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1、人教版英语七年级下册教学设计年级七年级科目英语授课人时间课题名称Unit7 It s raining!课时Sec A la-2c一、学情分析本节课学习的是人教版七年级下册UNIT7第一课时,谈论的话题是天气。 天气的变化与我们的生活,学习息息相关。本节课中学生对这个话题将会有很 多想要说的二、学习目 标及依据By the end of this class, Students will be able to master the new words :1.语言目标:rain, windy, cloudy, sunny, snow, weather, cook, bad, park, messa

2、ge, him, could, back, problem能掌握以下句型: 一How s the weather in Beijing?-It/ s sunny/raining/windy/cloudy/cool/cold/warm/hot/dry.一What are you doing?T m watching TV.2)学会各种天气状况的表达方式;用正确的语言谈论天气状况,如:How s the weather?并能够就该话题与他人进行简单的口语交流;2.情感态度价值观目标:该局部内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的话题是天气力,让学生了解世界各地不同 天气及人们进行的不同活动,感受地域差异。三、重

3、难点重点1)能熟练使用How s the weather?对天气进行提问回答以及掌握现在进行 时的用法2)天气词汇和句子的表达难点能用丰富的语言描述各种天气状况和正在做的事。1四、教学活动及设计思路教学环节Stepl.Lead-in教学内容1. Read a story :Noah s ArkT - Do you know Noah* s Ark ?Let,s travel to the ancient time1Long long ago, people did many bad things. The god wanted to punish them by rain and flood.

4、 Father Noah, a good man, saved his family and lots of animals by the ark .2. Watch a video :Noah s ArkT- Do you know other types of weather?Do you know other types of weather?Types of Weather&1. Self Check:设计目的1. to lead to the topic. To stimulate the interests of this class.经典故事导 入,引发兴趣,引话 I题:雨天(天

5、气)2. A video to show the story of Noah s Ark; to expand students horizon;to lead to the topic of weather用视频的形 式直观感受诺亚方舟 里的天气,拓宽学生 视野,致敬经典,引 出本课话,向下一环 节-词汇认知过渡。1. To learn andPresentati onT: Can you find the rules?Self Check n.adj.sunsunny、cloudcloudrain *-brainy snow snowI wind windsummarize the wor

6、ds by themselves.学习感 知本课重点词汇,自 主梳理构词法,有助 理解,加强记忆。Self CheckPresent participleSs-(nouns change into adjectives)Ss - (verbs change into present participles)T - How s the weather today?S - It s rainy.S - It s raining.2. to use and understand the words初步使用本课 词汇,从理解层面选 择,明义。la. Match the words with the p

7、ictures.rainingwindycloudysunnysnowingPre-listeningBeijingMoscow lmDskao莫斯科 in RussiaToronto toonteo多伦多 i n CanadaBoston bDstan波士顿 in AmericaShanghai3. to prepare for listening; to get the listening skill听前做准备, 必备的听力技能 Whi leTi steningto use andlb. Listen and write these city names in theunderstand

8、theboxes above.weather and theBeijingBeijing4. Pair Work(3)post-l isteningFill in the blanks.Conversation 1A: Hey, Peter.B: Hi, Tom.A: Hows theweather down there in Shanghai?B: Its cloudy . Hows the weather in Moscow?details in listening comprehension 听力 峥军p细节练习,加强听力Conversation3t,能力A: Hi, Aunt Sall

9、y.B: Hello, Peter.A: Hows the weather inBoston?B: Oh!lfs windy .A: IFssnowing right now.Conversation 4A: Hi, Uncle Bill.B: Hello, Peter.A: Hows the weather in Toronto?B: Ifs rainina as usual!Conversation 3A: So, hows the weather in Beijing?B: Ifs sunny .1c. Imagine you are in one of the places in la

10、. Talk about the weather with your friend on the phone.-Hi, Tom! How s the weather in Beijing?-Ity s sunny.4.to talk about-Hi, Tom! How s the weather in Beijing?the different weather i n different cities to consolidate the use of How s the weather in.?”通过对话活 动巩固所学。-It s.Weather Report-to lead studen

11、tsGood morning! Here is the weather report! Todayto think activelyMonday . Beijing is sunny. Shanghai is cloudy, scow is snowy. Its very cold and talk like real life促使学生思 考,进行真实的生活 情境对话:天气预报5. Watch a video :Weather ReportWatch a videoweather reportto expand 匕/studentsvocabulary. 通过课 外视频拓宽词汇,使 学生交流更

12、有抓手。-What aspects are mentioned in the weather report?Wather ReMrt温度?6.Air Quality26/11 umidity: 16%Mar.24,2020 Xivan质量Whats the temperature humidity 湿度?Hows the ,weather?.Hows the air Hows V-quality空Pair work - Real weather reportGood evening! Here is theweather report! Hows the weather6. To talk m

13、oreeffective aboutweather report 通 过课外视频拓宽词 汇,促使交流更加生 活化,更有交流的意 义。7. to practice1istening and understanding.通过 听去理解区分词汇、 句型,习得、巩固语tomorrow in Xian? It will be sunny. The temperature will be 26 . It is warm. The humidity will be 16%. The air quality will be noderate 适中.Remember your mask! Have a good

14、 night!7. Pre-listening-What are they doing?They are talking on the phone.-What is . doing?Mom Is cooklnfl/maklng. The girl Is watching TV The boy Is playing games. The man Is playing baskotball. while-listening2a. Listen and number the pictures 1-4.Hows the weather today? Uncle Joe 2.? Jeff 3. d Ma

15、ry A, b Aunt SallyIt s sunny and really warm.2b. Listen again. Match the names with the activities.a.is playing computer H games.;b. Is cooking.:c. is playing basketball.:cfl. is watchingStep3PracticePost-listening2c. Talk about the people in 2a with a partner.-What* s . doing?-He/She is .a.is playi

16、ng computer games.b. is cooking.c. is playing basketball.This helps students to learn and share what they learned and improve their speaking skills 小 组活动,语言输出, 考察学生本课内容掌 握情况,训练交流能 力。d. is watching TV.Show TimeWhafs . doing?IIShow time五、板书设计(流程)Unit 7 It s raining!How s the weather in Beijing?-It s sunny/raining/windy/cloudy/cool/cold/warm/hot/d


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