1、Chinese TPRS Training Lan-jy Duke Comparison different learning/teaching 2nd language methodologies比较学习/教导第二语言不同的教学法Reflection 省思 * How do you think about your English speaking, listening, reading, and writing abilities? 你认为你英语的听说读写的能力为何?Comparison different learning/teaching 2nd language methodolog
2、ies比较学习/教导第二语言不同的教学法Reflection省思 * How do you learn English as a 2nd language? 你怎么学英语的?Comparison different learning/teaching 2nd language methodologies比较学习/教导第二语言不同的教学法Reflection 省思 * What is your major goal at your teaching?你教学最主要的目标是什么?Comparison different learning/teaching 2nd language methodolo
3、gies比较学习/教导第二语言不同的教学法What do you think as a teacher the effective strategies for students to learn Chinese? 逆向思考!Herd the CATS or CATTLES?语言取得与学习的对比Acquisition v.s. LearningLanguage is acquired through comprehensible input. It is an unconscious process; it happens when the learner is focused on the
4、meaning of the message rather than the language. 能理解的无意识过程强调信息的含义而非语言本身语言取得 Acquisition语言取得 AcquisitionAn important difference between classroom acquisition and “baby acquisition” is: Students have greater cognitive ability than babies. However, they have significantly less time in the language than
5、 babies do.Teachers must make the best use of precious classroom time.语言取得 AcquisitionClassroom language must be repetitive, interesting, and varied. 重复性,趣味性,多样化 Without these elements, we are not using class time in the best way possible. 语言取得 AcquisitionOur challenge is making the language compreh
6、ensible while at the same time making it repetitive and interesting.语言取得 AcquisitionAcquisition means relying on what sounds right. 重复性、趣味性、可理解、个人化、安全环境重复性。Repetition!趣味性。Interesting!可理解。Comprehensible!个人化。Personalized!安全环境。Safe Environment!学习LearningLanguage “learning” refers to understanding how l
7、anguage works. Learning is enhanced by study.学习LearningLearning enables a student to edit language for accuracy.学习LearningIn order to use learned rules in speech, three conditions must be met:o The speaker must know the rule.o The speaker must be focused on the rule.o The speaker must have sufficien
8、t time to edit.理解性输入Comprehensible Input沒有输入,無法输出。学生应能理解所听到的或所呈现給他们的主要訊息。No input, no output.Students should be able to understand the essence of what is being said or presented to them. 理解性输入Comprehensible Input透过上下文內容或視觉線索,或透过问题澄清,学生可加強他们对所学習语言的知识。By using context or visual cues, or by asking for
9、clarification, students enhance their knowledge of the target language.Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling透过阅读与说故事教导流利语言透过阅读与说故事教导流利语言Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling完全肢体反应说故事 Total Physical Response StorytellingBlaine Ray (TPRS)James Asher (TPR)Stephen Krashen
10、 (Comprehensive Input)透过阅读与说故事教导流利语言 Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling透过阅读与说故事教导流利语言 Teaching Proficiency through Reading and StorytellingSamples of TPRS Chinese instructor: Linda LiSamples of TPRS Chinese classroomThe three steps of TPRS StorytellingTPR Storytelling tool: Questi
11、oningExperience TPR Storytelling from the vantage point of a studentShane要买披萨。Mike饿了。Harry 要咖啡。Samples of TPRS Chinese instructor: Linda LiJohn是苏格兰人。Yoda是苏格兰人。Samples of TPRS Chinese ClassroomTPRS的三步奏The 3 Steps of TPR Storytelling建立词义。问故事/个人化问题。大声朗读给学生听。Building MeaningAsk a story /PQARead passage
12、aloud to them步奏一:建立词义 Step One:Build Meaning在白板上写中英文词汇。Written on the board in L2 and English. 利用手势、动作来教导每个词汇。 Pronounce and teach a gesture for each phrase.观察学生的动作或手势查看他们对每个词汇是否了解。As you say the phrases, watch students gestures to see if they recognize the phrases.步奏一:建立词义 Step One:Build Meaning利用上
13、下文中的词汇。(学生不懂时,就很简单指着板上的词汇或利用该词汇的手势动作来协助了解。)Use the phrases in context. (When a student needs help in understanding, simply do the gesture or point to the board.) 步奏一:建立词义 Step One:Build Meaning利用学生作为对话的主题 (PQA)Use your students as the topic of conversation:Ask questions such as “Rachel, do you have
14、a dog?” Talk about the students, using circles to reinforce the words. “Does Rachel have a dog?” “Does Rachels dog run fast?” (circle) “Does Rachel run fast?” (compare and contrast)步奏一:建立词义 Step One:Build Meaning利用学生作为对话的主题 (PQA)Use your students as the topic of conversation:Build on what you have l
15、earned about a student so that you can talk about that student. “Class, Rachel has a big brown dog. Rachels dog is named Al. Al runs very fast.”步奏二:问故事/个人化问题 Step Two:Ask a Story/ PQA利用学生演员(或布偶、玩偶、图片)Using actors (or puppets or dolls or pictures). Once again, use your students as the topic of the st
16、ory. Circle each statement that contains one of the lessons focus phrases.步奏二:问故事/个人化问题 Step Two:Ask a Story/ PQA(选项) 不用学生演员重述故事Retell the story without actorsYou may take the place of the actors or you may have everybody in the class act at the same time! You may slightly change or embellish the st
17、ory to keep interest high.步奏二:问故事/个人化问题 Step Two:Ask a Story/ PQA(选项,可为家庭作业) 学生看图说故事或写故事。Students tell or write the story from illustrations. In class, they tell to partners. As homework, they tell to their parents.步奏三:大声朗读给学生听 Step Three:Read Passage Aloud to Students老师朗读时,学生安静地听Students follow sil
18、ently while listening让学生翻译故事。Invite students to translate the story.TPR Storytelling tool: questioning每句陈述问十二个问题。Make 12 questions from one statementYes/No questionsEither orquestionsWho, Where, How, Why, When加入新细节,在重复问问题。Add new details and circle questioning. 一次说一句故事问10-12個问题 讓全體学生一起回答(讓学生表演故事)再提供
19、新句问10-12個问题 讓全體学生一起回答(讓学生表演故事)讓学生提供故事細節把学生所提供細節加入故事中原则:重复、循環性问题2)是非题:是不是?3)二选一:A还是B?4)思考型问题:什么?为什么?怎么?哪里?做什么?5)加入怪异或学生没有预期的事件。Principal: Repeated and Circling QuestionsYes/no questionsEither or questionsHigh-level thinking questionsInclude an unexpected event阅读 Reading把自己所说的与学生所提供的细节写成故事,让学生阅读。出版社的故
20、事书。简化翻译众说皆知的故事,如小红帽、三只小猪。Write what you told and include what students provide for them to read. The published stories.Translate famous/popular stories such as Three Little Pig。反向课程设计Backward Planning选择适当趣的且趣味性高的阅读(内容)。从中先挑选所需教导的单字。自编迷你故事来教单字。当故事约有90%的可理解性时,让学生阅读故事。Choose an appropriate high interest readin
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