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1、练21. have come up with the solutions to the problem.A. The boy studentC. The boy students22. These machines are betterB. The boys studentD. The boys studentsn we turned out last year.A.tB. whatC. thoseD. which23. An old friend from abroad, I was expecting to stay with me,ephoned from the airport.A.t

2、B. whichC. whomD. who24. They are climbing higher they might get a better view.A. providedttB. so as toC. in ordertD. now25. The city is of three sections, which are separated by rivers.A. upset ventured26. His rudeneA. put offB. valuedC. comedD.pset her, and it took her a long time to .B. set backC

3、. come fromD. get over27. She me of theother with our umbrellas.time we met, when we knockedo eachA. remindedrecalledB. rememberedC. remainedD.28. Li Mei has the job and she hopes she gets it.A. appoed forB. appd forC.presentedforD. succeeded for29. We got five seatshe front of the theatre.A. rowB.

4、benchC. lineD. passage30. The tree, the branches are almost bare, is a very old one.A. whoseB. in whichC. of whichD. which31. Scientists t there is no animal life on Mars.A. ensureB. areC. resumeD. ame32. Ever since Picasso paing went on exhibit, there largecrowds at the museum every day.A. isB. has

5、 beenC. have beenD. are33. You are quite wrong. Shelike you.A. canB. hasC. shouldD. does ernment.D. hasppened yesterday.34. The old well looked after by theA. isB. areC. being35. I remember the whole thing iA. as ifB. as forC. so asD. as36. He a sum of money every month to help the two orphans.A. se

6、ts aside37. It is reported more nuclearA. assentflavorB. sets upC. sets alongD. sets int an increasing number of people buildinglants.B. approvalC. favorD.38. To cultivate the ability to use our hands, motherour share in keng the house.t we didA. convincedensuredB. stressedC. saw toitD.39. The facto

7、rs which would influence theeach other.learning willwithA.enderactB. installC. innovateD.40. Please give my bestto your family .A. noticecaresB. attentionC. regardsD.41. Maggie ran back to the kitchen, eggs carefully in her hands.A. to be heldB. heldC. were heldD. holding42. Even if it this afternoo

8、n, I will go there.A. has rainedrainedB. will rainC. rainsD. will have43. What matters not winning but participating.A. areB. to beC. wasD. is44. I dont know his address, .A. otherwise I will to him to himC. otherwise I had written to him written to him45. The machine is on sale everywhere.pharmacy.

9、B. otherwise I would writeD. otherwise I would haveYoucan get it at A. eachB. someC. anyD. certain46. At the foot of the mountain .A. stood a villageD. stand a villageB. a village wasC. did a village stand47. The garage sale usually takes place outside the house, with theseller on benches, chairs or

10、 boxes.A. seatedB. fixedC. stoodof winning a goldD. keptmedal in the48. She is about his chanOlympics next year.A. optionaloptimisticB. outstandingC. obviousD.49.I had done it, I knew I had made a mistake.A. Direct Constant50. In the club ality.A. acrossB. DirectlyC. MomentD.she found herselfsitting

11、 a well-knownTVB. opiteC. aboutD.from51. The coal output last year was five years before.A. as much as twiceB. twice as much asC. twio muchasD. as twice much as52. Onof the school, Id like toe you all.C. decadeA. behalf delight53. She A. was hurting got hurtB. dairyD.he feet on her way home from wor

12、k.B. is hurtC. hurtsD.54. , the worse I seem to feel.A. When I take more medicineC. The more medicine medicineB. Taking more medicineD. The more Itake55.Guilin is famous its beautiful scenery.A. ofB. aboutC. forD. in56. Well have toto the idea even though we dont like it.A. allowagreeB. approveC. ac

13、ceptD.57.I seeing you all again next term.A. hopeexpectB. wishC. look forwardtoD.58. The children found aof keyshe street.C. suiteA. reel groupIt is strangewill happenD. should happenB. bunchD.t such a thingin your company.B. happensC. happened60. The guides the tourists together at the hogate.A. ac

14、cumulatedD. resembledB. collectedC. assembledDirections: Translate the following sentenrefer to the corresponding passages in Part I.o Chi. You may81. The authorities also foundt the death rates for teenage driversincreased dramatically after 10 p.m., and espelly after midnight.82. Bachelors degree

15、graduates get an average of four or five job offers with salaries ranging from the high teens to the low 20s andplenty of chan83. Whether this isfor raadvancementgood or bad is difficult to say, but it certainly isdifferent. Childhood as it once was no longer exists.84. Communication through pr, as

16、a matter of fact, allows for agreat deal of control over the sohave acs.l information to which children85. Most of what is referred to as opinion falls somewhere betnthese two extremes. It is not an expresjudgment.of taste. Nor is it carefulSection B(共 5 小题,每小题 3 分,共 15 分)Directions: Translate the f

17、ollowing senteno English.86他全神贯注在工作上,并没有听到任何人敲门。如果你想通过我过去常去看,你就得集中精力提高,可现在总是没时间。技能。89当他没有赶上最后一般车时,他不知道该怎么办才好。90只要不灰心,就能找到克服的方法。练习二21. To be a good short story writer one needs, , a very vivid imagination.A. after allB. above allC. in allD. at allt the watch was broken.D. With22. my great disappoment

18、, I discoveredC. OnA. ToB. For23. A writer and educatorour school some days before.A. visitB. visitsC. have visitedD. has visited24.He wore dark glasses to avoid.A. having been recognizedC. recognizedB. to be recognizedD. being recognized25. A friend of mine returned to his house after a holiday, on

19、ly to find it.tA. to be brokenoB. had brokenoC. was brokenoD. had been brokeno26. Many a womanentitled to more in lifen just housework.D. were felt he crowd.D. guardA. feelB. was feltC. feels27. Be on youragainst thieves while you areA. watchB. moveC. po28. Only when in dangerhuman beings.A. snakes

20、will mostackB. most snakes will attackD. will attack most snakesC. will most snakes attack29. You think its easy? You should tryfor once.A.ngB.ng itC. to doD. tot30. Birthdays are such happywhen all your old friends can get together and have a good time.A. daysB. occasC. casesD. holidays31. The hous

21、e needs, so we have to wait until Sunday to move in.A. to being repaired repairedB. being repairedC. to be repairedD.32. Joan was the only girl who wore a formal dress at the party, and she felt out of.A. practiceB. actionC. placeD. season33. Thlot asked all the passengers on board to remainas thepl

22、ane was making a landing.A. seatB. seatingC. seatedD. to be seating34. I hope you willtmy sake.C. withA. inB. upD. for35. to the sun, rain and wind for a long time, the stone split.A. ExeB. ExedC. ExingD. To exe36. such subjects, the department also taught mathematics.A. In addition toC. With regard

23、 toB. By means ofD. In consequence of37. The hero of the story is an artist in his.A. thirtiethB. thirtyC. thirtysD. thirties38. I have promised to help you and I willmy word.A. holdB. followC. keepD. stick39. I dont think you have a good time, ?A. havent youB. have youC.D. dont Ibut I cant afford i

24、t.40. Id like tothis old car for a new mA. rescueB. exchangeC. replaceD. convert41. We hadnt enough money to pay our bus fare, andwe had to walk.A. neverthelessB. thereforeC. howeverD. instead42. Mrs. Smith warned her daughterafter drinking.A. never to drive driveB. to never driveC. never drivingD.

25、never43. You canthe details; just during the last period.l us the major pos he mentionedA. leave outB. fall outC. carry outD. work outt the danger of nuclear44. of the two books holds the opinion war is increasing.A. NoneB. AllC. BothD. Neither45. When and where to build the new factoryyet.A. is not

26、 decidedC. has not decidedB. are not decidedD. have not decided46. Had you listened to the doctor, younow.D. would have beenA. areB. wereC. would be47. William found the cutting wind.A. adequatet even his heavy overcoat was notto keep outB. suitableC. strongD.itive48. all behavior is learned behavio

27、r is a basic a scientists.mption of solA. It is nearlyB.t nearlyC. NearlyD. As49. he returns nothing can be done.A. TillB. UntilC.tD. Whetherof 2010 will attract50. The World Exition Centerbyover 70 million people.A. completedC. to be completedB. being completedD. having been completed51. , the desi

28、gn is useless.A. To speak practicalC. Practically speakingB. Speaking practicalD. In speaking practical52. prisons in some countries are short of staff, means each prisonofficer is overworked and undaid.C.A. whichB. thistD. what53. Leaves are to a plantgs are to an animal.A. soB. likeC. asD. what54.

29、 Industryonly ten percent of the smog in Los Angeles.A. come toB. amounts toC. appeals toD. accounts for55. It suddenly occurred to hert money couldntallt Bob hadsufferedhe past five years.A. live up toB. make outC. make up forD. live through56. Compley new situation willwhen the new examinationsyst

30、em comesA. riseo existence.B. raiseC. arouseD. arise57. They always give the vacant seats tocomes.D. allA. whoeverB. people whoC. whomevert58. When Jack arrived he learned Maryfor almost an hour.A. had gone awayB. had set offC. had leftD. had been59. Having considered matter.t problem, theytheir con

31、versation to otherA.60. TherruptedanosB. resumedC. avoidedD. switchedhe other shop will be, but.A. cheC. cher; not as better r; not as goodB. more cheap; not as betterD. more cheap; not as goodSection A (共 5 小题,每小题 4 分,共 20 分)81.he meanwhile, the quality of fal ties was constantly improvedbecause mo

32、re manufacturers wento the business of making ties andeaanufacturer strove to make his product bettern his competitors.82. This meanst old people often have agood sol life with their own clubs andanizations.83. Advising has been among Englands biggest growth industries since thewar. Perhaps the reas

33、on ist advertising saves the manufacturers fromhaving to think about the customer.84. The world has changed so fast since 1900t it is difficult for old peopleto understand the problems of the young. And the world is changing evenfaster these daysn it was fifty years ago.85. American scientists concl

34、uded every other day, three days a fitness.t while daily exercise is most helpful,kwill keep a sufficientlevel of physicalSection B (共 5 小题,每小题 3 分,共 15 分)86再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。87他穷也不愿意用不诚实段获取金钱。88书读得愈多,进步愈大。89心思都集中在学习上。90乡村的社会生活不能和大城市相比。Part Writing (共 15 分)Directions: For this part, you are given 25

35、 minutes to write a comition onthe topic “College English Teaching in China”. You should write no lessn 120 words and base your com below:ition on the outline (given in Chi)1.2.3.有人认为中国的大 失败的原因是.。建议.。教学很不成功。Part Four Translation(共 35 分) Section A同时,面巾纸质量不断提高,因为争使自己的产品比竞争对手更好。这意味着,老人们往往可以在活。厂商开始从事这一行

36、业,并力和组织里过一种良好的社会生83. 提供意见一直是英国以来的最大增长的行业。也许是因为广告节省了制造商思考客户的时间。84. 自 1900 年以来,世界变化如此之快,老人已很难理解年轻人世界变化比 50 年前快多了。85.科学家认为,虽然每天工作对身体是最有益的,每隔一天,也就是每周 3 天的锻炼将会使你保持足够的体能水平。Section B86. No matter how much we stress the importance of eye protection is not an exaggeration.87. He would rather be poor money.n

37、use dishonest means to obtain theThe more books we read, the greatshe focused her mind on her study.rogress we make.90. Sol life in a village cannot be compared witht of a large city.Part Five Writing(共 15 分)College English Teaching in ChinaIn China, it is not a surprise to find a college student wh

38、o cannotproperly communicate with foreigners or translate betn languages,let alrite in English. So some people judget English teachingat college is a total failure. If in ?t is the case, Where do the problemof all, English teaching at college is, to a great extent,teacher-centered. It is still very

39、common in the classroomt theteacher explains every language poin detail, while students takenotes all the time. Secondly, culture is neglected in English teaching. Students are busy memorizing a large vocabulary as well as a lot of English rules, yet few students know how, when and where to use them

40、. Finally, over-emphasis on the test misleads college English teaching in China. For the sake of test results, teachers teach to the test and students learn to pass examinations, leaving behind students actual language competence.In, college English teaching in China is to be reformed.Students shoul

41、d be centered, culture should beroduced in languageteaching, and examination should be dealt wippropriay.练习三21. allow the vegetable to go bad, he sold them alf price.D. BetterA. More nnB. RathernC. Othern22. Today, housework has been made much easier by electrical.A. facilitiesB. applianC. instrumen

42、tsD. equipment23. He him what he asked.A. deniedB. refutedC. ignoredD. deprived24. The book does notchildren.A. submit toB. appeal toC. confessD. consent to25. We have every size of shoe in .A. storingB. stockC. saleD. shop26. Ithis man with receiving stolen goods.A. accuseB. chargeC. scoldD. blame2

43、7. Youve made a mistake-youvethe word.A. left out28. ScientistsA. competedB. left offC. left behindD. left forhe 1930s.the idea of the atomic bombB. conceivedC. consumedD. concealed29. You may take on oral or written examwhat you prefer.A. according as accordB. according toC. accordinglyD. in30. The

44、 desks and seats can beto the height of any child.A. adoptedB. shiftedC. adjustedD. corrected31. No further discus, the meeting was brought to a close.A. arisingB. raisingC. arousingD. rising32. , the British working class is better off today generation age.n ti was aA. By and large byB. In detailC.

45、 By no meansD. By and33. Every man has the right to live where he wants to,the color of his skin.A. regardless of ofB. prior toC. in case ofD. for the sake34. The poo crop of 1946 wast of 1945.A. superior more superior ofnB. superior toC. more superior toD.35. Books areto scholars.A. indispensable a

46、ccustomed toB. indifferentC. bound toD.36. such a difficult task, we must redouble our efforts.A. To face with Facing withB. We are facingC. Faced withD.37. Either of these young ladiesperfectly qualified to teach Greek, Latin and French.A. wereB. areC. isD. have been38. Your hair needed ; I am glad

47、 you had it cut.A. cutB. cuttingC. to cutD. being cut39. Studying hard is more rewarding .A.C.n to be lazyn to be like a lazyB.D.n being lazyn it is to be lazyhad had much better40. The Latin class had twenty students, language trainingn I .A. most of which of whomB. whichC. most of themD. most41. I

48、 wisht heto the movies with me yesterday.A. wentB. could go 42., the more neC. was goneD. could have gonesary it is to break it upo a number ofparts which the reader can visualize.A. The more complex a subjectesB. The moreC. A subjectes a subject complex es the more complexD. The more subjects43. Cl

49、ose the door,?e essentialA. will youB. do youC. shall youD. dont you44. at the railway sA. Hardly had he arrivedC. No sooner did he arriveion when it began to rain.B. Hardly he had arrivedD. No sooner arrived he45. The storm , they had to live in a cave.A. has destroyed their hutC. having destroyed

50、their hutB. to destroy their hutD. being destroyed46. the number of paid holiday enjoyed by most employees inthe company, threeA. Compared with Comparingks of vacation seems generous.B. ComparedC. Comparing withD.47. It was going to be some timehe would see his father again.A. sinceB. whenC. untilD.

51、 before48. He is youngerA. any other boyn . he classB. any boyhe classC. all boyshe classD. you and me as well as the class company shall start from the day49. The establishment of thethe business license of the company is ied.C. on whichA. which wheneverB. in whichD.50. You me because I didnt sayt.

52、A. must misunderstandB. must be misunderstandingC. musve misunderstoodD. have to misunderstand51. He always dreams of a chance for him to bring play his potential.o fullA. there beingB. there to beC. there isD. being52. You should keep an eye the slightest changes in the patient while the doctor is

53、away.A. forB. onC. toD. about53.is still a controversial ie.A. If he is the rightfor the job for the jobfor the jobB.t he is the rightC. Whether he is the rightD. He is the right54. He has won the his face.for the jobplace, is clear from the expresonA.tB. asC. whatD. when55. His response wast he did

54、nt say yes and he didnt say no.A. soB. whatC. whenD. such56. its time for us to the traditional Chiarchitecture.D. deserveA. preserveB. reserveC. conserve57. Im afraid taking a part-time job might my time for study.A. cut offB. cutoC. cut downD. cut away58. The innocent young man was of robbing the

55、b.A. sentencedB. chargedC. accusedD. punished59. People should behave on such a solemn occa.A. respectedly respectivelyB. respectfullyC. respectinglyD.60. After second thought, shea better solution.A. came up with up forB. added up toC. put up withD. madePart Four Translation(共 35 分)Section A (共 5 题

56、,每小题 4 分,共 20 分)81. You do not remain at this deep fourth stage all night long, butinstead about 80 minutes after you fall activity level will increase again slightly.o slumber, your brain82.In creating a lens designer attempts to “trap” light by forcing all the rays arising from a single poin the s

57、ubject to focus on asingle poin the through a series ofimage, as a consequence of their passing transparent elements with precisely curvedsurfa The deci.number of83.sible consequenflowing form any oneis so large, however, as tobe virtually,o actually,infinite.We84.havealsoexpandedthetreatmentoftechn

58、icalarticlesrecognizing the potential contribution of article writing to the career of the value of the article to science and technology.85. Though a study of this chapter is no substitute for training in publicspeaking, we bevet itsmendations can nevertheless beof substantial assistance to those w

59、ho use this book on thenumerous occas when they will be called upon to present ideainbefore a small group or a large audience.Section B(共 5 题,每小题 3 分,共 15 分)86.估计目前世界上使用的语言有好几千种。87.必须采取措施,使的环境免受进一步的污染。88.他们聊得非常投机,似乎是相见恨晚。89.他于 1992 年 5 月 23 日下午 5 点出生于英格兰部一个偏僻的山村里。90他一个上午都忙于创作那篇故事,只是偶尔喝杯茶休息一下。Part Fi

60、ve WritingIn this section you are allowed 30 minutes to write a comitionentitled “Travel”. Your comition should be lessn 120words.Remembert the contents of the outline given in Chishould beincluded in your com the answer sheet.ition. You should write your comition on1.2.3.旅游已成为大家所喜爱的休闲活动。原因是。观点是。Par


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