高三英语培优外刊阅读 临终陪护话题 学案_第1页
高三英语培优外刊阅读 临终陪护话题 学案_第2页
高三英语培优外刊阅读 临终陪护话题 学案_第3页




1、高三英语培优外刊阅读班级:学号:姓名:一外刊精选I临终陪护:生命尽头的陪磊【背景介绍】人们总是对“新生”充满期待,对“死亡”却了解不多,甚至忌讳谈论有关“死 亡”的话题。如果有专业人士的陪伴和引导,临终者和他们的家人能够更加安然地进入未知 的下一阶段。这类专业人士是谁?他们具体承当着怎样的职责,会对人们起到怎样的帮助 呢?Death Doulas9 Provide Aid at the End of LifeBy Abby EllinAs parents of a child with a progressive and potentially fatal illness, Maryanne

2、and Nick OHara lived on hope. Hope that their daughter, Caitlin, who was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at age 2, would prove the statistics wrong and live longer than the 46 years expected. Hope that she would receive the lung transplant she spent two and a half years waiting for in her early 30s.

3、Hope that her body wouldnt reject it.That hope faded on Dec. 20, 2016, when Caitlin OHara died of a brain bleed, two days post-transplant. She was 33.Shattered, her mother decided to try to give meaning to her grief. And so she signed up fbr a certificate program to become an end-of-life doula, or “

4、death doula,“ working with individuals and families as they moved from this life into whatever is next.“The beginning of life and the end are so similar,said Francesca Arnoldy, the lead instructor at UVMs end-oflife Doula program. The intensity of it, the mystery, all of the unknowns. You have to re

5、linquish your sense of control and agenda and ride it out, and be super attentive in the moment.Unlike hospice workers, doulas dont get involved in medical issues. Rather, they support clients emotionally, physically, spiritually and practically, stepping in whenever needed. That could be a few days

6、 before someone dies, sitting vigil with them in their last hours, giving hand massages, making snacks. Or it could be months or even years earlier, after someone receives a terminal diagnosis, keeping them company, listening to their life stories or helping them craft autobiographies, planning fune

7、rals.As fbr Ms. OHara, who is also a novelist, she is primarily helping people write their life stories. I went into it thinking Ive been a volunteer with people who are dying, Ive lost my daughter, Im an expert in grief,” she said. But the longer she studied, the more she realized that she was only

8、 an expert in her grief.“You really cant tell anyone else how to grieve, Ms. O9Hara said. “You can offer advice, but there9s no timeline for grief. As soon as people get a diagnosis, theyre grieving. Their way of lifeShe believes that grief and joy can coexist. My grief is never going to go away,“ s

9、he said. I wouldnt want it to. Grief and joy and love - its all part of the same spectrum. Im grieving because I loved someone so much.”【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。.doula du:h gressive prsgresiv adj.potentially potenfbli adv.fatal feitl adj.5.statistics stotistiks n.6.reject ndekt vt.7.fade feid vi

10、.8.shatter Jaeta vi.certificate sotifikot n.hospice hnspis n.11.spirituallyspinggli adv.12.craft kra:ft vt.13.timeline taimlain n.14.spectrum spektram ensity intensti n.relinquish nlirjkwif vt.agenda gdendg n.attentive Qtentiv adj.词块学习请从文章中找到下面中文相对应的文词块。.靠.而活,依赖于活着.确诊了病.介入4控制感,掌控感,顺利渡过一个艰难的状

11、况拓展练习阅读理解You may have recently seen a video from the Beijing Wildlife Zoo becoming a hit. What exactly was so interesting about this video? It shows a dog playing with big cats four to five times its size! Many people might wonder if this dog has a death wish, but it seems that the dog and the big c

12、ats are good friends.The dog was actually raised alongside the lion and tiger cubs, making up an odd but loving family, according to zoo officials. As opposed to the common belief, cross-species friendship has been around for centuries. People have domesticated many animals, most notably cats and do

13、gs, and formed bonds with them as pets. Perhaps you even have a pet yourself.There are many other instances of cross-species friendships.At an animal sanctuary in Santiago, Chile, a jaguar named Marina and a deer named Laura formed a friendship after they both came to the park. As neither animal had

14、 a mother, sanctuary staff said they instantly bonded when they met. Laura had been rescued from a slaughterhouse while Marina had been rescued from the street.One possible explanation for these friendships is the environment of the zoo. Animals dont hunt fbr their food and dont need to worry about

15、marking their territory or looking fbr mates in the way an animal in the wild would. AH those activities take time and energy, and if these needs are removed, the animals get bored,“ Gordon Burghardt, a psychologist at the University of Tenessee, US, told The Atlantic magazine. In this particular si

16、tuation, the animafs motivation to engage socially and playfully may be higher in its need hierarchy(等级)than eating.”Marc Beko优 former biology professor at the University of Colorado, US, told Slate magazine, C4I think the choices animals make in cross-species relationships are the same as theyd mak

17、e in same-species relationships. Some dogs dont like every other dog. Animals are very selective about the other individuals who they let into their lives.”.What is the common opinion about the friendship between animals?A.Its easier fbr dogs and cats to become friends.B.Animals tend to play with pe

18、ers of the same species.C.The friendship between animals is not solid and reliable.D.Its common that animals of different species can become friends.Why are Marina and Laura mentioned in paragraph 4?A.To present a truth.B.To explain a phenomenon.C.To introduce the topic.D.To provide a proof.What,s t

19、he key factor of the animals5 friendship in the zoo according to Gordon Burghardt?A.The existing tradition.B.The influence by mates.C.The animals9 inner social drive.D.Thc animals raisers9 instruction.Whats the purpose of the passage?A.To appeal to people to treasure animals.B.To inform readers of a

20、 special friendship.C.To demonstrate the history of bringing up pets.D.To compare friendship between cross-species and same-species.外刊精选答案【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。.doula du:h n.陪护.progressive progresiv adj.(形容疾病)越来越严重的.potentially poteili adv.潜在地,有可能地.fatal feitl adj.致命的.statistics stotistiks n.统计结果,

21、统计数据6.reject n djekt vt.拒绝接受;排异7.fade feid vi.失去光彩,变得暗淡8.shatter Jaeto vi.粉碎;破灭和破碎9.certificate sotifikot n.合格证书,结业证书lO.hospice hnspis n.(西方的)临终关怀医院11.spiritually spintjuoli adv.宗教地,信仰地12.craft kra:ft vt.格外细致地去创造,精雕细琢13.timeline taimlam n.时间线14.spectrum spektrom n.光谱,色谱;范围intensity mtensoti n.强烈(感).

22、relinquish nligkwif vt.放弃.agenda od3end9 n.议程表.attentive otentiv adj.关照的,关怀的【词块学习】请从文章中找到下面中文相对应的文词块。live on something B而活,依赖于活着2.be diagnosed with 确诊了病3.step in 介入4.sense of control控制感,掌控感5.ride out顺利渡过一个艰难的状况【全文翻译】“临终陪护”助人们度过生命最后的时光玛丽安娜和尼克欧哈拉的孩子病情逐渐恶化,甚至可能被病魔夺走生命,作为父母, 他们靠希望度日。女儿凯特琳两岁的时候,被诊断出囊性纤维化,医生预计她只能再活46 年,他们希望这个数字是错的,希望女儿可以活得更久一些;女儿30岁出头的时候,为了 做肺部移植手术等了两年半,他们希望她能如愿以偿,也希望她的身体不会出现排异反响。但这份希望在2


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