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1、湖南师大附中2019-2020九年级上学期期中考试英语第二部分知识运用(两部分,共20小题,计20分)第一节语法填空从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10小题,计10分)the evening of October 1st, Chinese people celebrate the National Day by watching fireworks.A. OnB. AtC. InNowadays, people find normal to see old Ladies dancing everywhere tliey canA. thatB. diemC. itMy ftivon

2、te TV program is The Reader”, I thuik we should spend as much time as we can in our spare time.A. readB. to readC. readingIts interesting that two and two are talking in Cliinese.A. Germans: FreiiclinianB Gennans: FrenchmenC. Gennen: Frenchmen一 Alisa, you have done excellent work everything is perfe

3、ct.- Its very kind of you to say so.A. so; thatB, such: thatC. such an; thatI get two tickets for Jay Chous concert in Changsha, so you Mike hasdie chance to go with me.A. Both: andB.either;orC. not only; but alsoNir Lee used to dinneriiithe restaurant, but now he is used to everymeal with his famil

4、y at homeA. have; eatingB.having;eatC. have, eat- Wow, Tu Ybuyou has won the Nobel Prize! What do you know about her?-1 know she medicine since she Peking University m 1951.A. has studied; has entered B. studied; has enteredC has studied: enteredIn autumn, the falling leaves everywhere in the park.A

5、. can seeB.can be seenC. were seen-Mom, I wonder.-It depends. If your father has time, weMll go there.when we will go to die mountainsif we will go to the mountainswhether will we go to the mountams第二节词语填空通读下面的短文,掌提其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选 出最住答案。Have you ever been upset because you failed to get some

6、thing that you want? If so, please keep it in mind that most commonly, achieving what you 31 is not the most miportant tiling.One day a little boy made a 32 to dig a hole behind Ins house after watching a scienceprogram. As he was working, a couple of boys stopped by to watch.“What are you domg?Hask

7、ed one of the visitors. I want to dig a deep hole all the way through the earth!”the boy answered excitedly,The older boys couldnt help laugliiiig. tellmg him that it was _33 to do so, then they left.Tlie little boy kept on 34.Suddenly, a few small colorfill stones caught his35. He collected tliein

8、and put them intoa glass bottle patiently. Humming (哼*;) a song, he went on digging. Tlie bottle was 36soon. Then he talked to 37 calmly and proudly, “ Maybe I cant finish digging all theway tlirougli the earth, but look at what I have fbimd in the process of digging!”The boys goal was too difficult

9、,38 it did cause liini to go on, in otlier words, to cause usto keep working! Not every goal will be achieved! Not every job will 39 with a success.But when you cant achieve your goal, maybe you can say, HYes, but look what Ive found along die way! There are so many 40thmgs that have come into my li

10、fe because I tried to dosometlimg It is the unexpected joy on die journey that really has a meaning.31. A. expressB. expectC. Respect32. A. differenceB. decisionC. living33. A. mipoliteB. inconvenientC. important34. A. watchingB. laughingC. digging35. A eyesB. catC. hands36. A. goneB. emptyC. fiill3

11、7. A. themselvesB. myselfC. himself38. A. and.B. butC. or39. A. take upB. make upC. end40. A. wonderfillB. meanmglessC. carefill第三部分阅读技能(三部分,共24小题,计48分)第一门图夜理解阅读下列图表,从每圆所给的A、B、C三个造项中,选出最佳选项回答问 题或完成句子。共5小,计10分)ABasketball for lifeBasketball Championship for Grade 9ClassesRound 1Round 2Round 3Total(总计

12、)1. Class 12. Class 23. Class 34. Class4Court(球 Round 1Court#Round 2Court#Round 3场)#3Cl vs. C23C2 vs. C33Cl vs. C34C3 vs. C44Cl vs. C44C2 vs. C4ScormgWinner: decided by total games wonif tied(平局),fewer score lost41.is for C2 vs. C4 in Court4.A. Roiuid 1B. Round 2C. Round 3From the table above, we kn

13、ew that.Class 3 vs Class 4 will play in Round 3 at Court 4there will be six basketball games in die Basketball Chaiiionslups for grade 9if two teams are tied, the team who set fewer scores will winJoin the Canyon Sports Camp and have fun!For Children aged 12 to 16Purpose: To provide a safe noncompet

14、itive environment where boys and girls are relaxed to have die chance to build confidence, leam teamwork and develop problein-sokwiiig skills.Activities: Baseball and basketball matches, fishing, football, golf, hiking, boating and water skiing.Time: July 10th -july 20th; August Ist-Augiist 10thPric

15、e: Enter before June 25th, and you will pay only 2,000 yuan. But after that, you will have to pay another 800 yuan. So come as early as possible!Call Maggie at 972-396-0910 for more mformation.Nfr. Darcy has a daughter and a soil, and he wants tliem to enter the camp. He should pay at least yuanA.56

16、00B. 2000C. 400044.is NOT the purpose of this cai叩.To help children work better in a teamTo develop childrens ability to competeTo help children build confidence45. Where may we see this passage?On a children education websiteIn a story book for childrenhi a travelling guide第二节短文理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的ABC三个

17、项中,选出最佳造项回答问思或完 成句子From old times to modem days, mail has developed difiereiit and ever-changing living skills. If you traveled back in time to ancient China, would you be able to survive or even achieve personal success? These skills would help you.Zhou Dynasty (1046 BC256 BC)six ArtsDuring the Zho

18、u Dynasty, students were required to learn Six Arts, which included nmals(L), music, archery(射),chanot(御),calligraphy(书法)and mathematics(数).Six Arts tried to educate students to be well-rounded. Men who were good at Six Arts were thought to have reached the state of perfection.Tang Dynasty(618907)Po

19、emsDuring the Tang Dynasty, Poems were recite(背诵)when lovers walked under the moonlight, when soldiers fought on the battlefield. People recited them in the open air or at temple fairs. At tliat time, scholars(学者)had to be poets. Their readers were not only people of lugli social position but also c

20、ommon people. Poets recited poems. Women singers sang poems and other people, mcluding old women and children, read poems.Song Dynasty(9601279)Tea ceremoniesIn the Song Dynasty, tea was one of the most important exports(出 口 产品)both by land and sea, and Chinese tea found its way to Central and Wester

21、n Asia and even Africa. In the famous pamting Along the River Durmg the Qmgninig Festival, many teacher are along the streets. Holding tea ceremomes was a popular activity among scholars. Tliey often held contests to find out who had the best tea-brewing(泡茶)skills.does NOT belong to Six Arts.A. Coiu

22、itmgB. ShootmgC. ReadmgWhere could people recite poems in the Taiig Dynasty? on the battle field. In the open air. At temple fairs. In the ceremonies.C.B.What skill lasted for the longest time according to die passage?A. Six ArtsB. PoemsC. Tea ceremomesWe can leani from the text that.only people of

23、lugli social position were poem readers in Tang Dynasty.men who were good at Six Arts were seen as well-rounded m Zhou Dynasty.scholars held competitions to find out who had the best tea-drinkmg skills.The writer mainly wants to tell us.the way to travel back to ancient Chinathe only way to be a suc

24、cessful mail in ancient Chinaleammg different skills is needed in botli old times and modem daysBHundreds of people joined the preimere( 首映)of the movie My People, My Country at a Los Angeles cmenia on Sept.30. Witli Clunese flags in their hands, people sang My People, My Country at the start of die

25、 film, the song that serves as a thread(线 索)throughout the movie.The song is a patriotic Chinese classic. It shows peoples love for the country and is widely known in China. It was first performed by singer Li Guyi m 1985 and was reworked for die movie by pop singer Faye Wong.There are seven short s

26、tories from seven directors in it. Led by Chen Kaige, the film draws on the nations greatest technology and culture achievements starting with the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949.Yet the film does not talk about the liistorical moments(时亥lj) themselves, but shows events tlirough di

27、e eyes of normal people who are influenced by them. For example, the short story The Guiding Star follows a pair of brothers. In the stoty, the landing of Shenzhou XI changed the lives of die two teenagers and allowed them to get new hope when they saw it.In another short story, Going Home, Smion Ya

28、m plays a lock repairer who witiiessed(见 证) the return of Hong Kong fiom British mle in 1997. The actor himself has experienced the power of hope. MOn die day of Hong Kong s retiim, I felt it wasn t just a return to die motherland, but the return of hearts/ he told China, . When the flag was raised,

29、 I felt like 4 We are home. We feel proud*.HThe film certainly stuck a patriotic choid(弓| 起共鸣)witli many people. It came in first among 267 films since 2015()51. My People. My Country is EXCEPT.A. a songB. a bookC. a film()52. What does the imderlined wordupatrioticnmean in Chinese?A.爱国的B安静的C.浪漫的()5

30、3. The two brothers might feel when seemg the landing of Shenzhou XI.A. upsetB. doubtfillC. hopeful()54. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?British rule over Hong Kong ended in 1997.The film shows events of the great people.Chen Kaige is not the only director of the film.()55. Why is My People, My C

31、ountry so successfill?Because the song with the same name is a Chinese classic.Because die film draws on the nations greatest achievements and it is touching.C. Because it is directed by some famous directors. 第三节语篇补全阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全短 文,选项中有一项为多余选项。(共4小题,计8分)Why is setting goals (目标)i

32、mportant? Because goals can help you do and experience everything you want in life. Instead of just letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen.Successfill people in life imagine how their life should be and set lots of goals. 56.It*s like having a sign to show you where you

33、 want to go. Tlmik of it in tliis way. Tliere are two dnvers. One has a place to go to clearly in mind which can be found on a map. He can dnve straight there surely without any wasted time. The other driver has no goal, or a map. 57. But he drruers aimlessly(无目的地)around, never getting anywhere. Jus

34、t running out of oil. Which driver do you want to be?Tliey decide what they want in life and tlieii get there by setting goals and making plaas. Unsuccessfill people jiist let life happen by accident. Goals arent difficult to set, and they arent difficult to reach. Its up to you to find out what you

35、r goals really are. You are the one who must decide what to achieve and m what direction to ami your life. Research tells us that when we write a goal down, we are more likely to achieve it. 59.They are harder to forget. Also when you write your goals in your own way. you are able to make yourself r

36、ealize situations that will bring you nearer to your goals.Written goals can be reviewed usually.He starts。任at die same tune from the same place.Setting goals is a good way to challenge yourself.第四节阅读表达阅读下而的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。(共5小题,计10分)Every year in March, while the tw。sessions(两会)are being held in Be

37、ijing, government officials give reports to the public. They hold news con企fences(蜀i I闻发布会)and answer questions from reporters from both home and abroad. During tliis tmie, a lot of people are paying attention to Cliina. For this reason, interpreters(译员)play a very important role.Zhang Lu is a profe

38、ssional interpreter She usually interprets for top leaders. Zhang is best known for her translations of Cliniese literary quotes(文学典故)that are sometimes used by leaders.How are interpreters able to work so correctly and quickly?Their ability is largely from tlieir hard work. Most of them majored in

39、English in college and went through a lot of trauiing. After they become interpreters, they never stop learning. Zhaiig watches and listens to foreign programs such as BBC, VOA and CNN on TV or on radio every day as part of her training. She described it as an unshakable routine that she doesnt brea

40、k unless there is urgent work.Accordmg to Chma Radio International, about one montli before the two sessions, the mterpreters are told who they are going to interpret for. They then make full use of the time to prepare themselves. Tliey try to predict what kmds of questions niiglit be asked. They al

41、so look at literary quotes that die spokesperson might plan to use when tliey answer questions.There is no secret to tlie success of Chinas best interpreters. It*s all a matter of skill and hard work.Where are the reporters in the two sessions from?What does Zhang Lu do?How does Zhang Lu train herse

42、lf every day?Does Zhang sometimes break her vuishakable routine if there is urgent work?How long do mterpreters prepare for the two sessions?第四部分写作技能(三部分,共11小题,计32分)第一节语篇翻译阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文。(共5小题,计10分)There are so many expressions in American English that sound beautiful but are actually not. Fac

43、e die music Is a good example. When someone says they have to fhce die music*, it does not mean tliey are going to a concert. 66 .它意味着他彳门得接受令人人偷快的结果Americans often use the word “fhce m this way For exanle, HI can*t face another niglit of campmg! Ifs cold and rainy. Or In life, you must face your fea

44、rs.1 67. This woid 6 often used by people in everyday lives in this way. But now, lets go back to facing the music. Imagine a friend asks you to take care of her beautifiil red sports car. She gives you the keys and says, “Thanks so much for watching my car while Im away. But please, do not dnve it.

45、 It is an extremely (极g) fast car. 68. But you just too excited lo pol the word into mind. So, you drive it aroimd town one night. As bad luck would have it, you lose control of the car and drive it mto a stop sign. Bang!When your friend retiims, you must tell her what you have done and Mface the mu

46、sicH. The music“ here is the result of your actions. 66. It could be losing her friendship or paying for repairs to her sports car or both. 69.无论这个音乐是什么,你都必须努力去面对它。There are other American expressions tliat mean the same thmg asMface the music”. ToHtake your medicine“ means to accept die results from something bad y


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