北 石家庄 05
9、0003)摘要:基于无线分布式网络的装甲车辆监测系统,由上位机及若干下位机及相应的无线通讯模块组成。监测子系统包括信号采集电路、数据存储和无线发送装置,负责信号采集及数据的存储和发送。该系统采用大容量的移动存储器CF卡,保证数据记录的完备性,由此解决通过查询方式进行数据无线传输时可能造成的数据丢失问题。关键词:监测系统;数据采集;无线分布式网络Armor Vehicle Monitoring System Based on Wireless Distributed NetworkFAN Hong-bo, ZHANG Ying-tang, REN Guo-quan, WU Ding-hai(Or
10、dnance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang 050003, China)Abstract: The armor vehicle monitoring system based on wireless distributed network consists of host computer, some slave computers and relevant wireless communication module. Monitoring subsystem, which comprises the circuit of signal acquisiti
11、on, data memory and wireless transmission equipment, can be used to complete data acquisition, memory and transmission. In order to make sure the completeness of data, the large capacity of removable storing equipment “CF card” is used to store data in the system and the problem that data losing dur
12、ing wireless transmission is solved.Keywords: Monitoring system; Data collection; Wireless distributed network*作战单元装备系统的需求量仿真模型陈玉波1,2,李世英1,张彦忠1,陈乐1(1.军械工程学院 维修工程研究所,河北 石家庄 050003;2.第二炮兵装备研究院,北京 100085)摘要:作战单元装备系统的需求量仿真模型,应用Petri网和ExSpect建立复杂任务的的仿真模型。其步骤包括:定义约束环境及目标函数、借鉴运筹学中解决非线性规划问题的可行方向法对该模型的算法进行讨论
13、。建立子任务需求量模型后,将每个子任务模型当作可调用模块。在进行复杂任务装备系统需求量仿真时,根据任务时间内的子任务系统可靠性模型选取不同模块。最后通过应用实例验证模型的可行性。关键词:装备系统;作战单元;仿真模型;Petri网;ExSpectRequirement Simulating Model for Combat Element Equipment SystemCHEN Yu-bo1,2, LI Shi-ying1, ZHANG Yan-zhong1, CHEN Le1(1. Maintenance Engineering Institute, Ordinance Engineerin
14、g College, Shijiazhuang 050003, China; 2. Second Artillery Equip Academe, Beijing 100085, China)Abstract: The simulation model of equip system for combat unit is established for complex mission in ExSpect which based on Petri-net theory. The process includes: definition for restrict condition and ob
15、ject function, discussion for arithmetic based operational research theory. After the sub-mission model is established, is will be used in complex mission model according to its executing characteristic. At last, a example is carried out to validate the models feasibility.Keyword: Equipment system;
16、Simulating model; Petri-net; ExSpect*基于三角白化权函数的导弹分队信息作战能力评估朱传志,孙旭明,马士友(防空兵指挥学院,河南 郑州 450052)摘要:导弹分队的信息作战能评估利用三角白化权函数灰色理论并结合多层次分析法。先根据评估要求,将评估指标划分成若干灰色,定义相关白化权函数值,将信息获取能力分指标取数域延拓,求得相关对象关于灰类的综合聚类系数。其相应指标在综合聚类中得权重,可采取模糊分析等方法由专家经验估算后给出。关键词:信息作战能力;评估;导弹分队;三角白化权函数英文题名作者英文名(汉语拼音)(作者单位英文名)Abstract:(英文摘要)Key
17、words:(英文关键词)*基于模糊层次分析法的防空信息战作战效能评估姜华,贾春雨,袁文波(防空兵指挥学院,河南 郑州 450052)摘要:基于模糊层次分析法的防空信息战作战效能评估,通过建立多层次评价指标体系,对单项指标采用专家评判法,并以递推算法给出目标层对评语的隶属度,按最大隶属度原则评定优劣等级。该评估引入打分法,通过给出的防空信息战作战效能分数值,以比较处于同一评语的不同防空部队的信息战作战效能优劣。关键词:防空信息战;效能评估;模糊层次分析Evaluate efficiency of air defense in information base on AHP-FUZZYJiang
18、 Hua, Jia Chun yu, Cheng Hai quan(Air Defense Forces Command Academy , Zhen Zhou , 450052, China )Abstract: The thesis through setting up the system of evaluation factor gives the model of evaluating efficiency of air defense in information. Although evaluates the monomial factor on the expertise, g
19、ives the attribute degree with the subjection function, and gets the different grade of factors basing on the subjection rule. Through comparing the efficiency of different air defense army in information with the marking way, the model can give the different campaign grade of air defense army in in
20、formation battlefield.Keywords: Information war of air defense; evaluate efficiency; AHP-FUZZY*基于层次分析和模糊评判法的防空C3I系统作战效能综合评估肖慧鑫,王静滨,焦利明(防空兵指挥学院 研究生管理大队,河南 郑州 450052)摘要:运用APH-Fuzzy分析法,结合防空C3I系统实战情况,通过对影响其作战效能不确定因素的分析和处理,建立防空C3I系统作战效能的综合量化评估模型。即先以层次分析法确定权重,再通过确定决断集及评判矩阵对模型进行综合模糊评判。采用该方法评判其在野战防空中的作战效能,结
21、果证明可行。关键词:防空C3I系统;AHP-Fuzzy评判;作战效能Evaluation on Operation Efficiency of Air Defense C3I System Based on AHP-FuzzyXIAO Hui-xin, WANG Jing-bin, JIA0 Li-ming(Management Big Brigade of Graduate Student, Air Defense Forces Command Academy, Zhengzhou 450052, China)Abstract: Making use of the method of the
22、 analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy judgement, combining the battle efficiency of air defense C3I system, by analyzing and disposing uncertain complication which has an effect on operation efficiency, set up a model on the compositively quantitative analysis on the battle efficiency of C3I system.
23、 First, confirm weight using the method of analytic hierarchy process. Then, pass compositively fuzzy judgement on the model by confirming decisional gather and judge-matrix. Adopting this method to judge operation efficiency in the field operations aerial defence, the result prove feasible.Keywords
24、: Air defense C3I System; AHP-Fuzzy evaluation; Operation efficiency*防空火力抗击效果的仿真模型江文峰,查宇峰(防空兵指挥学院 研究生15队,河南 郑州 450052)摘要:防空火力抗击效果的仿真模型包括仿真设计与控制机制、模型内部结构和算法等,由侦察预警、火力分配和火力单元对空射击模块组成。侦察预警模块计算目标的被发现概率,以判定和描述目标是否能被发现。火力分配模块通过层次分析法建立评判模型,并对各个防空兵火力单元进行射击任务区分。对空射击模块通过计算防空兵火力单元的毁歼率描述防空兵火力单元是否命中目标。关键词:防空火力;抗
25、击效果;仿真模型;层次分析法;评判模型Stimulation Mode of Air Defense Fire Oppugning EffectJIANG Wen-feng, ZHA Yu-feng (Air Defense Command College, Zhengzhou 450052,China)Abstract: The antiaircraft forces fire-oppugning is the base of the antiaircraft action ,so having a research about the effect of The antiaircraft
26、forces fire-oppugning is very important to the direction of aerial defence .From the emulational theory ,control mechanism and structure of model, the paper have a research about the effect of The antiaircraft forces fire-oppugning.Keywords: Air defense; Fire oppugning effect; Stimulation model*CCD在
27、防空兵射击评价系统中的运用安振宙,鲁小强,田亚威(防空兵指挥学院 研究生队,河南 郑州 450052)摘要:防空兵实弹射击测量系统采用多媒体和视频图像判读技术,实现矢量脱靶量的测量。由两台线列CCD摄像机视场交汇,在空间构成平面共视区域。将该区域目标视频信号转换为数字信号,计算出通过点的精确位置。其判读系统接收CCD视频信号,经自动或半自动判读进行二维图象叠加及三维数据处理,得出10密位圈内的弹数,完成实弹射击成绩评定。关键词:射击测量系统;防空兵;CCD;视频判读;脱靶量Application of CCD in Shooting Evaluation System for Air Defe
28、nse ForcesAN Zheng-yu, LU Xiao-qiang, TIAN Ya-wei(Brigade of Graduate, Air Defense Forces Command Academy, Zhengzhou 450052, China)Abstract: The Air Defence Forces General Firing Evaluation System adopt multimedia technology and video- frequency judgement technology to accomplish the measure of vect
29、or Miss Distance. The system constitutes the same observation area in space by the intersection of two linear CCD video fields. Targets video frequency signal is transformed into digital signal in the same observation area and the computer calculates the exact place of the passing pill in the area.
30、The Evaluation System accepts CCD video frequency signal and educes the count of the passing pills in the 10-Mill circle by automatism and half-automatism judgement to carry through 2-dimension image addition and 3-dimension data disposal, accordingly accomplish the evaluation of the firing results.
31、Keywords: Firing evaluation system; Air defence forces; CCD; Video frequency judgement; Miss distance*基于组合权重分析的引信失效诊断技术李科伟,王新政(河南江河机械有限责任公司 产品研究所,河南 平顶山 467337)摘要:基于组合权重分析的引信失效诊断技术,包括由构造递阶层次、构造成对比较矩阵、计算权重及一致性检验等步骤组成的准则层重要度分析技术;由通过构造成对比较矩阵、计算权重及一致性检验得以完成的安全性重要度分析技术;以及由计算系统组合权向量和系统组合一致性检验两步构成的系统组合权向量分
32、析技术。关键词:组合权重;引信;失效;诊断中图分类号: 文献标识码:A英文题名作者英文名(汉语拼音)(作者单位英文名)Abstract:(英文摘要)Keywords:(英文关键词)*弹丸测速装定技术朱莹,李永成,朱松柏(中国兵器第58研究所 军品部,四川 绵阳 621000)摘要:弹丸测速装定技术包括测定弹丸出口实际初速及向弹丸装定修正信息等。初速时测技术可通过炮口线圈测速、外推法、弹载传感器及地磁计转数法实现。信息装定技术则包含发射前电磁感应装定、发射中感应装定及发射后遥控装定。关键字:信息化高炮;初速时测;信息装定Measuring Muzzle Velocity and Loading
33、Technology of ProjectileZHU Ying, LI Yong-cheng, ZHU Song-bai(Dept. of Military Product, No.58 Research Institute of China Ordnance Industries, Mianyang 621000,China)Abstract : The measuring velocity and loading technology of pill includes measuring the real-time muzzle velocity of a projectile and
34、loading amending information to pill. Measuring velocity technology can be actualized by muzzle loops, extrapolating method, on-board sensor and GMR(the giant magnetic resistance) turns-counting. Electromagnetic induction loading before projecting, inductive loading in projecting and telecontrol loa
35、ding after projecting comprise the information loading technology. Keywords: Information antiaircraft artillery, Real-time muzzle velocity measurement, Information loading*基于HLA/RTI的团级维修器材仓库的设计龚佑华(军械工程学院 装备指挥与管理系,河北 石家庄 050003)摘要:基于HLA/RTI的团级维修器材仓库系统,由指挥中心、修理所、仓库、作战连队四个联邦成员组成。功能包括收发、管理及运送器材并即时补充库存。该
36、系统单一联邦成员对象模型的开发及FED文件生成,均利用各RTI提供商的OMDT,并按其中的对象模型模板规定完成。系统可视化仿真利用能与RTI底层实时通信的软件达到。关键词:HLA/RTI;SOM;装备维修保障;维修器材仓库Design for Regiment-Level Maintenance Material Warehouse Based on HLA/RTIGong You-hua(Dept of Equipment Commanding & Management, Ordnance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang 050003, China)Abs
37、tract: Regiment-level maintenance material warehouse simulation system based on HLA/RTI is composed of four federate: command center, repairshop, warehouse, company. Its functions include: receiving and supplying material, management, transporting material, stock controls. The development of object
38、model for single federate in this simulation system and creating FED file can be realized by using OMDT software, which is provided by RTI product owner. What we should to do is just under the guides of object model template. The visualization of simulation system is realized by software which can i
39、nstant communicate with RTI.Keywords: HLA/RTI; SOM; Equipment maintenance support; Maintenance material warehouse*跳频参数管理设备发展趋势浅淡毛虎荣,梅雪艳,李永贵(总参谋部第63研究所,江苏 南京 210007)摘要:目前跳频参数管理设备分为参数生成设备(生成器)、参数分配设备(分配器)和参数加注设备(加注器)三部分。其发展趋势包括:采用红外通讯和蓝牙通讯技术的参数无线加注;采用掌上电脑为硬件平台的生成器的改进,即采用PDA加跳频参数管理软件作为生成器的单一设备模式。关键词:跳频
40、参数,管理设备;发展趋势MAO Hu-rong, MEI Xu-yan, LI Yong-gui(No.63 Research Institute of PLA General Staff, Nanjing 210007, China)英文题名作者英文名(汉语拼音)(作者单位英文名)Abstract:(英文摘要)Keywords:(英文关键词)*外军的信息化建设现状和趋势周建平,卢忠伦,谢大明(中国兵器工业第五八研究所 军品部,四川 绵阳 621000)摘要:外军的信息化建设现状包括:以信息化为目标进行军队建设、以信息技术为核心进行新军事革命与作战模式改革、建立军用信息数据库并注重信息的采集、
41、保存和利用。其发展趋势则含:军用信息数据库建设,改革后勤工作方法,加快高素质知识型军事人才培养、信息化武器装备的体系建设、武装力量结构一体化步伐,以及指挥网络化系统的建设进程等方面。关键词:信息化建设;外军;转型;信息化战争The Information Construction Status and Tendency of Foreign ArmyZHOU Jian-ping, LU Zhong-lun, XIE Da-ming(No.58 Research institute of China Ordnance Industry, Mianyang 621000, China)Abstra
42、ct: The status of information construction in foreign military includes: constructing army , reforming new military and battle mode with the core of the information technology ,setting up military information data-base and pay more attention to collecting , saving and making use of them. Its develop
43、ing tendency includes: constructing military information data-base, reforming the working methods of logistics, quickening training knowledgeable military with high diathesis, constructing the information military equipment system incorporating the structure of armed forces and constructing the comm
44、anding network system etc.Key Words: information construction; foreign army; transformation; information war*先进制造技术 火炮身管膛线数控加工的可靠性算法魏书恒,李杰,刘梅梅,朱同兴(中国兵器工业第58研究所,数控部,四川 绵阳 621000)摘要:火炮身管膛线数控加工的可靠性算法,其系统软件先读取C轴插补中间状态寄存器、C轴给定值寄存器和Z轴反馈值寄存器之值。再计算并判断刀具实际与理论运动轨迹的等式成立与否,由此判断硬件插补器工作是否正常。从而保证拉刀运动轨迹的正确性和可重复性,确保
45、膛线加工的可靠性。关键词:身管膛线;寄存器;插补;给定值;反馈值;硬件插补器Reliability Algorithm in NC Process of Artillery Pipes RiflingWEI Shu-heng, LI Jie, LIU Mei-mei, ZHU Tong-xing(Dept. of Numerical Control, No. 58 Research Institute of China Ordnance Industries, Mianyang 621000,China)Abstract: At first, the system software of re
46、liability algorithm read the value from interpolation mediacy register, theoretical register of c axis, and feedback register of z axis in NC processing of artillery rifling. At second, the system make use of the values to calculate the equations about actual trochoid and academic trochoid of cutter
47、 moving and deduce whether the hardware interpolation component executing normally or not. In order to keep the reliability of rifling processing, the validity and iteration of broach moving track are made sure before processing.Keywords: Pipe rifling; Register; Interpolation; Given value; Feedback
48、value; Hardware interpolation component*系统体系结构设计的一致性约束和检验梁浩,王明哲(华中科技大学 控制科学与工程系,湖北 武汉 430074)摘要:应用层次着色Petri网建立的系统可执行模型,以静态数据约束为基础,以动态行为验证为主体。通过数据字典、数据关系、产品数据的约束实现静态数据一致性约束。再应用Petri网结构分析法和状态空间分析法确定模型的数据流、规则触发、状态转换、功能执行的行为,实现动态数据一致性检验。并以区域防空系统为例,通过拦截和执行功能的动态一致性检验,建立拦截和控制可执行模型,由仿真确定设计模型的动态一致性。关键词:体系结构;
49、设计产品;一致性;约束;检验Consistency Verification and Restriction for System Architecture DesignLIANG Hao, WANG Ming-zhe(Dept. of Control Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan 430074, China)Abstract: The system executable model was building with hierarchy colored Petri net
50、s, which was based on static data restriction and took dynamic behavior verification as core. The static data consistency restrictions were achieved through the restrictions from data dictionary, data relations and products data. Then structure analysis method and state space method of Petri nets we
51、re used to confirm the models data flow, rules trigger, state transition and behaviors of executing functions, so that consistency verification of dynamic data was achieved. An example of area air-defense system was given. The executable model of interception and control was building through dynamic
52、 consistency verification of the functions for intercepting and controlling. Finally, dynamic consistency of model was confirmed by simulated the model.Keywords: Architecture; Design Products; Consistency; Restriction; Verification*产品价格不确定供应链的多目标鲁棒运作模型徐礼富1,郭海峰2,徐家旺3(1. 沈阳理工大学 鹿森润滑技术有限责任公司,辽宁 沈阳 1100
53、15;2. 沈阳理工大学 信息科学与信息工程分院,辽宁 沈阳 110168;3.沈阳航空工业学院 管理系,辽宁 沈阳 110034)摘要:多目标鲁棒优化模型,针对由单制造商和单供应商构成的多产品、多阶段供应链在最终产品市场价格不确定性。即采用区间不确定性描述最终产品价格的波动,并以经典经济学理论建立需求与价格间联系,利用鲁棒线性规划法建立制造商独立运作的鲁棒优化模型。最后采用多目标规划模型描述供应链的整体运作况,得到产品价格不确定供应链在最坏条件下的最优运作策略。关键词:供应链运作;不确定性;鲁棒优化;多目标规划Multi-Objective Robust Operation Model fo
54、r Supply Chain Under Price UncertaintyXU Li-fu1, GUO Hai-Feng 2, XU Jia-wang3(1. Shenyang Lusan Lubrication Technology Co,Ltd., Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang 110015, China;2. College of Information Science & Engineering, Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang 110168, China;3. Managemen departme
55、nt, Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Shenyang 110034, China)Abstract: In this paper, the operation of a multi-product and multi-period supply chain with uncertain product price including one producer and one supplier is considered. The changes of prices are described by using the inte
56、rval uncertainty method, and the relationship between demand and price is described by denoting the classical demand theory of economics. Based on robust linear programming approach, on the basis of the robust operation model of producer, a multi-objective robust optimization model is put forwarded.
57、 Designing a model of numeral example and using it to verify the model, the optimum operating strategy under the worst case for the supply chain with uncertain products price is obtained.Keywords: Robust optimization; Multi-objective programming; Supply chain operation; Uncertainty*粗集数据挖掘技术在市场营销中的应用
58、张巧艳,郑丽英,张晨阳(兰州交通大学 信息与电气工程学院,甘肃 兰州 730070)摘要:基于粗糙集理论的启发式数据挖掘算法,先量化数据属性的重要性。再对属性排序,并对选择的属性子集进行约简条件判定,在选择若干次后获得满足约简条件的属性子集。利用该算法,通过预处理、数据约减等步骤从商场营销数据库中收集顾客属性数据,消去多余数据属性,由此预测需求趋势,评估需求倾向的改变,以便进行决策。关键词:粗糙集;数据挖掘;属性约简;属性重要性;营销数据库Application of Rough Set Data Mining Technology in Marketing AnalysisZHANG Qia
59、o-yan, ZHENG Li-ying, ZHANG Chen-yang(School of Information & Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiao Tong University, Lanzhou 730070, China)Abstract: Heuristic data mining algorithm based on rough set theory quantified attribute importance of data, then classified the attributes and judged reduction c
60、ondition about the selected attribute subset. After a number of repeats above, it gains the attribute subset which satisfied with reduction condition. Using the algorithm, we can collect customers attributes data and eliminate redundant data attributes from emporium marketing database by pretreatmen
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