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1、Lesson 1 Enrollment & Graduation (入学 毕业)Its universally true that enrollment and graduation tend to be the most unforgettable moments for college graduates. As university life begins, students come to a new phase of life with so many unknown experiences waiting for them. As university life unfolds i

2、tself gradually, students embark on a journey of seeking their own identity and learning how to be independent. When the graduation day finally comes, they are supposed to step into a brand-new world outside with confidence. Do you want to be a star on the special days? Learn perfect English here, a

3、nd you are bound to make it!Dialogue 1A: Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Joey.B: Hi, Joey, Im Anna.A: Whats up?过得怎么样B: Nothing much! I guess well study in the same class 还好A: thats right. are you nervous on the first day of school?B: yes, i have the first-day jitters. i was so nervous that i los

4、t my textbook in the cafeteria. 我有第一天恐惧症”A: really? thats terrible.B: yeah, it may be gone for good i guess. now i dont know what to do.我的书大概是永远也找不回来了A: im sorry to hear that. you have my sympathy. such a nice and beautiful girl should never be sad. here, take mine!像你这样漂亮的 好女孩是不应该难过的B: thanks a mill

5、ion. i own you one! catch you later.非常感谢,算我欠你一回,再见。Dialogue 2A: Excuse me. Are you Mr.Brown?B: Yes, I am.What can I do for you?A: I am interested in taking your English class. But i wondered if i could enroll in your class now.B: My class is designed for those advanced learners. could you tell me ho

6、w long you have studied english?A: Yes, of course. about eight years.B: I see. in that case, you are well-qualified for my class. the class meets two hours a day, three days a week.绝对有资格A: Thats a lot. but im sure i need it.B: Then welcome to join the class and i hope you will enjoy it. but make sur

7、e you come to my class on time.A: I promise i will be punctual.我保证会准时。DiscussionA: Nowadays many college students choose to further their study abroad after graduation.B: Thats true. maybe because they now have easier access to 更容易进入 foreign universities.A: Why dont they find a job after graduation

8、instead?B: I guess they think studying abroad is more appealing and will pay off one day 将来一定会有回报的.A: Thats understandable 那倒是可以理解.but are english-speaking countries the only destinations for them?B: I dont think so. an increasing number of chinese graduates have applied to non-english countries lik

9、e germany, for instance.A: Why does germany gain more popularity?B: I cant come up with 我说不清 the exact reason, but perhaps because german education enjoys a very good reputation 享有很高 的声望.besides as you may know, the tuition is free in the public universities there.A: No wonder 难怪 its such an attract

10、ion to chinese students.B: But international students still need to pay for accommodation, insurance and textbooks. these also cost a fortun for some students.A: Besides, even if they can afford it, they must overcome the language barrier. so before they make the final decision, theyve got a lot to

11、consider.B: I cant agree with you more 我非常赞同你的看法.studying abroad is an important decision to make, an choosing a good graduate school an a promising major is no esay task as well.A: Absolutely. so its not advisable to follow the fashion blindly 盲目跟潮流.one should think for himself before setting his m

12、ind on 决定 studying abroad.B: Im with you我同意你的看法.DebateAt graduation, students are faced with the difficult choice of finding a job or furthering their study. Nowadays, due to the bleak employment situation, more students choose to continue their studies. But should they pursue the masters degree at

13、a domestic university or a foreign one? To go abroad or not to go, is the question for many college students. In the following debate Student A is for studying abroad, while Student B is against it.A: In my view, it is a good idea to further ones study abroad 出国深造 after graduation. Countries like Am

14、erica, Britain and Australia have many world-renowned universities, such as Harvard, Yale and Oxford. they offer first-rate education.B: I hope you are not of those people who worship everything foreign 崇洋媚外.remember, there are also lots of famous universities in china, which provide high-quality ed

15、ucation, like Tsinghua University, Peking University and Fudan University.A: But we dont have advanced facilities in china. if we study for our masters degree abroad, we can enjoy a much better learning environment and have access to more study resources.B: I dont quite agree with you 我不太同意你的看法.nowa

16、days our chinese universities have invested a large amount of money in the improvement of facilities. besides, due to the easy access to internet, we could share information and resources worldwide.A: I see what you mean 我明 白你的意思.But how about the teachers and courses? many college teachers in china

17、 are unqualified and the courses the offer are mostly out-of-date. what good can such courses do to our future?B: Speaking of teachers, those unqualified are just exceptions. even in foreign universities, you cannot guarantee such teachers do not exist. as for the courses, there are many selective c

18、ourses for students to choose from on a graduate level. they can decide what intereste them and benefits their future career.A: But as we know, overseas study experience and a masters degree from a famous foreign university can give us more opportunities in the job market.B: I cannot agree with you

19、completely 我无法完全同意你的看法.overseas study experience may be an advantage for job-hunting, but its our ability and attitude that make all the difference 最重要 when we look for a job. besides, it costs a lot to study abroad and its not something an average family can offord.A: Since we have to pay for our g

20、raduate studies even in the china nowadays, we might as well 不妨 pay for our education abroad. anyway, its well worth it 值得 if we receive better education and have a brighter future.B: But in china we can ger reasonably good edeucation at a much lower price. so why not relieve our parents burden and

21、develop ourselves here in china?A: If money is not a problem, i do think after graduation, studying abroad would be a more advisable choice.B: But all things considered, wed better further our study here in china.考虑到所有因素Speech MasterGraduation or commencement ceremony is one of the most memorable mo

22、ments in ones life. The following is a short but magnificent graduation speech excerpted from a famous movie, Legally Blonde. You might as well learn it by heart and digest it so that you may one day surprise everybody with a brilliant speech at the graduation ceremony or dinner party!Graduation spe

23、echon our very first day at Harvard, a very wise professor quoted Aristotle, The law is reson free from passion. well, no offense to Aristotle,(我对亚里士多德决无冒犯之意)but in my three years at Harhard, i have come to define passion as the key ingredient to the study and practice of law and of life. it is with

24、 passion, courageous conviction and strong sense of self that we take our next steps into the world, remembering that first impressions are not always correct. you must always have faith in people. and most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself.我们正是带着饱满的激情,英勇的信念和强烈的自我意识跨出我们进入外面世界 的下一步。

25、请时刻谨记第一印象并不总是正确的。你们一定要对他人有信心。而且,你们一定要对自己有信心Do you know it?the highlight of the whole graduation ceremony is the moment when the graduates receive their diplomas. but how much do you know about diplomas?originlly diplimas were made of sheeepskin. they were made from paper-thin sheepskin, hand-written

26、, rolled and tied with a ribbon until 100 years ago. a lot of documents were done on animal skins because paper-making was difficult. they changed to parchment, which was more practical, when the paper-making teachniques improved. it wasnt until the turn of last century that diplomas stopped being r

27、olled up, but given out in leather biners. rumor is because rolled-up diplomas were hard to frame.due to this history, the phrase get ones sheepskin can mean graduate from collegelesson 2 study & exam (学习 考试)College life is quite colorful and exciting, but study and exam should always come first. St

28、udents have to work hard to get a good mark in the exams so that they can have a good academic record and a better chance of getting a satisfactory job after graduation. Do you love study? Do you hate exams? Learn this lesson, and youll be able to express yourself freely!Dialogue, discussion & debat

29、eDialogue 1A: Linda, wait up!B :Frank ,long time no see!A:It has been a few days.How have you been?B:Great! I have been eating loads of yummy cafeteria food.A:Mind your figure then! By the way, your roommate asked me to give you this book.B:Yipppee!I forgot to take it this morning.A:Bye for now! I h

30、ad better go now. I am thinking of joining the nerd frat.B:Hold your horses! Can you give me a hand?A:Out of the question! What is it?B:Can you tutor me?A:Ok,my pleasure! By the way, why not join our study group?B:Sure,Id love to.Dialogue 2A:Stop fooling around!B:But why?A:Dont you remember there is

31、 going to be an exam tomorrow?B:Oh.my God! I almost forgot.A:Get down to business if you dont want to flunk out.B:Oh,I think I can get along somehow if I begin to study now.A:Thats good. You dont want to just get by again, do you?B:You are right.Thank you for reminding me of the test.A:Dont mention

32、it! Good luck! Ill keep my fingers crossed!B:Thanks.DiscussionA:What do you think of the Chinese testing system?B:It annoys me very much. There are too many exams in each semester.A:The exams always keep us busy, so that we have no choice but to make great efforts to prepare for the boring exams.B:I

33、 cant agree with you more. We cant do what we are interested in. Every day we have to confine ourselves to the exams.A:But if there is no exam, how can we know the achievement and the deficiencies in our study?B:That makes sense! But I guess there could be other ways to measure our performance in ou

34、r study.A:Like what?B:Its hard for me to figure out any feasible ways at the moment.A:As for me.I cant think of any better way than exams now.B:If we really cant do without exams,then I perfer open-book exams.A:Me too.But open-book exams are usually harder and ofen they contain essay questions that

35、test our writing and communication skills.B:Absolutely.But its still better than the regular tests which require a lot of memorization.A:Im with you. Lets face the reality.B:Sure.Lets take it if we cant change it.DebateAt present, schools of all levels usually assess students performance by the writ

36、ten exams at the end of an academic year or a semester. which undoubtedly puts students under immense pressure.Many students often cannot perform thier best in the exams, resulting in the unsatisfactory score or even failing score. However, exams may do good to students too because when students ste

37、p into the society whether they can make a success in their life to a certain extend also depends on their ability to cope with pressure and performance at some decisive moments. So should exams be replaced by other forms of assessment? In the following debates, Student A is against exams. while stu

38、dent B is for it.A:Exams test memory more than analysis,creativity,or real understanding.If you have a good memory you can get away with doing very little work throughout the course and still get very good grades.B:Things such as open-book exams and questions which ask you to evaluate information ar

39、e not testing merely memory,but your ability to apply your knowledge.A:Coursework is a much more genuine assessment of a candidate because it takes into account research,understanding of the issues and ability to express oneself, not just ability to answer a question in a very limited period of time

40、.B: Coursework is valuable but should be used together with exams. A student might answer a question very well given time and help from teachers, family and textbooks, but then be unable to apply what they have learned to another question coming from a different angle.A: The pressure attached to exa

41、ms is huge and causes many problems. Some students have breakdowns and, in extreme cases, attempt suicide because they cannot handle the pressure, especially with university places relying on grades.B: Coursework can involve a lot of pressure as well, especially with the meeting of deadlines. School

42、s should, and do, teach students about relaxation and stress-management for both exams and coursework.A:As well as causing personal problems, pressure can lead many bright students to under-perform. Exams test your ability to keep your cool more than they test your intelligence.B: Pressure is a fact

43、 of life and students must be prepared for it. Pressure only increases at university and in the workplace and we must learn how to perform well in these conditions rather than stay away from them.A: Examination results depend on the opinion of the individual examiner. The same paper marked by two di

44、fferent examiners could get completely different results. This is exacerbated by the short time that examiners spend marking a paper.B: Coursework must also be marked by individuals, so the same criticism applies. It is not significant however, as moderation and examiners meetings ensure that papers

45、 are marked to the same standards.Speech MasterExamination is an indispensable part of students life. Whenever the exams come, teachers will always patiently explain the range and requirements of the exams again and again. The following is a brief introduction of the final exam. Study if carefully a

46、nd you are sure to grasp the teachers message accurately and get well-prepared for the exams!Good morning, everyone! Today Id like to talk to you about the final exam. The exam will be held next Monday, the first day of the exam week. Remember to bring along two or three pens in case one is out of i

47、nk. Unlike the midterm this test will not include multiple choice questions. It will consist entirely of five essay questions. You will nave to answer three of them. The exam will be comprehensive, which means you will be expected to review all the subject matter we covered in class. I would suggest

48、 you go over your midterm as well as your textbooks and class notes. The final will account for 30% of your grade and course, the research project will account for 30%, and the midterm 20%.Now, am I well understood? Feel free to ask me questions if you are unsure of what I said.Do you know it?Honest

49、y is a big deal in the West. Always tell the truth. NEVER CHEAT ON TESTS! It is a crime in the USA to cheat on a university test. If you give your friend the answers to a test. like the GRE or TOEFL or a classroom test, even a pretest, you are still cheating. Do nt help your friend cheat. Not only w

50、ill cheaters fail the tests, they will be kicked out of the class and maybe the school. They will not be given back the tuition, so they lose money. Cheating is a big deal in the West. Never cheat.Exercise dialogue 1A: How is life?B: Same old,A: Are you ready for the test?B: No, not yet.A: Can you g

51、ive me a hand in the tests?B: You want me to help you cheat, no way!A: Dont so seriously, Im just pulling your legs.Dialogue 2A: Do you what type of test professor wants is going to give us this semester?B: I have no idea at all.A: Do you think it will be an open-book exam?B: Thats quite likely.A: T

52、hen it must be some essay questions, Im dead.Dont be so sad, it could be all of adjective questions, too.Lesson 3 Campus Life (校园生活)Campus life can be very colorful with various student activities and exciting parties, but can be very stressful as well, for study and love dont always go as well as o

53、ne expected.Everyone may label campus life with different words,but no one would deny its unforgettable and precious.Do you know how to describe different aspects of your campus life?Like campus love,sports or parties?If your answer is no, dont worry.Here comes some help!Dialogue 1A:Helen,I really n

54、eed your help.I dont know what to do.B:Dont tell me you want me to write a paper for you.A:Well,that too,but this is more important.B:Ok,how much do you want to borrow?A:Dont be so cynical! Theres something in this world more important than scores or money-and thats love.B:What on earth are you gett

55、ing at?A:In fact,I think I fell in love.B:With me?Im really flattered,butA:Not you! I mean, I like you and everything,but its a beauriful girl I met in the tutorial group.B: Wow,really? Does she feel the same way?A:Im not sure.Thats why I need your advice.The moment I saw her,I thought she was the v

56、bery girl I had been searching for.B:If you do fall in love with her at first sight,why not ask her out?Dialogue 2A:Hi! How are you?B:Very good.How are you getting along?A:Not bad.Are you quite busy today so I have the whole day off.B:Sure.I am ready to take on anybody.I went in for soccer when I wa

57、s in high school.A:And now are you getting any regular exercises?B:Yes,of course.Every week I play soccer at least twice.A:Oh,really?Then you must be a great player.B:You bet.Lets go to the field.A:You cant wait to lose the game to me,right?B:You must be joking!Dont be too hopeful!Im bound to win.Di

58、scussionA:What are you reading? Are you studying again?B:You have overestimated my need for study! Im just reading the invitation to Simons Halloween bash.A:Are you going to accept his invitation?B:Its 50/50 right now.Im not sure.A:Will you have a good time at the bash?B:Time will tell.Maybe it is a

59、 good chance for me to make more friends.A:Then dont hesitate.There is bound to be a lot of hot babes at the bash.B:Great! I think Ill go.But Id better pick out a Halloween costume as soon as possible.A:I guess your best bet is to dress yourself as vampire.B:Thats cool.Maybe I can win the costume co

60、ntest on that day.A:Well,you may have a chance if I dont go there.B:What do you mean?Your outfit is better than mineA:You got it.I will be dressed as a cool werewolf.B:That suits you best,for even without any makeup you look like a werewolf.DebateWhen students enter a university,they ususlly to leav


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