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1、组织压力管理工作中的人们会担忧很多一般性的问题,比方说,不断增长的就业竞 争,全球化问题,恐怖主义,年度考核,金融危机,甚至是新的技术。 除了这些,员工还处于到达销售目标、准时参加会议、通过学习和跟 进的新程序适应组织的变化的压力之下。所有这些都可能导致不同程 度的压力。如今,工作压力是缺勤率迅速增长的主要原因。低效的管 理,缺乏果断的决策管理层,工作时间过长,对未来就业前景的不确 定性,以及工作本身带来的压力等等,是员工所描述的局部产生压力 的原因。因此,雇主应把组织压力作为一个严重的问题来加以考虑, 应该采取措施来防止员工因工作而承受压力。员工的工作压力会对组 织的生产率和竞争力产生消极的

2、影响,还会导致员工医疗保险费用的 增加。1引言组织内部的管理压力有两个层面:在组织层面通过组织调节,在个人 层面通过个人调节。组织调节研究压力和紧张之间的关系结构,而无 需考虑个别差异。这意味着,工作设计和控制或决定的交互作用影响 健康。prevalence of ill health, indicators of well-being, productivity with regard to the quality and quantity of goods or services, and costs and benefits in economic terms; all these me

3、ntioned above using personal stress questionnaire.Person s arrangement - organizational stress management at individuals levelAt this level, in order to prevent, reduce and relieve stress, we have to take separately every person, according to its personality, historical events experienced, and to fo

4、und stressors and solutions for stress for any person apart. Persons arrangement contains wide arranging types of interventions may thus be considered in AV Stress Management Program11, leaving the choice of the most effective combination to form persons arrangement according to specific features pa

5、rticular employees situation. These arrangements consist of two possible types of interventions ranged from interventions aimed in Stress Prevention Program as primary intervention, and interventions aimed in Stress Reducing Program being secondary intervention.In order to prevent stress between emp

6、loyees, these should be trained and informed about professional contentment including time and achievement management, communication and personality, and work and workplace organization. Employees should also be informed about health, about their free time, self-care skills, to which will be added t

7、rainings on hobby, nutrition, fitness, wellness, and massage. Beside these, anti-stress program should be promoted through education on identification of possible causes (sources, levels, and effects), as well as education on stress management and support. A preventive medical examination and medica

8、l examination is necessary. This will define level of stress affection on health. Each person that has established severe medical illness should be directed to further medical care. A person is analyzed as a whole, analyzing all of his potentials with problems. This would help to choose the most eff

9、ective combination as the best possible form, containing following: autogenic training, mindfulness meditation, yoga or walking meditation, progressive muscular relaxation, transcendental meditation, biofeedback, music therapy, self-control meditation, paced respiration, deep breathing, Jacuzzi, swi

10、mming pool, hydro-massage, and occupational therapy.Job design and delegation of work activitiesJob design contains norms and elements for creating secure working conditions, applying experience and knowledge of stressor impact at workplace, in order to prevent and reduce stress that influence emplo

11、yees. These norms and elements are represented by the following: beside a typical five-day-eight-hours work, it is recommend to use alternative work schedule that consists of flextime or compressed workweek; design work schedules to avoid conflict with demands and responsibilities unrelated to job;

12、allow adequate time to perform activities satisfactorily; clarify organization goals and values and adapt them to the worker s own goals and values; define work roles and responsibilities clearly; harmonize worker? s responsibility and authority; ensure that assignments are compatible with the capab

13、ilities and resources of the worker, in order to avoid both over- and under load; adjust occupational physical settings to the workers abilities, needs and reasonable expectations; avoid ambiguity in matters of job security and career development; appraise likely errors; design tasks to provide mean

14、ing, stimulation, a sense of completeness and an opportunity to use skills; promote reasonable reward for the effort and good job performance; beneficial support will help employees to balance the demands of work and family, offering flexible spending accounts, child care and elder care assistance,

15、part-time work options and other facilities; and team-building. Approaches to job design are: job enlargement (adding more tasks of the same kind to an existing job,using the same skillsa quantitative change in duties), job enrichment (adding a task that requires more knowledge, technical expertise,

16、 or responsibility, increasing individual development, by skill variety, task identity, task significant, autonomy, feedback - a qualitative change in duties), work flow rearrangement (job rotation (moving people horizontally into jobs with new tasks) and work modeling (moving people to add variety

17、of tasks to repetitive jobs), autonomous work groups (group member establishing working hours, schedules, rest breaks, selecting new members, evaluating present members, and initiating discharge of unsatisfactory performers), job sharing (two employees share a single job, usually on a part time base

18、), changes in work scheduling (increase the individual s flexibility in scheduling working hours), and supervisory training (delegating responsibilities to employees).Delegation is a skill in management, especially in work overload. It is a skill of bringing other peoples expertise to bear in your w

19、ork, particularly in areas where you do not have the skills or temperament to do the best. One must learn to delegate parts of his work in order to be able to manage his increased workload, because there is a limit to the amount of work one can do on his own, especially under pressure, experiencing

20、stress. The rest should be delivered to the organization. If someone do not delegate, he cannot progress in his career, because he will not be able to take more work. Transfer of responsibility develops staff, increasing their capability, and benefits the organization, and can also increase their ro

21、le enjoyment. But it is important to retain a suitable level of control over the process and finished product.个人调节的重点是基于个人与环境的互动中的认知过程和情绪反响, 因此,压力不能被概念化为独立于个体对外界反响的压力,因为对某 个人来说是有压力的事物对另一个人来说可能并不会产生压力。一旦 问题被确定,专家开始鉴定问题,并提出问题解决的方案。通过对雇 主和雇员以及管理人员的培训,提供一些相关方面的信息,对培训的 时间进行审查等,来开展他们对压力和压力管理的意识,并指导雇主 如何减少

22、组织的压力。据报导,由工作有关的压力引起的本钱损失约 为200亿欧元(工作有关的压力的导读,2002)o2组织调节一一组织层面的工作压力管理组织对于预防、减少和减轻员工在工作场所的压力的调节策略可能表 现为工作条件的重新安排,主要通过工作设计和创造健康的工作环境。 这类对工作的干预要在长期才能看到积极效果。这是为员工,为组织 创造一个更好的、更加舒适的环境。它包含了教育培训和其他一系列 的安排。员工和组织将会通过成认并理解时间管理而对组织内部的关 于工作设计、健康的工作环境的标准、目标和工作角色、职责和权限、 安排和能力、模糊和错误达成一致,这意味着,刺激和奖励会有利于 支持和建设团队。他们也

23、将知道环境,社会文化和生活方式也是影响 和造成组织压力的因素。环境因素是指对人体工程学的规范和标准的 评估,以及这些规范和标准的应用。社会文化因素是指工作与家庭的 平衡,工作满意度,沟通,情感和社会支持,以及工作场所中的职业 道德。生活方式因素是指工作时间的休息和健康教育。为了防止、减 轻和减少压力,所有这些都需要注意到。在制定组织和个人的调节后,压力管理控制程序就开始了。这个“压 力管理控制”程序包括鉴定发病率,患病率,严重程度和与工作有关 的压力源以及产生压力的原因和对健康的影响;分析组织和与绩效产 出有关的工作条件,分析这些条件是否是必要的,充分的,或者是部 分造成工作压力和生理疾病的因

24、素,分析这些条件是否能够改变,这 些改变是否可行;设计一个综合的调节体系并施行,以预防跟工作有 关的压力,并促进员工健康以及提高生产力;根据压力源,对压力的 反响,健康程度来评价调节的成果,并以身体健康状况,产品或服务 的产量和质量,经济上的本钱和收益作为评价指标;所有上述提到的 都使用了个人压力问卷调查。3个人调节一一个人层面的工作压力管理在这个层面上,我们不得不根据个性和所经历的历史事件而把每个人 分开来加以考虑,找出压力源和应对每个人的压力的方法来防止、减 少和减轻压力。个人调节包含了一系列广泛的干预措施,被称为“AV 压力管理计划”,这项计划根据员工自身的具体特点来形成个人调节 策略,

25、使策略到达最有效的组合选择。这些调节包含了两种可能类型 的干预措施,第一步干预措施主要是压力防止计划,第二步干预措施为压力减少计划。为了防止员工之间的压力,应当让员工接受培训,使之了解一些包括 时间和绩效管理,沟通和个性,工作和工作场所重新调整等专业知识。 组织还应当培训员工关于爱好,营养,健身,保健,按摩等方面的知 识,使员工了解保持健康,利用空闲时间,以及自我照顾的技巧。除 了这些,还应通过对可能造成压力的原因(来源,水平和效果)的识 别,压力管理和支持的教育来促进抗压计划。其中,一项预防性的医 学检查和医学检查是必要的。通过检查可以确定压力对健康状况影响 的水平。已经被证实有严重的医疗疾

26、病的患者应当直接进行进一步的 医疗治理。一个人,应当被作为一个整体来分析,分析他所有方面的 潜力。这将有助于选择最有效的组合物作为最可能的形式,包含以下 内容:自生训练,正念冥想,瑜伽或散步冥想,渐进式肌肉放松,超 脱自然的冥想,生物反响治疗,音乐治疗,自我控制冥想,有节奏的 呼吸,深呼吸,水力按摩池,游泳池,水力按摩,以及职业治疗。4工作设计和工作活动代表团工作设计包含创立平安的工作条件的规范和元素,在工作场所应用经 验和有关压力的影响的知识,以便预防和减少压力对员工的影响。这 些规范和元素由以下各项表现出来:除了典型的每周为期五天的八小 时工作制,我们还推荐使用由弹性工作时间或压缩工作周组

27、成的替代 的工作日程表;重新设计工作日程表来防止与工作无关的要求和责任 的冲突;允许有充足的时间来满意地完成活动;明确组织的目标和价 值观,使员工自己的目标和价值观与组织的相适应;明确工作角色和 职责,协调员工的职责和权力;确保工作任务与员工的能力和所能调 配的资源是相兼容的,防止超负荷和低负荷;根据员工的能力,需求 和合理的期望调整员工职业规划的设定;防止在工作平安和职业开展 问题上的含糊不清;评估可能会出现的错误;设计任务来提供有意义 的,刺激的,完整性的工作,并创造让员工使用技能的机会;为工作 努力的员工和有良好工作表现的员工提供合理的奖金福利;有利的支 持将帮助员工平衡工作的要求和家庭

28、,这些支持包括提供员工灵活的 消费账户,提供儿童保健和老年护理援助,提供兼职选择和其他便利 设施;还有团队建设。工作设计的方法有:工作扩大化(增加更多同 种类的任务到现有工作,在工作中使用同种技巧一一在职责上有一个 量变),工作丰富化(在原有工作上增加一个新的任务,这个任务需 要更多的知识,技术专长,或是责任,这样可以通过技巧多样化,任 务完整化,任务意义,自主性,反响等提高个人的开展一一在职责上 有一个质变),工作流程重组(岗位轮换(把员工水平移动到新的工 作上)和工作模式(把员工调到添加各种重复性任务的工作),自治 区工作组(组内成员自行建立工作时间,日程安排,休息时间,选择 新成员,评估

29、目前的成员,并开除工作绩效低下的成员),工作分担 (两名员工共同承当一份工作,这种通常会出现在一个业余基地),工作日程安排的改变(增加个人在调度工作时间上的灵活性),以及督导训练(委托责任人)。代表团是一种管理技能,特别是在超负荷工作中。这种技能是把别人 的专长用来完成自己的工作,特别是在自己缺乏那方面的技能和特质 而无法做到最好时。为了管理自己工作量的增加,一个人必须学会把 一些零碎的工作委派给他人,因为个人能够做的工作的数量是有限的, 特别是在压力下,承受着压力的时候。其余局部应该交付给组织。如 果一个人学不会把零碎工作委托给他人,那么他在职业生涯中就不会 有很大的进展,因为他将无法承当更

30、多的工作。责任转移可以使员工 得到开展,增强他们的能力并使组织得益,同时也能增强他们对自己 的角色的享受。但是保持对过程和成品的水平的控制也是很重要的。Organizational stress managementThere are plenty of general problems that people at work worry about -increasing job competition, globalization, terrorism, annual appraisals, financial crisis, even new technology. Beside the

31、se, employees are put under pressure to meet sales targets, attend meetings on time, fit in with changes in organization by learning and following up new procedures. All these can result different levels of stress. Nowadays, working stress is the fastest growing cause of absence from work. Inefficie

32、nt management, lack of decision making by management, excessive working hours, uncertainty as to future employment prospects and the pressure of the job are some of the causes of stress described by employees. Therefore, employers should consider organizational stress as a serious problem and they m

33、ust take measures to prevent employees suffering stress arising from their work. It can negatively influence the productivity and competitiveness of the organization, and can also increase health insurance costs.IntroductionStress within an organization is managed at two levels: at organizational le

34、vel by organizational arrangement and at personal s level by individuaT s arrangement. Organizational arrangement examines the structure of the relationships between stressors and strains, without taking consideration on individual differences. This means that job design and control or decision inte

35、ract to influence health.Personal arrangement focuses on the cognitive processes and emotional reactions based on individuals interactions with their environment, so that items cannot be conceptualized as stressors independently of a person s reaction to them, because what is stressful for one perso

36、n may not be stressful for another. Once a problem has been identified, specialists start identification and development of solutions, by training for employers and employees, managers, provision of information, timeframe for review, in order to develop awareness of stress and its management, and to

37、 educate employers about how they can limit organizational stress. Costs caused by work-related stress amount about 20billion EUR yearly (Guidance on Work-Related Stress, 2002).Organizational arrangement - organizational stress management at organizational levelOrganizational arrangement strategies

38、for prevention, reduce, and relieve of stress at workplace represents properly rearrangement of working conditions within an organization through job design, and creation of healthy workplace. Positive effects of this sort of intervention should be in long-run. It is created for employers, for organ

39、ization, in order to create better and satisfying conditions. It contains educational trainings and sets of arrangements. Employers and organization will reach within the organization regarding to job design, and healthy workplace environment standards by acknowledging and understanding time managem

40、ent, goal and work-roles, responsibility and authority, arrangements and ability, ambiguity and errors, meaning, stimulation and reward, beneficial support, and team building. They will also get know about environmental, socio-cultural, and lifestyle factors which influence and create organizational st


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