1、The Demand for Audit and Other Assurance ServicesChapter 1Sarbanes-Oxley ActThe Act established the Public CompanyAccounting Oversight Board.It also requires auditors to attest tomanagement reports on the effectivenessof internal control over financial reporting.Learning Objective 1Describe auditing
2、. Nature of AuditingAuditing is the accumulation and evaluationof evidence about information to determineand report on the degree of correspondencebetween the information and established criteria.Auditing should be done by a competent,independent person.Information and Established CriteriaTo do an a
3、udit, there must be information in averifiable form and some standards (criteria)by which the auditor can evaluate the information.Accumulating Evidence and Evaluating EvidenceEvidence is any information used by the auditorto determine whether the information beingaudited is stated in accordance wit
4、h theestablished criteria.Competent, Independent PersonThe auditor must be qualified to understand thecriteria used and must be competent to knowthe types and amount of evidence to accumulateto reach the proper conclusion after theevidence has been examined.The competence of the individual performin
5、gthe audit is of little value if he or she is biasedin the accumulation and evaluation of evidence.Audit ReportThe final stage in the auditing process ispreparing the Audit Report, which is thecommunication of the auditors findings to users.Audit of a Tax Return ExampleInternalRevenueagentCompetent,
6、independentpersonExamines cancelledchecks and othersupporting recordsAccumulates andevaluates evidenceDeterminescorrespondenceFederal taxreturns filedby taxpayerInformationInternal RevenueCode and allinterpretationsEstablished criteriaReport on taxdeficienciesReport on resultsLearning Objective 2Dis
7、tinguish between auditingand accounting.Distinguish BetweenAuditing and AccountingAccounting is the recording, classifying,and summarizing of economic eventsfor the purpose of providing financialinformation used in decision making.Auditing is determining whetherrecorded information properlyreflects
8、the economic events thatoccurred during the accounting period.Learning Objective 3Explain the importance of auditingin reducing information risk.Economic Demandfor AuditingInformation risk reflects the possibility thatthe information upon which the businessrisk decision was made was inaccurate.Audit
9、ing can have a significant effecton information risk.Learning Objective 4List the causes of informationrisk, and explain how this riskmay be reduced.Causes of Information Risk Remoteness of information Biases and motives of the provider Voluminous data Complex exchange transactionsReducing Informati
10、on Risk User verifies information User shares information risk with management Audited financial statements are providedLearning Objective 5Describe assurance servicesand distinguish audit servicesfrom other assurance andnonassurance servicesprovided by CPAs.Assurance ServicesAn assurance service is
11、 an independentprofessional service that improves thequality of information for decision makers.Assurance services can be performed byCPAs or by a variety of other professionals.Attestation ServicesAn attestation service is a type of assuranceservice in which the CPA firm issues areport about the re
12、liability of an assertionthat is the responsibility of another party.Attestation Services1. Audit of historical financial statements2. Attestation of internal control over financial reporting3. Review of historical financial statements4. Attestation services on information technologyFive Categories:
13、5. Other attestation servicesRelationships Among Auditors, Client, and External UsersClientAuditorClient or auditcommittee hiresauditorExternalUsersAuditor issuesreport reliedupon by usersOther Assurance ServicesMost of the other assurance services that CPAsprovide do not meet the formal definitiono
14、f attestation services.The CPA is not required to issue a written report.The assurance does not have to be about thereliability of another partys assertion aboutcompliance with specified criteria.AICPA Assurance ServicesThe AICPA formed the Special Committeeon Assurance Services (SCAS).Attestation S
15、ervices on Information TechnologyWebTrust is an attestation service, and theWebTrust seal is a symbolic representationof the CPAs report on managementsassertions about its disclosure ofelectronic commerce practices.Attestation Services on Information TechnologySysTrust is an attest-type engagementto
16、 evaluate and test system reliability inareas such as security and data integrity.Principles for WebTrust and SysTrust Services1. Online privacy2. Security3. Processing integrity4. Availability5. Confidentiality6. Certification authorities (WebTrust only)Nonassurance Services Provided by CPAs1. Acco
17、unting and bookkeeping services2. Tax services3. Management consulting servicesOther Assurance Services ExamplesControls over and risks related to investments,including policies related to derivativesassessing the processes in a companysinvestment practices to identify risks and todetermine the effe
18、ctiveness of those processes.involvesOther Assurance Services ExamplesMystery shoppingperforming anonymous shopping to assesssales personnel dealing with customers andprocedures they follow.involvesOther Assurance Services ExamplesAssess risks of accumulation, distribution,and storage of digital inf
19、ormationassessing security risks and relatedcontrols over data and other informationstored electronically, including theadequacy of backup and off-site storage.involvesOther Assurance Services ExamplesFraud and illegal acts risk assessmentdeveloping fraud risk profiles and assessing theadequacy of c
20、ompany systems and policies inpreventing and detecting fraud and illegal acts.involvesOther Assurance Services Examples Compliance with trading policies and procedures Compliance with entertainment royalty agreements ISO 900 certification Environmental auditAssurance, Attestation, and Nonassurance S
21、ervicesOther Assurance ServicesCertainManagementConsultingOther Attestation Services(e.g., WebTrust, SysTrust)ATTESTATION SERVICESAuditsReviewsInternal Controlover Financial ReportingASSURANCE SERVICESAssurance, Attestation, and Nonassurance ServicesCertainManagementConsultingNONASSURANCE SERVICESOt
22、her ManagementConsultingTaxServicesAccounting andBookkeepingLearning Objective 6Differentiate the three maintypes of audits.Types of Audits Operational Compliance Financial StatementOperational AuditExampleEvaluate computerized payroll systemfor efficiency and effectivenessInformationNumber of recor
23、ds processed, costs ofthe department, and number of errorsEstablishedCriteriaCompany standards for efficiency andeffectiveness in payroll departmentAvailableEvidenceError reports, payroll records, andpayroll processing costsCompliance AuditExampleDetermine whether bank requirementsfor loan continuation have been metInformationCompany recordsEstablishedCriteriaLoan agreement provisionsAvailableEvidenceFinancial statements andcalculations by the auditorAudit of H
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