




1、2017年高考英语(上海卷)评价会一、外语科目“新高考”的背景及主要变化二、1月及6月考试总体情况三、部分试题分析四、座谈会信息汇总外语科目“新高考”的背景及主要变化(一)背景1. 根据国务院关于深化考试招生制度变革的实施意见和上海市深化高等学校招生综合改革实施方案,2017年上海外语高考包括笔试和听说测试,引导外语教学注重应用能力的培养。高中生最多参加两次外语考试,可选择其中较好的一次成绩计入高考总分。2017英语课程标准2. 三个有利于: 有利于促进学生健康发展; 有利于科学选拔人才; 有利于维护社会公平、公正。(二)研究过程评估对进五年考试相关数据进行分析,听课及学生、教师座谈会,语言测
3、2.8能归纳话语的主旨大意。3.说主要测试考生的口头表达能力,具体目标为:3.9能运用所学的语音知识和朗读技能,用正确的语音和语调朗读句子和文章;3.10能运用所学的语言意念、功能,根据情景要求进行询问以获得所需的信息;3.11能对人物或事件进行口头描述、解释或评述;3.12能听懂日常会话用语,并对此作出应答;3.13能根据所听材料内容回答问题,并表达个人的观点、感受或作出评论。4.读 主要测试考生理解书面英语并运用相关知识完成任务的能力,具体目标为: 4.14能理解文章的基本内容;4.15能根据上下文正确理解词语和句子;4.16能推断文章中的隐含意思;4.17能理解作者的写作意图;4.18能
4、归纳段落或文章的主旨大意;4.19能理解句子、段落之间的逻辑关系。5.写 主要测试考生的书面表达能力,具体目标为:5.20.能运用所学的语言知识译出正确通顺的句子;5.21能根据题意正确、连贯、贴切地进行书面表达;5.22能用自己的语言概括所读材料。变化1:试卷结构年份2017年2016年试卷结构语料数题量题型分值语料数题量题型分值听力小对话1010选择101010选择10语篇及长对话2+110选择152+26+8选择+填空12+8语法与词汇语法110填空10216填空16词汇110选择10110选择10阅读完型115选择15115选择15语篇311选择22312选择24简答14简答8选句填空
7、.25101众数94112.13112极小值545560极大值143144144第三百分数77.758186.63第二百分数94.1398.25101第一百分数109.88112.38114.75(二)试卷的信度检验Alpha 信度系数题量1月高考0.929886月高考0.92988(三)试题得分率及区分度统计得分率题量分值得分率题量分值1月高考(0,0.3)35(0,0.3)2127.50.3,0.754111.50.3,1)67122.5(0.7,1)2733.56月高考(0,0.3)46.5(0,0.3)17240.3,0.74794.50.3,1)71126(0.7,1)3751(四)
9、0.630.522017年6月听力语法与词汇阅读概要写作翻译写作语法与词汇0.68阅读0.710.75概要写作0.370.400.38翻译0.620.710.670.39写作0.480.500.480.340.52听说0.660.590.610.340.590.48(六)文本信息1. 词数1月高考6月高考全卷总词数(包括除翻译、作文外所有指示语、文本、设问及选项)46934789听力文本词数12621264语法部分语篇词数239277词汇部分语篇词数365306完型填空语篇词数422429阅读语篇A词数291312阅读语篇B词数278297阅读语篇C词数392406阅读六选四语篇词数29624
10、5概要写作语篇词数3073022. 可读性指数1月高考6月高考语法部分语篇8.311.2词汇部分语篇8.98.7完型填空语篇11.911.8阅读语篇A10.28.0阅读语篇C11.412.2阅读六选四语篇10.79.9概要写作语篇10.510.3(七)能力目标分布能力目标1月高考6月高考语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法知识10667%10667%能在语境中正确理解和运用词汇10667%10667%说能获取并理解话语中的事实信息14.5967%13867%能根据话语中的事实信息进行分析判断3.5233%32.00%能推断话语中隐含的意思4267%4.5300%能归纳话语的主旨大
11、意3200%4.5300%能力目标1月高考6月高考读能理解文章的基本内容 85.33%106.67%能根据上下文正确理解词语和句子21.33%21.33%能推断文章中的隐含意思1812.00%1711.33%能理解作者的写作意图21.33%21.33%能归纳段落或文章的主旨大意117.86%107.14%能理解句子、段落之间的逻辑关系96.00%96.00%写能运用所学的语言知识译出正确通顺的句子1510.00%1510.00%能根据题意正确、连贯、贴切地进行书面表达2516.67%16.67%能用自己的语言概括所读材料53.33%53.33%(八)知识点分布 知识内容1月高考6月高考分值比例
12、分值比例语法词汇74.67%74.67%句法32.00%32.00%词汇动词21.33%32.00%名词42.67%32.00%形容词和副词42.67%42.67%(九)两次考试分数变化情况6月高于1月6月与1月持平6月低于1月共同考生人数38865人数20439154716879比例52.59%3.98%43.42%三、部分试题分析1月和6月概要写作的总体描述1月高考6月高考人数41580人数38915均分6.029均分6.016中位数6.000中位数6众数6.0众数6最小值0最小值0最大值10最大值101.1月份概要写作ShynessIf you suffer from shyness,
13、you are not alone, for shyness is a universal phenomenon. It is not surprising that social scientists are exploring its environmental causes. The first environmental cause of shyness many be a childs home and family life. Todays children are growing up in smaller and smaller families, with fewer and
14、 fewer relatives living nearby.Growing up in homes in which both parents work full time, children may not have the socializing experience of frequent visits by neighbours and friends. Because of their lack of social skills, they may begin to feel shy when they start school.A second environmental cau
15、se of shyness in an individual may be ones culture. In a large study conducted in Japan, 55 percent participants rated themselves as shy. Researchers Lynne Henderson and Philip Zimbardo say, “One expectation is that in Japan, an individuals performance success is credited externally to parents, gran
16、dparents, teachers, coaches, and others, while failure is entirely blamed on the person.” Therefore, Japanese learn not to take risks in public and rely instead on group-shared decisions. Technology may play a role as well. In the United States, the number of young people who report being shy has ri
17、sen from 40 percent to 50 percent in recent years. Due to our huge advances in technology, watching television, playing video games, and surfing the Web have dreplaced recreational activities that involve social interaction for many young people. Adults, too, are becoming more isolated as a result o
18、f technology. Face-to-face interactions with bank tellers, gas station attendants, and store clerks are no longer necessary because people can use machines to do their banking, fill their gas tanks, and order goods. In short, they become shy.It appears that most people have experienced shyness at so
19、me time in their lives. Therefore, if you are shy, you have lots of company. (306) Shyness is common and it has environmental causes, including home and family life, culture and technology. Firstly, with smaller families and working patents, children lack social interactions. Secondly, blaming failu
20、re on individuals causes people in some culture to be shy in public. Finally, with the development of technology, people have fewer opportunities to socialize in person. (56)2. 6月份概要写作Learning by rote in the digital age Rote learning has become seen as an outdated method of teaching. The dictionary
21、defines learning by rote as: from memory, without thought of the meaning; in a mechanic way. The decline of rote learning has been quickened by technology. No one needs to memorize friends phone numbers or email addresses because such data is conveniently stored and accessible electronically. And wh
22、y remember when and where World War II broke out when you can find the answer on the internet in about 6 seconds? But now there are voices for a need to return to rote learning.In fact, memorizing key data is essential to learning and skills. Doctoring requires knowledge of medicine and layering req
23、uires knowledge of cases and laws. Of course, being able to recall things will not further your understanding of those things, but without memorizing these foundation elements, you cannot progress to a deeper understanding of a subject.While the internet and computers have weakened the need for us t
24、o remember things, it may well be that mobile learning can help can help bring style of learning back to life by making it more convenient and more fun.Drilling yourself-with flashcards or by repetition- is usually hard and boring work, which is why most people need their multiplication tables to be
25、 drilled into them by teachers or parents. Rote learning without a willing third party can be a battle of discipline and motivation. But mobile learning can make those flashcards and drills more appropriate to individual study; our digital devices can challenge and inform us at the same time and als
26、o keep us motivated, whether through game-like structures or recording our progress.Once youre acquired the essentials of a subject by rote learning, you will find it easier to go deeper in the application of knowledge which is important. (303 words) Rote learning means mechanical memorization. Alth
27、ough technology makes it less needed, its value is being rediscovered. Rote learning helps people acquire basic knowledge, laying a foundation for further understanding. In fact, technology makes mobile learning possible, which motivates learning in rote learning and makes memorization more interest
28、ing and individualized. (49 words)(三)写作1月和6月高考作文总体描述1月高考6月高考人数45180人数38915均分15.239均分15.437中位数15.5中位数15.5众数15众数15最小值0最小值0最大值24最大值242.1月高考作文假设你是明启中学的学生王磊,你的好友李宏今年暑假将赴英国参加为期四个月的海外交流活动。如果选择主办方安排的住宿,他需要额外支付较高的费用,但他也可以通过为当地社区养老院提供每月三十小时的义务工服务,获得在养老院免费住宿的机会,李宏通过邮件向你征求意见。写一封回信,内容须包括:你对此事的明确态度;你的理由。Its said
29、that you will go abroad to England for a two-month oversea communication activity in this summer vocation. I hear that you are hesitate whether spending higher price to choose arranged dormitory or spending 30 hours every month to serve the olds to get a free living.In my opinion, I think you should
30、 choose the first one. If you choose the second option, you will use too many time to do service instead of studying the local culture. Although communicate with the olds can get a lot of live experience and avoid many mistakes in life, your most important responsibility is to learn how oversea stud
31、ents study and what they will learn. Arranged room can save you time and have more chance to live with peers who may have the same interest with you. By this, you can make a lot of young friends and if you are in trouble in future, they may give you some suggestions and a helping hand.I wish that yo
32、u would take my advice and Im waiting to hear from you. Im glad to hear that you have access to participate in an overseas communication activity in Britain which will last two months. I suggest that you should choose working as a volunteer thirty hours every month for the local community aging hosp
33、ital to gain a chance to stay in it for a free. My reasons are followed. Not only can you enhance your social experience, but also you can reduce your costs. Contrary to the commendation arranged by the host, you can save a lot of money. Undoubtedly, the cost must have been high if you choose it. St
34、aying in the aging hospital, the contrast couldnt be greater. On one hand Only by working as a volunteer can gain a free stay. It sounds great! Your arrival will add colours to the atmosphere there. On the other hand, During your spare time, we will also spend time helping others in that our society
35、 teaches us to be a warm-hearted person. Your arrival will also reduce the burdens there. As an old saying goes We can gain both things at the same time. So why not choose it? I hope that you will take my advice. Best wishes that you will have a good time there. It is a golden chance that you will g
36、ain in summer vocation. In short, Enjoy yourself.3. 6月高考作文假设你是明启中学的学生王磊,你的学生会将组织一次徒步活动,并在校园网公布了如下方案,征求师生意见。写一邮件给活动的组织者,内容须包括:你认为方案中需要改进的地方及改进建议;你的理由徒步活动方案主题:发现上海时间:5月1日(星期日)下午3:00路线:从人民广场出发,途径南京东路,抵达外滩(the Bund)后原路返回Im a student named Lei Wang of our school. Hearing the news that our Students Union
37、will organize a walking program and has put the drafted plan on the Internet, Ill venture to air my thoughts about it as follows.To begin with, from my point of view, the time planned is not appropriate. As is known to all, the first day of May is the first day of holiday in China so that the center
38、 city of Shanghai is sure to be crowned on that day. To ensure that we students have a good taste of beauty of Shanghai, the date had better be put off till the end of the holiday. Besides, I hold the idea that the route should be revised. Personally, after approaching at the Bund, its not a good ch
39、ance to go back according to originate route. Instead, we students can go to other places of interest to go back to school, which guarantees a golden opportunity of witnessing the beauty of Shanghai.In a nutshell, all above thoughts are based on my personal suggestions. I would be much obliged if my
40、 suggestions are fully considered.Words come that a walking activity will be held in our school. About this activity, I have some ideas.I think we can make the subjectfinding Shanghai. I have seen the subject on our school Internet. I think it is grateful and interesting. But in my opinion, we should go to more local and historical place in Shanghai, s
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