1、Unit Nineteen Accepting and Declining Etiquette接受与婉谢礼仪1Focal Points1. How to respond to an invitation properly 2. How to decline an invitation properly 3. How to accept or decline a job offer 2ContentsLead in1Reading A2Reading B3Reading C45Exercises3How would you answer the following questions polit
2、ely?Warming-upYes, please./Sure. ThanksNo, thank you./No, but thanks for offering.Okay. Sounds good./Sure. Id love to.Im sorry, but I cant./No, but thanks for inviting me.All right. Thanks/Looks good. Thanks.No, thanks./Im really full. Thanks anyway.Great. What time?/All right. When and where?Sorry.
3、 I dont think I can./How about some other time?4RSVP RSVP stands for the French phrase “rpondez sil vous plat” and in colloquial English means “please reply.” It is used when someone issues you a social invitation and wants to know - and soon - whether you intend to come or not. Heres how to give th
4、e inviter the proper courtesy when asked to RSVP. Steps 1. Check your calendar. See if you are free on the appointed date and time. If you previously accepted another invitation for that time, you will have to decline the new one. 2. Make up your mind by the date specified on the invitation; if a “r
5、eply by” date was not listed, reply within 24 hours of receiving the invitation. What ifReading AUnit Nineteen Accepting and Declining Etiquette5RSVP something better comes up later? That doesnt matter. Maybe it will, maybe it wont, but it is rude not to reply quickly to any invitation and show up a
6、s promised. 3. Dont leave your potential hosts in suspense. If you want to hold your schedule open, the proper response to an invitation is, “Thank you for the invitation, but Im afraid I will not be able to attend” - saying, “No thanks,” instead of, “Please wait until I see what else comes along.”
7、True, you might not get a better offer after all, and if you turn down the invitation, you could end up having nothing else to do that night, but you are abusing the graciousness of your hosts if you keep them on the string as your back-up plan. Reading AUnit Nineteen Accepting and Declining Etiquet
8、te6RSVP 4. Reply in writing or in kind. To be most proper, one would reply in writing, by hand. But one may reply in the same format that one was invited; for example, an email invitation can be answered by email. 5. Communicate last-minute changes. What if the time comes and you cant attend after a
9、ll? Maybe youre not feeling well, or your cat broke its leg, or there was some real emergency. Then, as soon as you know, you must get in touch with the host (by telephone is fine) to let them know you cant come, and apologize. Acceptance of a social invitation did not constitute a legal obligation;
10、 your RSVP just communicated your best intentions. Reading AUnit Nineteen Accepting and Declining Etiquette7RSVP Tips No reply card: Because exasperated hosts were making a lot of follow-up phone calls to inconsiderate invitees, the “reply card” was invented and is often considered standard and even
11、 necessary. However, if a reply card is not included with a formal invitation, you still need to reply in writing and provide the stamp. Schedule uncertainty: If you have other plans brewing but not finalized, you can phone the hosts and say, “I may be in Mexico at that time, but Ill know by the 20t
12、h. Would that be enough time to let you know?” They may have to say no (if they need a head count for the caterer by the 15th, for example) but they will probably say yes. Write a note on your calendar to RSVP by the date you said you would. Reading AUnit Nineteen Accepting and Declining Etiquette8R
13、SVP Bringing other guests: If you want to bring extra people, re-read the invitation. It may allow for your guests, in which case you can respond for your party. “Hi, Jane, yes, I would like to come, and my sister is also available; thanks for thinking of us.” If not, you can call the hosts and ask
14、for clarification. If the invitation says “and Guest” or “And Family”, yes you are invited to bring a date or the kids. If it is just to you, this means just you. Invitations from businesses and non-profits: If you are a major donor to a charity and they ask for an RSVP to a fancy sit-down banquet,
15、do reply if you expect to attend, and dont show up unannounced if you didnt reply. If an invitation doesnt say RSVP: If you receive a social invitation that does not indicate to RSVP, you should still reply. It is polite to accept or decline all invitations.Reading AUnit Nineteen Accepting and Decli
16、ning Etiquette9How to Decline an Invitation to Dinner or Other Social Events Have you ever been invited to a dinner you did not want to attend? Or perhaps a friend invites you to a social function that you would rather avoid? If you have experienced any of these social situations, you may know how d
17、ifficult it is to decline the offer. Accepting an invitation is a good way to get out of your comfort zone and develop relationships, but sometimes turning down the offer is the only realistic solution for those with a busy schedule or personal reasons. 1. Understand why you were invited. Is your fr
18、iend inviting you? Do you work in a small company, and your boss is inviting you to dinner? Are you expected to attend this invitation? What would the consequences be if you didnt attend? Reading BUnit Nineteen Accepting and Declining Etiquette10How to Decline an Invitation to Dinner or Other Social
19、 Events 2. Weigh the importance of this invitation. There are many social obligations we face throughout life, some more important than others. A social event that typically occurs once in a lifetime, such as a “coming of age” party or someones wedding, should have more importance over a night at th
20、e movies. How does this invitation rate compared with your existing obligations and priorities? 3. Thank the person. Someone is taking their time to invite you to some event they feel is worthwhile. Thank the person for their consideration. 4. Create a delay if needed. If youre confronted in person
21、with a verbal invitation, respond with a request to check your schedule. This may be communicated within a question, as in “do you mind if I check my schedule and get back to you?”, or a statement, “I really need to check my schedule before I commit to anything”. Reading BUnit Nineteen Accepting and
22、 Declining Etiquette11How to Decline an Invitation to Dinner or Other Social Events 5. Be honest. To an extent, truthfully give the person a yes or no response. Sometimes a direct answer is desired, especially if the invitation is a social event with an RSVP. Many invitations will have a form on the
23、 card to select either yes or no. In this situation, it is not necessary to give an elaborated response. If youre unable or unwilling to attend, simply mark no and thank the sender for his or her invitation. 6. Follow up with a positive conclusion. If applicable, let the person know you are interest
24、ed in accepting the social event at a different time or under different circumstances. Showing interest softens the rejection of an offer. Reading BUnit Nineteen Accepting and Declining Etiquette12How to Decline an Invitation to Dinner or Other Social Events 7. Accept the first invitation or dont ac
25、cept any if you received more than one for a particular night that would overlap or conflict.8. Make an excuse. If things are going really badly, just say, “Im really sorry but,” and say something realistic and important and if they say ok, then just dont answer any calls at the time and stay away.T
26、ips Invitations are given for a variety of reasons, but many are positive. Whether given to a friend, family member, co-worker, or acquaintance, it is most likely given because the person cares about you. Remember this when declining an invitation. Reading BUnit Nineteen Accepting and Declining Etiq
27、uette13How to Decline an Invitation to Dinner or Other Social Events If you are really not interested in a social event because it is not your cup of tea, tell them. Regardless of any events popularity, no one should expect people to have the same joys in life. If you receive multiple invitations fo
28、r the same night, you should always accept the first one you received. If you decline the other invitations you can let them know you have a prior commitment. Never decline an invitation to one party to attend another one that you were invited to later. You will appear as if you waited for the bette
29、r offer. Reading BUnit Nineteen Accepting and Declining Etiquette14Accepting and Declining a Job OfferHow to Accept an Offer Irrespective of how an offer is communicated to you (by phone, email, or standard mail), you should contact the employer by phone as soon as possible to acknowledge receipt of
30、 the offer. Even if you are not ready to accept the offer initially, you shouldnt wait more than 24 hours to let the employer know that you have received the offer and are seriously contemplating it. When you call to acknowledge, give the employer an estimate of when you will be able to make a final
31、 decision. While you shouldnt box yourself into an unrealistic deadline, dont leave the employer up in the air for fear you will seem unenthusiastic or indecisive. Reading CUnit Nineteen Accepting and Declining Etiquette15Accepting and Declining a Job Offer If, on receipt of the offer, you know that
32、 you want to take the job, a telephonic response is also the best avenue of communication. Place your call to the attorney in charge of hiring or the person who communicated the offer to you. If you cannot reach him/her and get voicemail or an assistant, ask that he/she call you back. A typical mess
33、age might be the following:“This is Jane Doe, a student at Law School. I am very excited to have received an offer from your office and hope you will be able to call me back shortly to discuss it further. I can be reached at (607) 123-4567.”Reading CUnit Nineteen Accepting and Declining Etiquette16A
34、ccepting and Declining a Job Offer By making sure you speak directly with a decision maker, you can avoid miscommunications which can lead to problems. If you are unable to speak directly with someone after trying to reach them by phone, it is appropriate to do one of two things: leave your acceptan
35、ce in a voice message or accept by email. Neither of these are 100% foolproof, as messages and emails can be lost. So you may want to ask the recipient to confirm receipt of the message with a quick call or email in return.How to Decline an Offer It is important to decline offers as promptly as poss
36、ible, so that your fellow students may benefit from the “rolling offers.” This should be done tactfully, both for your own sake and for the reputation of your school. Your letter shouldReading CUnit Nineteen Accepting and Declining Etiquette17Accepting and Declining a Job Offerexpress your appreciat
37、ion of the offer and your high regard for the employer, indicating that it was difficult to make the final decision. Do not burn any bridges. You may want to reapply to this employer sometime in the future. Sample Letter It is with great regret that I write you this letter to inform you that I will
38、not be able to accept your offer of employment for the upcoming summer. I have been fortunate in receiving a number of offers and only after considerable thought and soul searching have I been able to make a decision on which offer to accept. I assure you that I have the highest opinion of (your org
39、anization), and I look forward to practicing in Hartford this summer and hope to see you then.Reading CUnit Nineteen Accepting and Declining Etiquette18RSVP RSVP is an abbreviation for rpondez sil vous plat, which means please reply. It is written on the bottom of a card inviting you to a party or s
40、pecial occasion. 敬请赐复 例:Take note of the RSVP date at the bottom of any invitation as it is good manners to reply early. 记下每一份邀请函底部的回复日期,因为早点儿回复是有礼貌的做法。Words & Expressions19colloquial ADJ Colloquial words and phrases are informal and are used mainly in conversation. 口语的 例:Listen again and match the
41、words with the colloquial expressions.再听一次,对应词语和口头表达。Words & Expressions20declineV-T/V-I If you decline something or decline to do something, you politely refuse to accept it or do it. 谢绝例:He offered the boys some coffee. They declined politely. 他要给男孩们来些咖啡。他们礼貌地拒绝了。Words & Expressions21potential ADJ
42、 You use potential to say that someone or something is capable of developing into the particular kind of person or thing mentioned. 潜在的例:The company has identified 60 potential customers. 该公司已确定了60位潜在的客户。Words & Expressions22suspenseN-UNCOUNT Suspense is a state of excitement or anxiety about someth
43、ing that is going to happen very soon, for example about some news that you are waiting to hear. 悬念 例:I dont think much about TV serial because they always keep you in suspense. 我觉得电视连续剧并不怎么样,因为它们总是吊你的胃口。Words & Expressions23graciousness n. 亲切,和蔼;好心 例:Despite his achievements, he retains an endearin
44、g sense of graciousness and humility. 尽管有那么多成就,库珀还是保持着和蔼谦逊的亲切感。Words & Expressions24back-upn. 备份 adj. 作支援的 vt. 为做备份例:Not many people have given up on financial services entirely, but many more people are developing back-up plans. 完全放弃金融服务业的人不是很多,但更多的人都在准备备用计划。Words & Expressions25format N-COUNT The
45、format of a piece of computer software, a movie or a musical recording is the type of equipment on which it is designed to be used or played. For example, possible formats for a movie are DVD and video cassette. (计算机软件、电影、音乐录制品等的) 格式例:His latest album is available on all formats. 他的最新专辑有各种格式可以买到。Wor
46、ds & Expressions26emergencyN-COUNT An emergency is an unexpected and difficult or dangerous situation, especially an accident, that happens suddenly and that requires quick action to deal with it. 突发事件; 紧急情况例:He deals with emergencies promptly. 他迅速地应对突发事件。Words & Expressions27obligationN-VAR If you
47、have an obligation to a person, it is your duty to take care of them or protect their interests. 义务; 责任例:The United States will do that which is necessary to meet its obligations to its own citizens. 美国会尽其对国民应尽的义务。Words & Expressions28exasperated V-T If someone or something exasperates you, they ann
48、oy you and make you feel frustrated or upset. 触怒; 激怒例:The sheer futility of it all exasperates her. 它的完全无效使她很恼火。Words & Expressions29inconsiderate ADJ If you accuse someone of being inconsiderate, you mean that they do not take enough care over how their words or actions will affect other people. 不体
49、谅人的例:Its a bit inconsiderate of her not to let you know when she expects to arrive. 她不让你知道她什么时候会到,这样做有些不体谅人。Words & Expressions30uncertaintyN-VAR Uncertainty is a state of doubt about the future or about what is the right thing to do. 不确定状态 例:And uncertainty affects behavior, which feeds the crisis.
50、 不确定性影响着孕育危机的行为。Words & Expressions31caterer N-COUNT Caterers are people or companies that provide food and drink for a place such as an office or for special occasions such as weddings and parties. (为办公、婚礼、派对等的) 餐饮供应者; 酒席承办者例:The caterers were already laying out the tables for lunch. 酒宴承办者已经在摆午餐的饭桌
51、了。Words & Expressions32clarificationN-VAR 澄清例:The union has written to Detroit asking for clarification of the situation. 工会已经写信给底特律,要求对此情况给予澄清。Words & Expressions33non-profitadj. 非营利的 例:Thousands of businesses and non-profit organizations take part. 数千的公司及非盈利机构都来参加。Words & Expressions34banquetN-COU
52、NT A banquet is a grand formal dinner. 正式宴会例:He had attended the banquet with a group of friends. 他原来是和一群朋友一起来参加晚宴的。Words & Expressions35realistic ADJ If you are realistic about a situation, you recognize and accept its true nature and try to deal with it in a practical way. 现实的; 务实的例:Police have to
53、 be realistic about violent crime. 警察对暴力犯罪不得不采取务实的态度。Words & Expressions36consequencesN-COUNT The consequences of something are the results or effects of it. 结果; 后果例:Her lawyer said she understood the consequences of her actions and was prepared to go to jail. 她的律师说她明白自己行为的后果并准备去坐牢。Words & Expressio
54、ns37weigh V-T If someone or something weighs a particular amount, this amount is how heavy they are. 重量为 例:It weighs nearly 27 kilos (about 65 pounds). 它重量接近27公斤(约65磅)。Words & Expressions38coming of agen. 成年;成熟 例:But despite these limitations, people working with the technology believe voice recogni
55、tion is close to coming of age . 但是尽管有这些局限,从事这项技术的人员认为,语音识别已接近实用的阶段。Words & Expressions39priorityN-COUNT If something is a priority, it is the most important thing you have to do or deal with, or must be done or dealt with before everything else you have to do. 优先处理的事例:The governments priority is to
56、 build more power plants. 政府的当务之急是建造更多的发电厂。Words & Expressions40worthwhileADJ If something is worthwhile, it is enjoyable or useful, and worth the time, money, or effort that is spent on it. 值得的例:The presidents trip to Washington this week seems to have been worthwhile. 该总统本周的华盛顿之行似乎是值得的。Words & Exp
57、ressions41confront V-T If you are confronted with a problem, task, or difficulty, you have to deal with it. 面临 (问题、任务、困难等)例:She was confronted with severe money problems. 她面临严重的资金问题。Words & Expressions42elaborated ADJ You use elaborate to describe something that is very complex because it has a lot
58、of different parts. 复杂的例:.an elaborate research project. 一项复杂的研究项目。Words & Expressions43circumstancesN-COUNT The circumstances of a particular situation are the conditions which affect what happens. 情形例:The strategy was too dangerous in the explosive circumstances of the times. 在当时爆炸性的形势下,这一战略太危险了。W
59、ords & Expressions44overlap V-RECIP If one thing overlaps another, or if you overlap them, a part of the first thing occupies the same area as a part of the other thing. You can also say that two things overlap. 重叠例:When the bag is folded, the bottom overlaps one side. 把包折叠起来时,其底部与一边就重合了。Words & Exp
60、ressions45acquaintanceN-COUNT An acquaintance is someone who you have met and know slightly, but not well. 相识之人例:He exchanged a few words with the proprietor, an old acquaintance of his. 他跟一位业主,他的一位老相识交谈了几句。Words & Expressions46Regardless PHRASE If something happens regardless of something else, it
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