1、专业英语复习资料一、缩写VFA : Volatile Fatty Acids 挥发性脂肪酸DM : Dry Matter 干物质CP: Crude Protein 粗蛋白CF: Crude Fiber 粗纤维NDF : Neutral Deterge nt Fiber 中性洗涤纤维EE: Ether Extract乙醚提取物(粗脂肪)ADF : Acid Deterge nt Fiber 酸性洗涤纤维NEl: Net Energy of Lactation 泌乳净能NPN : Non-Protein Nitrogen 非蛋白氮Va : Vitamins A 维生素 A二、翻译Forage:粗饲
2、料Co ncen trate:精饲料Mineral:矿物质Glucose:葡萄糖Rume n:瘤胃Animal nutrition:动物营养Protein metabolism:蛋白质代谢Digestion:消化Small intestine:小肠Diet:饲粮三、名词解释:Feeds: Feeds contain nu trie nts that are used to meet the requireme nts of ani mals.Lipids:Lipids are substa nces which are water in soluble, but are soluble in
3、orga nic solve nts.Lipids are usually extracted from oilseedsDry matter:When a feed sample is placed in an oven maintained at 105 C for 24 hours, the water evaporates and the residual dry feed is called dry matter.Genetics:Genetics is a scienee that studies the variation and transmission of features
4、 or traits from one gen erati on to the n ext.Geno type:The geno type of an ani mal represe nts the gene or the set of genes resp on sible for a particular trait.Ketosis:is a metabolic disorder occurri ng in cows with in sufficie nt or excess body reserve at calvi ng cows lose their appetites,a nd m
5、ilk product ion and fertility decrease.四、翻译题1、Dairy cows and other animals such as sheep, goats, buffaloes, camels and giraffes are herbivores because their diets are composed primarily of plant material. Many herbivores also are ruminants.Ruminant animals can be recognized easily because they chew
6、frequently even when they are not eating. This chewing activity called rumination , is part of the processes that allow a ruminant to obtain energy from plant cell walls also called fiber .奶牛和其它动物如绵羊、山羊、水牛、骆驼和长颈鹿都属于草食动物。因为它们的日粮主要由植物材料组 成。许多草食动物也是反刍动物。反刍动物很容易识别,因为即使它们不进食时也不断咀嚼。这一咀嚼活 动被称为反刍,反刍是反刍动物从植物
7、细胞壁中获得能量过程的一个步骤。2、When a feed sample is placed in an oven maintained at 105 C for 24 hours, the water evaporates and theresidual dry feed is called dry matter. Feeds con tain variable amounts of water. At immature stages of growth, most pla nts contain 70 to 80% water (i.e., 20 to 30% dry matter).Ho
8、wever, seeds do not contain more tha n 8to 10% water (i.e., 90 to 92% dry matter).The amount of water in the feeds is usually of little concern. Milki ng cows drink from 4 to 5 kg of water for each kg of dry matter they eat.Cows n eed access to fresh, clea n watermost of the day.当一种饲料样品放在105 C烤箱中经过2
9、4小时烘干,水分蒸发后残留的干状物就称为干物质。不同饲料含水量不同。大多数植物在未成熟阶段含有70%到80%的水份(即20%-30%的干物质)。但植物种子只含有8-10%的水份(即90-92%的干物质)。饲料的含水量通常可不必考虑。泌乳期奶牛每吃一公斤干物质就要 饮水4-5公斤,一天中的大部分时间都需要保证奶牛可喝到清洁的水。3、 Protei ns provide the ami no acids n eeded for maintenance of vital fun cti ons, reproduct ion, growth and lactati on. Non-ruminant a
10、ni mals n eed pre-formed amino acids in their diets, but ruminants can utilize many other n itroge n sources because of their rare ability to syn thesize ami no acids and protein from non-protein n itroge n sources. This ability is associated with the prese nee of the microorga ni sms in the rume n.
11、In additi on, ruminants possess amecha nism to spare n itroge n.When a diet is low in n itroge n, large amounts of urea (which is no rmally excretedin the urine) retur n in the rume n where it can be used by the microbes. In non-ruminan ts, urea is always en tirely lost in the urine.饲料中的蛋白质为维持奶牛重要的生
12、命功能、繁殖、生长和泌乳提供了所需要的氨基酸。非反刍动物的日 粮必须包含氨基酸。而反刍动物责可利用多种其他氮源,因为反刍动物具有利用非蛋白氮源合成氨基酸和 蛋白质的能力。这种能力和与瘤胃中生活的微生物密切相关。此外,反刍动物还具有回收氮的机制。例如 当日粮中含氮量很低时,大量的尿素(在正常情况下从尿中排出)返回瘤胃并被微生物说利用。但是,对 于非反刍动物,尿素总是在尿中丢失。4、 Most of the propi on ate is con verted to glucose by the liver. In additi on, the liver can use ami no acids
13、 for glucose syn thesis.This is an importa nt process because there is n ormally no glucose absorbed from the digestive tract and all the sugar found in the milk (about 900 g whe n a cow produce 20 kg of milk) must be produced by the liver. An excepti on arises whe n cows are fed large amounts of co
14、ncen trates rich in starch or a source of starch resista nt to rumi nal ferme ntatio n.Then, the starch that escaped ferme ntatio n reaches the small in testi ne.Theglucose formed duri ng in testi nal digesti on is absorbed, tran sported to the liver and con tributes to the supply of glucose to the
15、cow.大部分丙酸在肝脏中被转化成葡萄糖。此外,肝脏可利用氨基酸合成葡萄糖。这是一个重要的生糖途径。因为通常没有葡萄糖从消化道中吸收,而奶牛中所含的全部糖(20公斤牛奶含900克糖)必须由肝脏合成。一个例外的情况是当奶牛摄入大量富含淀粉的精饲料或一种抗瘤胃发酵的淀粉源,没有发酵的淀粉进入小 肠并在小肠消化成葡萄糖,经小肠壁吸收后转运至肝脏,为奶牛提供葡萄糖源。5、 ADDED LIPIDS IN DAIRY RATIONS奶牛日粮中脂的补充Lipids contain about 2.25 times more energy than carbohydrates. Also, lipids a
16、re sometimes referred to as a cold nu trie nts because duri ng digestio n and utilizati on by the body they produce less heat tha n carbohydrates and prote ins. Thus, in creas ing lipids in dairy cow rati ons may have several pote ntial ben efits:? In crease the caloric (en ergy) den sity of the rat
17、i on, especially whe n in take may be limited as in high forage diet;? Limit the need for carbohydrate-rich concentrates which are usually required in early lactation when a cow is inn egative en ergy bala nee;? In hot weather, lipids may help to reduce the heat stress of a lactating cow.脂比碳水化合物多含2.
18、25倍能量。由于在体内消化和利用时,脂所产生的热比碳水化合物和蛋白质少。所以脂有时也称为“冷”营养物质。因此增加奶牛日粮中脂的比例可能会有一定的潜在好处:增加日粮卡路里(能量)的密度。特别是当能量摄取收到限制时,如含高比例粗饲料的日粮。可限制泌乳早期的奶牛对富含碳水化合物精料的需求量。泌乳早期的奶牛常有这种需求,因为此时奶牛处在能量负平衡状态。在炎热季节,脂还可减少泌乳奶牛对热的应激。6、OVERVIEW OF THE COWS REPRODUCTIVE TRACT 母牛生殖道概述The reproductive tract of a cow is located ben eath the r
19、ectum the last segme nt of the large in test ine. Most parts of the reproductive tract can be exam ined in directly whe n an arm is exte nded into the rectum (rectal palpati on):? The cervix can be manipulated during artificial insemination;? The follicles or corpus luteum may be identified on the o
20、varies;? The presence of a growing embryo in the uterus can be detected.The uterus, oviducts and ovaries are suspended in the body cavity by a broad ligament.The position of thisligame nt permits the uterus to accommodate a grow ing fetus.母牛的生殖道为于直肠(大肠的最后一段)的下方。手臂从直肠伸入可以间接地检查生殖道大部分构造(直肠触诊)。人工授精时子宫颈可
21、被触摸到;卵泡或黄体可以再触摸卵巢时分辩出;子宫中生长的胚胎也可以被探测到。7、A gene is composed of material called deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA. The function of the DNA is to carry the in formati on n ecessary for the syn thesis of prote ins. As prote ins are syn thesized and DNA replicates itself, the nu mber of cells in the body in c
22、reases (growth) and cells may specialize into specific fun ctio ns (developme nt)in which some genes are turned on and others turned off. For example, cells of the skin (a specialized tissue) contain all the gen etic material n eeded to recreate an in dividual, but the only specialized genes that ar
23、e turned on in these cells are the ones responsible for the formation and color of hair.基因是由一种叫做脱氧核糖核酸或DNA的物质组成的。DNA的功能是携带用于合成蛋白质所必需的信息。随着蛋白质的合成及DNA的复制,体细胞的树目就不断增加(生长)。细胞通过分化专门执行某一种特定功能(发育)。这些分化的细胞中,一些基因表达,而另一些基因不表达。例如,表皮细胞(一种特化的 组织)虽然含有形成一个个体所需要的全部遗传物质,但仅仅一部分决定皮肤构成以及毛发颜色等特殊基 因得以表达。五、看图说话:Figure k The digestive system of a cow includes four stomachs. The ruined is similar to a 训ith a running through tm亡u亡i,3l.1t钳牛常化系给包括四卜Jh牛的消化系统的组成:由口腔、食道、胃(瘤、网、瓣、真胃)、小肠、大肠组成。GasesFibrous mat ofxlong particles 二“茨Y丄穂Small particles in a liquid suspension J:*.RectumISagmaPpryi v lBroad ligamentL0V d.、空
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