1、Leadership Fundamentals 1 day version领导力基础课程 一日版(2014)Accelerated Leadership Development Program (ALDP) 加速领导力发展课程(ALDP)Activity: Warm It Up!活动:热身一下!Differentiate Management and Leadership区分管理能力与领导力之间的差异Gain critical knowledge and self-awareness to be a successful leader获得成为一个成功领导者的必备知识和自我认知能力Disting
2、uish style preferences to be more effective能够适应不同的风格,实现更高效率Identify appropriate leadership behaviours in different situations to be more effective在不同情况下能够采取适合的领导行为,以实现更高效率Why Are We Here? 目的wb2The Quality of IHGs Leadership IHG的领导力水平客人挚爱的杰出酒店Our People员工团队Guest Experience宾客体验Responsible Business 企业责
3、任Financial Return财务回报Purpose 核心目标Focus Area 关注事项Quality of IHG LeadershipIHG的领导力水平Winning Ways 致胜之道Do the right thing做对的事Show we care 体现关爱Aim Higher追求卓越Celebrate Difference 求同存异Work Better Together协作共赢 drives our corporate priorities 推动我们的企业优先事项的进程IHG Vision 集团愿景Source: McKinseys War for Talent 2000
4、 survey of 6,500 senior & mid-level managers at 35 large US companies 来源:麦肯锡2000年人才之战调查,对象是35家大型美国公司的6,500名高级和中层经理人58% of people who have worked with subpar managers are affected as follows:58%曾与不合格经理人工作过的员工表示受到以下影响:86%82%81%76%“Made me want to leave the company”“使我想离开这家公司”“Prevented me from making
5、a larger contribution to the bottom line”“阻碍我为公司的最终收益做出更大贡献”“Hurt my career development”“损害我的职业发展”“Prevented me from learning”“阻碍我学习”The Cost of a Bad Boss 不称职上司的代价我们对员工的期望是什么?我们对员工的付出是什么?Whats This Got To Do With Me?这与我有什么关系?The ALDP is a 10-module leadership development program based on the IHG Co
6、mpetency Model, that is designed to skill Band 6 & 7 supervisors in essential leadership practices.ALDP 领导力发展课程以洲际酒店集团能力模型为基础,由10个板块构成,旨在为6级和7级主管人员提供基础领导力实践的技巧培训。 Staff(Independent Contributor)员工(单独的贡献者)Excom & Dept Heads(Manage Function/Supervisors)执委会及部门负责人(管理一个职能部门/主管们)Supervisor(Manage a Small T
7、eam)主管(管理一个小型团队)General Managers(Manage Property)总经理(管理酒店) Turn 2 转变 2Turn 3转变 3Turn 1转变 1 Developing Leaders at IHG洲际酒店集团的领导者培养Leadership Fundamentals (2 days)领导力的基本原理 (2 天)Win Support for Your Ideas (1 day)为你的提议赢得支持 (1 天)Coach for Peak Performance (1 day)追求最佳绩效的辅导(1 天)Solve Everyday Problems (1 da
8、y)解决日常问题 (1 天)Build Great Teams (1 day)组建杰出团队 (1 天)Lead & Develop领导与发展Work Collaboratively全面协作Think Ahead超前思考Champion Change主导变革Lead Through Change (1 day)Delegate & Empower Your Team (1 day)Lead Effective Meetings (1 day)开展高效会议 (1 天)* 内容与题目待定Drive Result成效驱动Being BrandHearted心系品牌 Managing Your Time
9、 Effectively (1 day)ALDP Modules 模块 洲际集团领导能力与致胜之道wb380% Directing & Maintaining指挥和管理5% Strategy 策略谋划15% Coaching, Developing, Supporting, Building辅导、发展、支持、培养20% Strategy 策略谋划60% Coaching, Developing, Supporting, Building辅导、发展、支持、培养20% Directing & Maintaining指挥和管理Traditional过去21st Century21世纪Traditio
10、nal 过去Main role was to direct and control the way work was done by the people that reported to them 主要角色是指挥和管理下属员工的工作方法Today 现在Successful supervisors are primarily driven by the roles of coach, leader, developer, mentor, and planner成功的主管以担任教练、领导、培养者、导师和计划者的角色为主Changing Role of the Supervisor主管的角色变化w
11、b4“The only true leader is someone who has followers. An effective leader is not someone who is loved or admired. He or she is someone whose followers do the right thing. Popularity is not leadership. Results are.”“真正的领导者拥有自己的追随者。一个高效的领导者未必众人皆爱。其追随者都以正确的方式工作。受人欢迎并不是领导力。成效才是。”- Peter Drucker彼得 .德鲁克Th
12、e True Leader 真正的领导者wb4Activity: Electric Maze 活动:电子迷宫What happened? What feelings did you experience at the beginning, middle, end?发生了什么事?在开始、中间和最后,你体验到了怎样的感觉?2.Was there a leader? Why do you think so?当时有没有一个领导者?为什么?3.What can you learn from this experience?从中你能学到什么?Activity: Electric Maze 活动:电子迷宫w
13、b5The root of the word management is “manas” - meaning hands.英语管理(management)一词的词根是 “mana”,本意是双手。Managing is to accomplish, to be in charge of or responsible for, to conduct.管理是指完成、负责、执行。It involves the process of setting and achieving the goals through the planning, organizing, directing and contro
14、lling.管理包括通过计划、组织、指挥和控制来设定和实现目标的流程。What is Managing 什么是管理wb6The root of the word leadership is “lead” - meaning to go, to guide.英语领导力(leadership)一词的词根是 “lead”,本意是通向、引导。Leading is influencing, guiding in direction, action, or opinion. 领导是指在方向、行动或意见上给予影响、指导It involves inspiring others to follow, creat
15、ing goodwill and supporting others. Leaders achieve things that could not have been done without them.领导包括激励他人追随、建立友好关系和对他人提供支持。领导者所完成的事情,缺少他们便无法成功。What is Leading 什么是领导wb6Management Versus Leadership管理与领导Focus on Results注重结果Embodies mission & vision体现使命和愿景Concern with effectiveness关注成效Motivating &
16、inspiring 启发和激励Management 管理Leadership 领导Managers seek COMPLIANCE管理者追求“遵守”Leaders seek COMMITMENT领导者追求“承诺”Focus on Processes 注重过程Embodies goals & objectives体现目的和目标Concern with efficiency关注效率Controlling & problem-solving控制和解决问题wb6Importance 重要性Individual Contributor 个人贡献者Supervisor/ Manager 主管/经理Exec
17、utive 高级管理者 Managerial Skills管理技巧Leadership Skills领导力技巧Technical Skills专业技能High高Low低Management Versus Leadership管理与领导wb6Welcome & Introduction 欢迎与介绍The Manager vs. The Leader 管理者vs领导者LM1: Different Behavioural Styles不同的行为风格LM2: Emotions 情绪LM3: 3Vs of Communication 沟通中的3VLM4: Situational Leadership 情
18、景领导Summary, Review & Evaluation总结,回顾和评价Agenda 议程wb7Housekeeping 注意事项wb8A leader knows the keys for inspiring and influencing team members. To be successful then, a leader must learn how to communicate with coworkers and foster optimum teamwork.一个领导者清楚知道激励和影响团队成员的关键。因此要成功,领导者必须学会如何与员工沟通,并培养最佳的团队合作。Be
19、ing aware of your preferred style of communication as well as those of others, accepting and adapting to them, will enable you to deal more effectively with them.意识到你自己偏好的沟通风格,以及其他人的沟通风格,接纳和适应他们,这将使你与他们的合作更有效。LM1: What are the Different Behavioural Styles 有哪些不同的行为风格wb9DiSC divides behavior into 4 ma
20、in dimensions: DiSC模型将人的行为分为 4大维度:Dominance 支配型Influencing 影响型Steadiness 稳定型Compliance 服从型William Marston originated the DiSC Personality Profile Model which is a useful guide to becoming more aware, to more readily accept and adapt to others styles.他提出了DiSC个性特征模型,这对于更好的了解、接受、适应他人的处事风格有非常有效的指导作用。Wil
21、liam M. Marston 马斯顿William Marston 马斯顿博士wb9DiCSPEOPLE-ORIENTED人际导向型Warm, Relaxed, Feelings, Supporting, Informal, Open, and Expressive热情、随和、感性、支持、不拘礼节、坦率、善于表达TASK-ORIENTED 工作导向型Cool, Calculating, Guarded, Objective, and Formal冷静、精明、谨慎、客观、正式OUTGOING 外向型Tells, Fast-paced, Assertive, Initiates, Competi
22、ng, Quick, Risk Taker, Direct喜欢讲述、快节奏、自信专断、发起者、竞争、迅速、风险承担者、直接RESERVED 内向型Asks, Slower-paced, Responds, Avoids Risk, Goes Along, Cooperating, Deliberate, Indirect喜欢提问、慢节奏、响应者、回避风险、赞同支持、合作、从容谨慎、间接D.i.S.C.wb10DOMINANTS are very straight forward in dealing with challenges and have little patience for de
23、tails支配者 直面挑战,对细节没有很大耐心INFLUENCERS are outgoing, persuasive and influence others through talking. They tend to be emotional影响者 外向,善于说服,通过交谈影响他人。容易情绪化STEADY people like to be in the know and work at a steady pace. They dont like sudden changes or ambiguity稳定者 喜欢掌握内部消息和稳定的工作节奏。不喜欢突然变化和模棱两可COMPLIANT pe
24、ople adhere to rules, regulations and structure. They appreciate quality and doing things right严格遵守规则、规定和组织结构。崇尚品质和正确的处事方式Different Behavioural Styles 不同的行为风格wb11We each have a unique style; a blend of the 4 behavioural tendencies我们每个人的风格都是独一无二的;是 4 种行为风格的融合Each behavioural style has its strengths a
25、nd limitations每种行为风格都有其长处和局限性There is no “best” behavioural style没有一种行为风格是“最好的”Our effectiveness with others depends on our adaptability to meet the needs of others与他人共事的效率取决于我们是否能自我调整,以满足他人的需要What Do We Know About Style?我们对风格知道多少?iDCSActivity: Which Style? 活动:哪种风格?wb12 Known to Self 自己知道 Unknown to
26、 Self 自己不知道Known to Others别人知道 Unknown to Others别人不知道 BLINDSPOT自我盲区HIDDENFAADE隐藏面UNKNOWNPOTENTIAL未知潜力OPENARENA公开区Johari Window 乔哈里之窗wb13Recognize your behavioural style preference 了解自己的行为偏好Identify your strengths and limitations确定你的优势和不足Assess how to leverage strengths and overcome limitations评估如何发挥
27、优势和克服不足How Do I Increase Self-Awareness?怎样提高自我认识?wb14Tick the boxes that you think best describe you.在你认为最符合对你的描述上打勾。2.Wait for further instructions from facilitator.等候主持人的进一步说明。Whats my Style? 我属于哪种风格?wb15What are my greatest style-related strengths and how do they help me on my job?从我的风格来看,我最大的优势是
28、什么,对我的工作有怎样的帮助?What are 3 of my style-related limitations and how do they hinder my job effectiveness?从我的风格来看,我有哪 3 项不足,对我的工作成效有怎样的阻碍?What are 3 things I could do to be more effective when working with others?在和他人一起工作时要获得更高成效,我可以在哪 3 件事上做出改善?Activity: Strengths and Blindspots活动:优势和盲区wb16All of us ex
29、perience a wide range of emotions in our lives.我们所有人在生活中都会有各种情绪。Learning to recognize and stay with our feelings is a valuable experience. 学会认识和控制我们的情绪是一种宝贵的体验。We can learn that just because we feel something, we dont have to act on it.我们会知道,只是因为有某种情绪,我们不必一定要表现出来。LM2: What are Emotions? 什么是情绪?wb18Wh
30、y Is It Important? 重要性Out of control emotions make smart people stupid失控的情绪使聪明人变笨- Daniel Goleman丹尼尔戈尔曼 wb18Emotional Intelligence 情感智能啊! 那个白痴又在吹口哨了!我要抗议,但我不喜欢正面冲突。和他老板说又会显得我爱抱怨。只有一个办法。Alice,请你有空的时候到我这来一下。什么事?等等,我马上回来。别吹了!你这个该死的笨蛋!什么事?没关系,我已经找到解决方法了。wb18Emotional Intelligence 情感智能The ability to moni
31、tor ones own and others emotions, to discriminate among them, and use the information to guide ones thinking and actions.监督自己和他人情绪的能力,区分自己和他人情绪的能力,以及运用情绪信息指导思维和行动的能力。- Mayer & Saloveywb18Being “nice” 不等同于对人“友好”Allowing feelings to run wild 允许合适的情绪失控Gender based - women are not necessarily “emotional
32、ly smarter” than men 不是由性别决定女性并不一定比男性情商更高Fixed genetically 不是由基因决定Being emotional 不是情绪化Emotional intelligence is NOT 情感智能.- Cooper & Sawaf, 1997wb19Uneasy 不安Anger 愤怒Proud 骄傲 Thankful 感激Confused 困惑Hurt 受伤Encouraged 振奋Confident 自信Activity: Match the Emotion活动:情绪配对wb20Our brain is always taking in info
33、rmation though our senses. It interprets this information and sends the appropriate signals to the body that creates a response.我们的大脑通过感觉不断接收信息,对信息做出解释后向身体发出适当的信号,然后由身体做出反应。The lizard brain interprets many signals as a “threat”. This affects our response to the situation.“蜥蜴脑”将许多信号解释为“威胁”。这会影响我们对所面临
34、情况做出的反应。Emotions and Our Brain 情绪与大脑wb21Amygdala“Lizard Brain”杏仁核结构 “蜥蜴脑”Cortex“Thinking Brain”大脑皮层 “思维脑”Stimulus外界刺激Reacts 做出反应Interprets 做出解释Emotions and Our Brain 情绪与大脑wb21DO:要:Responding to Emotional People对待情绪化的人pay close attention给予高度关注2.remain calm & respectful保持冷静和尊重3.send the message “Im he
35、re to work with you”传递这样的信息“我是在和你一起工作”4.choose your words carefully 小心措词5.show understanding表示理解let your hot buttons get pushed 被别人控制你的情绪Interrupt 打断对方react instantly to angry or abusive comments立即做出生气的反应或谩骂对方4.use “But”用“但是”5.use empathy with VERY angry people对非常愤怒的人采取同理的方法DONT:不要:wb21JimJeannieDou
36、gSteveDiSCDiSCDiSCDiSCActivity: Who, What, Why, How?活动:谁,什么,为什么,怎样?wb22Stay calm 保持冷静S.T.O.P. 停止Positive self-talk 积极的自我交谈Keep perspective 保持洞察力6 second pause 6秒暂停Disengage 离开Stay flexible: Control Emotions保持灵活变通:控制情绪wb23Activity: Shapes 活动:形状The word communicate comes from the Latin word, communica
37、re, which means to, “make common or to share.”英语的沟通“Communicate”一词来源于拉丁语的“communicare”,意思是“使共同拥有或分享”。In essence, communication is the act of creating “shared understanding” between the message sender and the message receiver. 从本质上说,沟通是在讯息传递者和讯息接受者之间建立“一致的理解”的行为。LM3: 3Vs of Communication 沟通中的 3Vwb25S
38、ender 传递者Receiver 接受者Visual肢体语言Perfect communication occurs when the receiver interprets a message as intended by the sender.当接受者对讯息的解释符合传递者的原意时,便实现了完美的沟通。Vocal语音语调Verbal语言文字55%7%38%Message 讯息The 3Vs of Communication沟通中的 3Vwb25Principles of 3V Communication3V 沟通的基本原理Messages are sent visually, verba
39、lly & vocally讯息通过肢体语言、语言文字和语音语调进行传递2.The effect of a message is based on interpretation讯息的影响效果取决于对讯息的解释3.No two people interpret a message exactly the same way没有两个人会对一条讯息作出完全相同的解释4.A competent communicator sends a message with all 3 Vs consistent with each other and with the intention出色的沟通者在传递讯息时,会保
40、持3V相互一致,并且与沟通意图统一。5.Effective communicators strive for shared meaning有效的沟通者力求达成“一致的理解”wb25Visual 肢体语言Vocal 语音语调Verbal语言文字Noise 干扰Sender 传递者Receiver 接受者Noise interferes with the intended message, causing a communication gap.干扰会妨碍讯息按原意传递,从而造成沟通差距。Communication Noise 沟通中的干扰wb26Encode 编码Decode 解码Style P
41、reference风格偏好Family Circumstances家庭环境“Noise”“干扰”Biases & Prejudices偏见和成见Knowledge & Skills知识和技巧Low Self-Esteem自尊较低Natural Aptitude天生智能Desire & Interest需求和兴趣Ill Health 健康状况不佳Emotional State 情绪状态Environment 环境Possible Causes of Noise 干扰产生的可能原因wb26Activity: Active Listening活动:积极聆听Noise can be overcome
42、using Active Listening i.e. using all of your attention, focusing on what the sender is saying, and showing the sender that you understood the intended message.通过积极聆听能够克服干扰,即投入你所有的注意力,集中聆听讯息传递者所说的内容,并向传递者显示出你理解了所要传达的意思。Active listening uses verbal, vocal, and visual behaviors to demonstrate understa
43、nding.积极聆听通过语言文字、语音语调、及肢体语言来表示已经理解。Overcoming Noise 克服干扰wb26a.Create a positive listening situation创造适合积极聆听的环境b.Use active questioning techniques运用积极提问技巧c.Use active paraphrasing techniques运用积极复述技巧d.Use parroting 重复对方讲话内容e.Use positive visual and verbal reinforcers (acknowledgement)运用肯定的肢体语言和语言文字表示确
44、认(认可)f.Take notes (where appropriate) 做笔记(视具体情况)g.Show the other person you understand 向对方显示你已理解Active Listening Techniques积极聆听技巧wb27The glue that builds strong bonds between leader and followers are credibility & trust.维系领导及其追随者之间纽带关系的粘合剂是可靠与信任。Trust can motivate others to participate in goal-orien
45、ted work, and promote teamwork. This is why building positive bonds is fundamental to interpersonal leadership.信任能够激励他人共同承担以目标为导向的工作,并有助于促进团队合作。这也就是为什么积极的纽带关系是领导力的重要基础。Build Positive Bonds建立积极的纽带关系wb28Trust takes a long time to develop and an even longer time to regain once its broken.信任需要很长时间建立,而一旦
46、信任被打破,要重建则需要更长时间。Trust, once broken, can take 4 to 12 times longer to rebuild than what it initially took to build in the first place信任,一旦被打破,会需要花费最初建立信任所用时间的4倍到12倍的时间才能重建Trust 信任wb28Exhibit trustworthy and trusting behaviours用行为证明自己值得信赖和信任他人Help your staff achieve their goals帮助你的员工达成目标Be a supporti
47、ve listener做给予支持的聆听者How Do I Build Positive Bonds?怎样建立积极的关系?wb29OR还是Activity: Game of Life 活动:生命游戏Combination 组合6 X5 X1 Y4 X2 Y3 X3 Y2 X4 Y1 X5 Y6 YPayoff 报酬All ($200)X=$200; Y=($1,000)X=$400; Y=($800)X=$600; Y=($600)X=$800; Y=($400)X=$1,000; Y=($200)All $200Activity: Game of Life 活动:生命游戏Exhibit tru
48、sting behaviors 信任他人的行为Behaviors that put you in a perceived vulnerable position e.g. self-disclosure将自己置于可被觉察的弱势地位的行为,如透露个人信息Exhibit trustworthy behaviors 值得信赖的行为Behaviors in response to anothers trusting behaviors that indicate to the trusting party that you are “safe” e.g. doing things as promise
49、d作为对别人信任行为的回应,向信任你的人证明你很“可靠”的行为,如履行你的承诺Building Trust 建立信任wb30Early leadership models assumed a “same style” approach with all employees in all situations早期的领导模型假设所有情景下对所有员工采用同样风格的领导方式In the 1960s, Hersey & Blanchard developed “Situational Leadership” which recognizes that different situations requi
50、re different leadership styles到上世纪60年代,Hersey & Blanchard 开发了“情景领导”的理念,认识到不同情景要求不同的领导风格LM4: Situational Leadership 情景领导四种领导风格(弱) 指挥型行为 (强)支持性行为(强)授权型支持型辅导型指挥型wb32Activity: Paper Planes 活动:纸飞机Get into pairs:分成二人一组:One will be the leader (to be briefed outside room)一人将作为领导(将在房间外面接受简令)One will be the p
51、erformer (stay inside room)一人将作为员工(留在房间内)Leadership Styles 领导风格+-SUPPORTING支持DIRECTING 指挥0S3 “SUPPORTING”支持型LittleDirection少量指挥Lots ofSupport大量支持S2 “COACHING”辅导型Lots ofSupport大量支持Lots ofDirection大量指挥S4 “DELEGATING”授权型LittleDirection少量指挥LittleSupport少量支持Lots ofDirection大量指挥LittleSupport少量支持S1 “DIRECT
52、ING” 指挥型wb33-34Therefore, the steps to apply Situational Leadership are:因此,情景领导的应用步骤是:1.Assess your performers “development level”评估员工的“发展水平”2.Evaluate other aspects of the “situation”考察“情景”的其他方面3.Match the leadership “style” to the “situation”根据这一“情景”选择相应的领导“风格”Situational Leadership 情景领导wb35Develo
53、pment Levels 发展水平HighCompetence能力强HighCommitment积极性强D4D3ModerateCompetence能力中等Low/VariableCommitment积极性弱/不稳定D2LowCommitment积极性弱Low/SomeCompetence能力弱/略有D1LowCompetence能力弱HighCommitment积极性强-+COMMITMENT积极性COMPETENCE 能力Assess the Development Level评估员工的发展水平Competent?有能力?Committed?有责任感?Committed?有责任感? D1D
54、4 D3 D2 wb36Name姓名Task任务Level of competence?能力水平?Level of commitment?责任感?Devt Level?(D1 to D4)发展水平?(D1-D4)Observed Motivators?已观察到的激励因素?Actions to Take:计划采取的行动:EX: HelenXYZHigh 强Variable (seem to be confident whenever doing task but lacks motivation sometimes)不稳定(似乎在任务进行过程中一直比较可靠,但有时会缺乏进取心)D3Task ow
55、nership, doesnt like to be disturbed担任任务负责人,不喜欢受到干涉Share expecta-tions then have weekly meetings; encourage交流对她的期望并安排周会;给予鼓励Assess the Development Level评估员工的发展水平Review your staff on his/her work tasks对员工的工作任务进行评估2.Assess their development level per task (D1-D4)针对每项工作任务,对员工的发展水平进行评估(D1-D4)wb36Risk 风险
56、Required effort 需要付出的努力Urgency 紧急性Ethical considerations道德考虑Potential returns 潜在回报Evaluate Other Aspects of the Situation评估情景的其他方面wb37D2 = S2 Coaching 辅导型SomeCompetence略有能力Direction指挥Commitment积极性Support支持D1 = S1 Directing 指挥型Competence能力Direction指挥Commitment积极性Support 支持D4 = S4 Delegating 授权型Compet
57、ence能力Direction指挥Commitment积极性Support支持Match Leadership Style to Development Level 员工发展水平与领导风格相匹配D3 = S3 Supporting 支持型Competence能力Direction指挥VariableCommitment积极性不稳定Support支持wb38L弱Commitment 积极性H强H强Competence能力L弱L少Support 支持H多L少Direction 指挥H多Key Characteristics of D1D1 型员工的主要特点A new employee starti
58、ng in a new position开始一个新职位的新员工CHARACTERISTICS OF EMPLOYEE 员工特点BEHAVIOUR? 行为?Unskilled 技能不熟练Inexperienced 没有经验Motivated 士气高Enthusiastic 热情高Willing 工作意愿强Leadership Style Needed: 需要的领导风格: “Directing” 指挥型wb38The Leader must: 领导者必须:Demonstrate 示范Explain how 解释方法Set goals 设定目标Organise the work in advance
59、 事先做好工作组织Provide structure 提供框架Control 进行控制Supervise closely 近距离监督管理Evaluate 进行评估Directing Leadership 指挥型领导风格wb38Leadership Style Needed: 需要的领导风格 “Coaching” 辅导型CHARACTERISTICS OF EMPLOYEE 员工特点BEHAVIOUR? 行为?New, relatively unskilled gaining experience, but a bit de-motivated新员工,技能不是十分熟练,正在积累经验,但略显自我激
60、励不足Encounter difficulties 遭遇困难Gets frustrated 受到挫败Unhappy with boss, colleagues与上司、同事不愉快Domestic/adjustment difficulties与人相处/调整适应上的困难Lack skills & knows it! 缺乏技巧和知识Not getting good training没有良好的培训Key Characteristics of D2D2型员工的主要特点wb38Coaching Leadership 辅导型领导风格Demonstrate 示范Explain how 解释方法Set goal
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