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1、九年级英语素质测试 2012.10I选择题 (共50分)一、单项填空 在A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共14分,每小题1分)1. Have you ever heard of _ proverb (谚语) “A good beginning is half done.”? Yes. I read it in _ magazine last term.A. the; aB. the; theC. a; theD. a; a2. Ive got some problems. I feel a little sad. Why dont you talk to _

2、about them? Then you will feel better.A. nobodyB. anybodyC. somebodyD. everybody3. You look unhappy. Whats the matter? I am _ about not passing the English exam! A. caringB. thinkingC. worryingD. hearing4. Mark is kind and helpful, but he is also a little careless _.A. at timeB. at times C. at a tim

3、eD. once a time 5. We should tell people not to smoke _ showing them the harm of smoking.A. ofB. withC. inD. by6. The old man became _ two years ago. He could no longer see anything.A. blindB. deafC. elderlyD. disabled7. The woman was _ grateful _ the policeman that she couldnt say anything.A. such;

4、 forB. such; toC. so; forD. so; to8. Even the top students in our class cant work out this problem, so it _be very difficult.A. canB. mustC. mayD. need9. Two days ago, you know, a new idea _ at the meeting.A. came upB. came up withC. was come upD. was come up with10. Uncle Li can speak English very

5、well because he _ England for 5 years. A. has gone toB. has been toC. has come toD. has been in11. None of us gave up _ on with the tough hike. A. carried B. to carry C. carry D. carrying 12. They have argued _ it for long, but they still dont agree _ each other.A. with; with B. about; with C. with;

6、 to D. about; to13. Where did you get the book? From the library. And I have _ it for two weeks.A. borrowedB. lentC. keptD. bought14. I won the first prize in this singing competition. _!A. Thank youB. CongratulationsC. Bless youD. With pleasure二、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意, 然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。 (本大题

7、共10分,每小题1分)One Friday, 12-year-old Jane was going to stay all night with her friend Amy. As they got close to Toms house, Jane saw him sitting on his front step. She got so 15 and wanted to cross over to the other side of the street. The old man was well-known because people all said that he was unf

8、riendly to others. Amy told her not to 16 and Tom wouldnt hurt anyone. Still, Jane was growing more nervous with each step closer to this old mans house. When they got close enough, Tom looked up with his 17 expression (表情) of dislike, but when he saw it was Amy, he said with a big smile, “Hello, Mi

9、ss Amy.”Amy smiled back and greeted him. Tom gave them each an apple. Jane asked Amy, “Its 18 known that hes a bad and unfriendly man. Why was he so nice to us?” Amy said that he wasnt very friendly 19 she first passed his house. She was afraid of him, but she pretended (假装) he was wearing an invisi

10、ble (无形的) smile. She always 20 at him. After some time, he started smiling real smiles and then started talking to her. She said he was always very 21 and gave her an apple.“An invisible smile?” questioned Jane. “Yes,” answered Amy, “my neighbor Mr. Robert told me that 22 had a magical (神奇的) power.

11、If I smiled at the old man, he would smile back in return.” If we 23 what Amys neighbor said, we will find that most people will be 24 by our smiles after a while and smile back. 15. A. curiousB. angryC. surprisedD. frightened16. A. mindB. stopC. worryD. change17. A. perfectB. differentC. usualD. fr

12、ee18. A. widely B. speciallyC. regularlyD. equally19. A. whenB. untilC. sinceD. after20. A. smiledB. looked C. turnedD. shouted21. A. careful B. kindC. lonelyD. unfriendly22. A. appleB. joyC. angerD. smile23. A. forgetB. doubtC. rememberD. think 24. A. forgivenB. affected C. enjoyedD. praised 三、阅读理解

13、 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(本大题共26分,每小题2分)AMany years ago, a teacher of physics at a middle school wanted to teach his seven children how to ride a bicycle, so they could all go on a bicycle trip to the seaside together. A week before the trip, he called them all into his classroom and used the blackbo

14、ard to give a full explanation (解释) of the dynamics (动力学) of bicycling. Three hours later, when they left the room, these clever children had a good understanding of how to operate a bicycle, and a good understanding of why it is easier to balance (平衡) on a bicycle when it is moving than when it sto

15、ps. The next day, the teacher gave his children a bicycle each. To his surprise, they all fell off! None of them learned to ride, although he gave many explanations! Didnt they listen carefully? He was very angry with them, shouted at them, and beat them - and quite right too, dont you think?25. The

16、 teacher taught his children to ride a bicycle in order to_.A. go to school B. go to work C. have a bicycle trip D. test their balance26. The important skill on riding a bicycle is_.A. lessons in the classroom B. a full explanation of the dynamicsC. balance on a bicycle D. a full understanding27. Th

17、e correct way for children to learn to ride a bicycle is to _.A. listen to the teacher B. practise often C. buy better bicycles D. have a discussion with othersBAir pollution is caused by many things. Great clouds of smoke come from factories. Cars send smoke and fumes (烟,废气) into the air. Sometimes

18、, planes cant find their landing places through smoke. Smoke of all kinds can do great harm to the body.Still, we cannot live without air. We must find a way to clean the air we have.In time, we may have factories that are run (经营,管理) by atomic energy (原子能). Our cars may run on smoke-free electric p

19、ower. Scientists are also working on new ways to stop the oil burned by cars from making fumes. Waste may be burned in the sand or on ocean floors. These changes might keep our air clean in the years to come. But until then, many scientists are looking for ways to make air cleaner than now.28. How m

20、any ways does the writer talk about to reduce air pollution?A. Two.B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.29. Why would electric cars cut down air pollution?A. They go only a short way. B. They are easier to keep clean.C. Electric cars need no energy.D. Electric power has no smoke 30. We can infer (推断) from the

21、 passage that _. A. stopping air pollution is hard workB. dirty air is blown away by the windC. planes cannot fly through smokeD. it is impossible to make dirty air cleanerCIn the US, people like waiting for a table better than sitting with people they dont know. If you are sitting at a table with p

22、eople you dont know, it is impolite to light up a cigarette without asking if it will disturb (打扰) them.At American restaurants and coffee shops you are usually served tap water (自来水) before you order. You may find the bread and butter is free, and if you order coffee, you may get a free refill (续杯)

23、.Most cities and towns have no rules about opening and closing time for stores or restaurants, though they usually do make rules for bars. Especially in large cities, stores may be open 24 hours a day.Serving in restaurants is often large, too large for many people. If you cant finish your meal but

24、would like to enjoy the food later, ask your waitress or waiter for a “doggie bag”. It may have a picture of a dog on it, but everybody knows youre taking the food for yourself.Supper and dinner are both words for the evening meal. Some people have “Sunday dinner”. This is an especially big noon mea

25、l.Tips are not usually added (加)to the bill. They are not included in the price of the meal, either. A tip of about 15% is expected and you should leave it on the table when you leave. In some restaurants, a bill is brought on a plate and you put your money there. Then the waiter or waitress brings

26、you your change.31. What is served before you order?A. Bread.B. Butter.C. Coffee. D. Cold water.32. What do American people always do when servings are too large for them?A. They take the food home with a “doggie bag” for their dogs.B. They leave the food on the table and go away.C. They take the fo

27、od home with a “doggie bag” and enjoy the food later.D. They ask the waitress or waiter to keep the food for them.What can you learn about “tips” according to the passage? A. Customers (顾客) often add tips to their bills. B. The price of the meal usually includes the tip.C. People are not expected to

28、 pay tips, either. D. Tips are expected to be left on the table when customers leave.DIn the United States, when one becomes rich, he wants people to know it. And even if he does not become very rich, he wants people to think that he is. That is what “keeping up with the Joneses” is about. It is the

29、 story of someone who tried to look as rich as his neighbours.The expression was first used in 1913 by a young American called Arthur Momand. He told this story about himself. He began earning $ 125 a week at the age of 23. That was a lot of money in those days. He got married and moved with his wif

30、e to a very wealthy neighbourhood outside New York City. When he saw that rich people rode horses, Momand went horseback riding every day. When he saw that rich people had servants, Momand and his wife also hired a servant and gave big parties for their new neighbours.It was like a race, but one cou

31、ld never finish his race because one was always trying to keep up. The race ended for Momand and his wife when they could no longer pay for their new way of life. They moved back to an apartment in New York City.Momand looked around him and noticed that many people do things just to keep up with ric

32、h lifestyle of their neighbours. He saw the funny side of it and started to write a series of short stories. He called it “Keeping up with the Joneses” because “Jones” is a very common name in the United States. “Keeping up with the Joneses” came to mean keeping up with rich lifestyle of the people

33、around you. Momands series appeared in different newspapers across the country for over 28 years.People never seem to get tired of keeping up with the Joneses. And there are “Jonses” in every city of the world. But one must get tired of trying to keep up with the Joneses because no matter what one d

34、oes, Mr. Jones always seems to be ahead.34. Some people want to keep up with the Joneses because they _.A. want to be as rich as their neighbours B. want others to know or to think that they are richC. dont want others to know they are rich D. want to be happy35. It can be inferred (推断) from the sto

35、ry that rich people like to _.A. live outside New York CityB. live in New York cityC. live in apartmentsD. have many neighbours36. Arthur Momand used the name “Jones” in his series of short stories because “Jones” is _.A. an important name B. a popular name in the United StatesC. his neighbours name

36、 D. not a good name37. If a person who keeps up with the Joneses, he would _.A. do as the poor persons around him do B. do everything he likes to doC. do as his neighbours do D. do as the rich people around him do非选择题 (共40分)四、单词拼写 (本大题共8分,每小题1分)(A) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. He cares only about (he), s

37、o I think he is selfish.2. The two countries hasnt reached an _ (agree) on the price of oil (石油).3. Sandy is quite an _ (energy) girl and she dances for one or two hours every day.4. Its (wise) of you to wait for some time than to buy the house in a hurry.(B) 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。5. If I have more _

38、(机会), I believe I will do it better.6. He uses his free time _ (大部分地) to collect stamps.7. As a nursery (幼儿园) teacher, you mustnt be (不耐心的) with the children.8. The old lady spent lots of money on (治愈) her heart problem.五、动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(本大题共8分,每小题1分)1. Every March, the Kite Festival _ (take)

39、place in Weifang, Shandong.2. They have taken action _ (improve) the environment.3. I didnt go fishing with him until the problems _ (solve).4. How many e-cards you (receive) from your friend in the past few months ? 5. Its meaningful that some teachers _ (send) to support education in poor areas ev

40、ery year.6. Why werent you at the party last night? I _ (watch) the NBA game between Rockets and Lakers.7. I wasnt used to _ (share) a room with others before.8. The latest iphone we look forward to (arrive) at the shop at last.六、完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。(本大题共9分,每句1.5分)1. 当他到医院时,医生正在为他的儿子动手术。 The docto

41、r when he got to the hospital. 2. David做了一个如此重要的实验,真聪明。 Its clever of David .3. 你们的捐赠物将给贫困孩子们提供食物和衣服。 Your donations food and clothes.4. 他过去有足够的耐心独自完成一些艰难的工作。 He to finish some hard jobs by himself.5. 这家公司已经向参观者解释了许多细节。 The company _ the visitors.6. 我们应该尽我们所能来帮助残疾人,而不是瞧不起他们。We should do what we can to help the disabled _ them.七、缺词填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。所填单词在题后横线上必须完整写出。(本大题共5分,每格0.5分)Each child has his own


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