1、 Business is simple Dont make it overly complicated Face reality Dont be afraid of change Fight bureaucracy Discover who has the best ideas, and put those ideas into practice Learn, Learn, LearnJack Welchs GemsAct like a Leader, not a Manager Find great ideas, exaggerate them, and spread them like h
2、ell around the business with the speed of lightEmbrace Change, Dont Fear ItStop Managing, Start Leading Weak Managers are the Killers of business; they are the job killersCultivate Managers Who Share Your Vision What we are looking for.are leaders . who can energize, excite and control rather than e
3、nervate, depress and controlFace Reality, Then Act DecisivelyWhat are the GE Values inscribed on that Wallet-Sized Card ?GE Leaders.Always with Unyielding Integrity : Have a Passion for Excellence and Hate Bureaucracy Are Open to Ideas from Anywhere. and Committed to Work-Out Live Quality.and Drive
4、Cost and Speed for Competitive Advantage Have the Self-Confidence to Involve Everyone and Behave in a Boundaryless Fashion Create a Clear, Simple, Reality-Based Vision. and Communicate it to All Constituencies Have Enormous Energy and the Ability to Energize Others Stretch.Set Aggressive Goals.Rewar
5、d Progress.Yet Understand Accountability and Commitment See Change as Opportunity.Not Threat Have Global Brains.and Build Diverse and Global TeamsBe Simple, Be Consistent, and Hammer Your Message HomeThe only way to change peoples minds is with consistencyBe Number 1 or Number 2,But Dont Narrow Your
6、 MarketWhen youre number four or five in a market, you get pneumonia when number one sneezesLook for the Quantum Leap !I dont think we have moved fast enough and incisively enoughTake the Boss Element and put the Boss Element out of your CompanyTake the Boss Element out of your CompanyYouve got to b
7、alance freedom with some control, but youve got to have more freedom than youve ever dreamed ofStretch Targets Energize Budgets Enervate Stretch Targets EnergizeDreams Are Exciting; Decimal Points ArentStretching, Welch asserts,.allows people to constantly reach for the goal. And people are gettingm
8、ore and more comfortable with the idea that you get the best out ofpeople not by fighting budgets, which are all about minimal numbers,but by getting people to do the best they can, and measuring their progresstoward it - against last year, against what competitors are doing.We are in the process of
9、 enriching our organization through the stretchconcept. Operating margins are 50 percent higher than they were forthe first one hundred and eighty years of our company, and in a tougher global environment.Jack Welchs Vision for the MillenniumPeople always overestimate how complex business is. This i
10、snt rocket scienceDreams Are Exciting; Decimal Points ArentStretch is a concept that would have produced smirks,if not laughter, in the GE of three or four years ago, because it essentially means using dreams to set business targets -with no real idea of how to get there. If you do know how toget th
11、ere - its not a stretch target. We certainly didnt have a cluehow we were going to get to ten inventory turns when we set that target. But were getting there, and as soon as we become surewe can do it, its time for another stretch.How Six Sigma WorksMeasure : Identify the key internal process that i
12、nfluencesCTQs and measure the defects generated relative toidentified CTQs.Analyze : The objective of this phase is to start to understand why defects are generated.Improve : Here the objective is to confirm the keyvariables and then quantify the effect of these variableson the CTQs, identify the ma
13、ximum acceptable ranges of the key variables, make certain the measurement systemsare capable of measuring the variation in the key variables,and modify the process to stay within the acceptable ranges.Control : The objective of this final phase is to ensure thatthe modified process now enables the
14、key variables to staywithin the maximum acceptable ranges using tools such asstatistical process control (SPC) or simple checklists.Measuring ProgressGE has designed five corporate measures to help a business track progress in the six sigma program :Customer Satisfaction : Each business performs cus
15、tomer surveys, asking customers tograde GE and the best-in-category on critical-to-quality issues. The grade is a five-point-scale, where 5 is the best and 1 is the worst. A defect is defined as either less than bestin a category or a score of 3 or less. GE measures defects per million survey respon
16、ses.As with all measures in the project, the results are reported on a quarterly basis.Cost of Poor Quality : There are three components: appraisal, which is mostly inspection,internal costs, largely scrap and rework; and external costs, largely warranties andconcessions. GE tracks the total as a pe
17、rcent of revenues on a quarterly basis.Supplier Quality : GE tracks defects per million units purchases, where the defective part has either one or more CTQs out of tolerance and therefore must be returned or reworked,or the part is received outside the schedule.Internal Performance : GE measures the defects generated by its processes. The measure is the sum of all defects in relation to the sum of all opportunities for defects (CTQs).Design for Manufactuability : GE measures the per
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