英语九年级 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry导学案.(无答案)_第1页
英语九年级 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry导学案.(无答案)_第2页
英语九年级 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry导学案.(无答案)_第3页




1、.*;科目SubjectEnglish课题TopicUnit 11 Sad movies make me cry.课型TypeGrammar设计人Designer审核人Verifier授课时间 Date序号NumberLearning Goals学习目的学习make作使役动词的用法。 eq oac,2The writer tries to make his novel understood. 那个作家尽力让别人理解他的小说5. “make+sb.十介词短语 “使某人处于eg. eq oac,1Youmadehimintoanhonestone. 你使他成为了一个老实的人。 eq oac,2Si

2、t down and make yourself at home.请坐,不要拘谨。6. “make+ it+时间“把时间定在eg. Lets make it 7:30.我们把时间定在七点半吧。【跟踪训练】 1.Thestudentsinthisschool aremade_schooluniformson MondayA.towear B.wearing C.wear D.worn 2-Imverytiredthesedaysbecauseof theseniorhighschoolentranceexamination-Whynot _music?Itcan makeyou _.A.list

3、ento,relaxed B.tolisten,torelaxedC.listento,relaxing D.tolistento,torelax 3.-Howdoyoulikerockmusic?-Idontlikeitatall.Itoften _mecrazy.A.lets B.makes C.asks D.orders 4.-WhydidntTomgoout andplaywithusyesterday?-Becausehewasmade_ownclothesbyhismother.A.wash B. washed C.towash D.washing 5.ThoughAlexhado

4、ftenmadehislittlesister_,todayhewasmade_byhislittlesister.A.cry,tocry B.tocry,tocryC.cry,cryD.tocry,cry 6.Imademyself_byallthestudentsin thelowgrades.A.understand B.understoodC.understanding D.tounderstand make作使役动词用法I.使役动词:使役动词是表示使、令、让、帮、叫等意义的不完全及物动词,主要有make使,令, let让,have叫等。II. make的用法make作使役动词,意为“

5、使,让,其后可接复合宾语,即“宾语+宾语补足语,宾语补足语可以由名词、形容词、过去分词、动词不定式等来充当。 1. “make+sb十名词 “使某人成为 eg. eq oac,1Mostpopsingersmakemusictheircareer.大多数流行歌手把音乐当作他们的业。 eq oac,2They made Trump president.他们推选了特朗普为总统2. “make+sb.+动词原形 “使某人做某件事在被动语态中,这个构造要变为“sb be made to do sth.。eg. eq oac,1 Nobodymadeusgotobedatacertain time. 没

6、有人让我们在某一固定时间就寝。 eq oac,2Mr.Black makes us read ten storybooks a week.布莱克先生让我们每周阅读十本故事书。 eq oac,3 We are made to read ten storybooks a week. 我们被要求一周阅读十本故事书。3. “make+ sb./sth.+形容词 “使/让某人感到eg. eq oac,1Rainy days make me sad.雨天使得我难过。 eq oac,2The smart| phone makes our life easy and convenient.智能手机使我们的生活

7、变得更容易和方便。 eq oac,3The strange noise made us frightened. 奇怪的声音使我们感到恐惧。4. “make+ sb.十过去分词 “使某人被该构造指宾语承受后面的那个动作,宾语也可以是与主语一致的反身代词。过去分词表被动,但翻译时通常不用被字句。eg. eq oac,1Theteacherraisedhisvoicesothathe couldmake himself heard. 那个老师进步了嗓门以便别人能听到他。I. 选择填空; 1.Theloudmusicmaymakepeople _fast.A. toeat B. eating C.ea

8、t D.eats 2.-Do the students in your school do eye exercisesevery day?-Yes, because it can make us _.A. healthy B.to be healthyC. felt healthy D. feeling healthy 3.- The workers were made _from morning to night in the past.-That was terrible.A. worke B. to work C.work D. working 4.-When you were in A

9、merica, could you easily make yourself _in English?-Yes, I think so.A. understand B. to understandC. understood D.understanding 5.-Dear, why are you so happy today?-Oh, Mum, my classmates made _.A. me the monitor B. the monitor meC. my monitor D. me monitor 6.-My teachers always make us _the texts,

10、and I feel very bored.-Its good for your spoken English.A. to retell B. retelling C. retell D. retold 7.At last the boy was made _ and began to laugh.A. stop crying B. to stop to cryC. to stop crying D.stop to cry 8. 湖北十堰中考 How times flies! We should show love for our parents and make them _much the

11、y mean to us.A. to know B. knowing C. knew D. know 9. If you see the cartoon film, you will _ laugh.A. be made B. be made to C.make to D. make 10.WeallloveMissYang.Shealwaysmakesherhistoryclassvery_.A.interest B.interestsC.interestingD.interested 11. Lileiswordsmadeher_. A.happilyB.angrilyC.cryingD.

12、angry 12.-Howdoyoufeelwhenyouwatchthenationalflaggoup?-Itmakesme_veryproud.A.feltB.tofeelC.feelingD.feel 13.-Manyteenagersaremade_whattheyarenot_.-Iagree.A.todo,interestedB.todo,interestedin C.do,interestedD.doing,interestedinII.完成句子1. 轻音乐通常使我感觉轻松。Light music usually _ _ _.2. 妈妈让我每天吃一个鸡蛋。My mother m

13、akes me _ _ _every day.3. 咱们把时间定在八点钟吧。 Lets _ _8 oclock.4.虽然他曾经常把他小妹妹弄哭,但今天他被他小妹妹弄哭了。Though he had often made his little sister _, today he _ _ to cry by his little sister.5. 她必须大声喊才能让人听见她说话。 She had to shout to _ herself _.6. 我们会尽一切努力使你幸福。 Well do our best to _ you _.7. 我被他逗笑了。I _ _ to laugh by him.8.什么使得草生长?What _ the grass _?9.什么也不能使我背叛我的祖国。 Nothing can _me turn against my _10. 他说的话让老师很生气。What


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